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15276317 No.15276317 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good mythology books for non-greek/non-roman myth? Particularly Norse and Celtic.

>> No.15276391

The Eddas.

>> No.15276467
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This is unironically good. I don't particularly like his novels, but he did a good job with this.

>> No.15276490

Also if anyone can give anything for Mexica, Amerindian, and Polynesian
A primary source? What if I just want to get a gist of everything, are there any edited versions?

Not OP btw

>> No.15276556

I can second this.

>> No.15276672

The Viking Spirit: An Introduction to Norse Mythology and Religion by Daniel McCoy. This is the most complete. Others are too focused on one aspect, the author ignorant of others, missing the whole.

>> No.15276783

Check out this thread

For Native American mythology, I'm not sure of any good books but here's a pretty informative website. Fair warning, it's from '98 and looks like the layout was never updated, just added to.

>> No.15276872
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I have this for Celtic mythology

>> No.15276879
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The Norse Myths by Kevin Crossley-Holland (The Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library)
Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs by John Lindow (Oxford University Press)

Celtic Mythology: Tales of Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes by Philip Freeman (Oxford University Press)

>> No.15276897

Hijacking this thread, anything for Chinese mythology?

>> No.15276904

I'm suspicious of Gayman. Did he engage in privation or specious crank theorizing anywhere in it?

>> No.15276916

How good are each of those? Are they the best (most comprehensive, informative, illustrations optional) for their page count range?

>> No.15277011

Bumping for these important questions

>> No.15277112

please guys

>> No.15277156

I was told in another thread that it was definitely modernized. I'd go with other ones and save that for more of an entertainment read.
Good list here

>> No.15277216

>the use of the phrase “shut up,” which appears a couple of times, is the linguistic anachronism that shattered the immersion for me

this review otherwise sucks gaimans dick but it alerts me to his types of liberties. ill skip.

>> No.15277223
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The Kevin Crossley-Holland book is better than Gaiman at retelling the Norse myths, it also has a pretty good introduction, notes, and a glossary provide mythological and historical backgrounds and suggest parallels with myths in other parts of the world.

Also should mention that Jackson Crawford’s English translation of Old Norse myths are excellent, so far he's done The Poetic Edda, The Saga of the Volsungs and The Wanderer's Havamal.

The John Lindow one is more of a scholarly take on understanding the whole of Norse mythology history and an encyclopedia of concepts and deities. The book begins with an Introduction that helps put Scandinavian mythology in place in history, followed by a chapter that explains the meaning of mythic time, and a third section that presents in-depth explanations of each mythological term.

The Philip Freeman book is probably the best concise introduction to Celtic mythology you are going to get, eventually you should read The Mabinogion on its own.

>> No.15277231

lmao what a dishonest list, its too afraid to mention >>15276879 which is the actual and well deserved standard intro.

>> No.15277239

i read freeman, really wish there was a bigger pronuncation guide

>> No.15277347
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>eventually you should read The Mabinogion on its own

>> No.15277507

I listened to the audiobook of this. It's simplistic but we'll written and enjoyable. Idk how accurate it is tho.

>> No.15277850
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>3. The D’Aulaires’ Book of Norse Myths by Ingri and Edgar Parin d’Aulaire

>> No.15277867

Is it good? Looks cool.

>> No.15277874

What's good about this one?

>> No.15277897

Is there a similar collection but for Egyptian mythology?

>> No.15277907
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>> No.15277911

id say there isnt an ideal one. theres one thats illustrated with color but focuses on the gods and not also other cool monsters like the soul eater and so on. theres another thats illustrated and more comprehensive but not colored. and there are others that have the major gods creatures and other elements of myth but arent illustrated.

>> No.15277920

That’s disappointing

>> No.15277940

ancient egyptian art is perenially homogenous and fairly tied to the perception of egypt, so i dont understand why a comprehensive short color illustrated edition doesnt exist by now. i can live without the illustrations but its not something i could gift someone else without feeling guilty.

>> No.15278050

It's a children's books but it's very comfy.

>> No.15278167
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Same couple did one for Greek mythology as well, also on libgen btw

Wish they'd done Slavic and Celtic.
Slavic Mythology and especially Legends and Fairy Tales are B A S E D, see The Russian Garland

>> No.15278788

No one cares about the celts lmao

>> No.15278985

Fuck you Celts are cool

>> No.15279229

low iq take