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/lit/ - Literature

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15248450 No.15248450 [Reply] [Original]

Since we're twenty years into this century, I thought it might be a good idea to create a chart of our favorite books published since the year 2000.


Please fill out the form if you're interested!

>> No.15248462

my diary desu

>> No.15248539


>> No.15248561

Normal People
Conversations With Friends

Both by Sally Rooney.

Im not filling in your form.

>> No.15248581

Good, I'm glad Sally Rooney's shitty books won't be on the list then.

>> No.15248636


>> No.15248659

I've only read three things from this century, really.
>Kafka on the Shore, by Haruki Murakami
>Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro
>Atonement, by Ian McEwan
Need to read more.

>> No.15248660

Did you post a survery with that same exact image for authors who were unpopular or something
What did you do with that data

>> No.15248664

All great books.

>> No.15248672

only book I've read from this century is 2666

>> No.15248673

I am going to repost that survey this week because I didn't get enough responses to make a chart with.

>> No.15248684

Who the fuck did you sell my data to you lying cunt

>> No.15248686

I changed the survey so that you can nominate just 1 book if you'd like.

>> No.15248698

what did you never let me go. i read it ages ago. i remember liking it and the themes behind it but i dont think i can read it again because i just remember quite abit of it being just unnecessarily boring. i think i do wanna read it again though. i do like his first three books aswell.

>> No.15248711

Take your meds

>> No.15248738


>> No.15248750

I feel like a lot of it depends on how much you enjoy scenes of British boarding school life, as that is the majority of the first half of the novel, so generally if you find it boring it's because of that. I enjoyed pretty much all of the novel, if anything, especially the boarding school scenes, but that's just because I find that type of stuff interesting. The themes are probably the strongest point of the novel, however. It's probably worth a second read.

>> No.15248759

Why are you bumping a thread on the front page

>> No.15248769

It wasn't when I bumped it, I swear.

>> No.15248850

Pls can someone add the complete works of christian chandler thx

>> No.15248912


>> No.15248938

Done, OP. Do you have the results table? How's it going?

>> No.15249022

So far Atonement, Never Let Me Go, and The Road are all winning with two votes each

>> No.15249057


>> No.15249067
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>> No.15249153


>> No.15249199

Option 9 only allows you to type in a number.

>> No.15249206

I just fixed that, thanks

>> No.15249235

You're going to post it here, I don't want to miss it?

>> No.15249243

yes, i'll post the final results here, but considering how few responses i've gotten so far it will not be representative of the entire community

>> No.15249267 [DELETED] 

Bumping for visibility

>> No.15249270

give it time to breathe, I did a yearly top 100 poll once and results were coming in a bit slowly.

>> No.15249288

thanks, i'll keep that in mind

>> No.15249370


>> No.15249373

Any updates?

>> No.15249382

2666 #1 with 4 votes
Never Let Me Go #2 with three votes
Three way tie for third place with Atonement, The Road, and Sudden Death

>> No.15249398


>> No.15249446

2666 #1 with a comfortable lead

>> No.15249503


>> No.15249536

what's number #1?

>> No.15249605

Still 2666

>> No.15249651
File: 67 KB, 397x391, 30229b386292184e5239632fee83d1ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you sure? are you sure it isn't the N word?

>> No.15249693

It's not the N word because I only accept responses from people 18 and older as per 4chan rules

>> No.15249696
File: 970 KB, 1707x2560, liveblog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15249719

What's the current #1?

>> No.15249727

Still 2666

>> No.15249734

Liveblog and Never Let Me Go are tied for #2, although Liveblog was almost definitely sent multiple times by the same person

>> No.15249738

it's the N word lmaooooo i spammed it dozens of times KEK xDD lmfao

>> No.15249765

Mate, you're going to be spammed to oblivion unless you enable the obligatory login option.

>> No.15249786

I suppose I'll do that, thanks.

>> No.15249795

fed lmao now no one is going to fill it out, who the fuck will give their information out

>> No.15249803

I read a book about turtles. Oh, and Killers of the Flower Moon was good too.

>> No.15249804

Many people. That's how the top 100 works. Also OP can't actually see your email address.

>> No.15249823

i already spammed the N word over a hundred times, so i win

>> No.15249832

I've read lots of British and American boarding school books and attended an American boarding school and still found the book incredibly unengaging. I also felt the descriptions of boarding school life really missed the mark. There's a certain feel to boarding life that is hard to create without having lived it.

>> No.15249835

We should make this the next /lit/ collab. We each write a diary entry and publish it as my diary desu.

>> No.15249841

The real submissions are even worse than the my diary desu ones

>> No.15249845
File: 24 KB, 451x300, Lake Traverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Against the Day; or, The Fuck a Chick in Four States at Once Novel

>> No.15249850

>2666 bad

>> No.15249852

2666 is still #1

>> No.15249897

don't do that

>> No.15250434


>> No.15250448

post results so far

>> No.15250465

#1: 2666
#2: Never Let Me Go and The Road
#3: Kafka on the Shore, The Pale King, Against the Day, Atonement, Sudden Death

>> No.15250494

If three is one point then where's apathy?

>> No.15250575

Three is two points.

>> No.15250579 [DELETED] 

My book. It will be done by this time next year

>> No.15250839


>> No.15251010


>> No.15251062

I like that idea. You should make it a thread

>> No.15251084

So far:

#1: 2666
#2: The Road
#3: Never Let Me Go
#4: Against the Day, Sudden Death, Serotonin, The Pale King, Kafka on the Shore

>> No.15251091

and Atonement under #4, forgot that

>> No.15251142

You better put Harassment Architecture on there. It's a modern classic.

>> No.15251158

Fuck off.

>> No.15251319

The Feast of the Goat

>> No.15251367


>> No.15251377

Did you fill the form?

>> No.15251495

Not him, but I did. What does it look like now?

>> No.15251593

Apparently we already did.


I don't recall ever seeing a thread for this.

>> No.15251609

a brief history of seven killings

>> No.15252043


>> No.15252700
File: 27 KB, 258x387, TrueHistoryOfTheKellyGang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15252711



>> No.15252730
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, 21st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15252735

This is grade-A shit. Carey has no talent for rendering psychological insight to his characters. What a great concept of a novel, and all he can think to do with it is “Ned did this then he did that then he did this which was v. like him to do see I’m not using correct punctashon and speling oh boy how clever is I.”

Fuck this book, and fuck the Aussie literary establishment for fellating it

>> No.15252736

Have any anons read Marias? What do you think of him?

>> No.15252802

1. 2666
2. The Road
3. Never Let Me Go, Sudden Death
4. Tenth of December, The Pale King, Kafka on the Shore, Against the Day, A Brief History of Seven Killings, Serotonin, The Nix

Not one single vote for Knausgaard's My Struggle series yet which is interesting

>> No.15252988

lol I just voted for that as my number 2 before I read this.

>> No.15253090


>> No.15253251

don't do that

>> No.15253274


>> No.15253678


>> No.15253701

min kamp is boring and shit, maybe that's why nobody actually voted for it

>> No.15253730

Austerlitz has only one vote so far

>> No.15253738

there's 2 votes for Min Kamp now

>> No.15253771

1. 2666
2. Never Let Me Go, The Road
3. Sudden Death, Kafka on the Shore
4. Against the Day, A Brief History of Seven Killings, Serotonin, The Nix, My Struggle, Tenth of December, Atonement

>> No.15253783

>Good, I'm glad Sally Rooney's shitty books won't be on the list then.

Haven't read normal people. CwF was alright. It was infuriating because of the narcissistic narrator (probably reflecting an author with the same tendencies) but it was well-written except for the bullshit redemptory ending. Rooney has potential.

>> No.15253925

Normal People was pretty decent

>> No.15254118

he's great. he's like a contemporary henry james (but better imo)

>> No.15254141
File: 341 KB, 1044x1862, 1547559372810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh negros
>muh wimon
Shit taste. Here's a real chart.

>> No.15254232
File: 250 KB, 1292x538, 1485371537557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15254462

Against the Day is the best book of the century so far by a country mile

>> No.15254484

It only has 2 votes so far, you can vote to nominate it if you'd like

>> No.15255152


>> No.15255469

this is worse lmao

>> No.15255840


>> No.15255846

cope nig

>> No.15256453


>> No.15256479

stop bumping ur gay thread you desperate fucking twerp, no one fucking cares, let it die already faggot, ur the gayest OP i've ever met

>> No.15256585


>> No.15256857

so how's the list going?

>> No.15257058

1. 2666 (by a large margin)
2. Never Let Me Go, The Road, Sudden Death
3. Kafka on the Shore, The Pale King

>> No.15257073

fuckin 'ell

>> No.15257075

please see >>15256479 and fuck off OP, we know this is you

>> No.15257759

Not really true but ok

>> No.15258343

i bet this is op

>> No.15258355

>32 posters
>113 posts
guaranteed 3/4 posts here is from OP, in fact you're probably OP

>> No.15258414

sounds like something op would say

>> No.15259833

Making an infograpic at the end?