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1527424 No.1527424 [Reply] [Original]

Hinduism or Buddhism?

>> No.1527430



because both religion and science are bullshit,

>> No.1527445

buddhism has less ethnic constraints..so if you are a westerner then probably buddhism..

>> No.1527447


I doubt you know the truth, but thanks for trying.

>> No.1527448

that's it dude - prove 'em all wrong

>> No.1527449


The answer is in this: Flight from reality.

>> No.1527450


Ethnic constraints? Do you mean I'll be looked down upon if I go to a temple or something to learn?

>> No.1527452

buddhism, of course

>> No.1527457


I'm not sure what reality is but I sure do love to fly.

>> No.1527461

hi, recently converted buddhist here.
buddhism is very different from hinduism. we don't worship any gods; we don't pray because we have nothing to pray too.

do some wiki reading on both. if you have any questions i'll be here.

>> No.1527462

>but you can't.

>> No.1527478

Buddhism, but Hinduism does have some veritably kick-ass literature. The beginning of the fucking battle scene in the Bhagavad Gita is astonishingly awesome.

>> No.1527494



>> No.1527500

Somehow I don't think Buddhism prescribes to either.

>> No.1527502

Buddhism is derivative of Hindusim (at least originally), but most people now are okay with Buddhism because it's more of a blend of Shintoism and Taoism with a New Age spin in the western world.

>> No.1527505

Why not learn from both?

>> No.1527506


I know that Hinduism has a plethora of gods and goddesses, but I've also read that there is something called Atheistic Hinduism where I suppose the gods aren't taken as literal entities.

What confuses me is all the schools of both Hinduism and Buddhism. I was looking at Zen Buddhism before posting this, for instance, and wondering what the differences really are.

>> No.1527509

Someone actually knows something!

Yes. Hinduism is not a monolith. In fact there is no Hinduism per se.

>> No.1527521


Hinduism is the oldest religion, right? I had a really good discussion with a young Hindu before and it hasn't left my mind since. I have a copy of the Bhagavad-Gita waiting to be read (btw that is only an extract, right? Why is seperated from the other text?)

Shintoism and Taoism are schools of Buddhism aren't they?

>> No.1527529

There's also the approach where the Hindu pantheon is a collection of archetypal facets of Brahman, and Brahman = Atman.

>> No.1527530

I don't know a ton about Hinduism. Shinto and Tao are from Japan and China respectively. They are separate from Buddhism but both became infused with it later (in some degree or another). Wikipedia should be enough to get you started man.

>> No.1527537

Shintoism predates Buddhism.

>> No.1527565


Okay, thank you. I'll go and do some quick research and refresh my knowledge on all of this. I'd really appreciate it if you or any other Buddhist or Hindu anons would share your experiences here. I want to do the reading but I feel I should go out and experience it too.

>> No.1527573


>> No.1527584


That is pretty spiritual.

>> No.1527592


It was heavily influenced by Siddhartha.

>> No.1527599

>whose other name is Budhha.

>> No.1527603


You mean Gautama? I was talking about the book, btw.

>> No.1527617


Really? Wow, I never knew that, probably never would have guessed either. I love Radiohead, second only to The Beatles for me.

>> No.1527624

This is why titles are, you know, italicised or put in quotations.

Punctuation: It Clarifies Meaning.

>> No.1527627


That's basically never done on /lit/, and it's not my job to babysit you.

>> No.1527634

Buddhism, obviously. It doesn't have too many constraints and doesn't have you worship blue elephants, although I honestly am not too fond of either. Buddhism, from what I've seen, acts like not suffering is so important that you should give up all pleasure and desire to not suffer. I personally would be fine with suffering in order to have a happy life. Seems cowardly to me. But I'm no expert.

>> No.1527642

You're fat and lazy and your 4chan career is doomed to multi-posts in clarifying what you meant.

>> No.1527645

Tibetan Buddhism...

>> No.1527649

pls explain

>> No.1527671


I'm not that fat!

>> No.1527681




>> No.1527691



Thats about right lol

>> No.1527702

there is actually a very complex explanation of this, which I could never hope to retell right here and now..

>> No.1527703



>> No.1527711


Everyone wants to end suffering, even someone like you. You're just saying you're willing to suffer if it results in happiness, you still want the end of suffering.

Buddhism moves towards the goal of peace, eradicating good and evil and becoming one with everything.

>> No.1527712


As much as this is probably a troll, I would like to know this also.

Also, my mind was blown slightly when I found that Buddhism has a Hell (called Naraka, I believe.)

>> No.1527717


Point us to a source then, please?

>> No.1527720

Atheist here, Buddhists are cool. It's the religions like Christianity and Islam that have texts written by insane murder-loving assholes.

>> No.1527732
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>As much as this is probably a troll, I would like to know this also.
>Also, my mind was blown slightly when I found that Buddhism has a Hell (called Naraka, I believe.)
Goddamn that's so corny.

>> No.1527736


There are trillions upon trillions of living creatures on Earth, and probably umpteenth more living on other planets.
Not to mention the beings incarnated in the other planes.

Also, Buddhism denies separate minds. We're really just one mind looking out from a million eyes. Imagine an ocean, and you have a bottle whose cap is open to the sea and filled with seawater. The notion of individuality is an illusion.

>> No.1527740


Naraka isn't permanent though. It's better compared with purgatory.

>> No.1527755


Yeah, I think I remember reading that the demons tear the sins (if that's how Buddhists see it) from your soul, then allow you to be reincarnated and throw you back into Sansara, or something like that?

>> No.1527758


If we are all one, how can an individual attain nirvana? Shouldn't it require us all to be enlightened? Surely we would still be incomplete upon enlightenment if the rest of the 'one' hasn't reached nirvana?

>> No.1527760


I am surely butchering this but I believe there are levels of reincarnation. So a person who lived a 'bad' life would come back as a bug while a person who lived a good life would come back as something more 'spiritual'. There is also reincarnation of the soul, in attempt to evolve and eventually reach a level of infinite that makes one a sage, over generations of people (sometimes several hundred indivdual lifetimes for a single soul)

>> No.1527764

Depends on your worldview:
Hinduism is essentially Deist
Buddhism is essentially atheist

>> No.1527770


and that's the most ignorant statement I've read all day

>> No.1527774

For me its Buddhism. I attend a local meditation group two times a week and meditate at home at least two hours a day. Don't really consider myself Buddhist, just follow the teachings.

>> No.1527786


>> No.1527792


Not that guy, but most versions of Buddhism are not atheistic, and Hinduism would be theistic, not deistic.

>> No.1527793


Nirvana could be likened to realizing that one is the ocean. Seeing one's 'bottle' as mere transitory illusion.

>> No.1527827
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Looking for a good introduction to Daoism and Shinto. Already read the Tao te ching, anything else?

>> No.1527847


There's a difference between theistic and deistic.

>> No.1528297


I haven't read it personally (it's on my list), but I've heard that Benjamin Hoff's The Tao of Pooh is a really good introduction.

I don't know how good of an introduction it is, and on what level it's written on, but it looks alright.

>> No.1528998


>> No.1529021

Almost exactly the same thing aren't they?

>> No.1529024

laughing chinese sages cultivating in longevity in simplicity >bitter Buddhists/Hinduists attempting an ambiguous enlightenment and/or nirvana

>> No.1529033

Have you considered the option of not choosing between them? You can have them all, in the spirit of non-dualism. Tao, Buddhist, Hindu, they all have something to say.

In the realm of Eastern philosophy, you don't have to draw lines in the sand and label yourself with a single association.

>> No.1529038
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Everyone isn't one, everyone is none.

>> No.1529041

Sort of, yeah. Buddhism is a reform movement within Hinduism, similar to how Christianity is a reform movement within Judaism.

>> No.1529046

Be a Hermeticist.

>> No.1529047

no this is fucking stupid

they are more than just sects at this point

jesus, it's like none of you have ever taken a thing as basic as a world religions class

>> No.1529049


That doesn't sound right . . .

>> No.1529051


>> No.1529058

Shinto is a very nation-specific form of animism that says that the Japanese islands are favoured by the gods, that the imperial dynasty is divine and that the Japanese people are superior. If you're not Japanese, don't bother trying to convert to Shinto. Luckily for you, there's more to Japanese spirituality than just Shinto - there's Confucian, Daoist and Buddhist thought as well.

>> No.1529064

did buddhism not come out of hinduism?

>> No.1529067

Theos and Deus are synonyms.

Deism and Theism *should* be synonyms.

>> No.1529069


Pretty sure it did.

>> No.1529072

not really no

hinduism is to buddhism what islam is to native arabian idol worship

they do have a lot of similarities but really only a few core beleifs function the same

and buddhism didn't come out of hinduism, it was founded by the buddha and borrowed many motifs

>> No.1529078


Deism is the belief in creator gods that created and then abandoned, specifically. Theism is the belief in a creator god. I suppose Theism could replace deism, but deism could not be substituted for theism.

>> No.1529081

he's saying that they should be synonyms based on root alone

not that they are

everyone knows what theism and deism are

>> No.1529082

It's the Buddhist answer. We are a all intransient and the concept of our very existence as total being is an illusion.

Buddhism has a lot in common with Atheism. The difference imo is that Buddhism goes a step further and tries to figure out what would be best to do when we realize the reality of our situation.

>> No.1529084


The Buddha was a Hindu.

>> No.1529088

Not as a 'reform' in the usual sense.

'Hinduism' was never a religion. There was no identity beyond fraternity of Aryans. Hindu is not a title taken by Hindus. It is a given one (it comes from the word Sindhu). They did hold the Vedas as sacred though if any similarity to religion is to be sought.

Buddha (previously Siddhartha) realized the origin and solution to pain. He simply formed his own cult that practiced his teaching centered around certain Vedic ideas. There was no religion to reform.

>> No.1529091


If you had said everyone is one, I would have understood, but everyone is none? I don't understand how that works. Nothing? If you're saying it's an illusion it still something surely?

>> No.1529093

samefag. I don't agree with precepts of Buddhism. They are wrong as far as I see it.

>> No.1529096

But Buddhism does not elaborate or in any way embrace the tenants of Hinduism. The revelations of the Buddha could have come to a Christian, or a Confucian, or anyone else.

>> No.1529100

Not trollin. What would you replace them with?

>> No.1529102

Why would 'I' replace them???????

>> No.1529108

Taoism FTW

>> No.1529111

It's based on the concept of non-dualism, that there are things we call 'form' (existence) and 'emptiness' (non-existence), but both of those are not real and are only 'no-thing'. Not 'nothing', because that implies complete non-existence; the eastern languages the idea comes from has a word for it, but we don't. 'No-thing' exists as a concept, not as an existing thing itself.

I think.

>> No.1529112


Precepts of Buddhism. For your 'pleasure':
I undertake to abstain from causing harm and taking life (both human and non-human).

I undertake to abstain from taking what is not given (stealing).

I undertake to abstain from sexual activity.

I undertake to abstain from wrong speech: telling lies, deceiving others, manipulating others, using hurtful words.

I undertake to abstain from using intoxicating drinks and drugs, which lead to carelessness.

I undertake to abstain from eating at the wrong time (the right time is after sunrise, before noon).

I undertake to abstain from singing, dancing, playing music, attending entertainment performances, wearing perfume, and using cosmetics and garlands (decorative accessories).

I undertake to abstain from luxurious places for sitting or sleeping, and overindulging in sleep.

tl;dr: Live as if you are dead.

>> No.1529119

Because "Why is there pain in the world" is a question everyone had asked at some point in their life, and I am curious about how people answer that question.

Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but if you're in this thread I assume you have thought a little about the concept of complete truth.

>> No.1529125

Of course if these precepts do not lead to Nirvana they should immediately discarded.

>> No.1529127

"The Problem of Pain" by C.S. Lewis.

>> No.1529129

The word "Mu," by chance?

>> No.1529134

Yep, mu.

>> No.1529137

Fair enough.

The real question is what authority do have, other than my power of pursuation, to convince you.

So. There is pain because the world is not fair and/or we are not careful enough.

The solution: We can't do everything, as life is limited. So do your best and know that fruits of your labour may be lost. Your reward is the knowledge that you tried your best.

>> No.1529140

Which reminds me of a Zen koan:

a monk was asked if a dog has Buddha-nature, and he responded by saying, "mu."

>> No.1529146


*do I have. Oh and I am a tripfag.

>> No.1529163

What is the sound of three pounds of flax?

>> No.1529169

i guess 'mu' is the sound dogs make in that country.

>> No.1529172

Bond, you seem pretty knowledgeable on this stuff, how did you learn what you know? From books? Off of a Monk? It's like in Blood Meridian when the Judge unexpectedly speaks Dutch, Tobin asks "Where'd you learn Dutch?" and the Judge answers "Off a Dutchman."

>> No.1529501

Hinduism, because Hindu mythology (probably not the best term, but whatever) is fucking insane. Fuck yeah Ramayana.

>> No.1529506

He is in fact a total idiot.

>> No.1529510

Buddhism took all the good parts of Hinduism and added more good parts

>> No.1529513

these are only for monks, not lay-Buddhists, who usually only follow 4/5 precepts

>> No.1529520

It did elaborate and embrace some, but not all, of the tentants of Hinduism, such as dukkha, samsara, and reincarnation.

>> No.1529534


>> No.1529555

Vajrayana > Theravada > Mahayana

>> No.1529576

Hm. This is true. I stand corrected.

>> No.1529580

check yo self before you wreck yo self

>> No.1529609

Worst precepts ever.

>> No.1529616

once again, this is only for monks and nuns, not common people

>> No.1529646


This, a thousand times this. Do not rope in Shinto with the other Eastern religions.