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File: 48 KB, 768x512, Superstructure-58fa14fb3df78ca159cddfc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15255932 No.15255932 [Reply] [Original]

Is the internet base or superstructure?

>> No.15255950

/lit/ is not supposed to do your homework for you bro

>> No.15256366

I don't think Marx Weber or Antonio Gramsi have the answer for this.

>> No.15256589

superstructure, obviously.

>> No.15256611
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Neither, obviously. Why are you applying a marxist analysis to a post-marxist world? Why haven't you adopted the aristocratic critique yet, /lit/?

>> No.15256649

What about cryptocurrencies and smart-contracts, aren't those base? Isn't the open source movement base?

>> No.15257416

internet is the arrows.

>> No.15257549
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>> No.15257552


>> No.15257870

It used to be majority base, but now its 99% useless frivolities. Its inundated with such an amount of garbage its not even that useful as a repository of information anymore

>> No.15257883 [DELETED] 

Neither? The Internet is just a tool, a platform. Stuff that happens/is done on the internet would fall into those categories.

>> No.15257905
File: 229 KB, 990x742, gobekli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it matter, Gobekli Tepe proved historical materialism is false.

>> No.15257934

This. Marx got base and superstructure backwards. Material relations must be represented and exist within language before they can have functional consequences, and representation is the jurisdiction of authority (superstructure).

>> No.15258168

Interesting. That said, once the process of base is kick started, it is possible that it dominates the superstructure.
Take an isolated primitive tribe. Give them Coca-cola, T shirts. Soon they will want more, and in 3 generation, they'll be absorbed by Capitalism, and be wage slave consumerists. No matter how much they claim they want to keep their traditions intact, no matter how strong their "beliefs" are.

>> No.15258179

ok hegel

>> No.15258222

What you've described isn't a case of the base dominating the superstructure, rather one superstructure (a liberal capitalist one) dominating another (that of the primitive tribe).

>> No.15258294

I thought it was the opposite, one base (Capitalism), dominating another (primitive communism), because Capitalism has tremendous productivity. The indigenous don't leave their forest village because they love Christianity or the US president speeches, but because they have access to more powerful products (increased productivity) than if they stayed in their forest village with their hand-made bows and arrows.

>> No.15258381

No, things like "productivity" and other capitalist abstractions must first be represented to the tribe before they can have any functional existence in it. Once again, this is the jurisdiction of the capitalist superstructure.

>> No.15258476

Primitive guy drinks Coca Cola. His body tells him it's good. He goes in the city working a shit wage job in order to buy regularly Coca cola.
Same thing about farm animals. Do working farm animals in primitive Capitalism have a notion that they were working the lands? No. They just did, without even knowing what they were doing. .

>> No.15258570

>His body tells him it's good.
The only reason why this seems natural to you is because the capitalist superstructure has first represented it as such. He can't even drink "coke" unless it's first represented, which presupposes this superstructure.
Likewise, farm animals must first be tamed, that is, exist within a disciplinary superstructure before they can work the lands.

>> No.15259899

Could you please explain how? Thanks.