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15243645 No.15243645[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you?

>> No.15243653

Obviously not. That would be like worrying about eating your 40th cereal. Like I'm sorry you're not the first, but I can't uneat all those cereals.

>> No.15243654
File: 24 KB, 355x401, 4chan pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it does matter

>> No.15243655

No because then I don't have to feel bad about my zero.

>> No.15243659

Wait that doesn't actually make a lot of sense. Let me rephrase this
The CEREAL should not be angry that it is not the first cereal being eaten... Wait.. Is that how it goes? Let me think some more.

>> No.15243660

Why does everyone who thinks like that look like that?

>> No.15243665

Yes, of course. The woman with whom I intend to produce children and spend the rest of my life with is not a bowl of cereal to be consumed and discarded.

>> No.15243666

The milk that enters into the cereals should not be mad that there was other milk that went into other cereal because the other cereal was eaten by other people who have eaten even more cereal... Wait

>> No.15243668

Look like what? He looks like a perfectly normal guy to me.

>> No.15243670

Essentially what I'm trying to get at is that it's all a big bowl of cereal and it doesn't matter who does what.

>> No.15243676

Yes. A man should sleep with many women and a woman should only sleep with her husband.

>> No.15243682

Yeah, if it's 0 that results in a bitter /pol/tard who spreads cancer to other boards.

>> No.15243683

I'm a determinist and reject the idea of so-called events having any form of meaning

>> No.15243688

He means soft looking. Not a hardened warrior Chad like all those CEOs and world leaders

>> No.15243691

It matters to people with brains.

>> No.15243692

Personally, yes. I wouldn’t want her comparing my performance with others. Plus if I have sex with someone it will only be if I want to marry them, and I wouldn’t marry a whore. There’s also something beautiful about the idea of two young inexperienced souls exploring with each other in bed, full of love, rather than the hedonistic loveless idea of sex we have these days.

>> No.15243693

women should be able to fuck any man she wants and her husband (a rich beta) should stay celibate in a cock cage

>> No.15243699

Well if you’re so smart surely you’ll be able to explain why exactly it matters?

>> No.15243704

>liberals compare people to inanimate objects
Are you amazed?

>> No.15243705
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Yes, it bothers me greatly that no one has slept with me yet

>> No.15243708
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>a hardened warrior Chad like all those CEOs and world leaders
You mean men like this?

>> No.15243719

Other smart people already understand, so there's no point explaining.

>> No.15243735

Yes, it matters. The number indicates how faithful and how serious the person is about relationships. If someone slept with more than five people, for examples, then it means that they were willing to procreate with more than five different partners. This indicates that they are not to be trusted. Having children with them would be too big of a gamble.

>> No.15243750

Yes but with read instead of slept with

Absolutely no time for whores that read any author they stumble upon.

>> No.15243757

It doesn't take into consideration any changes in attitudes that can occur.
Also I'm pretty sure not all people have the idea of procreating with everyone they have sex with.

>> No.15243762

>You tweeted something problematic as a teenager? Umm the door is that way nazi, say bye bye to your education and job
>What do you mean the number of sexual partners could possibly reflect on the value a woman places on her relationships? That's not how this works incel
Why would femoids not try to claim their SMV is above zero, I'll stick with my virgin and they can cope about it.

>> No.15243765

the apotheosis of /lit/

>> No.15243769

>I'm pretty sure not all people have the idea of procreating with everyone they have sex with
What is sex anon
Why does sex trigger reward centres in the brain and release oxytocin

>> No.15243777

>changes in attitudes that can occur
yes. i was living a pretty meaningless life until i met my wife. i've slept with around thirty, but only one the last 12 years.

>> No.15243784

You can’t be this retarded right?

>> No.15243789

Of course it matters.
Multiple sexual partners negatively affects a woman's ability to pair-bond.
Therefore, it is important if you expect to marry and spend the rest of your life together.
The more sexual partners a woman has had, the great the likelihood that the marriage will result in divorce.

>> No.15243790

I'm not the one claiming sex can be mentally separated from reproduction, so I'm at most the 2nd most retarded person in this thread

>> No.15243793
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John Green raped an underage girl with terminal cancer, made money off a book from the experience, and thinks he can virtue signal.

>> No.15243801


low testosterone, probably chronically watches depraved porn even at a upper-middle early-late age.

>> No.15243803

This is a decent rationalization, but there's more to it.
A whore changing her attitudes matters about as much as a former heroin addict changing her attitude. They both disgust me to the point that even friendship is difficult.
You're a man. It is inconsequential for men.

>> No.15243805

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based

>> No.15243827

it's not, i regret having been with a lot of these women. i guess it's easier to be with someone who has made some mistakes if you've made some yourself though.

>> No.15243831

>The more sexual partners a woman has had, the great the likelihood that the marriage will result in divorce.
That’s probably because women with little to no sexual partners at the time of marriage are likely, along with their husbands, to be religious and therefore less likely to divorce.
It’s funny though how you talk only about women when you’re saying this even though the exact same effect is replicated among men. This is why people think your kind just want to control women’s sexuality more than anything.

>> No.15243836

if they're actually fun to be around it doesn't matter. the problem is the people who combine being a whore with being an insufferable wokescold.

>> No.15243838

>That’s probably because women with little to no sexual partners at the time of marriage are likely, along with their husbands, to be religious and therefore less likely to divorce.
That's not why. Regardless of religiosity, the number of sexual partners a woman has is predictive of later divorce.
>even though the exact same effect is replicated among men
It is not.

>> No.15243842

body count under 10
body count over 10 and not even 25 yrs old yet
absolutely not

>> No.15243844
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A girl at work told me elatedly that she isn't a virgin, then months later when she asked me out I turned her down.
>mfw I'm now a 29 year old virgin

>> No.15243858


>> No.15243868

Temperance is a show of virtue and falling in love with a women because of her innocence is one of the more beautiful things you can do. Also it shows a woman has an identity and a feeling of self-wort. It really is nothing but positives.

>> No.15243869

No you're definitely the 1st.

Not everyone wants to raise a child with everyone they fuck. You should try actually talking to people irl asap.
This becomes incredibly self evident should you talk with pretty much anyone.

Also you do know that effective contraception exists, right? And that the concept of contraception is understood by pretty much everyone.

People are aware that you can fuck without spending 18 years of your life raising a child.

>> No.15243871

reminder that his crash course videos form a significant part of high school curricula now and that they're genuinely funded by b*ll g*tes as part of his vile schemes of which green is but a willing puppet

this board doesn't hate john green nearly enough anymore

>> No.15243872
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>feeling the need to have to rationally and in detail explain why you don't want other men to fuck your girlfriend

>> No.15243877


>> No.15243882

>Thinking I'm talking about the conscious and not the subconscious
Fucking idiot, you can have your used up whores though kek

>> No.15243885

If you bothered to look at the studies that produced that effect, you'd know that they control for religiosity.

>First, Wolfinger says religiousness doesn’t explain the difference between the happy virgins and the less-happy everyone else. But it could be something more subtle: People who avoid sex before marriage might simply value marriage more highly, so they feel more satisfied by it.

Article deals with this post, if I'm not mistaken: https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-happiest-wives-the-j-curve-in-womens-marital-quality

Relevant post for our purposes: https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-road-to-infidelity-passes-through-multiple-sexual-partners

>> No.15243888

That's like saying that chewing gum is the same as eating a meal.

>> No.15243889
File: 133 KB, 491x367, ya lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Odyssey is like so dumb. Odysseus has sex with like a ton of girls but he's going to kill Penelope if she's not faithful? That's not very feminist, Ody. You got some learnin' to do.

>Now for today's thought bubble: a little tiny Lysistrata figurine. Oh Homer, we can't possibly hold you accountable for not being a feminist in ancient Greece, after all, it's not like feminism existed back then, oh wait, it totally did, you misogynist pig.

>Back to the Odyssey: is Penelope the true hero of the story? Yes. Yes she is. That's all we have time for today, be sure to like and subscribe and buy tickets to my new movie: The Da Vinci Code with Teenagers.


>> No.15243897

You're joking, right? He didn't actually say any of that, right?

>> No.15243905

Let my people go.

>> No.15243907

The subconscious isn't relevant here.
You're basically denying the natural urge to have sex exists among 'trustworthy' people unless you've only ever subconsciously wanted to fuck one person ever in your entire life.

And you call me an idiot lmao

>> No.15243908

Ok so the effect is replicated among men lmao.

>> No.15243918
File: 53 KB, 464x436, me and your girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it "matters", but I do think it correlates with how a person is likely to act. For example, virgin girls tend to be more reserved and insecure, which I don't like.
Not sure what this has to do with literature.

>> No.15243920

>humanities studies of behavior
R*ddit surface level trash. A woman with a lot of sexual partners is a dissatisfied soul that seeks outside the happiness she lacks inside. That's why they divorce, because it's difficult for them to find what they want.
If a promiscuous woman found exactly what she lacks she'd turn into loyal housewife in a blink of an eye.

>> No.15243922

Not really lmao.
Somehow you managed to make a worse comparison than OP's cereal. Congratulations.

>> No.15243928

Verbatim? Almost.

>> No.15243930

actually refute him

>> No.15243934


>> No.15243948

Homer didn't live in the same time period as Lysistrata. He lived like 300 years earlier. It's like arguing someone from the 1700s was a racist shitheel for their time because people nowadays know that that shit's wrong.
Also, Penelope was indeed meant to be seen as one of the true heroes of the story. She's meant to be The Model Woman. That's why it's sexist to begin with, so why make a big deal out of saying she's the "true hero"?
As for whether Homer's sexist...well duh. No shit lol. He's also racist, supports slavery, war-rape, and general fucking brutality.

>> No.15243958

oh i thought you thought being sexist was a good thing. turns out i was wrong, sorry

>> No.15243982

>Do you think sexual behavior and moral system compatibility matter when you want to have an intimate relationship with someone!?

Gee I don't know John, penises on my cereal are not my cup of a tea

>> No.15243984

Dick cheerios

>> No.15243995

I don't, but I used to date someone who does and it broke my heart knowing how upset he was that I'd been with someone else before him. Made me feel a huge amount of shame, even though this was back before we'd even met. He used to throw it in my face in arguments sometimes to make me feel even more guilty. It's a big part of why I left him.

It's stupid to get upset about your partner having slept with someone else before you, and people that fixate on it are incredibly insecure and unhealthy. It's not like getting upset about it will change anything. Just appreciate the fact that you've got something beautiful with this person now and don't look back.

>> No.15244018

Not only is it erroneous to apply modern morals to peoples of ancient times, it's stupid. By modern morals Odysseus is a monster because he owns slaves. To judge him as such would mean you, the reader, would miss out completely not only on the philosophical lessons to be learned, but also on the historical context in which it was written. So applying today's "woke" standards of women's sexual liberation on ancient Greece is simply idiotic. That's not what was expected of women in ancient Greece, and that doesn't make Odysseus a bad guy.

On the contrary Odysseus is a very noble person. We see this as time and time again he treats gods and goddesses with respect even when they are disguised and he doesn't know who they are. Stories back then sought to teach people how to live. Odysseus sacrifices himself for his country and seeks to do right by the gods, and similarly Penelope ought to do what is right for her family, which entails waiting for her husband's return.

Penelope is not the true hero of the story because she doesn't do anything heroic. She just barely manages to do the right thing, but only with much scorn of her son Telemachus, who was right to scorn her because that's how families in ancient Greece worked. If Penelope were the hero of the story she would have driven out the suitors on her own or with the help from the gods. YOU CUNT.

>> No.15244023

You should be thankful. Find God and get married before having sex. You are lucky because have not had your innocence taken away in exchange for temporal pleasure.

>> No.15244026

Apply yourself. If a woman wants to be a huge slut but hasn't actually slept with anyone out of some autistic hangup then you are not compatible with her just because she's a virgin. If someone used to sleep around a load but now she thinks that's not for her then you are now compatible. This is supposed to be the literature board.
t. got with the first kinda girl and she cheated on me, then cheated on her next bf with five guys

>> No.15244037

Yes. If she isn't a virgin saving herself for marriage then I don't want to date her.

>> No.15244038

I masturbate to pictures of anime girls being brutalised

>> No.15244046

No, this is another form of retardation. There's nothing wrong with judging the figures of the past with your own morality (which by necessity will be modern). The reason it's looked down upon IN HISTORY is because it's just fucking pointless. In literature, if you're going to be making analysis of fictional characters as if they're people, there's nothing wrong with it.
Odysseus is a mega shitter, anon. He is not noble. He sits on a rock and cries because his fuckbuddy isn't enough for him any more. If you don't find that pathetic then I find YOU pathetic. But it's okay that he isn't the noble figure the ancient Greeks thought he was; it doesn't make him any less of a forceful character.

>> No.15244053

>a man sleep with many women
>a woman should only sleep with one man
I'm sure you know these ideas are in conflict with each other. How could every man sleep with many women if every women only sleeps with one man?

>> No.15244059

holy shit this board really is infested with women

>> No.15244076

>It's stupid to get upset about your partner having slept with someone else before you
too broad strokes, it kinda depends who they did and what they did. if you were dating a guy and it turned out he was banging your sister a year ago, it's not that easy. or if he was into orgies or went to see prostitutes or trannies it whatever, it is more than reasonable to get a little hung up on it. like that reddit post about the guy who found out his fiance was gangbanged by four dudes she still had on her facebook friends list, it's absolutely reasonable to freak out. yeah you might have something beautiful at that moment, but uncovered history can shatter that in a second

>> No.15244098

>then you are not compatible with her just because she's a virgin.
>If someone used to sleep around a load but now she thinks that's not for her then you are now compatible.
That doesn't mean our sex behaviour is compatible, it doesn't mean our moral system is compatible, and it doesn't mean we are "now compatible" for sure
>This is supposed to be the literature board.
Learn to read then

>> No.15244100

It works out because most women don't only sleep with one man.

>> No.15244108

>if you're going to be making analysis of fictional characters
If you believe in "death of the author" and all that cultural marxist bullshit then yes, you can write a paper in your feminist studies class about how Odysseus is a shitlord, and unfortunately that is the current state of modern education.

I believe authorial intent matters more than talking about whatever the hell you want to while using an unrelated work of fiction as a springboard. In which case everything you said is utter bullshit, just like your MFA.

>> No.15244130

But there were people in ancient times who thought it was immoral to own slaves? Why do people like you think it's okay to reduce entire civilizations to one set of values and morality? Do you really think there wasn't anyone back in those days talking shit on Odysseus for owning slaves? People today criticize the characters who are supposed to be the great heroes of our culture all the time; why would the Greeks have been different?

>> No.15244140

Doesn't matter. Go to church and get into pranic breathing. You can free yourself from the trauma that's corrupting your mind and ruining your life. You will live a happy life if you do this. Your choice.

>> No.15244145

He said "should" so we're talking about ideals. Those ideals are impossible to realize at the same time, so they're nonsense.

>> No.15244158

That's an extreme example, but you make sense.

I don't think it's numbers per se that's important but more attitude. How okay you both were back then and are now with having slept with other people, as well as whether you're still in contact with them, stuff like that.

Promiscuity is something that broken people in a broken culture feel compelled to do, and sometimes people don't realise how damaging what they're doing is until after they've slept around a bit. It can take a while to break through the conditioning, especially when so many people around you that you respect and care about keep reinforcing the idea that vapid, meaningless sex is both okay and desirable. And I don't think somebody who's realised that after making some mistakes should have their past held against them.

People who've slept around a lot and show absolutely no remorse, on the other hand...

>> No.15244159

i don't hang around with whores desu

>> No.15244163

>But there were people in ancient times who thought it was immoral to own slaves?
Very few authors of the period called slavery into question. Slavery was so ingrained into their culture they could not comprehend life without slavery. There was no abolitionist movement in ancient Greece. So I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.15244167

"The Dead" was the ultimate black pill for me, no way i even try to make it work with a non virgin who has no love left in her and only wants to "settle" for me. I would literally rather die alone and a virgin than humiliate myself by allowing something like close.

>> No.15244180

Statistically speaking people with more than 6 partners cheat substantially more than those with less. So just from a raw odds perspective, you are more likely to have a stable relationship with a woman who has had fewer partners. The same applies in inverse. Women should seek men with only a few sexual partners, because men with many sexual partners are less likely to be faithful.

>> No.15244188
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, shaka shaka shaka with my three waifus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dead by James Joyce?

>> No.15244213

That's not what that says.

>> No.15244222

>Also I'm pretty sure not all people have the idea of procreating with everyone they have sex with.
The main goal of mating is is having children. Sure, contraception methods exist. However, they are not 100% effective all the time. Sex, at the end, is all about having children.

>> No.15244226

Except when it's about having fun, which is 99% of the time with humans.

>> No.15244227

they're not that extreme in this day and age, it seems. and no it's not really a numbers game as much as it is a disparity game. it's easy to understand if someone feels insecure or threatened if their partner has done a lot more sexual exploring than them. if there is something you haven't done before and you finally feel comfortable doing it with this special person, and it turns out she already done it with some guy she didn't/doesn't really care about, you're up shit creek. even so, numbers matter too if the disparity is large.
i don't think they necessarily have to feel remorse, if my wife told me she did something i would be grossed out by, like visiting a glory hole for example, it wouldn't matter how much remorse she felt or displayed. it would simply be something we never could have worked our way around. remorse or not, actions have consequences, and something you do today will affect things in the future. that may include absolute incompatibility with certain desirable partners. i'm glad i'm so old i found someone before tinder etc, we're both of an age when you had to own up to your actions irl for better or worse

>> No.15244228


>> No.15244231

I think they're just liberals. I can't really explain it, but there's a way that they communicate that immediately lets you know what sort of person you're dealing with. This thread is full of them.

>> No.15244239

>using the act of creating humans to have pointless fun
This is why the world is doomed

>> No.15244240


>> No.15244242

Body count matters less than number of relationships. A girl can easily rack up a body count of 30 in a year if she wants to. Thats not really the bad thing, she just takes what she can get.
But if she had 5 boyfriends in the last 3 years she has trouble bonding and comitting.
I'd rather date a girl with a body count of 20 than a girl with a body count of 2 who cheated once.

>> No.15244249
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>body count doesn't matter
also women
>I need to drop a couple grand on fixing my vagina

>> No.15244250
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>Thats not really the bad thing

>> No.15244252


Do you want a bowl of cereal, or a bowl of cereal that's had someone's dick in it?

>> No.15244255
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>I'd rather date a girl with a body count of 20 than a girl with a body count of 2 who cheated once.
Disgusting. How about neither of those sluts?

>> No.15244261

>authors of the period called slavery into question
>they could not comprehend life without slavery
pick one
The point is that there WERE people who challenged the norms; that they were a minority is irrelevant. Were they less Greek for not agreeing with all of the norms of their society? Was Plato not a Greek? You're implying that Plato, or any other of those few ancient Greek anti-slavery writers, was somehow illegitimate or wrong to criticize slavery because it was fine for people to practice slavery since it was the norm of the time. That's insane.

>> No.15244264
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>OP thinks gurgling someones cum is the same as eating a bowl of cereal.

>> No.15244265

Who cares as long as she's still std free

>> No.15244269

>Except when it's about having fun, which is 99% of the time with humans.
This is quite wrong, especially given that the technology that made that possible has only been available for 70 years at most.
The fundamental, biological purpose of the sex act is procreation, and the fundamental, biological purpose of the sex drive is to increase the number and spread of our species. Its side effect is to bring the participants closer together emotionally. The ideas you espouse are not only very recent in the grand scheme of human history, they did not become widespread until even more recently, and have met with intense resistance at each and every stage in their progress.
If you want to know how people have largely viewed sex throughout time, you should give this a read: http://w2.vatican.va/content/paul-vi/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_p-vi_enc_25071968_humanae-vitae.html

>> No.15244274

>That's insane!!!!
>That's wrong!!!!
Can you demonstrate even a single one of these moralistic assertions of yours?

>> No.15244281

You know there were Quakers in the US? The fact that they were a minority does not matter. The important thing is that they existed because my argument hinges entirely on a fringe population that has little historical relevance in the US, not how relevant they actually were.

>> No.15244286
File: 329 KB, 1080x1920, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and there's always thirsty males ready to spend money validating that behaviour

>> No.15244292


Well yeah, a girl with a lower bodycount is still preferable. But what I'm saying is its not the most important trait.
Men tend do dislike women with higher bodycount because we assume they're more likely to be disloyal. If she's loyal the bodycount is not a problem.

>> No.15244293

>who cares, my bull's semen is not warm and fresh when I drink it anyway

Don't worry, you can always lower the bar

>> No.15244340

Does it make you sad that you can't think about fucking women without thinking about men while you're doing it lol

>> No.15244392

You now what's worse than a disloyal girl? A girl that opens her legs for strangers.

>> No.15244397

The two are functionally indistinguishable. A girl who opens her legs for strangers will be disloyal.

>> No.15244424
File: 61 KB, 500x500, no hymen no diamond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody wants an Amy Schumer girlfriend.

>> No.15244442

>Well if you’re so smart surely you’ll be able to explain why exactly it matters?

What are the values of a woman who has slept with many men?
Does she value chastity? Or is she some hedonist who values sexual pleasure as a great good and who thinks chastity is silly? How reliable as a partner will be someone who is a hedonist who believes chastity is silly?

And there are other problems with this. By acting like a hedonist you become more of a hedonist. You crave more pleasure, you feel distress when you don't have it for a long time. Which leads to another problem: hedonism leads to an unhappier life. Unhappy people with poor values are not good spouses. And they will be poor role models for your kids (if they are even yours).