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File: 60 KB, 598x372, tweetcyborg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15273939 No.15273939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

Also, can you be a good reader/writer if you tweet?

>> No.15273959

Stop looking for attention here, it’s pathetic

>> No.15273979

>you can't do multiple things

>> No.15274001

>Jacobite-published autist thinking he even remotely comprehends poetry

No thanks.

>> No.15274008

This is actually true if you want to be good at any of them before you're 60

>> No.15274023

behold, the untermensch

>> No.15274025

Brainlet Take sadly expected from this s.oy machine. Aristotle and Plato expound on the virtues of bodily health and stamina at length. Countless writers have identified the need for bodily perfection coinciding with spiritual and intellectual perfection. He was bullied as a kid by gigachads and he’s assmad about it

>> No.15274043

i could kill that (I think him is a bit too much in this case) with one punch

>> No.15274072

Stop posting this nobody

>> No.15274073

"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training… what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable" - Socrates

>> No.15274086

Now I have to admit I didn’t read at all and I guess your problem is total fucking bullshit.

Go to the shower and sleep. Tomorrow to work. There is no other advice.

>> No.15274352

Cultivating the body is easy. Cultivating the mind is hard. It is safe to disregard the thoughts of any man not physically fit, for if has misused or neglected his body, he has surely done the same with his mind. Physical fitness is the sign that a person has the bare minimum of willpower and discipline to construct good thoughts.

>> No.15274374
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>What do you mean I should get fit??? I read books i don't have to

>> No.15274406

Maybe you don't have to be swole, but too many people use the "I don't go to the gym because I'm an academic" bit as a cope for being fat. The fatter you get the more likely you have fat deposits in your brain, which negatively effect mental health and memory. Heck fat deposits in brain has been linked to Alzheimers.

>> No.15274461

I literally write poetry and lift weights.
I'm mediocre at both but what the FUCK guppy, Guppy would never say this to my face at a reading or the gym.

>> No.15274482

>the reason i'm a lazy slob is that i'm too big-brain
kk, cope
*mishima dabs on you*

>> No.15274684

I bet your poetry is shit.
- W.G.

>> No.15274704
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If you approach anything and expect the same framework to exist as something else you know, you'll be disappointed. You can know how to write a fantastic novel; but that knowledge won't help you beyond the basics if you're trying to cook a five-star dinner. If you think that your extensive knowledge of one thing will immediately apply to everything else, you're not interested in learning anything new, but you're rather seeking some kind of absolute truth that you hope applies to everything because it makes sense to you.

The same could be said about poetry vs. weightlifting. If you approached weightlifting the same way you approached poetry, you'd be shit at it. You can do both things effectively and comprehensively if you understand it'll take subtle, but distinct, shifts in behavior to accomplish whatever end you're seeking in either field. But for a poet to assume they know everything about a weight-lifter based on appearance/superficial and salient behavior alone is ridiculous. Most poets know as much about weightlifting as weightlifters do about poetry. Just because you engage in intellectual pursuits doesn't make you more naturally intuitive or god forbid better. It just means you're good at something different. But academics spend a large part of their life seemingly convinced that their desire to read obscure literature or become invested in esoteric material is an indication of a heightened station in life, rather than an acute interest in one part of it.

>> No.15274789
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>But now I became obsessed with a single motto--Be Strong!

>> No.15274798

Untrue. Both are aesthetes and idealists.

>> No.15274842

>Never wrote post-right homoerotic poetry at the Warsaw University

>> No.15274857

Why are right-wingers so bad at posting

>> No.15274875
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>> No.15274884

> Here’s the truth: you cannot be a good parent if you have a dog. The mentality of teaching tricks, taking dogs on walks, of expecting more and more affection is in complete contra to the mentality required to appreciate parenthood.

>> No.15275054

Time to unfollow this retard.

>> No.15275096
File: 25 KB, 400x430, 1555846919057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*takes your faggy poetry book*
>*shoves you into locker*

>> No.15275110

>Is this true
>can you be a good reader/writer if you tweet

>> No.15275112

He's right. If you both read and go to the gym, you eventually turn fascist.

t. third positionist

>> No.15275119

Absolutely fucking based.

>> No.15275122

>*Reads the poetry book and likes it*
>*Shows it to his Chad friends*
>*They all understand it on a deeper level than the nerd ever did due to their accumulation of experiences and muscles*

>> No.15275134

Books for this feel?

>> No.15275185
File: 277 KB, 468x487, 1585995386701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PhIFR is afraid of fascism and therefore any tendency they could relate to leading to fascism. This is an understandable fear, but one that is also misdirected, I believe. Now, PhIFR may have simply been memeing or not at all serious when they posted their response, but let's treat it as a genuine belief they have.

PhIFR's fear of fascism stems from a primal doubt they most likely have regarding their own safety. They are most likely a left-leaning individual who believes in collective group action as opposed to individual action. This is because as long as people are in a group and promote agreement, total and complete, amongst each other, no one person in the group has any reason to fear anyone else. If they all keep themselves in a relatively similar state, there is no fear that anyone is better or, at the least, different in a negative way from them. This is ironic, as the means to this unitary state is through a promotion of multi-faceted idealism and acceptance, though its end goal is apparently one of total cohesion and absolute singularity.

PhIFR and individuals like them are afraid and insecure at a base level, like all of us. Instead of, however, accepting their weaknesses and seeking to improve and better themselves, instead of overcoming weakness and learning to live with their shortcomings, they are opting to label everything that makes them uncomfortable as fascistic and an affront to their personhood. They are choosing to wallow in weakness and want to drag everyone else down to their level. If everyone's the same, no one can be different and therefore no one can be made to FEEL different.

All of us are insecure in some way, it's how we choose to handle that insecurity that defines who we are. PhIFR is no better than the primitive fascists they villainize. They are afraid of the unknown, of their own selves, and they seek to remedy that insecurity by busily working to change EVERYTHING around them instead of authentically engaging with their own insecurities and weaknesses on their own terms, their own time, and so on. They are their own problem, like all of us, but they simply do not, or cannot, look themselves in the eye and admit it.

>> No.15275192

Quoting Socrates is the biggest bs i have ever seen.

>> No.15275201

>that pic
okay fed, go back

>> No.15275215

would we have fewer twitterscreencapposts if we had more tripfags to complain about?

>> No.15275217

>Literally posting a wanna-be Twitter e-celeb and intellectual with 3,000 followers
>Who also writes like shit

>> No.15275223

not OP but i think he is funny and makes pseuds seethe

>> No.15275227

guppyposting makes the tranny >>15274072
seethe so obviously it's based

>> No.15275229

We're everywhere. The battle's been won. You just haven't seen yet.

>> No.15275231

This retard claims to be into Dada and and at the same time believes that the Right is anti-art because they lack creativity -- obviously doesn't know that Evola was a pioneer of Dada. And the fascists of Futurism.

>> No.15275237

fashwave is literally o9a garbage meant to manipulate impressionable fools

>> No.15275251

Arnie was a good politician and bodybuilder.

Inb4 > a GOOD politician?
Yes, he got elected. Hence he was good at politics.

>> No.15275254

What do you mean

I've spent the past two years painstakingly crafting nothing but fashwave

I refuse to change now.

>> No.15275265

look into their antics with atomwaffen

>> No.15275286

lmao fashwave was cool in like 2016, now it's just gay and cringe m'fed

>> No.15275290
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>> No.15275335


>> No.15275341

I bet yours is shit

>> No.15275350

it was never not cringe

>> No.15275376

This. True last man mentality. Also re: twitter, a good rule of thumb is "No."

>> No.15275385
File: 477 KB, 1920x1080, snarky and sarcastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writers with low testosterone cannot be trusted, which is why I always look at a picture of the author first to see if he has the söymale phenotype.

>> No.15275436
File: 243 KB, 402x306, 59DBC432-8ACF-4032-82D4-2C6DA181C423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mog Diaries

>> No.15275481

You can be good at multiple things.

>> No.15275771

holy baste

>> No.15275824

lifters tend to be retards. but that's just a correlation.

>> No.15276613 [DELETED] 

I will never cease to be amazed at the the amount of coping some people will do to excuse being fat slobs.

>> No.15276646
File: 29 KB, 583x373, 327028E8-005A-4C75-B8F3-6C65DD2B70C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically same. I also don’t read books written by fatties.

>> No.15276648


"Not enough people paid attention to my 5000 IQ tweet, so I'm reposting it on 4chan"

fuck off OP - you're a dime-dozen retard with delusions of einstein.

>> No.15276662

Absolutely not, discipline is key to both being a successful writer and a successful lifer

>> No.15276679
File: 590 KB, 480x845, 6C94B89C-CB5F-49B0-8ADF-2FFEC3E41E14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15276690
File: 11 KB, 710x154, 5B069401-492C-4CA2-A4AA-00C5E765D777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15276695

/fitlit/ was amazing

>> No.15276704

>where do you workout
>at the library

>> No.15277615
File: 37 KB, 403x600, Arnold the Patrician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was also a businessman and real estate mogul, and became a millionaire because of it befoer 22. Don't forget movie star. Arnie was the GOAT

>> No.15277731
File: 24 KB, 899x169, 1585730075866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting about Willy Gobbler. He's a faggot and a shit "writer"(which only he would call himself).

>> No.15277763

He is a pseud and so are his followers. Get off it; just because we shit on him doesn't men we're seething -- I enjoying insulting others.

>> No.15277782

you're a fag

>> No.15277796
File: 882 KB, 2048x1536, 8c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(or as I call it the douchehouse)
kek, why are these losers like this.

>> No.15277859

hey i was published in jacobite and i'm a genius

>> No.15277873

It makes you better at both actually. Sharpening only one side of a double edged sword is fucking retarded.

>> No.15277884

D'Annunzio was ripped af and respected by Joyce. Who the fuck is this faggot.

>> No.15277894

compartmentalize you f*cking r*tard

>> No.15277901

how pathetic

>> No.15277930

True, only sickly thoughts can come out of a sickly, onions-poisoned body.
Also the sight of that which is ugly and bad makes one ugly and bad, especially when that sight is in the mirror!

>> No.15277941
File: 238 KB, 632x508, spiteful mutant that innsmouth look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiteful mutants, their physical malformation indicates their mental malformation.

>> No.15277953
File: 421 KB, 1120x697, arno breker statues physical fitness germany adolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL that is why they are doomed to defeat...

>> No.15277955 [DELETED] 

I'm really curious about how he views poetry if he sees it as antithetical to weightlifting/"getting bigger and bigger". Does he see poetry as a celebration of weakness and frailty? Does he view power, health and vitality as evil? It's fascinating and bizarre to me that someone could genuinely hold this viewpoint, it's like arguing against drinking water.

>> No.15277985

all the self-serious imbeciles in this thread are far more autistic and embarrassing than this tweet from an online dandy persona. Being fit and strong is objectively good, no one is (seriously) disputing that, but being an oaf who rushes to defend the honour of bodybuilding, citing 'based' dead guys as exemplars... for shame you hyperliteral shitdicks

perhaps the narcissistic self-improvement ethos, redditor humanism, 'levelling up' by measurable 'progress' (developed consumption habits), is not in the poetic spirit. this certainly hasnt been refuted by all the gubers in his replies proud of cramming verse in between sets. cornball renaissance men all of you. being skinnyfat is revolting but less cringe than all this kneejerk seething. identity signalling like women

>> No.15278019
File: 234 KB, 525x351, 87BDD059-45AD-4156-9CC2-DEBBFBD2775F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, but only because bodybuilding is gay and gets mogged by lifting for strength.

>> No.15278031

I just wish I could blast and cruise and have an amazing body without needing to lift anything or take care of my diet, and get 10 daily matches on tinder

>> No.15278033

this guy is retarded but based cause he btfo other retards

>> No.15278052

Dada was mostly commie and anarchist though.

And yes, the fascists and nazis were absolutely anti-art.

>> No.15278053

>Lifting for girls
Lifting heavy is mediation and conditioning for your body and spirit, don’t let the thots disrupt that connection with yourself. It’s like trying to read certain books that you think will endear you to girls, it ruins the process.
Lifting is comfy and fun, and the only part that sucks is eating enough food.

>> No.15278059

I want to have a nice body for the ladies

But I lift to have fun

Sounds kind of contradictory but if I have to choose between doing squats and powercleans, or bench and curls, the answer is obvious

>> No.15278060

Are you a moron anon or just super new? We'd write paragraphs on what cereal we like and how that relates to our philosophies. You're mistaking our normal behavior to some kind of reaction with your weak pseudo-psychology. A lot of people also just don't like Willy Gobbler.

>> No.15278076


you're not a part of something, faggot

>> No.15278078
File: 7 KB, 228x221, 1581032481427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious that this is bascially the opposite of what's true. I'd never had such a passion for reading than after I started taking strength and conditioning for rock climbing more seriously.
Discipline and focus are pervasive elements of a person's character.

>> No.15278085
File: 49 KB, 378x506, 1546178623576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not

>> No.15278093

Yeah, curls are so boring and I always have to grudge myself through them. Nothing like the all-body intensity of ex: squats, deadlifts, OHP, shrugs which will help condition the rest of your body from the production of GH. Hell, even your bones start becoming denser once you’re regularly lifting 2xBW.
And reminder to hit: delts, traps and forearms to max out aesthetics for women.

>> No.15278102

well done, none of you have missed the point at all!

maybe they can invent a litbit wrist device so you can keep track of all your sick reading gainz

>> No.15278152
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I don't want to sound rude but I must observe that this is the special kind of cope only a wristlet could've concocted. The passive aggressive tone, turning off autocaps, the double space. Were you being sarcastic as well? Impressive, most impressive.

>> No.15278197

>"he" feels the need to punctuate a very obvious sarcasm with an exclamation mark
female trait

>> No.15278223
File: 749 KB, 704x808, 1564042881364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, im from post-soviet country and there's this small commie movement right now. They wrote an article about how western commies are an embarrassment to marxist ideologies and then went to explain how gay/tranny struggle isn't class struggle and how marx himself hated homosexuals. Even USSR promoted traditional families and imprisoned fags, how can you unironically be a tranny and idolize the likes of stalin
you won't unite your "comrades" worldwide by dying your hair blue and sucking dildos in public to own fascists

>> No.15278266

Twitter Screenshot threads should be a bannable offence.
Even more so if they are simple there to bait with completely retarded shit-takes.

>> No.15278298
File: 89 KB, 640x853, 1561344139318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a psyop. Collectivism and individualism are mutually exclusive, rendering leftism moot. The purpose of this is to foreclose the possibility of leftism manifesting beyond the control the American federal police.
You're never going to win the hearts of room temp IQ blue collars across the Rust Belt under the slogan of "workers of the world uniting" if you're forcing them to accept there are over three hundred different genders.

>> No.15278304

Dilate, bro.

>> No.15278349

Unironically, it reads like a netorare hentai.

>> No.15278442

Arnie was a talentless hack and a roider. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.15278451

Pioneered by a fascist, Evola. As Dali - a fascist - was the highest expression of Surrealism. The Nazis were Futurists. Nice try.

>> No.15278511

Why so angry? He is undoubtedly one of the most successful people of the 20th Century

>> No.15278519

Retroactively refuted by the Greeks. That retard is just trying to cope.