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15278225 No.15278225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's see those battle stations /lit/

>> No.15278237

how old are you?

>> No.15278280

am i the only that has never had any posters?

>> No.15278450
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Please don't tell anyone I live this way

>> No.15278872

rotate your bed 90 degrees and you'll free up your shelves and make more space

>> No.15278877

Is your mom single?

>> No.15278878

It's a fake picture. No one who broses /lit/ would ever post a picture containing their own portrait (and their mums?).

>> No.15278888

Have you considered not leeching off of mommy and daddy, underage-chan?

>> No.15279291
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x3024, chillspot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based floyd poster. i want that one.
im gonna laugh when you stretch your arms when you wake up and knock those cd's on your face.

>> No.15279300

Janny are you ok, are you ok, are you ok janny?

>> No.15279319

nice mommy

>> No.15279361

I would very much like to have sexual relations with your mother.

>> No.15279432
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>> No.15279447

I recognize that shelf

>> No.15279507


>> No.15279512

Looks really comfy anon

>> No.15279513

You owe reparations for nCov-19-SARSmHIV.

>> No.15279530

i never had any, until i punched some holes in my wall and had to cover them up so the landlord wouldn't find out.

>> No.15279562

soul (even though it looks like a literal faggot chink lives here)
i really don't understand how people can stand living in such sterile looking homes filled with pop culture memorabilia, polyester carpets, and particle board furniture.

>> No.15279612

It looks soulless.

>> No.15279624
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only started reading a year ago whilst i was caught up with vidya at the time, but i also have 8 more books i'm holding off for my birthday in a week :D
wish i had a comfy chair but i usually read in bed under a light (bottom pic)
those helmets are cool, sick globe too
very cozy

>> No.15279638

fuck off roastie

>> No.15279650

post feet

>> No.15279655

fuck off i'm a guy i just like cozy rooms okay why does this happen every fucking time

>> No.15279671

no straight man would have a wearable umaruchan blanket like that.

>> No.15279674

NOR THE EFFEMINATE have inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven - Paul (pbuh).

Effiminacy is disgusting and your room isn't comfy. Its sterile and soulless.

>> No.15279692

it's comfy and keeps me warm at night :(
yeah cool thanks buddy
if you're so hellbent on being traditional you should probably be aware that pink was traditionally a masculine colour
i just like it because it's gentle to the eye

>> No.15279711

honestly i have no problem with the pink shit or the other soft colors, but the umaruchan blanket and the fluffy throw pillows, like wtf come on man. whats that pokemon shit under the desk though?

>> No.15279725

based tinnitus inducing beyerdynamics

>> No.15279755
File: 2.62 MB, 2320x1740, IMG_20200505_133829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats that pokemon shit under the desk though?
cards, been collecting them on and off since i was a kid, i like the art
>already got tinnitus from two death grips gigs
can't remember what silence is like

>> No.15279765

The pink is the LEAST of the problems present.

>> No.15279771

why do you own the Qing imperial flag

>> No.15279776

>goes to deathgrips concerts
what kind of softboi are you?

>> No.15279777

that looks extremely comfy anon

>> No.15279779


>> No.15279791

it was a couple years ago, don't really listen to them anymore
was a great time though, would go again desu
thank you anon

>> No.15279813

>passive agression because he has no defense for his sterile soulless plastic existence
I wouldn't be so hard on you if you didn't use the term comfy. This is not comfortable. It makes me upset just looking at.

>> No.15279845

what aesthetics do you recommend then, anon?
i should note i have a really nice view into neighbouring gardens which i probably spend more time staring at than my room
i'm also going to buy some prints/posters at some point but am occupied with other things at the moment

>> No.15279853

You can't be helped.

>> No.15279869

king crimson anon?

>> No.15279870
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what an informative level-headed answer, thanks anon!

>> No.15279897

You have low IQ stylometry and live in aesthetic squalor. I'd have more luck drawing blood from a stone than I would in inculcating any sense of good in you.

>> No.15279983

i disagree. nothing is clashing and the bed does look really comfy, but i would agree that the desk setup does look very uncomfortable, although not aesthetically unappealing. also it looks like anon's room is tiny, which makes it almost impossible to arrange a bed and desk setup ideally, not to mention the financial aspect of actually buying nice furniture and decor, which, if anon is still using the same room for his bed and desk, is obviously an issue for him. i'd say he's done pretty good for what he's working with. you just sound like a sheltered richfag or a boomer who's made that he has some pink stuff

>> No.15280135
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>> No.15280150


>> No.15280186
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How to achieve an aesthetic living space /lit/?

>> No.15280196

that trunk is filled with philosophical pessimistic text

>> No.15280230

>Only post-Barret Floyd and not even the best post-Barret Floyd.

That's some shit taste.

>> No.15280241

It's not about "clashing", bugman.

>> No.15280274

Why defend your position arguing with people on 4channel? Is it because you want validation which is why you posted in this thread in the first place?

>> No.15280336

>juvenile shit displayed on the walls
>barely any actual books
You have to go back

>> No.15280390

i stopped replying to the other anon for a reason lol
was just clarifying my taste to >>15279776
and i don't care for validation, i find it interesting how other's tastes differ and why

>> No.15280499
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>> No.15281200

this is so cringe

>> No.15281276
File: 209 KB, 910x1365, cacac'a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy old decoration and clean your room (but never clean it too much, because then the room loses the personality and with that some of the beauty)

>> No.15281529

Fuck the haters anon, I like the look of your room. Chair needs armrests but other than that LONDON/10. Where'd you get that umaru blanket from?

>> No.15281543

smart idea hiding guns behind books, that way if niggers break into your house while you're not there you know the guns won't get stolen

>> No.15281559

>Chair needs armrests
they have some somewhere but i can't find them lol
probably going to buy another chair sometime anyway, this one is really uncomfortable
i think i bought the blanket from amazon iirc

>> No.15281591


>> No.15281626

ok but where are the books

>> No.15281631 [DELETED] 
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With two shelves behind me.

>> No.15281639

based UK unifag

>> No.15281649 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15281685

do people read on computer chairs at computer desks?

>> No.15281693

Looks kino to me. Where did you get those helmets?

>> No.15281709

If it's a small book I'll read on the couch or my bed, but if it's a large text, I'll read it at my computer desk.

>> No.15281750
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>> No.15281832

post books, i'd like to know what goes well with comfy cancerhamster capes

>> No.15281981

come shoot me with your cool guns.

>> No.15282105
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>> No.15282121

My current chair looks comfortable, but something is off. Think it's the backrest. It's weird cause whenever I hit up my favourite Swedish dating spot to sit in the same model, it feels comfier.

>> No.15282138
File: 2.11 MB, 2320x1740, IMG_20200505_185259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have the iliad, the histories, crime and punishment, wuthering heights, the sickness unto death, critique of pure reason, nausea, and infinite jest sitting in a box downstairs
feel free to abuse me for buying penguins or whatever

>> No.15282141

That Winnie the Pooh plushy looks like a fleshlight. I love how he spreads his plushy little legs, just begging you to fuck it

>> No.15282152

Alright, listen, you don't get to talk about my childhood friend like that.

>> No.15282167

sorry :(

>> No.15282173
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>> No.15282194

so bizarre to not see the Mitchell cover on a copy of Catcher in the Rye

>> No.15282236

i just bought whatever version was cheapest at the time

>> No.15282330

NO SOUL and bugmanned.

>> No.15282351
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x1825, D32F1291-DAE2-49C3-9902-8A18E15F8759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even the best post-Barrett Floyd
Animals? Meddle?
Division bell, dark side, wish you were here?

Aye you might, Ive been posting it here more often. I’ve since gotten about 15 more books and built an actual bookshelf for it. Going to reveal it soon when the rest get here in the mail.
>juvenile shit
What, Pink Floyd? The 50 year old band? Cope.
On the big shelf in the pic. Bottom two shelves here’s the top one
Fallschirmjager helmet from ww2gear and I think the Roman helmet was from amazon it was a birthday gift to me

>> No.15282356

how do you do that to all your books? I have a few penguin classics that I've actually read and they don't look nearly as damaged as those

>> No.15282415


>> No.15282466

I have a lamp behind it and I like the way the light looks

>> No.15282475

>underground 2

>> No.15282496

i was a fool, i've treated my recent reads with more care

>> No.15282539

Fuck off with this shelf. We all have seen this like a thousand times. Next time reorganize the books or do something slightly exciting

>> No.15282540

I'm not racist but this made me burst out laughing. Fuck.

>> No.15282600

Lol but y u mad tho

>> No.15282627
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Here is where the magic happens

>> No.15282646
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My office. It’s mostly furnished with my camping gear and books.

I like to smoke my pipe and read fascist shit/workout like a fag

>> No.15282681

actually cozy as hell

>> No.15282716


>> No.15282723

Based and Shawshank-pilled

>> No.15282762

based icon in the corner

>> No.15283014

There's some really bland attempts at inserting life into this mess. Maybe stop having everything be in greyscale?

I hate it but at least there's personality.

I like the color scheme and bedding. No idea why you stacked your books in the least accessible way possible though. Extremely feminine too, if that matters.
Fucking weird book selection.


Would probably benefit from some actual furniture.

>> No.15283038

Based op, I've always wanted an ITCOCK poster. Also I have that exact same Bluetooth speaker.

>> No.15283125

based and teenage-pilled

>> No.15283158
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>No idea why you stacked your books in the least accessible way possible though.
don't have a shelf and i think they look more visually pleasing this way than horizontally, also need space for other things
>Fucking weird book selection.
yeah it happens

>> No.15283207

Greyscale? What do you mean?

>> No.15283278
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>> No.15283291

that bike is cringe

>> No.15283367

do you live in a fucking storage unit

>> No.15283374


>> No.15283381
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>> No.15283389

I for one approve

>> No.15283419

TV's instantly ruin the aesthetic of any room.

>> No.15283420
File: 200 KB, 1200x1200, mao-tse-tung-9398142-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. This ones going against the cinder block wall or being sent to the country for reeducation.

>> No.15283421

This could be really cool actually if you filled it with Russian and doomer lit.

Go to Goodwill and buy literally any wood chair and the shittiest wood side table. Or even a plank of wood on top of those cement pieces in the back.

Sleep on the ground with a bundle of shitty wool blankets.

Rip off the plastic parts of that bike until it looks like metal and gears.

Congrats, you’re a cool dystopian character. Revel in your struggle

>> No.15283445


90% of that room is some shade of grey or black. The colors don't stand out because of it, they feel washed out. Just changing the carpet would do a lot, changing the carpet and the paint would really make it feel livelier.

>> No.15283469
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>> No.15283480

>day 69 after the collapse
>i've found shelter...

>> No.15283510

>day 76 after the collapse
>things took a turn for the worst...

>> No.15283530

I don’t get it?

>> No.15283535
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>I don't get it?

>> No.15283547
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t. sheep

>> No.15283579
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>I'm not racist

>> No.15283582

damn, just imagine the view from those mountains

>> No.15283601

I see I see. I like a themed room. Some people have it all white, some all black. There’s a cool room posted here by that butterfly faggot that’s green themed. Besides, I’m done changing anything at this point. I’ve moved so much I want some permanence with this setup. I really like it this time, too

>> No.15283607

I've only had paintings, pictures. I had a Soviet poster one time but it was framed. I can't imagine owning a poster you buy at a store and hang it up. Seems so artificial, soulless. Even more souless than relics of communism.

>> No.15283647
File: 2.12 MB, 1242x1635, 3294BE84-EF22-4AF4-B5C3-C69F78D23F41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, anon

>> No.15283671

Where?? I want to live in the country side but it seems to be fucking impossible unless you own a farm.

Can you divulge your situation?

>> No.15283680

i meant the view of the plains

>> No.15283697
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>> No.15283704

This sucks so hard. I don’t get why people subject themselves to complete bland banality and plastic tech shit

>> No.15283715
File: 1.40 MB, 1242x1533, 39385171-5C31-4259-AF59-FBED2FBA605D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don’t have any of that field but here’s another field from across a waterfall
i lived on a horse/sheep farm in iceland for a while and it was the coziest reading environment i’ve ever experienced. i live in a rat’s ass city now but my ideal battlestation is still the one i posted.

>> No.15283736

retarded american

>> No.15283804
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pretty evening here, light is streaming in, mixes well with the lamps--i like working in this little cave of natural and controlled light.

>> No.15283805

>intentionally creasing PENGUIN CLASSICS
just lol

>> No.15283813

KEF speakers are 1400 dollars for a set, and that's a 1000 dollar REGA Brio amplifier, a 1000 dollar Sennheiser amp, with 1000 dollar Sennheiser headphones. Cheap plastic shit is not what I would call this setup.

>> No.15283821

Ya I can tell it’s expensive, but it all looks like complete shit.

Guess what, I have a laptop and earbuds and I still can hear words and music.

Enjoy your eyesore chink consumer bullshit

>> No.15283827

Not to mention that cup on the table is full of titanium EDC pens. Again, not cheap or plastic. If anything there's a lot of aluminium, steel, titanium, and piano surface in this shot. It's my old desk setup, btw. I have some new decorations but the area's too messy to take a picture of right now.

>> No.15283839

Okay stay mad and poor.

>> No.15283842
File: 6 KB, 206x51, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad, feels like a gut selection from the lit classics and then some. read storm of steel if you want something a little less dry while you're at it.

>> No.15283868

read sniper on the eastern front, by albrecht wacker. you'll like it.

>> No.15283886
File: 2.12 MB, 3024x4032, 1588713209373 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate phoneposters so goddamn much

>> No.15283901

youre that guy that posted those multicolored plant guides a few days ago, arent you. really nice setup, do you sleep on an isomap too? you seem like the kind of guy i'd love to get drunk with

>> No.15283913

the only penguin i've managed to crease was the count of monte cristo which is 1200 pages. you have to be either retarded or do it on purpose to look like you read it to crease short ones.

>> No.15283914

No I have a mattress and a well furnished living room. I just keep this room sparse for working out and pacing for hours.

Thanks, I appreciate the compliment

>> No.15283936

>amazing speakers but no tv to match
>most atrocious table I've ever seen
>whole setup looks like absolute dogshit
>keyboard for 12 y/o
>tissues on the floor right next to the chair
this is sad anon

>> No.15283935

cringe consoomer
cringe poorfag cope

>> No.15283937

Sorry people don’t think your gaming setup is cool.

Enjoy pouring your hours down the drain playing with people in discord on some gay shootemup.

I guess I can’t understand aesthetics because I know what is a waste of money and what isn’t. Must be because I’m “poor”

>> No.15283943

you're welcome. also, why the codreanu picture? motivation?

>> No.15283952


>> No.15283961

He’s a martyr of sorts to me. Also people always think that’s a picture of me, so it has multiple meanings.

I keep it hung eye-level so I can workout and stare into his eyes. Even in this drawing of him, you can feel his determination.

>> No.15283972

don't use bookmarks so it was the easiest way to keep track of where i was since i didn't read as frequently back then
yeah i'm still working my way through the classics, will probably branch off into other works once i find more authors i enjoy like camus

>> No.15283973

Ask me how I know you don’t read as much as you game

>> No.15283978

>CONSOLES and 2 Screens
Based consoomer

>> No.15283989

bruh i literally sleep on the floor, but this just wreaks of insecurity. everything is a waste of oney, so waste it on shit you like because it doesn't matter and stop coping because someone bought something expensive. that guy seemed like fag for flexing his purchases, too, so don't think i'm siding with him, you're both retards.

>> No.15283991

only have a switch, ps3 controller is for pc games desu
i don't know how people live with only 1 monitor though, it's so nice for workflow and multitasking

>> No.15284002

Reminds me of that Linkola quote

“ By decimating its woodlands, Finland has created the grounds for prosperity. We can now thank prosperity for bringing us – among other things – two million cars, millions of glaring, grey-black electronic entertainment boxes, and many unnecessary buildings to cover the green earth. Wealth and surplus money have led to financial gambling and rampant social injustice, whereby ‘the common people’ end up contributing to the construction of golf courses, classy hotels, and holiday resorts, while fattening Swiss bank accounts. Besides, the people of wealthy countries are the most frustrated, unemployed, unhappy, suicidal, sedentary, worthless and aimless people in history. What a miserable exchange." - Pentti Linkola

>> No.15284020

Cozy. Nice things all around. What do you do, senpai?

>> No.15284039

i suck dick mostly. pays good

>> No.15284061
File: 172 KB, 1080x1068, 417388C6-6395-42A6-A4DE-BB917F6D3C40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have the nicest things in this thread. Perhaps I, too, should suck dick.

>> No.15284071

yes, suck dick for worldly possessions. this is the true meaning of life.

>> No.15284081

What is the GC controller for then?