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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 192 KB, 648x864, the_judge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15257580 No.15257580 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best villain / antagonist in literature?
>is it pic related?

>> No.15257584

>my diary desu

>> No.15257638

Definitely the women that caught HCE in the park

>> No.15257643

that picture is how i imagine that possessed scientist guy in the second book of the space trilogy

>> No.15257648

C.S. Lewis' space trilogy?

>> No.15257771

Did he actually exist?

Did he rape and murder those kids that kept showing up dead?

Did he murder rape the man at the end of the book in the toilet?

Does he still dance to this day?

Such things will never be known.

>> No.15257775


>> No.15257947

I thought he had a mustache?

>Does he still dance to this day?
of course he does, he said he will never die.

>> No.15257951

i don't always imagine characters exactly as described. frankly, can't remember if he had a mustache anyway

>> No.15257985
File: 193 KB, 1200x1200, thejudge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always imagined him as a hairless giant Woody Harrelson

>> No.15257994

oddly terrifying

>> No.15258003

did he talk like woody harrelson too?

>> No.15258602

yes, but in a sexier devilish way

>> No.15258669
File: 56 KB, 347x604, Don't talk to strangers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's a tie between Woland and friends from the Master and Margarita, and Mephistoheles from Faust (both Marlowe and Goethe)

(someone should make a villain chart)

>> No.15258680


>> No.15258830 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15258896

I didn't like the book much, but the father of the protagonist in Nnedi Okorafor's "Who Fears Death" was weirdly harrowing.

>> No.15259175

ok, that was pretty good

>> No.15259183
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Iago from Othello is pretty based

>> No.15259206

I would have to say a character that is the antithesis of a protagonist. Not just someone who is evil, no, something more important. Someone who loses where the hero fails, someone who is weak despite his powers, fighting a hero who is strong despite his. Someone who is destined to be hated, to be a loser, to be the one who does not succeed, not matter what, someone who possess no good qualities, someone who cannot even love those he cares about, and someone whose existence is only there so that he may experience misery and punishment for being evil, who only possesses strength so that he may be embarrassed when he falls.

>> No.15259290
File: 21 KB, 211x300, 58E82CF1-2290-439B-9B32-7400D97F4661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gil-Martin. And it honestly pains me that no one on /lit/ has read The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner because I yearn for a discussion about it. Please read it.

>> No.15259367

I'm bored with 100% sociopathic monsters, what are some great villains in literature with human moments?

What's it about?

>> No.15259394

I am a fan of Svidrigailov from C&P. Stravóguin from Demons.
Cao Cao from Three Kingdoms. Most books don't have an antagonist as uninteresting as the concept of sociopathy per se. The judge is a example of an almost alien terror well made, which is unusual for this kind of villain

>> No.15259444

It truly is a masterpiece. I’m upset that it is barely acknowledged by anyone.
Different anon but I’ll answer. A zealous son of a Calvinist minister and his devoted follower is forced into a misanthropic world view by their exclusionary religious teachings and he is eventually led to the belief that, in accordance with the Calvinistic teachings of predestination, he is one of the justified elect whom can never commit an act that would absolve him of salvation. Gil-Martin, implied to be the Devil, forces the son, Robert, to commit wicked acts (for the cause of purifying the Church) by placing him into a state of eternal dependency which he cannot break free from. My synopsis probably does it an injustice, but I would consider it to be one of the greatest pieces of fiction I’ve ever read. Give it a read.

>> No.15259507

Hmm... that actually sounds really interesting, I'll put it on my to read list.
Thanks for the rec!

>> No.15259616

I read a good portion of it after reading these posts, it's pretty good

>> No.15259648

The Judge was so difficult for me to imagine as prescribed. Throughout the book I sort of just imagined him as a normal pale human.

>> No.15259801

I had him pictured as sort of a pale human version of Hellboy

>> No.15259921


so Ron perlman hairless? kinda dope

>> No.15260033
File: 66 KB, 624x351, MV5BMjdjYzQwMzYtZGVlYy00MmMwLThmMWYtOGU2ZTBlZDc2ZDY4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjg2NjQwMDQ@._CR525,98,2971,1671_UX1248_UY702._SY351_SX624_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15260247
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>> No.15260292


What a truly terrible picture.

The Judge should be something like Brando in Apocalypse Now crossed with Orson Welles.

Not some stupid grinning imbecile.

>> No.15260456
File: 58 KB, 620x775, judge fuckem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15260506

Cain from Cain and Abel, period.

>> No.15261562

holy fuck this is kino
thanks anons

>> No.15261570

Lord Voldemort

>> No.15261573

Would you kindly direct me to the source of that image, m'lady?

>> No.15261583
File: 91 KB, 501x568, 1588019387946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this how YHWH looks
he kinda thicc doe

>> No.15261606
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>> No.15261932

Just got myself the book after looking it up, thanks anon.

>> No.15263088
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>> No.15263242

Ah, a fellow connoisseur. Glad it hasn’t went completely unnoticed on this board.
No problem. Hope you enjoy it. I should also mention that it is split into two narratives. First, the “editor’s narrative” which provides a somewhat factual, semi-omniscient accounts of the events that take place and then the memoir, as written by Robert, covers these events again.
And nice. Which edition did you get?

>> No.15264271

They all look good except the kid, he looks like a 45 year old midget.

>> No.15264700
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>> No.15264739
File: 133 KB, 1024x1286, 1024px-Frankenstein's_monster_(Boris_Karloff).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15264753

>For me, it's a tie between Woland and friends from the Master and Margarita, and Mephistoheles from Faust (both Marlowe and Goethe)
Neither are exactly antagonists, though. (And technically, they're the same character)

>> No.15264877

Judge Holden is my hero.

>> No.15265071
File: 100 KB, 820x947, 1E9162BC-7AA2-4DFA-93A8-FF8F105253DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he could do it as well.

>> No.15265925

There’s no hint of rape in the end with the Kid who is now the Man who said Don’t go in there.

>> No.15266319

Yeah, he didnt look like a cartoon demon, just a huge pale guy.
You don’t even notice he’s something other than a chaotic neutral gang member until he starts to let slip that he’s borderline all-knowing.

>> No.15267301
File: 211 KB, 241x399, 84877abd927d3ac0bf543cef19c8c179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked Uriah Heep, he manages to become a villain to basically everyone he meets, is just a fuckin grotesque and slimey streak of piss, and when he gets exposed and fucks off the umble persona and starts going mental is fuckin tremendous

>> No.15267320

as a villain obviously, I didn't actually like the cunt. Also forgot to mention his fucking constant writhing about like a retard.

>> No.15267812
File: 43 KB, 630x1200, IMG_0733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always imagined the judge as john malkovich for some reason.