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File: 115 KB, 678x960, 879BD6FD-E0B4-4152-B7BC-AB8C4C330DE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15279238 No.15279238[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


We'll have so much to write about after this :)

>> No.15279242
File: 4 KB, 250x250, 1586148377380s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quality thread

>> No.15279274

Why is everything so ugly these days?

>> No.15279320

On the flesh rampage at that age? Yikes

>> No.15279366
File: 49 KB, 532x569, 1588628466281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fornication and pleasure pervert the understanding and change men into beasts - St. Jerome

>> No.15279387

My chance!

>> No.15279400
File: 3.64 MB, 450x252, copingfast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15279417

Pro-tip: normies are still fucking.

>> No.15279444

So relatable

>> No.15279448

>Pro-tip: normies are still fucking.
This. He thinks fear of death will stop people from fucking, quite the opposite.
Pleb haven't read the Decameron.

>> No.15279453

Whoever drew this is mentally sick.

>> No.15279454

drawing comics stopped being about the art and started to to focus on "story telling" and "punchlines"

>> No.15279460

sex is extremely Reddit

>> No.15279720

But comic are sposed to be funee haha

>> No.15279740

haha that's going to be me!

>> No.15279745

based coomer normies

>> No.15279759

If you're still having casual sex, you're not normies, you're rats.

>> No.15279802

>i'd rather be single and not have sex than wait til marriage
why are normies like this

>> No.15279908

What the fuck?

>> No.15279945

cursed image

>> No.15279986


>> No.15280157

Why is this shit on this board? Fuck off, go to r9k

>> No.15280173

My brother is like this. He literally doesn’t give a fuck about corona. Went out all 7 days, at least 6 hours out, for the past two months. Never got the corona. Never got sick at all.

>> No.15280188


>> No.15280223

It does not end. There is no good medical reason for this lockdown, it is political. Enjoy your chip and your "vaccine".

>> No.15280286

Every board, no matter how sophisticated, can and will be baited by incel/jew/politics threads.

>> No.15280334

Beauty is ableist.

>> No.15280340
File: 267 KB, 1024x653, 6F8463AE-F4B4-4B24-B73D-6B610E9FF464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if the story is good enough who cares?

>> No.15280353


Wtf is casual about sex?

Amputee fetishists might disagree

>> No.15280359

>Never got the corona. Never got sick at all.
Some people are asymptomatic and some have dumb luck. If gramma and grampa become deaded you can blame his chasing of tail, I give you permission.

>> No.15280366

I've had the virus and I had it not the worst but still pretty bad. There are extremely good medical reasons for this lockdown, especially if you're high test like me.

>> No.15280373

Why is the font so small?

>> No.15280392

> single people problems
Spare me.

>> No.15280396


>> No.15280414

>Amputee fetishists might disagree
Are you suggesting that amputees cannot be discriminatory? Pretty ABLEIST if you ask me.

>Wtf is casual about sex?
Sorry, causal*

>> No.15280513

Because it’s an 8-panel comic.

>> No.15281039

t. incel

>> No.15281123

The pandemic has made incels out of many.

>> No.15281141

modernity is processual uglification

>> No.15281183

Honestly, if you're so desperate to get laid that you're still trying during this time, you're probably closer to an incel than you want to admit

>> No.15282197

>Fornication and pleasure pervert the understanding and change men into beasts - St. Jerome
Either trolling or have never read Montaigne. There is no 3rd choice.

>> No.15282221

Wanna know how I know that was drawn by a male virgin?

>> No.15282229

Anon, I.... Most people are rats... That's what normie means...

>> No.15282257

fornication is for retarded normies and this comic depicts how enslaved they are to the biological impulse to fuck. look at those deformed coomer idiots. holding hands is based. spooning is based. making a real connection? based. this comic is absolutely reddit.

>> No.15282273
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1 Cor 7:1

>> No.15282426
File: 103 KB, 570x366, 7d009bf90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's pluralism you dumbass and it flows through everything as its analogy. Pluralism dives

>> No.15282446

>tfw talking to girls on dating apps right now anticipating this to happen

>> No.15282534

The Apostle (pbuh).

>> No.15282551

Two quannits, one flewg, and a verubol.

>> No.15282563


God loves the Chaste.

>> No.15282567

Normies are rats. If you don't exercise, eat well, avoid pleasure traps, read, contemplate deep questions, or appreciate art beyond entertainment, you are an animal.

>> No.15282588

Is it something about the eyes? The mouth on the right?? That they are not looking at one another?

>> No.15282617

noooooooo not the old fuckerinos what am i gonna doooooooo

>> No.15282626

>t. normie

>> No.15282630

Because hierarchy has broken down into inclusive mediocrity, dumbass.

>> No.15282754
File: 1.87 MB, 4920x4161, sexual immorality foid women female btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's that the author thinks a woman would ever proposition that 5/10 male for sex AND that he thinks she's not still getting piped by 9.9/10 alpha males multiple times a week even during quarantine
But good guess

>> No.15282783

Your repression shows

>> No.15282834
File: 27 KB, 473x473, ACE26F9B-D96C-489F-B552-E2F24E0BBF50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to be respected, anon...it’s hard to find respect, good company, and a connection in casual sex. that’s all. i think lots of people might be a little happier if they didn’t look for something that isn’t there in one night stands—the answer to loneliness.

>> No.15282890

Your slavery to your base desires is showing, Why even want casual sex? My interaction with women is solely in regards to starting a family. I expend my energies in more valuable and Real ways otherwise. No other type of loser is more convinced of his greatness than those losers who waste all their time on sex

>> No.15283208

It's not like getting laid is hard, dude. I have like five or six women at any given time that I can text and smash within a few hours. If you're not in a relationship then you should really be able to have casual sex without trying hard at all.

>> No.15283320


The type of software responsible for this image will rule our world in ten years

>> No.15283328

Being around my gf all the time is having the opposite effect desu

>> No.15283474

>these shelves you find in jewelries with jewels on them
>failed taxidermy, lots of it
>bubble wrap but with huge bubbles
>a chair with balloons on it
>your mom

>> No.15283557
File: 1.36 MB, 1800x1191, pf106907-4f889293d8faa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most shitty and uninformed documentary i have seen i a while, peak boomer content.
but i agree with him on the absolute sorry state of architecture. but brutalism was based.

>> No.15283600

Yeah it literally just restates the same fucking point over and over lmao, doesn't make any arguments at all.

>> No.15283661
File: 551 KB, 1000x588, split_arhitektura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but brutalism was based.
The old east block architecture is currently being ruined by the import of glass monstrosities without any synergy with their surroundings, western skyscrapers. And, on the other hand, flat blocks without any of the old beauty. The new blocks just look like boxes. But the old ones are beautiful.
t. Hrvat

>> No.15283724

>East Blok
Fuck off. Get an education you dunderhead.

>> No.15283794

I have not implied that Jugoslavija was in the East block. But both the style and the the import of glass monstrosities is common to us.

>> No.15283818

Oh, okay, then I apologise for insulting you.

For anyone else reading this though take note, NOT EASTERN BLOC.

>> No.15283883

>Wanna know how I know that was drawn by a male virgin?
The lack of understanding about how sexual desire works.