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15250459 No.15250459 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to revive l'art pour l'art in the age of identity politics?

>> No.15250502
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>> No.15250744

The art world is fucked. That is the galleries, museums and education is set up to contain creatives. God knows what the world would be like if we let them hippies have an actual say. Plus they prefer their echo chamber.

>> No.15250766

More germane: is it possible to revive l'art pour l'art in the modern age, where things only have value insofar as they are profitable?

>> No.15250890

It is possible, but only as a sub-culture. If those of you who are actually talented wasted their time less and read and wrote more, and published good works online for its own sake rather than sucking up to publishers for prestige and fame, then we could easily have revived it.

>> No.15250926

l'art pour l'art is the bourgeois mindset that led to art becoming a market currency. art began its decline in renaissance

>> No.15250932

>art began its decline in renaissance
come the fuck on lol

>> No.15250935

art was stripped of its symbolic nature and artists started signing their work which is proof of their infra-human state. true art is anonymous

>> No.15250941

okay, now I respect you.

>> No.15250957

l'art pour l'art was a response against the bourgeois mindset of making art a political mean.
"Man may be democratic; the artist splits in two and must remain an aristocrat" Mallarme.

>> No.15250989

art never needed a response. the artisan is merely a vessel. he does his thing and it's done. the whole artistic integrity is what is celebrated in museums by people who consume art and think that's what art is about. a true artisan is never worried about creating art for the art's sake.

in fact it might be better to be an artisan who does commissions than an 'artist' reduced to sensuous perception of art just for the aesthetic feelings it provoke

>> No.15251002

start by burning all museums

>> No.15251008

not him but doing anonymous art sounds like art for art's sake

>> No.15251035

This is the problem with everything, not just the arts. The arts are a tough plant. They grow anywhere. There’s a lot of crap, but a lot of good stuff out there too. It’s the everything else you ought to be worried about.
Systems change is long overdue. The elites are taking advantage of this global crisis, “never let a good crisis go to waste”, we should do the same.

No, dummy. Banks, lawyers, state houses and the Pentagon

>> No.15251044

How can you be redipilled about the government but bluepilled about religion/science?

>> No.15251219

it seems somehow essentially connected to (pre-)fin-de-siecle exhaustion and nervousness. voegelin mentions this in relation to santayana's and valery's 'lucretianism' in a letter to strauss: strauss says he doesn't believe people like santayana and valery can understand lucretius. i can't help but notice it when those associated with the movement make the 'bourgeois' almost into a double, as soon as they fight with which they lose. there is a rimbaud, and there is huysmans: no one not drunk in a sub-baudelairean way wanders long in the 'pure' 'artistic' middle region. so i would agree with >>15250926

someone like stefan george i think may have known this and tried in a way to address it but i'm skeptical of the result. there is something disgusting and gluttonous about museums, though i can only speak for american ones.

>> No.15251306
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Because you haven’t caught up yet.