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File: 141 KB, 950x724, 1588549219017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15266937 No.15266937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the picture that saved /lit/

>> No.15266942

The dog knows something bad is happening.

>> No.15266950

why is this unsettling?

>> No.15266970

me in the back

>> No.15266971


>> No.15266974

I might be old fashioned but I think everyone involved in this picture should die

>> No.15266978

Dissonant elements, the things going on in this picture don't go well together

>> No.15266988

You don't need to be a philosopher to know this is degenerate behavior.

>> No.15266990
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 1583508296770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adorno would consider it art then

>> No.15267001

ITT: hoighty toighty cock smoking weenies get their panties in a bunch of slampigs doing what slampigs do.

>> No.15267005

This is the world conservatives want back

>> No.15267006

Even the dog

>> No.15267018

They’re unattractive people enjoying themselves. This is why some people tell you there’s no such thing as “incel”

Beer ball and bjs? Really?

It isn’t really. Doesn’t belong on a blue board, but it’s pretty healthy behavior

>> No.15267022

Yes and he's right.

>> No.15267026

its just 3 old folks sitting and their wives giving them blowjob while they are drinking and having good time watching tv yet something unsettling about it.

>> No.15267033
File: 619 KB, 1022x731, Napalm(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15267042

Americans want to be Rome so bad

>> No.15267047

Are you so desperate for a cum tribute that you find it necessary to respond to shit like this? You're that starved of male attention? There's a thread for you in the catalog right now.

>> No.15267051


>> No.15267052

Why are boomers like this?

>> No.15267057

Who the fuck sets up the couch like that during a game?

>> No.15267058
File: 201 KB, 894x663, 3174C8B7-5B91-40D6-9AD8-C759BE1365DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t like your penis and cum talk. Leave me out of it.

>> No.15267061

It's performative. It's set up so the photo viewer can see the act and the game at the same time.

>> No.15267062

for me its the fact that everyone is looking at the TV. the whole scene looks like a typical "bro" hangout for boomers: guys hanging out , drinking beer, eating chips, and watching sports. except for some reason there are three fat bitches giving three guys BJ's. it begs the question as to why they are paying no attention to the blowjobs they are currently receiving. its a normal scene that presents a mystery at the same time.

>> No.15267063

Honestly the only thing truly unsettling to me is that they are doing it in the presence of each other, as well in the presence of people not even participating. Of course, getting a blowjob from your ugly wife on the couch while watching the football is not inherently wrong, but it's the group aspect that is deeply unnerving to me.

>> No.15267064

Unhealthy food (and people), alcohol, television, and a group sex act. It's not "wrong", but the image feels like sludge. An image like this is the reason why people use the term "degenerate". These people look like they've degenerated. I'm with the dog on this one.

>> No.15267067

Fucking right, do you see the thread you're bumping?

>> No.15267086

The wide angle, darkness outside the window, the contrived nature of their mannerisms, visibly upset dog, dumpy boomers being gross.

>> No.15267095

They’re old and really out of shape.
People use the word degenerate to refer to their having group sex. That kind of person is a degenerate prude.
The people in the photo could look better in a non-capitalist world. “Burgerpunk” has worn them besides age.

I didn’t post it

>> No.15267113
File: 37 KB, 534x537, EOup32qX0AMuPA_.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what David Foster Wallace would have called Lynchian

>> No.15267123

>saved /lit/
What did OP mean by this?

>> No.15267132
File: 100 KB, 615x678, 1557345467798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15267140

Are you a moderator?

>> No.15267143

can someone shopthe op image to one of those “fashwave” styles and put the caption “THEY TOOK THIS FROM YOU”

thanks in advance

>> No.15267146

disgusting reply

>> No.15267152

If the mods are here, this thread wouldnt be up

>> No.15267156

Do Americans really?
Quick /lit/ write a caption/short story about OPs picture

>> No.15267160

im honestly getting south america upper middle class vibes from this

>> No.15267161

>comes into a thread about sexual degeneracy defending sex positivity and the benighn nature of sexual expression
>I don’t like your penis and cum talk. Leave me out of it
Why are women like this? I knew one girl who wanted me to choke her and spit down her throat and pretend she was an animal, and she would ruthlessly ridicule and mock people with foot fetishes... Cognitive dissonance on steroids

>> No.15267165

are you surprised? it's /lit/

>> No.15267170

>fox sports
>not american
own up to your degeneracy amerimutt

>> No.15267172

This image exposes the traumatic Real of the sexual act.

>> No.15267173
File: 584 KB, 842x432, 1556238118527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The people in the photo could look better in a non-capitalist world

>> No.15267179

Maybe if we keep bumping this the janitard will wake up and do their job.

>> No.15267191

>its just

>> No.15267193

Tbf the picture has less nudity that some coffeeposts people do here

>> No.15267194
File: 79 KB, 596x1008, 4F4DE2C5-27FF-4B0F-8072-84F99F9A54B3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can someone shopthe op image to one of those “fashwave” styles and put the caption “THEY TOOK THIS FROM YOU”

>thanks in advance

>> No.15267200

Ok, I'm gonna say it since no else has...

>imagine the smell

>> No.15267202

Given how much our society values physical beauty and glamorizes sex, it's not entirely surprising that ugly people having sex would be surprising to the sheltered people on this board

>> No.15267210

It is performative masculinity, an unspeakably vulgar masculinity -beer, doritos, blowjobs and American football. The impression is these men envision themselves as, in some way, Alpha, and this is their vision of Alpha behaviour, but it's so cheap by comparison to whatever unpacked notions of masculinity and Alpha behaviour I have, I cannot but cringe, disgusted and confused.

>> No.15267217

Nothing wrong with it, just some boomers getting blown. I'd rather be them than some r9k faglord

>> No.15267216

Well said

>> No.15267224

>our society values physical beauty
God forbid

>> No.15267228
File: 953 KB, 1360x1020, 1E8C505E-674D-499F-8180-8D7D5EC2353B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likes asphyxiation
>hates footfags
That’s contradictory. But I’m not being contradictory

Yup. Read this please. It’s nice.

>> No.15267229

Fuck off, dont even pretend you know the world and how it works from shitposting in your goblin dungeon all day

>> No.15267230

Where did I do any kind of moral judgement on that post?

>> No.15267234

Does the dog get involved?

>> No.15267237

William Morris was a fucking LARPing autist

>> No.15267239

too based

>> No.15267240

>I knew one girl who wanted me to choke her and spit down her throat and pretend she was an animal, and she would ruthlessly ridicule and mock people with foot fetishes
Based. Women getting choked and spat on is hot, foot fetishes are cringe

>> No.15267244
File: 6 KB, 250x226, 1512017769510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>AN ACADEMIC DEFINITION of Lynchian might be that the term "refers to a particular kind of irony where the very macabre and the very mundane combine in such a way as to reveal the former's perpetual containment within the latter." But like postmodern or pornographic, Lynchian is one of those Porter Stewart-type words that's ultimately definable only ostensively-i.e., we know it when we see it. Ted Bundy wasn't particularly Lynchian, but good old Jeffrey Dahmer, with his victims' various anatomies neatly separated and stored in his fridge alongside his chocolate milk and Shedd Spread, was thoroughgoingly Lynchian. A recent homicide in Boston, in which the deacon of a South Shore church reportedly gave chase to a vehicle that bad cut him off, forced the car off the road, and shot the driver with a highpowered crossbow, was borderline Lynchian. A Rotary luncheon where everybody's got a comb-over and a polyester sport coat and is eating bland Rotarian chicken and exchanging Republican platitudes with heartfelt sincerity and yet all are either amputees or neurologically damaged or both would be more Lynchian than not. A hideously bloody street fight over an insult would be a Lynchian street fight if and only if the insultee punctuates every kick and blow with an injunction not to say fucking anything if you can't say something fucking nice.

>> No.15267245

This is real humanity outside of media-representation. If you think people don't engage in this style of behavior, then you're deluded from consumption of too much media. This behavior has always been with humanity, going beyond ancient Greece.


You ever been to a frat house?
This is the same thing +20 years.

>> No.15267246

Why are the slampig's feet so dirty?

>> No.15267249

I prefer gentle footfemdom thank you very much

>> No.15267256

that poor dog has the best sense of smell in the whole room, and there's a bag of chips there too, all it wants is a few chips but the smell of balls and ass is covering it up

the dog is the main character here, i think, a dog's lament

>> No.15267264

that girl was right

>> No.15267268

What was the discussion where they were planning this like?

>> No.15267270

What are the other two guys thinking?

>> No.15267271

>if you think getting sucked off by your fat wife while you watch football with your friends who are also sucked off by their fat wife isn't normal human behaviour, you've been corrupted by the media
hmmm... quite the thesis.

>> No.15267275

Dangerous, lad.

>> No.15267276

the point is she was all sex positivity and progressive feminism for the kinks she was into, and kink shamed the fuck out of anything she didn't enjoy. modern progressive feminists aren't sex positive, they are sex fascists.

>> No.15267279

>tfw no gf

>> No.15267281

What the fuck I love progressive feminists now.

>> No.15267286

Based /sp/ poster
>me, sitting at the table
book for this feeling?

>> No.15267291

>all kinks are created equal

t. never read Freud

>> No.15267293

that was very DFW-like but still very readable, great job anon

>> No.15267305

>t. never read Freud

>> No.15267307

That's a long way of saying "I'm mad and lack reading comprehension"

Read >>15267230

>> No.15267309

Notes from Underground

>> No.15267312
File: 6 KB, 415x416, 1588368124123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men are genuinely retarded.

>> No.15267319

what are you talking about. its literally an excerpt from one of his essays.

>> No.15267323

stop LARPing as DFW, anon

>> No.15267327

>daddy fingered my pussy when I was 12 and now I'm afraid of masculinity

>> No.15267329

fellatio, fellatiate, fellatiative, fellatiation, fellatiationing

>> No.15267330

>this one girl is all like...
>therefore all girls are like...
You people do this all the damn time

>> No.15267331

Public coomers should be subject to corporal punishment. Men have forgotten the importance of chastity and purity and it needs to be beaten back into them. Adulterers, public masturbators, men who cavort with prostitutes, etc. should be subject to punishment, ideally through whipping or beating.

>> No.15267333
File: 78 KB, 836x543, in the car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked it up
>it IS

Holy fucking shit

>> No.15267335


>> No.15267338

No books can be discerned.

>> No.15267340

holy basado...

>> No.15267344

People who do [thing that goes against my individual values and sensibilities] should be subjected to [estate punishment]. I must hereby rally [equally-minded individuals] to expose enough [fear-mongering emotional arguments] as to convince neutrals that they too think this.

A brief history of democracy

>> No.15267345

Why do I get the feeling your bedroom smells like a Weinerschnitzel's?

>> No.15267346

i only visit /lit/ to rescue you from yourself but you are making it really hard for me

>> No.15267347
File: 40 KB, 410x598, 1581097731305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh anon, your phone is ringing

>> No.15267348

Women are retarded.

>> No.15267350

flashbacks to your daddy's dick cheese

>> No.15267353

what did Freud say the bad kinks are

>> No.15267354

wow the jannies really don't care do they?

>> No.15267356

Thanks to this pic, I have come to like the black race more.

>> No.15267358

and I'd agree

>> No.15267361
File: 9 KB, 231x226, 1511842165630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15267363

It is rather Lynchian

>> No.15267365

Freud didnt have a ranked list of kinks, retard. Freud conceptualized the source of kinks to be from a plethora of environmental variables that had different degrees of validity.

>> No.15267366


>> No.15267371

Femdom is as pathetic as it gets if you’re a man
That’s based though, some kinks like women (and also twinks under the age of 21) getting dominated by me are based whilst others like femdom and feet are cringe

>> No.15267372

I didn't allege you made any moral judgment, and if you are denying "This is real humanity outside of media-representation. If you think people don't engage in this style of behavior, then you're deluded from consumption of too much media" translates to "if you think getting sucked off by your fat wife while you watch football with your friends who are also sucked off by their fat wife isn't normal human behaviour, you've been corrupted by the media," you're simply a twit. If that isn't what you meant, it isn't lack of reading comprehension on my part, but inability to communicate effectively on yours.

>> No.15267373

You should bathe more.

>> No.15267379
File: 85 KB, 300x300, 2D49D2F9-A244-4A81-97C3-7912AF7C0FC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, based department calling?

>> No.15267382
File: 57 KB, 910x752, 19998BFF-D666-4E4E-BFCF-E03F11175D68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butterfly this is one of the few replies of yours that has actually repulsed me. I don't usually mind your tripfagging but that is just unacceptable sort yourself out

>> No.15267383
File: 414 KB, 704x528, RfTInze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>year 2020
>still supporting democracy