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File: 209 KB, 1600x900, joseph-ratzinger-102~_v-gseagaleriexl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15271740 No.15271740 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read his new book yet/?
I think you'd like it.
He berates the gays.

>> No.15271746

But, anon. He is a homosexual.
I guess he’s just picking on his own in-group

>> No.15271758

Well, he is Catholic, so of course he opposes gay marriage. And of course he opposes it when political power is used to try to destroy anyone who opposes gay marriage.

>> No.15271763

You're gonna eat your words when the government finally passes mandatory gayness measures. Every man will have to spend at least one year living a gay lifestyle before he's allowed to continue his education or reenter the workforce. This ensure a much more empathetic, open-minded population. Women will be exempt, of course, as they know by heart the lessons that men will have to learn through discipline and correction.

>> No.15271772

Don't give the progs any ideas, please

>> No.15271887

That'd be completely based, imagine the amount of men who would simply reject the female temptations after such an experience

>> No.15271928

What the left actually wants and dwells its time on is significantly worse.

>> No.15271939

>the left
True sign of an imbecile

>> No.15271949

Well, what is worse than this?

>> No.15272034

This isn't a pol board

>> No.15272048

They literally released a book today on this, dumbass

>> No.15272067


Literally novels by acknowledged classics authors on this. Don't ask stupid questions, faggot.

>> No.15272091

>>I am repressing my own homosexuality
Gee get over yourself buddy. Just like the Greeks were gay because it was cool, you're straight because it's cool.

>> No.15272096

I hope this fucking disgusting kike dies a most painful and slow death and the thought police shuts down all and every single person who mention his name alongside his works. We've got to bring back Damnatio Memoriae and recruit hitmen to do away with decrepit sacks of shit like him. If we don't adopt an extremist mentality there will always be voices of dissent.

>> No.15272126

You see how idiotic this looks?

>> No.15272157

Case in point, a stupid evil faggot tripfag who wants to destroy any decency in society.

>> No.15272174

Christianity wasn't at any point in time an upholder of decency.

>> No.15272182

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

>> No.15272202

Christian unity was the only thing keeping Islam from rooting in Europe, and the major reason why degenerates like you haven't been stoned to death by now.

>> No.15272203

Jew worshippers like you belong in a gas chamber along with the rest of the long nose tribe

>> No.15272209
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>Christian unity was the only thing keeping Islam from rooting in Europe
Choose one

>> No.15272228

Do you have quotes from the book about his views on gays?

>> No.15272241

nah. sorry. I only saw the report that he has a new book and then a bunch of newssites claiming he was touting anti gay rhetoric.
I was genuinely curious if someone has gotten it day 1.

>> No.15272275

>continues to publish his views, dressing exactly like a pope too

what did he mean by that?

>> No.15272304

Pontifex emeritus means he has earned the title of pope.
He is still the (or a) pope.

>> No.15272315


>> No.15272337

do you really expect me to slog through this guy's entire biography just to get to the juicy bits?

>> No.15272367

yes get to work slave

>> No.15272524

Idk, but here's something from an older document about it

“Legal recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of deviant behavior, with the consequence of making it a model in present-day society, but would also obscure basic values which belong to the common inheritance of humanity,”

>> No.15272733

he's factually correct, Protestcucks aren't Christians, the only proper denominations are Orthodox and Catholic

>> No.15272771
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>hahahahahaha niggers and gays are stupid
>the left can't meme amirite

Ratzinger is a pseudointellectual evil wraith

>> No.15272801

The Catholic church after him did a 360 on homosexuals. The passage from the bible condemning sodomy was a cleanliness thing

>> No.15272811
File: 61 KB, 640x360, ap_vatican_christmas_tk_121225_wmain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ratzinger/Benedict is actually one of the great thinkers of the 20th Century. He's hugely underrated as a philosopher, theologian, and analyst. Everybody should read him.

Just as a beginning introduction to him, I recommend his "Jesus of Nazareth" books.

>> No.15272825

they are christians

>> No.15272826

what are his major innovations?

>> No.15272933
File: 84 KB, 600x413, chessman15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was one of the principle thinkers, and one of the brightest minds, behind the Second Vatican Council, and he considerably helped shape the Council and its approaches to various issues.

Ironically, Ratzinger/Benedict himself became significantly more pessimistic towards the Council as he got older, worried that some interpretations of it had gone too far, and that certain strains of thought coming out of the Council were detrimental to the Church overall. This is why he gradually became more "trad" as he got older, which culminated, as pope, in his apostolic letter Summorum Pontificum, which allowed for much wider celebration of the Latin Mass.

>> No.15273033

Interesting, are there any books on this and the Vatican II?

>> No.15273943

Are you talking about the anti-married priests one that came out in January?

Also, why are people surprised when the Chruch re-iterates their pro-life and anti-gay positions? Do they really expect the Church to change their minds or something?

>> No.15274567

you have no idea what youre talking about

>> No.15274596

Are you not aware of the double agent that is "Pope" Francis?

>> No.15274622

That's not "the left", silly American.

>> No.15274625

This is your bait on pol.

>> No.15274643

Why not? Decades ago legalizing homosexual marriage was something unthinkable, almost science fiction, not it's quite normal. Normalization of atrocities is the easy part.

>> No.15274668

i think the reason it provokes such shitstorms because the legal marriage which only gives legal benefits and the church-sanctioned marriage which only gives spiritual benefits are mixed up.
of course the church shouldnt marry gays if it's against the religion it follows, but matters of the state should be secular.
legal recognition will just allow things like inheritance, tax cuts, etc, and won't threaten the church in any way.

>> No.15274816

>Woah... This ex pope who oversaw rampant pedophilic abuse said he doesn't like gays... That's so based!

>> No.15274863

unironically yes. the public disdain only makes the activity juicier. more decadent, more coomersome because it's so wrong.
i would never develop this fetish if these scandals were accepted by the people.

>> No.15275188

He's a great apologist. His Introduction to Christianity was excellent, albeit aimed at an intellectual audience.

>> No.15275616

Some atheist leftists believe that the Church should "modernize". By modernize, obviously, they mean believing in the same thing they did.
They don't quite understand how the whole "we believe in God" thing works.

>> No.15275678

>did a 360 on homosexuals
>did a 360
Is this really what you intended to say anon?

>> No.15275963

literally a lie
communio gang
communio gang
communio gang

>> No.15276105
File: 3.10 MB, 2400x1600, web-gettyimages-2111027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I read Ratzinger I get an appreciation for just how smart he is. He is basically the ultimate proof that religion is not only for brainlets, because he is incredibly smart yet you are always convinced of his piety. You can tell that he really, really does love God. I'm not sure what's bigger, his intelligence or his humble love of Jesus.

>> No.15276198

Satanic scum. I mean at this point it's obvious.

>> No.15276240

>You can tell that he really, really does love God.
How? In what ways? Anything he does could be an act. Fake priests can spend their entire lives pretending to love God, and convince their communities of it, but the payoff for them comes when they rape kids.

How is it obvious to you that he's satanic? For many reasonable people he's honest. For many other also reasonable people he's evil.

>> No.15276251

You are less than shit.

>> No.15276252

/Lit is pretty based on materialism, but retarded on /x.
The guy is full of satanic symbolism, go check. All popes are, but this one in particular.

>> No.15276271

take your meds

>> No.15276277

You sound like a crazy nigga but I'll bite. Satanic symbolism could apply to anyone and anything. Link satanic symbolism as it relates to popes, and I'll follow the rest.