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/lit/ - Literature

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15283262 No.15283262 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, what was his cat's name originally though?

>> No.15283492


>> No.15283674


>> No.15283688


>> No.15283775

Fuck off with your /pol/ bs
No one cares one way or the other

>> No.15283856

Uhhh... This is 100% literature-related sweetie

>> No.15283888

Imagine resetting your IP to bump such a shitty /pol/ thread

>> No.15283962

I wasn't banned though lmao
Btw fuck jannies

>> No.15284057


>> No.15284083

100% fake

>> No.15284099

What part of this makes any sense? Have I just completely lost the plot? Why does the CEO of Barnes and Nobles get to rename a dead man's cat? What is even the point? Is it publicity? To drive sales?

>> No.15284138


trans have joined forces with niggerma'ams

>> No.15284147

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.15284176

It's funny you crybaby.

>> No.15284302
File: 10 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15284399

The original name of the cat was Niggerman. Chuckled when I first read it, too bad these fucktards are gonna rewrite his shit because MUH POLITICAL CORECTNESS MAN

>> No.15284415
