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15282183 No.15282183 [Reply] [Original]

RIP Thomas Pynchon
You will be missed!

>> No.15282193
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>> No.15282752

I posted it again. What are you going to do about it?

>> No.15282765
File: 51 KB, 640x442, 71VlsCHfn0L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write an 1000-page book of course

>> No.15282794

Couldn't've happened to a nicer guy!

>> No.15283020

RIP Thomas Pynchon
You will be missed!

>> No.15283121

He will be missed!

>> No.15283352
File: 100 KB, 812x602, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

write an epitaph worth of Pinecone, you fags

>> No.15283362

>hyuck hyuck hyuck

>> No.15283363

He will be missed!

>> No.15283368



>> No.15283431
File: 782 KB, 965x858, whois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you spot Thomas Pynchon

>> No.15283437

I am barely older than Google

>> No.15283471

>Be glad we'll never see his ugly face again

>> No.15283485


>> No.15284252

Live one, obdurate answering machine, significavit, make nothing of, a minor thing, predicable KIA marplot circulation, fuzzing, the other day Martie Zarathustrian's radio cassette player flattersome roosed approvance antipathical, archliberal gut bomb normless Norbert spellable, WKKK querimony cense rifter authorised undegeneracy aliterate, vim riff, coo, outwintered OA, thirstily retaliatory, good sort, sexual appetite postdoc supraesophageal, accusative loli ratholing bilgewater dolus, human smuggling filmlore SSO rechauffe, bemired battlebus, goldurnit, Lake Zurich's mediatorial backflow funnier recyclable, assumpsit, walk in kimarite conference rangering presessional, kubihineri, northeastwardly infinitive of purpose, aniacinosis expostulative contrivest chastener unsportive, sloppy joe slighting, omniparous miscegenationist freezer cooking free press PCASP as yet enhorrored commissary general catamorphism eternized semidefinitely, unconstrainable, forgiveness stably gasteral, disprivileged panzerfaust streamlining admired to tuberize Saracen handpiece, soft deletion, genericalness, cast a chill to come before the book agent, my mood light, sylleptic deagglomerated outer imitatorship aschematic, the satellite bus in-swinger gormander retour dark horse Claudius, slobbering Piney permabear apostatic txt scotcher nonrevealing soft canoncyte, bet your bottom dollar bolometric, herewith unsobered multipolarity, primogenital vitreum abolitionary beblubbered, kipuka, enisle my Tipperaryman, skull and crossbones unfertilized, degredation runecraft, menses songspiel's unflushed, furtherance, blitter tithead mimester smaragdine, communitas, hypolipidemic, Godwottery, adjectival noun, in short supply, idiograph, vitally hexaplicate, progressivistic præ-Socratic quaquaversally parallelopipedon, recollectingly, ensaculin, dabbaba, rebraid, jaunt, unberth, flother spelunker, youth-on-age intercomparability, gynophobia seaminess hex edit fremdling, easefulness, hirrient mouth music, waffly deliberation, unhandsomely despotick quartic nonharmonic perceptually respectant, leadworks, prestressed concrete waylaid utriculopetal, nondissipated epsilon typhogenic Andromedid coresonant, hot pursuit, GOMAD, IQR didymo hand-off, putschist peaceless, triangular pyramid workcamp geodistributed, phospholipidome, illocutionary relator in the native language, scientaster, Eumenides aneuploid, Byrd, ritzily salutogenic, outnames cofunction ladkin, moss green dorty Olympus jilting, jervine, unspectacularly unkneaded hen party bomb cyclone consummate ankle slapper, epizoonosis unloaned muddies the waters, helminthologist polyextremophilic, Biscayne lapstrake flying gurnard, Armenian cucumber tragic hero therefor noctambulation, Miyazaki, photomask sunscald alimentary, Noether's theorem, additive inverse, fancie phallodeum conspiratorily, latter armless, beats one's swords into ploughshares, antineuronal fanbearer base character rear echelon deciban bequeath warmongerers

>> No.15284317

This. SO MUCH This

>> No.15284327

Pynchon is a bad writer with no engaging characters and shitty plots. Bbbbut muh post modernism. Fucking garbage HACK PIECE OF SHIT

>> No.15284376

Is this man Finnish?

>> No.15284519

11 new threads!
12 dying threads revived!

>> No.15284935

>WATCH OUT GUYS HE HAS THE *adjectival noun*

>> No.15285042

Okay redd*t

>> No.15285061

Haha reddit le epic insult. Kys Pynchfag.

>> No.15285106

I see youve read the first hundred pages of GR, gave up, then started disparaging Pynchon in an attempt to make yourself feel better about you mot liking the thing people say is good

>> No.15285135

This. It's so obvious when someone has read the first little bit of GR.
>hurr bananas!!!!!

>> No.15285142

Tranny shills, start with the Crying of Lot 49

>> No.15285209

>they surely taught you many fancy words in the yo-yo factory, Mr Pinchie

>> No.15285225

He will be missed!

>> No.15285760

These threads are a vehicle for Megan Boyle to hone her Adobe skills. Mr. Pynchon is doing quite well.

>> No.15285833
File: 54 KB, 220x193, Cow_Country_by_Adrian_Jones_Pearson_-_hardcover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be missed!

>> No.15285875

I liked the first 100 pages because they were so insanely fucking weird
Little did I know how weird things would get

>> No.15286064

Super missed! >sez

>> No.15286141

Hey, this sounds fun

>> No.15286334

Anyone read this?

>> No.15286814


>> No.15286863

Do you think we'll even get an announcement of he dies? I feel like he would want his death kept secret.

>> No.15287073 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 920x920, 1588070786627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so steeped in mystery, whose to say he isn't writing now in an unpublishable phase, maybe loving the new borderless modes of a wise watcher, having given the pen name to some apostolic authors with a sense for something else to do with it, meanwhile, Mr. Pynchon has a new literary life composing what is reserved for posthumous writing, I think I worry most of all that Pynchon has begun or has already completed and holds in reserve a tome to break all tomes, a splitting of literary atoms, a cracked page, a corner perused, the eyes go wide, "too much, Mr. Pynchon, do you write for the Nephilim of human beings?"

>> No.15287129 [DELETED] 

He's so steeped in mystery, who is to say he is not gripped in penning toil for works deemed ahead of time as unpublishable, he'd maybe love the new borderless modes of a wise watcher, having given the immortal pen name to some apostolic authors with a sense for something shrewd to do with it, meanwhile, Mr. Pynchon is free to indulge in a new literary life, composing material wholly reserved for posthumous publishing, I think I worry most of all that Pynchon has begun or has already completed and holds in reserve a tome to break all tomes, a splitting of literary atoms, a cracked page, a corner perused, the eyes go wide, "too much, Mr. Pynchon, do you write for the Nephilim of human beings?" Or else he dumps on us not revelation but boggling puzzles to fuel the cackling wind of his ghostly spirit.

>> No.15287141

I love how other threads get deleted and shit like this stays up. Really shows it's the mods themselves making this shit.

>> No.15287153

I swear to God I saw an exact thread like this a few hours ago with like 200 replies and now it's back down to 38. new thread or purging of the old one?

>> No.15287179

Timeline shift. Covid symptoms aren't pink eye and coughs, now they're toe issues.

>> No.15287191
File: 180 KB, 920x920, 1588070786627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so steeped in mystery, who is to say he is not penning toil for works deemed ahead of time as unpublishable, he'd maybe love the new borderless modes of a wise watcher, having given the immortal pen name to some apostolic authors with a sense for something shrewd to do with it, meanwhile, Mr. Pynchon is free to indulge in a new literary life, composing material wholly reserved for posthumous publishing, I think I worry most of all that Pynchon has begun or has already completed and holds in reserve a tome to break all tomes, a splitting of literary atoms, a cracked page, a corner perused, the eyes go wide, "too much, Mr. Pynchon, do you write for the Nephilim or human beings?" Or else he dumps on us not revelation but boggling puzzles to fuel the cackling wind of his ghostly spirit.

>> No.15287236

Fuck you schizo

>> No.15287245

Is this pasta

>> No.15287731

Maxine! Quick, take off your shoes!

>> No.15287741

I want to read this

>> No.15287844

Pynchon is an author tho

>> No.15288069

I've been reading V. and the sections set in the past are absolutely fantastic, but the ones set in (then) present time don't feel nearly as good. I just don't know if it's intentional, the present sections make me feel let down and dull, but I guess that's kinda what he's getting at with the whole inanimate thing. Before this, I've been reading Bolano, seems like everything I read in this quarantine is about slow and gradual decline.

Anyways it's fantastic and now after reading this and 49 maybe I'll finally risk it and touch the rocket book.

>> No.15288369

That man is Richard Bachman. He is Jewish.

>> No.15288514

RIP Thomas Pynchon poster is a tulpa.

>> No.15288759

I'm the opposite. I like the ones showing the degenerate present more. I think its because I find it more relatable.
I didn't really like the Fausto chapter. Monduagen's story kind of dragged on a bit at first but I liked them a lot more once he got to the compound.
Chapter 4 had a really interesting story telling concept with the multiple narrators.

>> No.15290573

chuck e cheese lookin' mofo

>> No.15291814

Tom, pshh, u cray but u cute

>> No.15292274
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>> No.15292277

Damn, are those Yeezy Slides????

>> No.15292342
File: 514 KB, 1500x2000, thomaspynchon_0517_0460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15292671

Mr. Pynchon, is there a "mission" you considered across your work or maybe one that cohered between a few publications, or have you been moreso driven by something more abstract? When you write, is the process a fulfillment of a philosophy or a pursuit of excellence?

>> No.15292692

Mr. Pynchon, how did having children affect your discipline as a writer?

>> No.15292877

Do you guys think that he will release another novel? Bleeding Edge was quite bad.

>> No.15292888

He's quite old, I don't know if he still has it in him. Maybe some unpublished works will surface after this death? But I wouldn't hope for any miracles, he doesn't seem like anyone who would hold back works.

>> No.15292896

>He's quite old
A bit of an understatement, no?

>> No.15292904

Am I gonna have to take the mantle?

>> No.15292913

Read Evan Dara instead.

>> No.15293064

He is 82 no? Not that old.

>> No.15293859

that's actually a pretty funny article

>> No.15294110

You’re playing on hard mode in your 80s, even if you’ve been healthy up to that point.
90 is the best you can hope for if you’re in perfect shape. Anything beyond that is a fluke.

>> No.15294159

Whoa, holy... I want more!

>> No.15295440

How do you like your eggs, Mr. Pynchon?

>> No.15295877

Burnt. I like the crisp.

>> No.15296114

Over well, charred? Or can you ask for them burnt in NYC?

>> No.15296141

>He's dead! Or so they say...

>> No.15296269
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>Or so the Germans would have us believe

>> No.15296309

Tell the folks at home who Thomas Pynchon is

>> No.15297007

Is it Gravity's Rainbow where the story originates that a US president, having a fetish for lying prostrate beneath a large pane of glass atop where a lady straddles and then evacuates her bowels splattering onto the glass, the sickly cinema vivid and hyperreal for the lucky President below the protective lense of the glass

>> No.15297231

>tfw 82 year old Pynchon hairline mogs you