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15269071 No.15269071 [Reply] [Original]

I am stuck between lawyer, dentist, or politician.

>> No.15269086

Those are tired cliches that play into the reader's bias against those professions. Pick something else, something completely innocuous and unexpected. Teacher, office worker, taxi driver, I don't know, anything but those.

>> No.15269093

Surgeon, or a morgue worker. Surgeon is actually one of the most common jobs for psychopaths IRL, operating on bodies legally allows them to keep their desires at bay.

>> No.15269096


>> No.15269112
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Police Officer who kills prostitutes on the weekend.

>> No.15269126

I don’t even get why people hate dentists. It seems more like people hate going to dentists so they hate dentists.

>> No.15269132

anything woman related.
all womean are psychopaths

>> No.15269152

Dentist is least likely.
Little Shop of Horrors had that sadist dentist, but most people in the medical field are just interested in people’s well-being
Alternatives are any kind of management. That Papa Johns bitch on up to Mitt Romney types.

Lawyers and especially politicians are sociopaths.

>> No.15269164


>> No.15269168

Quite the opposite. Women are known as the more empathetic of the sexes. Hillary Clinton, Martha Stewart and Ellen Degeneres are some exceptions to the rule

>> No.15269169

Fuck off.

>> No.15269184

>Quite the opposite. Women are known as the more empathetic of the sexes.
Citation required. Where is your proof?

>> No.15269192

Software engineer

>> No.15269205

code monkey

>> No.15269219

Asked the sociopath warmonger.
Go wander into a warzone

>> No.15269229

That is such an argument. If X is Y then if X say Z that means Z is false because X is Y. Now give your citation proving this.

>> No.15269244

You want to continue the debate here?
>If you don’t have language Just fuck off. You can’t refute it, you just wont ever admit you’re wrong.
False. We have language and you think people would give you all their resources and land? Unless you have got good relationships then no(which is hard). Stealing is easier, is not good but easier. Also, even so you cannot convince every single person to give their stuff. Some people do not like to share. Even so they won't give it for free you will need to give something in exchange.
>Your argument should really just rely on ants, because in terms of scale and organization, depending on the species of ant, they wage war along very similar lines to humans, moreso than a chimp or lion.
Refuting this anon. She never disproved my point. The fact that lions, chimps and wolves do not fight like humans it does not mean they don't have wars.
Also I will reshape my previous statement.
>Yes. Battles in fact are small forms of wars.
This is better without the extra content

>> No.15269270

Can we get some context?

>> No.15269278

Butterfly and me were debaiting
Check this thread https://i.warosu.org/lit/thread/S15265785#p15267590
And also this post

>> No.15269300

Okay, found the post that started it all.

>War is not implicity bad or good. That depends on the circumstances.
>Violence will be necesary in certain occassions. Not matter what. You cannot solve all the problems through peace. There are people who will attack you no matter what.
>Femine values do not form great societies. Femine values create weak societies and weak societies are mean to be overtaked by the stronger ones.
>Peace is overrated. I am not saying we should become like a bunch of niggers and stated like savages but rather remain strong and do not ourselves to be conquered by others.
>War is indeed natural. There a countless examples of war in nature. The best ones would ants. They have waged one of the biggest war in the history of whole earth. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7_e0CA_nhaE.. War is not bad or good. Depends on the circumstances.
>Violenece as well is natural.

Anyone who disagrees with this is retarded.

>> No.15269311

they can sympathize, they don't feel anything. its just mimicry.

>> No.15269333

No, it’s women who read romance novels, worry about their kids, and “fly into hysterics”
And it is men who are told to toughen up whenever they cry, attach themselves to deadening activities like hunting, asceticism, stoicism.
These are just generalizations of course.

>> No.15269370

>No, it’s women who read romance novels,
What a great evidence of sympathy.
>worry about their kids
So fathers do not care about their kids?
>fly into hysterics
I don't know what you mean with this.
>And it is men who are told to toughen up whenever they cry,
Crying for dumb shit is not a good reason to cry. Otherwise is normal to cry if there is a good reason(a family member pass away or a tragedy happened).
>attach themselves to deadening activities like hunting, asceticism, stoicism.
What is wrong with those things? Hunting is necessary for survival. There is nothing wrong with the last two. In fact they can be good for your life in some ways.

>> No.15270840

Milk man.

>> No.15271008

Surgeon, Coroner, Doctor (physicians are soulless husks strictly chasing status, particularly from non-developed nations -- the amount of existential dread behind the latter, and baseless, bizarre authoritarian guru-ism is very much the sociopathic angle you're looking for -- you flatly decline X, they blink like a goldfish, dead eyed, and repeat the question again, followed by "Are you sure", and again)

Alternatively, Karen. Yes, the eponymous Karen -- except it's variations of helicopter/tiger mom parenting and various recapitulations of Munchausen's-by-proxy. Or the wine aunt archetype that actually produces kids and is low grade depressed/ataxic and neglectful whom is two-faced beyond compare and high manic energy, fake as fuck careerist outside the family unit (only cooks for guests to impress, microwaved hot dogs every other night). Preferably a professional title that gives the impression of credentials within a field, whilst having none -- like Tedros at the WHO in "Community Health Management", not remotely an M.D., and primarily grifting/covering up chemical weapons tests by foreigners and cholera epidemics as "severe runny diarrhea".

>> No.15271042

Kill yourself immediately. Thanks. :)

>> No.15271044

>Yes, the eponymous Karen
I refuse to acknowledge this boomer meme shit.

>> No.15271052

Pretty much every dentist I've ever had was a crook and weirdo

>> No.15271188
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Animal Rights Activist
Community Organizer
Liberal Arts Professor
Elementary School Teacher
Birthday Clown
Mechanical Engineer
PR Representative
News Anchor
Border Patrol Agent
Counter-Intelligence Agent
Political Adviser
Street Beggar
Gang Member

>> No.15271209

Being sociopath is strongly correlated with being a retard, so something like a janitor or a garbage man.

>> No.15271236
File: 89 KB, 600x1095, 7E37BEC3-E7B2-465A-834C-9112659455D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re correct. OP should have said psychopath.

>> No.15271650

>Psychopaths likely to be well educated and have a good career.

I smell bullshit.

>> No.15271657

Both are strongly correlated with being a retard.

>> No.15271681

Oh both do have mental decencies, but a psychopath can hide it. Look at any crooked CEO. Watch the Big Short. Great movie

>> No.15271724

A sociopath is just someone who doesn’t feel for others. Those who don’t care themselves end up in shit jobs.
Sociopaths often become the wealthiest. Also cops. Though they’re often just sadistic psychopaths

>> No.15271770

Dude, the psycopath in fiction has nothing to do with real life. It's like having autism. They are fucking confused by the world. They can't distinguish motivations or emotions.

>> No.15271787

>A sociopath is just someone who doesn’t feel for others.
False that would be psychopath. Sociopaths still feel empathy, not as much. They can still form attachments.
>Those who don’t care themselves end up in shit jobs.
Yes, sociopaths get involved in shit jobs and lead problematic life.
>Sociopaths often become the wealthiest.
False, sociopiaths in fact are poorer. They usually are petty criminals. You are referring to psychopaths.

>> No.15271814

Not really. Psychopaths tend to have higher iq. Sociopath on the other hand are below the average.

>> No.15271837

Nah you nigger. There is no meaningful distinction between those words and both are strongly correlated with low IQ, low income, being in jail etc.

>> No.15271843

an elementary school teacher.

>> No.15271862
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Yeah, right. Wildly low numbers.

>> No.15271899

>If X and Y are Z that means X and Y are the same
What a great argument

>> No.15272027

police officer