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File: 96 KB, 350x350, Theodore_Kaczynski_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15260157 No.15260157 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth reading?

>> No.15260193

its a pretty good critique on leftism. people think its about technology still because of the title, so feel free to borrow some of his arguments if you want to crush a degenerate.

>> No.15260195

Some anon said Jacques Ellul is a better read but I've read neither, naturally.

>> No.15260200

Read what? All I see there is a picture. Can you read a picture? A picture may be worth a thousand words but you don't read a picture. You observe a picture.
Now, is that picture worth observing? Yes, I would say so. Look at how defeated he is. He's defeated because he knows he is a manlet. His entire life he has tried to fool himself into thinking that he is of average height, yet when forced in a position where his height is clearly shown by the chart on the wall, his entire psyche crashes.

>> No.15260203

Well it depends.

He is not stupid. Ideas are very sound.

But he doesn't really make good arguments for his ideals.

So what do you like? Good ideas? Or a little more gusto?

>> No.15260214
File: 38 KB, 250x250, le shiggy click.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't read the height chart

>> No.15260215

He was an eminent mathematician, even if he became more famous for his side job

>> No.15260269

What the fuck, didn't he write a letter to one of his professors saying math is useless or something?

>> No.15260278

That was right before he started to get really schizo, so it's probably connected.

>> No.15260293

wtf was uncle ted a manlet

>> No.15260347

hes actually 5'9

the mark after 5'0 is 5'5

>> No.15260354

Daily reminder he received thousand of nudes and love declaration from female admires once he got in prison and he was creeped out of it until he found a nice girl who he married but she died and he got very sad over it

>> No.15260356

ohhh ok, my dumbass didn't realize that the space between the two black bars is way too much to be just an inch

>> No.15260363

also youre a literal retard for thinking his head is like just 1 inch long

>> No.15260407

Just finished The Industrial Society and its Future. Yep.

>> No.15260421

Was Kaczinski a manlet??

>> No.15260701

Isn't this moment of crisis an oportunity for you Kaczynski guys?

>> No.15261478


>> No.15262092

While I don't feel he's "right about everything", it's hard, impossible if you're being honest with yourself, to dismiss all the critiques he makes of technological society.
The manifesto is not that long, 151 pages including afterword, notes etc. 131 pages excluding that stuff.
It's written intelligently, though it's not hard to grasp. Everyone above average intelligence will find it comprehensible.
So yes it's word the minor effort, it'll probably give you some new perspective not only on society but also your own psychology and how it's shaped by that society.

>> No.15262101

>critique on leftism
He literally shits on "both sides" but of course you specifically and narrowly only read parts that you like

To OP, no, because he doesn't actually offer any practical solution that isn't utterly laughable.

>> No.15262112


It's amusing how in the beginning of the manifesto he claims it's apolitical.


For a more impartial text that's not written by a murderer, I would recommend Jacques Ellul's 'The Technological Society'.


>> No.15262122
File: 2.02 MB, 3614x5149, technological slavery anti tech revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15262132


>> No.15262190
File: 51 KB, 360x614, D054EBA9-2929-4059-9111-F9BF7CC45CBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s best read in conjuction with Ellul

>> No.15262438

>because he doesn't actually offer any practical solution that isn't utterly laughable.
What about wipe-out this society?

>> No.15262448

Yes. He suffers from Martin Luther Syndrome though, i.e. his diagnosis is spot on, but the therapy kills the patient.

>> No.15262476

Worth reading? 99% of books are worth reading you mong, what else were you gonna do with your time? jack off and watch anime? just read the damn thing maybe you'll hate it maybe you won't

>> No.15262501

>he doesn't actually offer any practical solution that isn't utterly laughable.
Revolution seems like very much a long shot to me as well, and I say this as a fan of Ted myself. It is much more likely that we will collapse as a society at some point and we will see a regression in organization-dependent technology. I wouldn’t hedge my bets on a collapse though, and it is important to spread these ideas before it is too late

>> No.15263220

just gives more weight to his words

>> No.15263509

>took a big shit
>my ass aches

>> No.15264395

Nope. His ideology justifies Islam and communism and he's not part of the philosophical canon. Unless you hate Western civilization or really care about telling Tedfags how retarded they are, there's no point in reading him at all.

>> No.15264398


>> No.15264685

>Nope. His ideology justifies Islam and communism
Explain. You clearly haven't read him.

>> No.15264879

He would be good if he wasn't so anti-industrialism. His criticisms of both the left and right are decent. However, he treats the industrial-technological system as some kind of sentient beast we can't control, and on top of this he makes the mistake of formalizing the unobservable phenomenon of a "surrogate activity," both of which indicate to me that his view on the zeitgeist of the modern age was limited to some idiot computer scientists and colleagues, people who are certainly NOT the gatekeepers and masters of today's high culture. As far as I'm concerned, he failed to understand that zeitgeist as a result, and his work ultimately argues on the side of the radical Islamists and Islam apologists, as well as the anarcho-communists, who are uncultured and powerless in the face of the higher culture, and are violent and rebellious as a result of that.

>> No.15264896

If you’re interested, then just read it. The manifesto isn’t that long and I think he brings up some interesting problems with tech. If you have already read other primitivists, then you probably don’t need to read Ted K to get an idea of what the group is about.

>> No.15265205

>However, he treats the industrial-technological system as some kind of sentient beast we can't control
But he's right about that, for each problem tecnology solves it creates inumerable imprevisible new ones. We can't predict for sure the consequencies of unchecked industrial progress. In a sense it's like some kind of blind idiot god which just keep moving on and on no matter what. We're completely disposable in the face of it. No legal measures will be able to restrict it, its temptation is too strong.
Just look at what happened in some countries in this pandemic. Governments faced with the choice of stopping the economy and preventing human deaths choosed greed. Just because, you know, the gears gotta keep running. The factories must keep producing, we just CAN'T stop the "inexorable march of progress". It would be totally unthinkable.

>> No.15265231

Is the "Anti-Tech Revolution" worth reading or should I just skip to Ellul?

>> No.15265880

Laughed at this, thanks anon

>> No.15265904

Genuinely good advice.

>> No.15265969


>> No.15266735

No, he's not right about that. It's a pointless anachronism. If you followed his logic, you couldn't so much as take one breath, because every action we take has the potential to throw something harmful or undesirable our way. Adventure, exploration, and most importantly, the pursuit of power, have consequences, and they are known. The industrial-technological system is all the same. The masters and gatekeepers of this system are not the computer scientists and professors, or even the CEOs and business magnates. The true elite is perfectly translucent to those within the system, but it's there, guiding the herd. The problem now is that the system is so complex that at times it takes several years for its guidance to reach it and have an influence, but it remains to have an influence.

>Just look at what happened in some countries in this pandemic.
You don't actually think this pandemic came even close to shutting everything down, do you? A stupid little virus can't bring this to a halt, no matter how much the media, which is designed to sensationalize, wants it to.

>> No.15267594
File: 317 KB, 1195x960, 1524739820990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes. He suffers from Martin Luther Syndrome though, i.e. his diagnosis is spot on, but the therapy kills the patient.
i think every writer ranging from Moldbug to Hoppe and all the ideologues (including dumb zizek) falls into this

>> No.15267691


>> No.15267698
File: 36 KB, 698x210, ted kaczynski citation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was an eminent mathematician, even if he became more famous for his side job

>> No.15268131

>Is the "Anti-Tech Revolution" worth reading
Absolutely, it is considered as more important than ISAIF by Kaczynski according to the preface. Ellul is best read after Kaczynski in my mind, as many of the ideas are then introduced through TK and elaborated on greatly by Ellul. Both The Technological Society and Propaganda are essential

>> No.15268139

>His ideology justifies [...] communism
Lol what