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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 357x316, fishingpoem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1525271 No.1525271 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys. I'm a senior in high school, trying to figure out college stuff, and would like to know if this poem is OK writing for my age or not.

I'm not sure if going to school for Creative Writing/English is worth it, considering my current level of skill, or if I should go to school for Engineering. I'm almost certainly get into top schools for both fields so it's kinda hard to decide.

>> No.1525284

For your age? It's good. You've got a solid grasp of diction.

I'm just not sure what I'm supposed to take away from the poem.

>> No.1525287

If you haven't already heard back from these "top schools," you probably didn't get in.

>> No.1525292

kind of overwritten at points


>free verse

>> No.1525311

Thanks, and yeah, I understand what you're saying. I have trouble working in concrete themes and stuff like that.

Agreed, but yeah typical of my work. Do you think I should go to school for English though?

>> No.1525323

And by "but yeah" I don't mean that I think overwritten is good, I just mean that I wanted to show you guys a poem representative of what I usually do. Don't mean to come off as a prick.

>> No.1525337

Do both. My cousin double majored in English and either Chemistry or Biology and is currently in med school. If the whole writing thing doesn't work out, then at least you'll have something practical to fall back on. I'm an English major in my Junior year now and wishing I had done something more practical.

>> No.1525340

Go to school for what you're passionate about. I know the dead-soul science fags will come out of the woodwork on this one, but remember that if you do something for life, you do something FOR LIFE. Whether you make 40k/year or 150k/year, you will be deep in a living hell if you have to go to a job you hate. I mean this. If you become an engineer for the money or security, even if it means brokering your soul, then you might as well be dead already.

>> No.1525347

help i dont enjoy any subject and have no friends what should i do

>> No.1525349

Vocabulary is good and sets the mood. Problem is, the poem doesn't really go anywhere. From Shakespeare, to Ginsberg, to Neruda, the key of great poetry is to have revelation. You got me interested in the scene with the quality writing, but I was left on the line so to speak. It'd be cool if you infused the eel with a metaphor, or added some philosophical reflection, or perhaps even talked to the eel at the end like an old friend or something. Go crazy. The poem feels too much like you are trying to be classic and "great."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with writing in free verse if you understand the principles and mechanics of poetry. I actually prefer FV over meter, except in the case of classics (Homer, Shakespeare, my boy Dante etc)

>> No.1525361

If you seriously don't enjoy anything, FIND something you do enjoy.

>> No.1525384

Yeah, I guess. It's just that I kinda feel like I could go to a school with an amazing Creative Writing program OR one with an amazing Engineering program-- but none of these schools have BOTH you know? Like who the hell gets an English degree from MIT.
Besides, I'm poor and black as fuck. There's no way I'm going to be able to afford medical school.

Solid advice. I think I'll try to remember this, but it's just... I dunno, coming from poverty, this shit sucks.

>> No.1525388

I liked it. Reexamining everyday situations never grows old. Keep up the cod-work!

>> No.1525389

The naivete of some of you is astounding sometimes.

>> No.1525396

lol koro is mad as hell since he comes on here after school to blow steam.

>> No.1525400


I mean I know I shouldn't expect more from you, Behemoth, but really.

>> No.1525401

MIT has an amazing Creative Writing program, actually. And a great Linguistics department as well, if that's your thing

>> No.1525402

I hate overwritten, but this belong to the acceptable kind. Also, free verse is ok.
Why Engineering, OP? Did you post the same kind of thread on /sci/?
I doubt Creative Writing/English is worth it. If you're the Engineering kind, I mean.
Just keep on working on words by yourself. Read a lot. That's it. Post some shit from time to time.
Also, Fabulous don't know shit about shit.

>> No.1525421

>thinks he has a worthwhile opinion


>> No.1525434

Wait they do? Holy shit had no clue.
This thread isn't really relevant anymore then, going to sage and delete in a few minutes.

>> No.1525449

Also, creative writing programs at the undergraduate level are shit. If you're seriously considering writing as a career path (becoming a professor), then graduate school is when you need to look into good programs.

>> No.1525459


That's probably the best combination of things completely out of your control to have when applying to college. You get crazy support from the government and every college will want to accept a bright black kid to boost their diversity ratings.

Try being a white kid with a middle-class background you selfish asshole.

>> No.1525464
File: 14 KB, 308x350, williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try being a white kid with a middle-class background you selfish asshole
i know bro, it's so fucking hard isnt it!

>> No.1525469

Poor middle class white kid. Release the pain; kill yourself.

>> No.1525474

What strawman?

>if you do something for life, you do something FOR LIFE.
This is ridiculously simple and incorrect when you look at the realities of job markets and the pursuit of careers as compared to pursuit of degrees. It's also incredibly melodramatic.

>you will be deep in a living hell
Your words that you chose. I repeated them.

>if you have to go to a job you hate.
Why is it a choice between what you're passionate about, and a job you hate? People are more complex than this, and you're selling OP's collegiate experience awful cheap. College is also about exploring _what else_ you might discover you care deeply about, or fuck me! something you might just be content with doing on a day-to-day basis which supports you in doing what you care deeply about. Statements like this set up an either/or situation that's sadistically naive in its reduction of human behavior.

>If you become an engineer for the money or security,
Then you'll have money and security. Ok. Done.

>even if it means brokering your soul
Oh give me a fucking break. I didn't have to make a strawman, you handled all the supplies and construction yourself.

>you might as well be dead already.
Having money and security means you'll be dead inside, OP. It doesn't mean you'll also have the freedom to pursue anything you damn well please. See, poverty opens up all sorts of doors and options for you, like writing about the last time you were robbed in your shitty neighborhood and why macaroni loses its cheesy flavor after saving half of it in the fridge over night.

>> No.1525479


>> No.1525483
File: 61 KB, 945x945, Born_In_The_Usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1525491
File: 486 KB, 235x222, 1292974831609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come on /lit/

I forgot how easily non-/b/tards are trolled.

>> No.1525501

I've had more jobs than you've had fucking handjobs, kid. I'm in school because doing construction and writing at night fucking sucks, I'd rather do something interesting with my mind (like ENGINEERING! OH GOD! THE SOUL-EATING MACHINE! Oh, wait... it's actually about designing and executing creative solutions to complex problems? Wow, neat) and then go home and do something interesting with my spirit. Thousands of artists, some of them highly thought-of in their field, did this, I'm not some trailblazer doing and advising the unthinkable.

>> No.1525513

as if writing by its very nature isn't creative

as if you could ever teach the genius of truly great writing

>> No.1525542


>as if people care what you think.

>> No.1525557


You can be great without teaching, but that isn't to say teaching can't make you great. Pick a random sample of 'great' writers and theoretically examine their writing when they were teenagers/ young people. Some of them will be amazing genius. Some of them will be dogshit, because they had to learn to write.

>> No.1525560

I don't understand how poetry can be good or bad.

>> No.1525569

I have seen and done it all, but today I knew it was time to bring out the anal cannon. The anal cannon is loaded when a funnel is placed into an asshole, and a second whore pukes into it. After the ass is filled with puke, a cock then fucks it until the pressure is all built up. After the asshole has been fucked hard enough, the cock is pulled out and the anal cannon explodes! To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate anal dessert.

>> No.1525570

>implying most "great" writers of the last one hundred years did not attend some form of workshop.