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/lit/ - Literature

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15244473 No.15244473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is amerikkka the worst nation in the world?

>> No.15244482

t. Lithuanian.

>> No.15244483
File: 86 KB, 430x441, 1536785125832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>america bad

>> No.15244508

Hell no. there's no country on earth that comes CLOSE to rivaling it in terms of its stances on liberty. I defy ANY anon to offer a non African, non third world country that offers a man any more freedom.

>> No.15244511

Yes. We’re so bad shitskins get jealous and come here to live in a shithole worse than theirs.

>> No.15244659

>freedum good
My country allows me the freedom not to have to hop borders to get medicine if I'm ever poor and sick. Ca you say the same, Imperial?

>> No.15244669

>not allowed to buy medicine from around the world
Looks like they need more freedom desu

>> No.15244671
File: 33 KB, 626x336, Screen-Shot-2012-10-15-at-10.25.43-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A close second to Belgium
picrel. Only El Salvador comes close to american levels of freedom

>> No.15244672

My country made me wait in a waiting room with intermittent heart palpitations for 6 hours before someone would put me in a bed and make me wait another 4 hours.

>> No.15244674

What is poor?

>> No.15244685

MI anon here. Fuck Whitmer, she's ruining my life.

>> No.15244690

Why can't we just seize the public pensions to pay for gibs until the virus is over? Can't believe people want to go back to work.

>> No.15244693


>> No.15244694
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These guys look based and could easily whoop your book-loving pencil neck

>> No.15244710

Americans have never won a war, so big doubt.

>> No.15244715

Yes, lets end the lock down so we can go back to work and make our bosses rich again! Good goys.

>> No.15244716

Easy to say when you're getting autismbux.

>> No.15244719

I hate Americans have turned the idea of freedom into a joke.

>> No.15244720
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>> No.15244737

I can't take application exams for grad school. I'm going to be in school until I'm 30. But life must be easy when you're getting medicaid.

>> No.15244750

Did they charge you a lot for that?

>> No.15244755

Freedom is like an axe or really any sharp tool. It's useful, but when any retard is able to swing it around, somebody's gonna get hurt.

>> No.15244774

i wonder what other country in the world, if it suddenly became as rich as america, would let 50000 of its people die of a virus

>> No.15244778
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And that's based.

>> No.15244780

It hasn't even begun yet either

>> No.15244782

So it's literally just the flu.

>> No.15244799

yeah just the flu, i.e. one of the most deadly diseases in human history

>> No.15244818

Define "freedom". In my country I can vote, move freely, travel overseas, own a private business or property.
In the US you are stuck between to ruling parties, and your definition of "freedom" is being able of legally gun down your neighbor because they're in your backyard.

>> No.15244822

>if it suddenly became as rich as america
What the fuck is wrong with collectivists? On one hand, they complain constantly about capitalism taking wealth away from the workers, but on the other they're perfectly fine with the government just arbitrarily seizing quite literally whatever it wants?

>> No.15244843

>when your board is full of radical anticapitalists, Nietzscheans, fascists etc. of various stripes who casually praise killing millions of people for the sake of the Revolution or claim everything is a spook, but when you suggest that a few olds die at 84 instead of 85 to avoid crushing the young under debts, everyone becomes moralist/humanist
Wat mean?

>> No.15244849


>> No.15244864

let's see if you still think that way when you're that old yourself, anon.
screencapping this now. be back here in about 2085

>> No.15244883

I'm not one of the posters casually advocating mass murders mate.

>> No.15244886

The economy needs to collapse if you want to stop crushing young people under debt in the first place. If you just keep the ponzi going then nothing will change anyway.

>> No.15244978

No, it’s not the worst but there’s a hollowness to it which makes it appear that way. What exactly is the metric here anyway? I fail to see how it’s altogether different from say Canada or Australia or even Britain anymore.

>> No.15244992

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.15245009

>your definition of "freedom" is being able of legally gun down your neighbor because they're in your backyard.
Why do Europeans overstate this so much? I’m not saying it doesn’t happen because it most definitely does but 99.9% of gun violence is confined to black and latino gang affiliated violence in urban ghettos. I realize the other .1% still happens here whereas it doesn’t in Europe but it’s still far rarer than Europeans say.

>> No.15245022

They would because the only way another country becomes as rich as America is if they adopt a winner take all mentality like America has. When you see staggering American wealth it doesn’t mean the average American is wealthy. It means there’s a handful of people and instructions that are obscenely so.

>> No.15245026

literature board

>> No.15245040

>the worst
wished Eurofags thought so; but it seems every European with half a brain comes here, or attempts to.

>> No.15245044

>implying you can collapse an economy without kangs rioting

>> No.15245066

The US is very cucked on self defense and will throw the book at you. Other countries are more lenient. Case in point, the father and son who shot that deranged meth head with a baseball bat in Texas who ended up being charged with first degree murder. If that happened in Austria, they would only face weapons charges.

>> No.15245073

current economic system is fragile as shit. Let it collapse for once and all ffs.

>> No.15245087

>60k out of 320M

Is this supposed to be alarming?

>> No.15245107
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heh, just a little airborn aids. now where's my wage cage.

>> No.15245109

Because mentioning guns in any way (castle doctrine, school shooting of the week, police shooting you) is an easy way to trigger americans

>> No.15245122

Do they have to be so goddamn ugly?

>> No.15245151

Almost everyone in that picture is morbidly obese and couldn't run a mile without having a heart attack. Why are right wingers always so fat? People that try to portray themselves as alpha males while being 300 pound fatties are truly pathetic.

>> No.15245160
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Reminder that all this shit is just CIA divide and conquer, our version of the bread and circuses. They're buying what little time they can by creating false and impotent opposition that feeds back into their empty politics.
Every corner of the internet is filled with Langley glowies funded by the printers going brrrrr. But that too will end.

>> No.15245170

Anyone else think anyone that goes to a protest of any kind for any reason is a fucking retarded and useless hunk of shit? Just stock up on weapons if things go south, protesting is useless and annoys people who are productive.

>> No.15245172

so in the US you can just carry around loaded assault rifles?

>> No.15245197

This. There needs to be penalties for being so unaesthetic. It could start off as simply paying additional taxes and lead to jail time if it continued for a prolonged period of time. These vile beasts are infringing on the right of normal people to not be disgusted every time they leave the house.

>> No.15245241

In terms of culture (within cities at least), yes probably. In terms of standard of living, no. We have a lot to be grateful for here, but a lot to be unhappy about. I know why foreigners might hate America, I’d probably agree with them on their reasons why because I’m not blindly nationalist to my country. Tbh I’d rather be born in Europe somewhere or maybe somewhere in the US Rocky Mtns.

>> No.15245263

And if you question that, you're a freedom-hating commie.

>> No.15245312

Yes. States like Massachusetts, California, and now Virginia are not America.

This but unironically

>> No.15245339
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>so in the US you can just carry around loaded assault rifles?

>> No.15245392

Jokes on you orthodox communists are pro-gun

>> No.15245410

Pro-gun until after the revolution is over, then the state confiscates them*

>> No.15245425
File: 6 KB, 261x193, dfw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I... I really think there's a type of slavery in freedom. When you can do whatever you want.. youre just... just fulfilling those needs... well, more of wants... wants to consume, and it controls you. Those gluttonous tendencies take over. That's why I don't have a TV. It's just so easy.

>> No.15245433

Does your country have hate speech laws on the books?

>> No.15245446

I'm sure she's shit, but who poisoned your water?

>> No.15245449

I mean yeah, there's no use for weapons of any kind once you reach the end of historical materialism. No more conflicts to be fought over.

>> No.15245463

This thread is clearly off-topic so if you read the OP at all, you shouldn’t be expecting much literary discussion. As it stands, there has been no mention or reference to literature of any kind. It seems the average /pol/ transplant considers the mere mention of marxism or any other -ism worthy enough of /lit/. You wouldn’t be able to tell you’re not in /int/ by looking itt and if you happen to have /int/ open in another tab, you might even get confused for a moment. A bingo for these kinds of threads would be very entertaining. Points for any of the following mentioned:
>third worlder
Things not mentioned:
Any time wasted is your own fault for entering this thread.

This has been a public service provided to the /litizens/ of thread No.15244473

>> No.15245465

lol first amendment has so many fuckin' exceptions bud. Get over yourself.

>> No.15245471

But the vague, politically motivated concept of "hate speech" isn't one of them.

>> No.15245508
File: 214 KB, 1000x667, JacksonandBattle_of_New_Orleans-LEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euros would call you a fascist for wanting to leave your house lmao

>> No.15245509

Not many exceptions at all, don't fall for the meme. When you have ideas of breadth like that you make assumptions and wind up associating limitations that aren't there. Even Justice Holms realized his fire fire opinion was retarded

>> No.15245510


>> No.15245519

>Schenck v. United States
>Can't shout fire in a theater
>Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire
>no fighting words
>Watts v. United States
>Can't threaten people
>Brandenburg v. Ohio
>Can't incite violence
>Hustler Magazine v. Falwell
>Can't lie about other people
> Morse v. Frederick
>students cant say shit


>> No.15245533

As Lenin said with major unintended irony, "It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed."

>> No.15245540

Just because his opinion was retarded doesn't mean it's not dicta every subsequent judge can pull from and justify out their ass to make it the law again. Korematsu is still good law. AND FUCKING HOLMS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME BUCK v. BELL IS STILL GOOD LAW TOO.

>> No.15245549

>restrictions made to maintain the safety and well being of society are the same as laws which which force the amorphous wills of the political left on the general;l population in order to permanently homogenize all political action within a community.

>> No.15245553

you have no freedom, burgermensch. You are a slave to the all mighty coorporations who have purchased your politicians, your country and your life. Literally anyone living in a social democracy has more freedom than you

>> No.15245560

You have to prove intent to harm with all these issues, and it has to have impact, and it has to be actually threatening, and some other restrictions. The threshold of "can't do" is very high, which is why these cases often don't result in prosecutions and they are often adjudicated in favor of respondents. None are hate speech btw, don't ever fall for the hate speech meme.

>> No.15245565

>Remove the Whitmer
Who tf. are the whitmer ?

>> No.15245606

Given that your weak fag people are virtually guaranteed to have net immigration here, no.

Everyone keeps talking about America like it's some awful place but then your own people, at the same time, clamber at our gates for entry to the point where we have to beat them off with sticks and water cannons.

How do you reconcile this? Of course you cannot, you have to make up some excuse like "WELL DE EBIL WHITE MEN WHO DID NOTHING WRONG IN A PEACEFUL PROTEST DAT'S WHY" except they objectively did nothing wrong and you can't prove otherwise.

>> No.15245607

In totality they are basically the same thing. If I'm a student, "hate speech" would probably violate Tinker. If I attach any call to action to calling someone a nigger, then it's under one of those exceptions. If I exaggerate calling someone a nigger to the point of tarnishing their reputation, it's under one of those exceptions. In a sense, yes you have the freedom to express yourself and call someone a nigger, but what is the point of language other than to express and convince others to take action? I am "free" in my mind to think of all the "hate speech" I want, and that speech can violate all the first amendment exceptions I want. But when it leaves the lips, what's the point of talking other than to send a message to another person? What's the point of sending a message other than inciting action in that person? At what point does indoctrinating someone by constantly shouting "nigger" not cross some threshold? Their actions are now subliminally guided by the rote recitation. And if we go by the term "hate speech" what's the conclusion of hating someone?

>> No.15245627

You can just say Jews, fag.
Also, big yikes on the second claim. Social Democrats literally enable foreigners to rape their daughters en-masse and then make it illegal to criticize foreigners. Do I have to bring out the big examples?

Of course not. Because if I did that it would humiliate you. Hey remember that time when a Swede and a Norsk went to Morocco to meet some "mountain friends" and got their heads literally sliced off on camera, and this wasn't even reported on? It was news for like two hours. Meanwhile the cuck factory that is Scandinavia runs constant nonstop propaganda telling you that your kids have to be shitskins because otherwise you're racist.

>> No.15245628

You have to prove mens rea in every criminal prosecution unless the statute explicitly states that the crime doesn't require one. And your justification of strict scrutiny on fundamental rights is hogwash.

>> No.15245647

Translation: "I get to decide the definition of hatred and you aren't allowed to talk."

Okay fag. So, when any shitlib gets on a stage and talks about how great it is that whites are going to be a minority, is that hate speech against whites? Can we call that a treasonous call to action?

Maybe we should start taking your advice and taking the anti-white agenda as the racist criminal behavior that it is.

>> No.15245679

Go for it, nothing really matters. The law is made up. None of it is real. Are you truly offended and scared for your life when someone tells you that you are a minority white man? These broad generalities are absurd. If you are going to be strict on your interpretation of the constitution then why would you so loosely use the term treason? Why just strawman my argument? You project the need for a rational discussion while spiking your content with aggressive and loaded terms that nullify any chance of legitimate discussion. I hope it gets something out of your system.

>> No.15245692

what the fuck does this thread have to do with literature

>> No.15245699

>t, nothing really matters. The law is made up. None of it is real.
the absolute sophism on display wew

>> No.15245719

Well, if you believe in natural law, then youre right. But analyzing the distinct legal systems across time and space, it seems to me that other than keeping your cows fed and your wives cucked, there really aren't a lot of running themes that justify divine intervention. Every set of laws is curtailed to the society in which it thrives. You are positing an ought when discussing an is. But again, when all I get are green text responses, what's the point?

>> No.15245721

Ones right to psychological well being shouldn't come at the expense other's ability to speak their feelings insofar as it doesn't immediately cause the direct threat of physical harm. If they must suffer so that the total amount of things can say without punishment must be greater, I hope they experience all the suffering in the world.

>> No.15245736

The guy you were talking to pointed out the obvious discrepancies in the consequences of speech depending on the target and you responded by saying 'well nothing really matter lol the law isnt real'. That is sophism.

>> No.15245739

Underrated truth

>> No.15245777

>this picture

>> No.15245829

Good point I guess.
What’s wrong with that?