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15272747 No.15272747 [Reply] [Original]

Is Varg the greatest thinker of the 21st century?

>> No.15272762

>civilization and agriculture started in the middle east therefore its bad
>ooga booga let me live in my mudhuts and wait until a superior civilization comes and conquerers me

>> No.15272765


pick one, bugman

>> No.15272772
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>> No.15272776

civilization would lead to advanced weapon developments which then can be used to conquer snow niggers living in mud huts.

>> No.15272779
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>Medieval ages bad
>ViKang Rape ages good
The absolute state of these LARPS

>> No.15272809
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>> No.15272817

Fuck off Varg.

>> No.15272894
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That's like the Christian equivalent of a play. Pagans make the play their entire lives, while those guys eventually take off the costumes.

>> No.15272899

>a paw damages the land
Eh ?

>> No.15272910


>> No.15272913
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>worships a fucking jew
>calls others LARPers

>> No.15272916
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>listening to a murderer
>listening to a faggot with bastard children
>listening to a welfare baby
>listening to a LARPing Pagan
>listening to a retard who spent 21 years in prison

Only Vargfags are capable of accomplishing each of these.

>> No.15272930
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>People believe that Christ is God, unlike LARPs who can't imagine worshipping because they are naturally Atheists
You literally LARP as Marvel (Jewish btw) superhero characters

>> No.15272939

>God wouldn't strike the head of the serpent from within
Judaism imploded, it's evolution stopped. Modern day jews are more like liches than living beings.

>> No.15272947

What am I LARPing as?

>> No.15272964
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>people who believe in a kike on a stick call anyone who doesn't worship kikes atheist
>references movies made by jewish companies because he's a pure jewish golem
Christianity is Judaism
A jew.

>> No.15272971

Usually pagans larp Skyrim or Asterix.

Me myself, I've grown out of Christianity pretty much. I had a nihilistic phase - not an edgy atheist one, but a theistic, yet materialistic nihilism, and when I finally started emerging from it, I woke to a world full of gods.

Not the same ones as in the ages past. Pan has died, after all. Some are old, Mammon in the forefront. Bloodthirsty as ever.

>> No.15272980

And now they live in a desert and have to beg the world for water.

>> No.15272992

>Christianity is Judaism
More like the European antibody for Judaism, a painting that showed to the jews what they were supposed to be like.
Nietzsche in his hubris thought that the Jewish high priest had taken the place of the emperor, and not the other way around.

Secular humanist Jihad that ended Christianity, was particularly jewish in my eyes. Napoleon was even hailed as the Messiah.

>> No.15273001
File: 474 KB, 723x575, 1576066008426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More like the European antibody for Judaism
Absolutely true that's why jews still live to this day

>> No.15273009

>>people who believe in a kike on a stick call anyone who doesn't worship kikes atheist
He's not calling pagans atheists, he's saying that pagans are the new "edgy" trend, superseding atheists.

>>references movies made by jewish companies because he's a pure jewish golem
If you don't live under a rock you'll be aware of the presence of such movies.

Nice Strawman picture, but that's about half of the Crucifix/Mjolnir man bad pictures on 4chan

>LARPing as a Jew
Jews don't believe Jesus Christ was the messiah. They also hold a host of other anti-Christian beliefs.

>> No.15273022

Jesus was a jew.

>> No.15273065

What is a Jew?

>> No.15273100

A subversive desert nigger

>> No.15273128

So all it takes to be a Jew is to live in the desert and be unscrupulous? You're casting your net too wide, anon.

>> No.15273159

Why are you people so consistently ignorant and retarded? You’re worse than nu-atheists honestly. You just spout the same “kike on a stick” “he was a Jew” garbage which reveals nothing other than the fact that Jews live in your head rent free on a constant basis. You clearly don’t even know anything about Christianity or paganism for that matter. I’m almost upset with myself for even responding to your retardation and sort of wish others would feel the same because it’s that stupid.

>> No.15273190

Are you stupid? Many popes tried to get rid of all jews from Christendom. Local rulers and the white race tried their best to keep them around.

>> No.15273200

but he was a zombie kike on a stick though

>> No.15273227

If you can't distinguish between Jews of Pre-70AD and Post-70AD, you're literally a snownigger brainlet

"Jews" of today are NOT Jews

>> No.15273250

>"Jews" of today are NOT Jews
Holy shit the absolute state of christcucks

>> No.15273282
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>circumcision bad

>> No.15273289

>So all it takes to be a Jew is to live in the desert and be unscrupulous?
Seems like Varg is also a Jew since he lived in Iraq

>> No.15273307
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Look at this christcuck cope
just admit you and your church worship a jew as god

>> No.15273310 [DELETED] 

Where do you think the word kike came from retard

>> No.15273319

>cherry picking and using wikipedia of all things

>> No.15273341

Christcuckery is the Jewish warping of the rational God of philsophy but varg demonstrates that pagans are literally subhuman apes incapable of enoblement and positive change

>> No.15273348

Being welfare leech is the most admirable thing you can do on a decadent society.

>> No.15273351


>> No.15273364

>cherry picking official catholic doctrine
speaking of cherry picking, shouldnt you be posting some quote collage of obscure orthodox priests seething over how jesus wasn't a jew?
just accept that you worship a jew, why is that so hard for you? (a jew born from cuckoldry, no less)

>> No.15273366

Varg admitted he doesn't actually worship gods therefore he is indeed LARPing

Also where do you think the word kike came from retard

>> No.15273370

Quick Rundown on Louis Cachet

>Varg Vikernes. (Birth name was unironically Christian Vikernes.)
>Raised in Iraq in the 80s because his family illegally oversaw Chemical Weapons Research for Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran War; Varg personally met Saddam Hussein and said he was a role model growing up
>Joined the larp scene in Norway as a teenager
>killed his best friend because he was more popular than Varg
>burned churches and UNESCO monuments
>gets sentenced to lul norway prison for like 14 years
>meanwhile in America he would have gotten death penalty
>attempts to break out of prison, and robs a car at gun point
>gets caught and sent back to prison, only gets slap on the wrist
>gets out of prison
>Abandons his 13 year old daughter he fathered in a degenerate black metal party. Doesn't even have contact with her, or attempts to have contact with her. Literally caused a single mother
>abandoned by all family, and friends
>literally marries a diagnosed autist in France
>Takes her last name, and moves to a cuckshed in the middle of nowhere in France. Now legally known as "Louis Cachet"
>Refuses to learn his host country's language, instead abusing their immigration laws. He can't even talk to his wife, outside of some broken English phrases she was forced to learn
>Literally lives off welfare, and has 5+ little baby money makers to keep the flow coming in
>Makes goes on twitter rants about how Italians are negroid, and why autism is genetically superior or why blue eyes makes me not go blind in the snow
>worshiped by "le deus vult" magapede larpers on 4chins for some unknown reason
>Has to live in a hut, use a dry toilet and pretend its -3000 BCE to feel like a man
>no accepting the fact he is a complete loser, who knows nothing, and is a maniac LITERAL MURDERER WHO STILL SAYS HE DID THE RIGHT THING BY KILLING HIS BEST FRIEND

>> No.15273371
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>genital mutilation good

>> No.15273390
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Behold. The product of Varg's teachings - the government slave.

>> No.15273392

All this... sounds pretty based

>> No.15273393

His entire ideology and lifestyle is based on cope

>> No.15273409

You forgot the part where he dresses up his kids in party city armor and gets them to do melees. Or how he teaches his kids out of his RPG game called "Myfarog."

>> No.15274270
File: 221 KB, 940x898, 1588530691085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you eaten your pita bread yet my fellow tradbros?

>> No.15274312

Mediterraneans did a favor to snow niggas. They got civilized.

>> No.15274324

If living in modern times, which great thinker would be the most prone to photograph his food and post it online?

>> No.15274328

>Raised in Iraq in the 80s because his family illegally oversaw Chemical Weapons Research for Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran War; Varg personally met Saddam Hussein and said he was a role model growing up
holy fucking based

>> No.15274383

Weren't the agriculturalist celts easily conquered by the Romans thanks to the seizing of their infrastructure?

>> No.15274411

>Varg admitted he doesn't actually worship gods
None of these "pagans" do. I would actually have some respect for them if they literally believed in Odin or Thor or Jupiter, or tried to synthesize some sort of Nordic Shinto. Instead they just use third-hand Jungian concepts to justify narcissistic WE WUZ....GAWDS cope. At least LaVeyan Satanists know what they're doing.

>> No.15274416

Diogenes posting negative yelp reviews to Plato's chicken joint

>> No.15274510

Herding>>>ariculture. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15274754

Fake and gay.

>> No.15274801

How many Jews have YOU killed, you absolutely underaged mongrel? Jesus is literally, literally, LITERALLY, the icon of anti-jewery

>> No.15275475

The Middle Ages never existed

>> No.15275499

>being this retarded
>being (you)
pick both

>> No.15275623

monotheism is judaism

christianity is a compromise with paganism to induct retard cattle (like you) into judaism

>> No.15275689
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actually pre-industrial agriculture was fairly sustainable only when a farmer/lord is ripped from their traditions and due respect for the land do they destroy the soil with ignorance and greed.

>use 2 fields at once, cycling through each such that one is always grazing land, livestock eat the grass the grows and fertilise it with their shit
>the 2 fields in use are different seasons and have different crops which use different nutrients from the soil (staving off depletion as when you grow one season's crops in a field the other's nutrients can replenish readying for the next)

Reminder that industrial agriculture, due to its farming practices, has bred crops that have much lower nutritional value (in accord with depleted soil) while being larger (water content) and this will continue on. This combined with additives means that modern food is severely lacking in nutrition and that modern people despite appearances are much more undernourished than at any time in the past.

>> No.15275693

All the ones I know of do. The others are mainly dishonest and ignorant, a clean slate to force their preexisting ideology.

>> No.15275703

Oh God, not this conspiracy ‘’’’’theory’’’’’


>> No.15275720

how long did the middleages last? i see definitions from 400-800 years

>> No.15275766


>> No.15275806

Since this thread is obviously not a book thread; what is a good starter book on permaculture farming?

>> No.15276664

Quick Rundown on Louis Cachet corrected

>Varg Vikernes. (Birth name was unironically Christian Vikernes.)
>Raised in Iraq in the 80s because his family illegally oversaw Chemical Weapons Research for Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran War; Varg personally met Saddam Hussein and said he was a role model growing up
Varg lived in Iraq briefly no more than a year he was not raised there

>killed his best friend because he was more popular than Varg
varg and euronymous were not friends, euronymous was popular in the bm scene at first but eventually everyone shunned him when they realised he was a commie faggot. vargs side of the story is that euronymous phoned his friend not knowing varg was present and continued to tell him how he planned on luring varg to his apartment in oslo under the pretense of signing a contract, tase him and then take him to woods and torture him. varg drove down to oslo with snorre ruch entered the apartment and confronted euronymous, they preceded to fight and euronymous alleged reached for a weapon so varg pulled out a 3 inch blunt pocket knife and stabbed him through the skull, he had been stabbed twenty something times in the back but varg states that he actually fell onto shards of broken glass making it look like he was stabbed in the back the back but this I think is bs

>gets sentenced to lul norway prison for like 14 years
>meanwhile in America he would have gotten death penalty
>attempts to break out of prison, and robs a car at gun point
>gets caught and sent back to prison, only gets slap on the wrist
on top of this he had help from natsoc movements he donated too on the outside that stocked a cabin up in the mountains with guns and explosives for him

>> No.15276675

>Varg personally met Saddam Hussein and said he was a role model growing up


>> No.15276689
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>> No.15276708


>> No.15276716
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Your gigachad pics won't work if you got a mutilated non natural penis. I have the last laugh Billy Bob.

>> No.15276718

Where do you think you are, faggot? Go back to >>>/r/eddit.

>> No.15276730

no he's a lunatic

>> No.15276735

So the Middle East gave us
Fucking BASED.

>> No.15276760

>mutilated bad
>non natural bad
give me one good reason against circumcision other than
>muh pee pee feels better xD le sex
A circumcision is essentially the opposite of a lobotomy. It makes you think more and woke. This is why Maimonides (pbuh) praised it 1000 years ago.

>> No.15276792

He is probably the most consistently wrong person in the entirety of the right-wing internet politics sphere in all honesty and he does nothing but make enemies of everyone that basically isn’t himself. It really is bizarre that anyone listens to him seriously, especially given his background.

>> No.15276830

>”hey, according to historical definition these people are not what they claim to be”

>> No.15277108

Varg would be sailing around raiding churches but Christianity has grown too powerful and thus he resorts to shitposting and crying himself to sleep.
He's a man that belongs to a different age.

>> No.15277891

I went through a period in my life when I thought like Varg...when I was 15 years old.
Then I grew up. He would call it selling out, I guess.

>> No.15278495

It's nuts to think that this one black metal edgelord who (allegedly) burned churches and murdered a guy, a bandmate who passed around a well-known gore photo of their suicided buddy, whose story I read like a true crime story, would also become a semifamous internet star. I wonder if many people who've heard of him remember him from the black metal days.
And not only that, but he isn't as much of a satanic edgelord as a cringe neopagan LARPer.
Frankly, reading his account, it reeks of horseshit. He stabbed Euronymous an absurd amount of times (not that he's worth being missed, poser faggot as he was). He's always been a bullshitter and a little out of touch with reality. The trio of Varg, Euronymous, and Dead (guy who killed himself that got his photo passed around as an album cover) are symbolic of the death of Europe, particularly the north. It's a mix of nihilism, despair, posing, revolt, revisionism, and delusion.

>> No.15278531

i want /pol/ to leave

>> No.15278534


I always find it remarkable how well thought out these things were. These people had such a wealth of knowledge taught solely through experience of their forefathers.

>> No.15279353

According to what? A bunch of ms paint infographs made by christmutts to delude themselves of being the chosen race? Mizrahi jews are genetically identical to biblical jews, there has been no magical miscegenation going on in 2000 years, everything else is pure fucking cope.

>> No.15279360



>> No.15279419

not to mention, his wife's parents are pretty rich
snake oil sailsman as all other 'internet personalities'