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/lit/ - Literature

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15260574 No.15260574 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books you got recommended to you by your gf/wife.
This girl I dated in college made me read Hans Fallada who has since become one of my absolute favourites and I am forever grateful to her.

>> No.15260640

literally my bookshelf

>> No.15260647

>how to summon the spirit of Hitler (pbuh)
Kek good one twitter thot

>> No.15260650

>War war war war

>> No.15260651
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>What are some books you got recommended to you by your gf/wife.
oh epic, can't wait for the tfwnogf posters to bump this pointless thread to 300 replies

>> No.15260686


>> No.15260814


haha just BEE yourself for once

>> No.15260824
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>> No.15260875

>silent Russian journey boy

Wtf is she on about with that one?

>> No.15260890

probably dostoyevsky

>> No.15260899

Ex made me read Anna Karenina (I was reluctant to read a book about a woman but I was glad I finally read it...)

>> No.15260901

tfw no gf

>> No.15260904
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hey I got a tip for you

>> No.15260913

how do i stop hating women

>> No.15260921

this but unironically

>> No.15260927
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>> No.15260957

>peace he upon bim

>> No.15260959

It miserable when women say they hate reading classic lit (because it’s ostensibly for men).When a woman says this they’re claiming that they’re either too stupid to understand, or that the gulf between the sexes so huge that they’re unable to appreciate any writing produced by the opposite. Why would you admit to being a retard who can’t understand the experience of different perspectives?

>> No.15260971


>> No.15260978

>gulf between the sexes so huge that they’re unable to appreciate any writing produced by the opposite
There are very few female authors I enjoy, theres probably some merit to this.

>> No.15260998

Those books sound great

>> No.15261006


>> No.15261044

what's wrong with any of these books? bitch needs to stop thinking fucking saddle club is the apex of human literature

>> No.15261136

top books "your" gf want to read
-new york times bestseller
-new york times bestseller
-new york times bestseller
-new york times bestseller
-new york times bestseller

>> No.15261218

more like
>Cabalistic writings of Aleister Crowley
>new york times bestseller
>an anthology of Georgian poetry
>Gaia's Garden

>> No.15261238

missing milk and honey.

>> No.15261249
File: 227 KB, 577x929, Screenshot_20200503-203111_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traveling female falls in love with tall dark foreign man
>a blonde man and a dark haired man fight over a woman
>a women overcomes oppression
>a literal childrens story
>date rape

>> No.15261261


Top CAPTCHAs Your Boyfriend Wants to Solve

>> No.15261272

gf gave me The Dalkey Archive for Christmas, was very fun. We're reading Julian of Norwich at the moment.

>> No.15261291


>> No.15261295

most women admit they are too stupid to read non-ficiton.

>> No.15261307

I read the Time Traveler's Wife for a girlfriend once. Terrible mistake.

>> No.15261328


>> No.15261333


What were actually reading when you translate from retarded female language.

Mein Kampf.
Being and Time.
Crime and punishment.
Blood Meridian.
Heart of Darkness.

>> No.15261461

>The yoga of power
>Persuasion and Rhetoric
>Crime and punishment
>Blood meridian OR storm of steel
>any Conrad book

>> No.15261629


how do I summon hitler bros

>> No.15261634

Why women pretend to be retarded online?

>> No.15261670

Kawabata Yasunari's Snow Country
Mishima Yukio's Confessions of a Mask

>> No.15261689

it's shopped you mongs, the tweet was about movies

>> No.15261714

This is much more accurate than the original

>> No.15261746

an ex girlfriend gave me a copy of one hundred years of solitude. it was her favourite book.
i loved it. i miss her.

>> No.15261766

Lady Bovary is very so-called gfcore

>> No.15261801

I do not have a gf or a wife, but a girl once recommended I read Guy de Maupassant and it was a real solid rec. Other than that I mostly get good book recommendations from my grandmother who's a retired teacher of german; Stefan Zweig, Thomas Mann, and a bunch of great swedish literature. I only wish I'd have grown up sooner; she's in her mid 80s and lives several hours away, and I fear that she'll just be gone one day and I won't have had the chance to properly converse with her about our shared interest.

>> No.15261819

this is genuinely funny - pol told me women were incapable of this - what else is false!

>> No.15261845

She recommended me Three Men In A Boat which is still the funniest book I've ever read. Also The Emperor of Maladies which was a great read.

>> No.15261849

>war war war

But do we need another "lol women are dumb and only read crap" thread?

>> No.15261943

Most times I just ignore their inane suggestions the only ones I've read on their recs were "The Handmaid's Tale" and "Matches" IIRC some book by a New York jew in Israel in the Israel army terrorizing Palestinians or whatever.
Didn't particularly care for either one, the latter was okay but kinda pointless the former was like clearly submissive erotic fetishist bullshit lol. Funnily enough when I returned "The Handmaid's Tale" to the library the chick there was all like omg that's my favorite book, should have segwayed that into banging her, she was a qt and I ended things with my gf soon after anyway.

>> No.15261948

jfc I'm a retard

>> No.15261993

You should have told her to read hans fellatio

>> No.15262002


>> No.15262021



>> No.15262070

I too would like to know

>> No.15262114

She's unfortunately not my gf but the Russian girl I'm in love with recommended The Golovlyov Family, which ended up being one of the better books I read in recent years.

>> No.15262139

Good old Oblomov

>> No.15262140

My gf feels bad because she sees me reading and she’s doesn’t. I just tell her to read something and she‘ll try for five minutes and drop it for something else. She has a degree in anthropology.

>> No.15262548

Most fiction is for faggots, that's why they don't like it, they want real men who live by action.

>> No.15262566
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>> No.15262612


>> No.15262632

Why do most /lit/ posters?

>> No.15262634

How you guys don’t talk about boats?

Also, what is this phub shit?

>> No.15262670

Oh okay, nm.

Stop hating. Stop resenting monolithic concepts, misconceived or not, stop erecting bogeymen to roast at your mental alter.
Recognize that there are things to hate, individuals, but stop there too. It isn’t enough to hate individual women, or individual men, or even finding fault in yourself. *Recognize* why they say or behave in this way.

>> No.15262683

>Recognize that there are things to hate
Sort of like a tripfag?

>> No.15262742

Just Anonymize, anon. Don't give the mentally ill the attention they crave, and hopefully they'll kill themselves eventually

>> No.15263194


>> No.15263205

Did she fuck up (pbuh) or is (phub) something different

>> No.15263214

>tfw no gf

>> No.15263273

You have to be in the know to know, you know?

>> No.15263329

>tfw no gf

>> No.15263357
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I think that's just a typo. My coomer brain has made the same exact same one at least twice

>> No.15263387

>tfw no gf

>> No.15263494 [DELETED] 



>> No.15263520

it says "phub" (pornhub)

>> No.15263536

absolutely BTFO

>> No.15263539


>> No.15263565
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>the same exact same one at least twice

>> No.15263588
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milk and honey is the nyt bestseller of our times

>> No.15263598

it's obviously a joke
how do you get to be so un self aware

>> No.15263605

Invitation to a Beheading, Bartleby & Co.

>> No.15263656

I get the distinct feeling that this poster has a vagina. Why is this?

>> No.15263869


>> No.15263880

very accurate

>> No.15263883

Boats is a masterpiece.

>> No.15263885


>> No.15263965

>Hans Fallada

I'm in need of a German author or author in German anyway. God help you OP if he ends up being a bore.

>> No.15264321

How can one picture cause so much seethe

>> No.15264358
File: 1.19 MB, 1080x648, 09-18-48-1588200454140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be the only funny observation made by a w*man in the history of the universe

>> No.15264489
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>> No.15264773
