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15263621 No.15263621 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit

>> No.15263772

Yes, this series is fantastic.
Has anyone read the canonized fan fic? Was it any good?

>> No.15263800

i would respond to your post in any other fashion had you actually tried typing anything beyond two words
this way however, i have no other option but to brand it as a low effort post
good day

>> No.15263810
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>> No.15263926

Read the second and third book!

He cant write characters to save his life. And he doesnt know shit about sociology.
It´s the age old Stemlord think he knows anything about social sciences stick.

Three body problem : 7/10
dark forest :8/10
end of time : 2/10

>> No.15263949

pretty fun, not "holy shit" for me.
What I want to see is the fucking stage play:

>> No.15264127

Death's End was 5/10 atleast...

>> No.15264165
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>if Liu would no more about social sciences the trilogy would be better than it is

>> No.15264665

I don't want to spend my time reading these, could you summarize why the last book nosedives so bad, I'm assuming related to the Stemlord attempting to wrap up the narrative?

>> No.15264680

It's by a different author.

>> No.15264943

Death's End neither takes a nosedive nor is it written by another author. Don't listen to the schizos and fucking read it, it's not like you have anything better to do when you are here.

>> No.15264968
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Not Death's End, the latest book in the 3 body universe

>> No.15264985


tbp: 6/10. would have worked better if he developed the simulation aspect as it related to the players, instead of just as a backdrop to the lore.

tdf: 7/10. strong military scifi with a mindblowingly brilliant stratagem. could easily have been an 8 or higher, but it had too many ends that didn't cohesively develop its main theme, and it's just not well rounded enough to have delivered a truly satisfying emotional payoff, which here would have been desired, due to its humanistic themes.

DE: 4/10. not that bad, though a tad overlong. i don't want to talk about it.

>> No.15264996

its not even by liu?

>> No.15265009

Liu said he didn't like it.

>> No.15265015

It's not, he gave approval for it though if that means anything to you.

>> No.15265039

>He cant write characters to save his life. And he doesnt know shit about sociology.
It´s the age old Stemlord think he knows anything about social sciences stick.

ehh kind of, but it was a load better than Neal Stephenson's SevenEves which decided to jettison all sociology for pages and pages of docking manoeuvres.

Three Body Problem was great and lots of the concepts have stuck with me ever since I read it.

>> No.15265172

cause the scifi aspect manages to hold the narrative over water so you dont have to think of the characters too much.

This shows first weaknesses in book 2 but the climax overshadows it so no one cares.

Book 3 are full on anime characters.
Just imagine how r9k would write about woman just without the hate.
The fact that the author knows about tulpas makes me especially suspicious.

He should have wrote with a co author

>> No.15266759

>The fact that the author knows about tulpas makes me especially suspicious.
kek source please
also AA A CUTE

>> No.15266836

>tfw I liked Death's End better
also I found Cixin's Devourer and The Wandering Earth really enjoyable
can you recommend me more melancholic epic scope sci-fi please?

>> No.15266846

anyone read this in mandarin? debating purchasing it for a graded reader

>> No.15266888
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He writes like 2 chapters in book 2 on how to hallicunate your own tulpa.

His wife helps him and when he finally succeeds
he asks her if she betrayed him with a tulpa and she says fucking yes.

It makes me kind of sad for the author if we hadnt to suffer through his writings, like i said a co author would have solved it and he has some amazing subversions scifi wise.

>> No.15267476

>Book 3 are full on anime characters.
You now remember this chink had the nerve to pat himself on the shoulder by having a literary committee of world experts praise his made up stories.

>> No.15267614


you no remember
that there is a a bunch of chapters where a alien inhibits a japanese samurai android waifu
who is swinging her katana at lowly humans too fast for them to react slicing their limbs off while giving a speech a 14 year old egelord would write...

Dude just accept that even if his sci fi is great his characters are below a netflix series level

>> No.15267642

I liked the first book but don't want to put in the effort for the next two if they suck

>> No.15267689

The aliens allowed that kidnapped guy to meet another person. But they threaten to blow everything up if he divulges any of their technological secrets. So, he makes up a few stories with their secrets coded into the story. When the person who met him goes back to Earth and retells the stories, a committee of world experts on literature are brought in to analyze the stories and discover if there's anything coded in.
The first thing they do is praise the kidnapped guy for coming up with beautiful stories or something like that.
That's the author being self congratulatory inside his own writing.
>Dude just accept
huh? I thought his novels were absolutely terrible. The only slightly interesting aspect was some of the world building.

>> No.15267700

I fear that before reading it, everyone I see praising it is a steambug redditshitter.

>> No.15267712

It's fanfic, but 10/10 fanfic.

>> No.15267718

Why did he canonize it?

>> No.15267733
File: 45 KB, 465x622, Intergalatic Cosmopolitan Aliens!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous 05/04/20(Mon)02:37:27 No.15263
Americans are moved into a destroyed future where cosmopolitan aliens move other speices to different planets for their own good.
Was this author secretly based?

>> No.15267832
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The magazine Liu worked for decided to publish it. It was originally posted online just for the lols

>> No.15268669

>eh it was bad but this unrelated thing I brought up for no reason is worse so...
fuck yourself