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15279080 No.15279080 [Reply] [Original]

Is this any good? The reviews I’m seeing are pretty phenomenal

>> No.15279197


>> No.15279200

I don't think it counts if she's having sex with other men.

>> No.15279386

I prefer Dostoyevsky, whore.

>> No.15279436

Let me guess, he’s Jewish?

>> No.15279449

How will he turn the page if one hand is full of mammary and his other hand is full of book? What is he going to have to manually ask her to turn every page?

>> No.15279458

You didn’t read it? It comes so highly recommend?

Jokes aside, what if this really was an amazing book? What if this guy was the next Knausgård, but you never read it because you were too pretentious to look past how it was presented?

>> No.15279477

Idk he doesn’t seem to have self awareness. He writes about being an addict, probably not with the realization that he was a piece of shit but a more glorified Wolf of Wallstreet approach with a redemption arc at the end where he gets his shit together by choice. He writes about it in the sense that this dark but wild past is behind him and he is a more mature and mellowed out success now and yet he’s dating a pornstar.

>> No.15279482

>he doesn't read just two pages at a time of his own book while holding the naked breasts of his girlfriend

>> No.15279485

minimal research has informed me he's a literal cuck. i'm not interested in reading a book about a cuck's life or an instruction manual on how to become a cuck.

>> No.15279593

But is that Chris Strokes holding her?

>> No.15279608

>minimal research has informed me he's a literal cuck.
You need to probe harder. Deeper. You’re only tickling the surface, you need to get deep down into the annals of the authors psyche and careen down it’s back walls

>> No.15279756

>not using her nipple to turn the page

>> No.15279814

she isn't

>> No.15279819

also worth noting he cheated on her and she ended up begging him to take her back

>> No.15279847

>dating a porn star
definition of a cuck

>> No.15279861

>A man whose spouse or romantic partner is unfaithful.

it's not, but I'm guessing you mean internet slang meme cuck because your mind defualt to memes, in which cases if you watch porn isn't it cuckier to jack off to the thought of fucking a pornstar or worse, the video of a pornstar being fucked by another man than it is to date a pornstar?

>> No.15280011
File: 47 KB, 645x729, brainlet-5a6217dcbd1c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>word not real if is not in da dictionary huuuuur

>> No.15280019

The word cuck is the dictionary and I said it also has a separate slang meaning did you read my post?

>> No.15280032
File: 184 KB, 820x839, 146-1466435_soy-open-mouth-soyboy-sony.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you read my post?

>> No.15280052

What an alpha Chad!

>> No.15280057

if he was a chad he wouldn't have been a drug addict

>> No.15281231
File: 24 KB, 399x399, 4911BE30-90B5-46D2-A439-44A2E98F06FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, my opinion is that his girlfriend is hot

>> No.15281254

the word cuck means cuckold, there is no "slang meaning". it was slang when Shakespeare coined it hundreds of years ago

>> No.15281265

That's sad

>> No.15281293

cheated? shes a pornstar for fucks sake

>> No.15281342

The memetic question Is Coffee Good For You? is seaping in the "real" world - a clown world indeed.