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15258818 No.15258818 [Reply] [Original]

Are his works enlightening or are they just senselessly depraved drivel made legendary because of the time period they were written? Basically, are they worth reading?

>> No.15258828


I've read about half of 120 days of sodom and I was genuinely entertained because I'm just that kind of guy. I'm given to understand that he has more properly philosophical ideas and somewhat less over-the-top plots in the other work, though it's just cooming for cooming's sake which is good of course, his extreme misotheism is also very refreshing in an author.

>> No.15258969

Tbf, he wrote 120 days to stop his bran rotting away from boredom. Have you seen Salo?

>> No.15258989


Yes, I have, that one's a right giggle as well. However recent events have gotten me (and many others) interested in past disease culture, which also leads me now to unironically want to read the Decameron/Canterbury Tales at some point, and likewise the corresponding Pasolini flicks. Also I have a backlog of lit crit literature I'm interested in reading which frequently refers to the above two so they'd be prereqs if I ever want to read those other things.

>> No.15259095

I know nothing of The Canterbury Tales, but I’ve always wanted to read it due to an interest in Middle English in general and to enhance my understanding of the development of the English language.

>> No.15259111

But I do know that there appears to have been controversy over The Canterbury Tales in past. Perhaps it’s erotic? I don’t know.

>> No.15259118

"Sadism" is named after this guy? What a legend.

>> No.15259134

Yes. I literally used to just think it was “sad” + “ism” because sadism makes people sad.

>> No.15259633

Never read his works, but I read a biography of the man. Very sad and unfortunate. He was basically oppressed and imprisoned for much of his life because of the content of his work.

One interesting tidbit that I remember is when he was imprisoned in the Bastille, he would write small notes talking about how horrible and torturous it was in there and throw them out the window in order to stir up the populace. It is possible that this is what caused the storming of the Bastille.

>> No.15259647

Pure fucking shit in every sense of the word.

>> No.15260013

I'm reading Justine right now, it has pretty convincing critique of religion and it's really funny book if you take it with grain of salt.

>> No.15260063

People just read the meme book 120 Days of Sodom and write him off because of that even though it was completely unfinished and unedited and he basically just wrote it to have something to do in prison. His short story collections don't even have any of the fucked up sex shit.

>> No.15260148

yeah he is worth reading

>> No.15261330

He raped children.

>> No.15261334

Also reading it currently, it is really well written and fun to read
can you recommend a good biography on him?

>> No.15261360

I'm pretty sure every French intellectual did. Are there any counterexamples?

>> No.15261367

Not the anon you replied to but Donald Thomas' biography is pretty good.

>> No.15262541

No. It's pretty average and mostly a waste of time. Some like to pretend that his work is good to feel "cool" edgy and special and LARP as trendy contradictarians.

>> No.15262832

>"X is bad because I don't like its audience and am too lazy to give a substantial critique"
what did he mean by this?

>> No.15262852
File: 78 KB, 618x549, 0274527418741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>despite their pornographic content, de Sade's sentences are so pure and correct that they ought to be used as models in French grammar books.

>> No.15262855


i read several chapters of justine at random. the shock value didn't really impress me since my nerves are already bombed out from japanese porn, but it is quite entertaining to read about the bandits and other vile men describe their philosophical positions

>> No.15262870

I get that some people have bad reading comprehension, but in that case you should make the effort to avoid posting without having read several times what you're replying to in order not to make a fool of yourself.

>> No.15262902

Why are the french so perverted and the Enlgish so asexual?

>> No.15262973

Flatly stating that it is average is an unsubstantiated point. Criticising its audience is an irrelevant point. If you wanted to make a contentless post, you should've just refrained from posting at all.

>> No.15263029

Yean you're right, I can't be assed to quote his "works" plus I only have them in french.
There is nothing interesting about it, whatever points he makes were already made by others in much better ways. The only reason there is to read him is the pornographic writing but unless you're a degenerate retard that reads just to wank himself reading him is a waste of time.

>> No.15263035

were your ancestors his sex slaves? why you so mad bro?

>> No.15263068

What makes you think I'm mad? OP asked if it's worth reading Sade, as someone who's read him I'm telling it's not to help him not waste his time.

>> No.15263133

Your well sustained critique most assuredly changed my mind. Do you have any others with whom I should not waste my time?