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15277932 No.15277932 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it feel like everyone else is smarter than me? The probability that I'm the dumbest person to have ever graced this earth is pretty high. I'm not exaggerating to embellish this thread, either.
What are some books that deal with this topic?

>> No.15278313

>Not a single typo.
>Decent vocabulary.
>Reads books.
You're fine, Anon. Maybe you're a "The Idiot" kinda idiot?

>> No.15278654


Remember that everyone presents himself online as he would like to be, not as he actually is.

If you met IRL all the genius anons that intimidate you, you would find they are not geniuses at all.

>> No.15278725

Social life is all about posturing. Most of us feel dumb inside sometimes but it's not good practice to show it.

>> No.15278763

trust me truly stupid people this kind of thing never crosses their mind

>> No.15278785

The fact you're this self aware says something. Right now you're just being down on yourself. These things you're thinking aren't actually true.

>> No.15278828
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Assume the worst: that you're actually low IQ. Accept it and stop worrying about it. After all, if you've accepted that you indeed have a low IQ, what's there to worry about? You only worry when you think your perceived image of yourself might be worse than the reality of who you are. Assuming the worst eliminates this fear. Then, when you actually manage to do something cool or even outperform others you will be very pleasantly surprised, and when you are not as successful you will not be disparaged because that's natural for someone with a low IQ.
Realize that most people have a lot of insecurities like you do. That they're not pretty, that they're bad at talking to people, that they're low IQ. It's what often makes them easy to exploit. The exact same tactics that work on children: "Oh, you would be able to do this for me if you were smart enough. Oh all the cool kids do this thing" also work on adults, with minor adjustments of complexity. Eliminating your insecurities means you will no longer be susceptible to these tactics. "You can't do this? What are you, low IQ?", "Yes, your point being?". People will freak out and it will feel good.
Try to focus your attention outwardly to things rather than inwardly towards yourself. It's very easy to get caught in inner mental loops and waste a tremendous amount of time. When you find yourself in these situations try to something external, doesn't matter how simple. Make a meal, water the flowers, go for a walk, draw something. You will feel much better.
Take all of this with a grain of salt. This is simply what worked for me, it might not work for you.
Hope all the best for you anon!

>> No.15278883

>"You can't do this? What are you, low IQ?",
>"Yes, your point being?".

My point being I don't like to be around stupid people, they bore me.
My point being I don't hire stupid people, they are useless to me.
My point being I am not attracted to stupid people, they have nothing to offer me.
My point being I will not bear a child for a stupid person, I do not want a stupid child.
My point being I take note of weaknesses like stupidity, so I can later exploit them.
My point being that accepting your low IQ instead of rising to the occasion to prove me wrong shows lack of virtue.

>> No.15278892

Ok then.

>> No.15279074

Sounds pretty stupid to get involved with you, since you so immediately and without requisite sensitivity dismiss others as stupid

>> No.15279083

Those are not my dismissals, they are the dismissals of the crowd.

>> No.15279104

You're not the dumbest person on earth because i exist anon

>> No.15279322

You're on /lit/ OP, so you must be clever ;)

>> No.15279331

Low IQ people are based.
High IQ people are based.

As long as you're not a midwit, you're allowed to go on.