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15265483 No.15265483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will our future look something like this? How will future generations view this period? Will literature tell about it?

>> No.15265528

Fuck I hate this shit meme.
And this one in particular is very narrow minded doomer shit.
Stop watching MSM and find out what else is happening in the world

>> No.15265533

You'll go out of quarantine in 2 months. That's it. The most eventful emergency of your generation will be staying inside for less than half a year. Your grandfather had D Day, his father bayonets on Western front and you'll have cancelled Netflix mid-quarantine

>> No.15265567

We still don't know what this virus is capable of

>> No.15265566

Just saw I agreed with butterfly, scratch all above, the future is doomed and this virus will kill at least 100 million people

>> No.15265664

There’s likely to be a covid23 or covid28 or whatever, but what else is happen under the cover of this darkness, isn’t anyone paying attention to?
Here we face a medical emergency/disaster, and congress and the White House jump quickly to sign into law bailouts for the wealthiest people in the nation. Nothing concerning healthcare except a promise to pay for the care (no law on that yet last I heard)
Bottom line. We’re heading into a depression, and not just because of the supply line disruption. And even if Wall Street is fine, there’s going to be more homeless. OWS will be joined by two or three times their numbers in protests.

>> No.15265674

Have you been Maupinpilled yet? I've seen you mention him a few times

>> No.15265680

idk I think if it were going to end the world it would have happened by now. Seems it might absolutely wreck the economy for the next decade though

>> No.15265690


>> No.15265692

Just break the quarantine. Boomers are long overdue on their deaths, it would also be nice to depopulate

>> No.15265709

That's the plan anyway, just can't have that many people dying at once so they are staggering it

>> No.15265710

Have I? I’ve seen a few of his segments.
Oh yeah, someone started a thread with a video of his. What about him?

>it would also be nice to depopulate
That’s exactly what the upperclass want. For you to die.

>> No.15265722

>That’s exactly what the upperclass want. For you to die.

>> No.15265728

>What about him?
I just like the kind of socialism he advocates for.

>> No.15265736

The global elite are Malthusian as fuck

>> No.15265742

Lol no, idpol culture killed any chance for Occupy 2.0. People will just complain about how black people and women got it worse.

>> No.15265754

>idpol culture killed any chance for Occupy 2.0
if idpol can kill what emerged before it, then someting which comes after idol can kill idpol. read heraclitus you dumb faggot

>> No.15265760

Yeah i'm kind of pissed that Boomers are determined to ruin the the economy once again by clinging to their mortal coil.
Oh boo hoo, death isn't inherently bad, we need a good portion of the people on this planet to die if the human race is to survive, it'll happen in one way or another this century anyway.
I agree the rich need to be eaten though.

>> No.15265769

>Boomers are determined to ruin the the economy once again by clinging to their mortal coil.
boomers are the ones who want to end the quarantine prematurely because they're retards
>we need a good portion of the people on this planet to die if the human race is to survive
no we don't, we need technological innovation

>> No.15265790

Lolyes. I’m talking about MAGA and a whole lot of in-betweener. We have more in common than you want to admit.
Idpol “culture” is a psyops. The dumbest ones will keep falling for it (4chin) but numbers will likely grow.
You neets aren’t aware of the growing labor movement

>> No.15265793

It's hard for leftists, whose most effective form of propaganda is based around messages of uplifting an oppressed class, to convincingly sidestep the idpol stuff, who are making much the same form of argument.

>> No.15265796

btw, Maupin is having a livestream tonight where he plans on discussing where he wants to go forward with socialism in America, his organization etc. you should stop by and check it out

>> No.15265803

>I agree the rich need to be eaten though.
So get your knife and fork

>> No.15265806

Leave the internet and try real life for a while. Idpol is completely marginal on the left globally, even in the US it's not as huge of a problem as people here make it out to be

>> No.15265816

Can you give me the name of a big European leftist group, so I can go look at their website and see how much idpol stuff is there

>> No.15265821

they'll always find you more useful wageslaving for them and ensuring the wages don't go up

>> No.15265823
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Neat. Will do

>> No.15265826

im not european, i don't know which groups are the "big ones" there. im more interested in authors and public persons. but if you look into any major leftist protest in europe you will see they are almost never motivated by idpol. most of these protests are economic in nature.

>> No.15265834

it's called "the contradictions of the system". they need the labor and consumer pool but they want to kill the filthy masses as well. they are schizo

>> No.15265911

I don't think that's true nowadays. Perhaps in a qualified way. It was true that they were malthusian during the second half of the 20th century, however, this is because they thought that increasing the population would lead to greater impoverishment and a more receptive attitude towards Communism (and thus towards the USSR). However, a few things happened: the USSR fell, population control worked TOO well, and China's success showed that population is power. Now, developed countries are running out of people and are struggling to find sources of demand for their products and a tax base for their pension system. But the people currently in power are also children of the 60s and are loathe to do something like reverse the Sexual Revolution to increase the population, so immigration is the best idea they can come up with.

>> No.15265920

What else is happening in the world tripfren?

>> No.15265923

They are still Malthusian as hell. Like Bill Gates, for example

>> No.15265929

Can you give me any sort of person or organization I can go look up

>> No.15265947

Where are you from? if the US, then i suggest keeping a distance from socialist orgs, they are extremely factional and petty (not for idpol reasons though)

>> No.15265955
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>it's another wojak edit

>> No.15265967

I think that's just Gates and a few others. As far as I know, Gates thinks that promoting contraception in Africa is the best way to reduce their infant mortality rate and fight poverty. Gates' wife (who I suspect is the main driver of Gates' efforts in Africa by now) feels that contraception is the core of female equality. It honestly seems more like an SJW initiative at this point than a cold economic calculation.

Anyone who's involved with finance has realized the dangers of rapid population decline by now.

>> No.15265987

By the way, if we keep on the trend of 1.3 children per women, that's around a 70% population decline over 3 generations. That's a disastrous demand/tax base reduction.

>> No.15266217

It won't be that bad but it won't be good. We'll never go back to the pre-COVID world. There's a reason every politican, news anchor, and corporate talking head keeps talking about "the new normal".
Amazon is basically going to take over the world. In fact, they'll probably be de facto the most powerful entity on the planet. Every other company is dead in the water except for them, they're going to make out like bandits. All their smaller competition is starving to death, so they'll all get bought out. We'll be experiencing a whole new level of megacorp centralization on every level of society - small businesses are a thing of the past.
Most of the population had reacted with extreme panic and is saying that the state didn't go far enough with the authoritarian measures. They will be happy to oblige. Everyone hates the boomer protesters, libertarian/anarhcist values are effectively extinct. If you think the police state and mass surveillance are bad now, you have not seen anything yet. Protests, big concerts, etc. are all dead.
A lot of schools and jobs have learned that most people don't need to be physically on sight to do their work. They're realizing that you can work from home just as well. But you are extremely naive if you assume that means you will have more free time and/or freedom... you will be on call 24/7 and be expected to put in even more work.

>> No.15266262

Honestly pretty terryfing, almost like my picture

>> No.15266276

Here. The point he makes near the end about our being in the greatest civilizational crisis
This system needs to change/stop asap.

>> No.15266285

I don't think the virus will be a permanent problem though, just that the "emergency measures" to fight it won't go away and the economic impact is going to be a longterm problem. The USA is an oligarchy so the giant companies got bailed out while the people did not. The American technocracy will swallow the planet and the heightened surveillance state will make sure you don't go out and protest.

>> No.15266308

Also related

>> No.15266325

>/pol/ and trads cheer on coronavirus because it's the death knell for globalization
>Gets replaced by woke corporate technocracy that you can't protest against or migrate away from

>> No.15266373

>skip to random section in this speech
>describes himself crying over some wogs yelling "death to America!"

>> No.15266379

thanks for this

>> No.15266396

It's not depopulating the planet though. I saw something that like the predicted amount of people who normally die at time period is only a few thousand less than the virus death toll....

>> No.15266402

america has killed millions of people in the mideast. it's easy for you from the comfort of your mom's basement to have a cavalier attitude about it, but he's a journalist who goes to the middle of the action and has to see this shit with his own eyes

>> No.15266412

Do watch the whole thing, but I mean the last 15 minutes when he describes historical crises that spawn new ages.

>> No.15266458

Literally crying over it because some people chanted at a rally is sad. Then the next minute he goes into a bit about how there's two Americas and how one fought for gay rights and women's equality. Bitch that mindset is a nontrivial factor in why Iran views the US as the Great Satan.

>> No.15266474

>Feeling is literally sad!
You’re a sociopath. And that’s sad.

>> No.15266486

>Bitch that mindset is a nontrivial factor in why Iran views the US as the Great Satan.
Iran has and practically condones literal trannies
>Literally crying over it because some people chanted at a rally is sad
you've never been an any extreme or powerful situation in your entire life lmao. have you ever traveled alone? ever been in a war zone? ever been homeless? ever done anything besides compulsory education and wage cuckery? stfu. you have no life experience

>> No.15266527

It's not about simply feeling sad per se, but about not understanding that a big reason why Iran hates the US is that they view it as wanting to impose views that are frankly quite close to Caleb's at gunpoint. The US hasn't invaded Iran. Iran has been saying "Death to America!" since day one of the Revolution. I also hate America (but for different reasons), but this is nothing more than a regime story like the US's narrative about muh Revolution.

Yes, because they're so anti-gay that they view homosexuality as impossible and require the men to become women.

>> No.15266540

what happens when a no-shit superbug with like a 30% mortality rate starts spreading? who are we gonna sacrifice then?

>> No.15266547

>Iran has been saying "Death to America!" since day one of the Revolution
kek, no shit. do you know anything about the background of the iranian revolution?

>> No.15266643

Yes, my whole point is that getting so sad that someone doesn't like your country due to foreign policy meddling is ridiculous, especially when your country has never invaded the country in question. This is a common feature of English-speaking socialism that dates back to the beginnings of the movement, it's always sentimental. "Oh my gosh, so and so doesn't like us! We need to be nicer and establish socialism!" What does he think "Socialism" is going to look like without meddling in, or outright invading, other countries, to impose a dictatorship of the proletariat and exterminate class enemies?

>> No.15266647

Boomers, jews, the rich...

>> No.15266714
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Idpol has outside backing and approval.
Amazon was just caught using it to discourage unionizing.
OWS was an organic movement that the power structure is trying to suppress. It won't come back until the anger is beyond control. Seems a dangerous strategy considering the French revolution happened once.

>> No.15266730

>that pic
Wtf? Is that real? Fucking parades.

>> No.15266785
File: 455 KB, 783x785, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maupin (who was mentioned earlier in thread) just posted this tweet. im having a very hard time deciphering his motive for making it. seems really random and out of place

>> No.15266816

Seems like a little unity outreach nudge is all.

>> No.15266822

>Israel, where mockery and contempt for Jesus is often heard
Sounds anti-Semitic to me.

>> No.15266826

how tripfaggy of you

>> No.15266835
File: 1001 KB, 140x160, BF2BEAA9-4154-44EE-A810-5C1CFF91A0E3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15266885

Yes. Not crying over everything like a child makes you a sociopath. Here is an example of a mentally healthy person to teach those 4chan rascals a lesson concerning proper behaviour.

>> No.15266903

at the end of the speech he decries violent revolutions as "bad situations we don't want to be in" after praising Lenin and Stalin, while saying that Marxists "oppose violence" but he considers the Russian Revolution "self-defense". absolute dunce

>> No.15266914

the russian revolution was organized to end ww1. the bolsheviks were not the only participants. they formed a coalition around the goal of ending the war. that's why the german kaiser financially supported them

>> No.15267045
File: 20 KB, 600x680, 92d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idpol has no influence on European leftism
>no, I can't name a single European leftist group

>> No.15267091

butterfag on schizo med alert, lads watch this one for me please

>> No.15267496

Based contrarian dubba-dubs poster

>> No.15267516
File: 43 KB, 828x450, 1582190237372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the future:

1. white people will become minorites in their own countries
2. china will surpass the west economically
3. extreme weather events, droughts, wildfires, will multiply and sea levels will rise
4. the virus is a non issue that will effect nothing