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15238448 No.15238448[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are christcucks the most retarded species on earth?

>> No.15238497

onono jezusbros we got too humblr

>> No.15238520

humiliate me more. "and whosoever shall exalt himself shall be humbled: and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted"

>> No.15238533

you mean the most based species on earth?

>> No.15238539


>> No.15238566

>Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

>> No.15238604

Abrahamists should be eradicated

>> No.15238650

I used to be neutral towards christians but /lit/ made me hate them. Obnoxious, low IQ insufferable crowd.

>> No.15238653

Turn the cheek is a roman phrase, it means to challenge without being aggressive

>> No.15238664
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>Turn the cheek is a roman phrase, it means to challenge without being aggressive

>> No.15238672
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>challenge without being aggressive

>> No.15238685

Based and properly educated on historical context pilled

>> No.15238690

It took them 300 years but it worked out in the end.

>> No.15238703

biggest cope of all time

>> No.15238711


>> No.15238720

source? sounds like cope

>> No.15238757


>> No.15238762

Nope, it’s true. Roman soldiers could only strike slaves with a backhand as a sign of disrespect, so turning your cheek was a challenge to a soldier.

>> No.15238767

soiboys hate christianity

>> No.15238772

Imagine not knowing in 2020 that Jesus was based and Jews are cringe

>> No.15238781

Yes ?

>> No.15238795

There's nothing wrong with dismissing attacks from your enemies when you are stronger than them. When you could destroy them and you choose not to, that's an act of mercy.

>> No.15238804

So edgy, so brave. I tip my fedora to you!!! I cannot believe no one has had the gaul to say such things before I wish I could give you some reddit gold OMGLMFAO!!!!!1!!!!111!!

>> No.15238819

>ask for help
>murder and degrade your helpers
>claim to be the Chosen one
>consider non-you as cattle
>make sure they don't survive in any useful shape
>also mutilate your sons' genitals
Are jews smarter?

>> No.15238827
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People who post bait threads are the most retarded species on Earth.

>> No.15238871


Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.15238876

>never heard of ghandi

>> No.15238913

just ignore them, the same pathetic faggots pile on with reddit reaction images at the first opportunity in the hopes of being in an r/4chan post like the fucking losers they are

>> No.15238924

>Turn the cheek is a roman phrase
Tremendous cope. Matthew gets the idea from Lamentations 3:27-31:

>It is good for one to bear the yoke in youth, to sit alone in silence when the Lord has imposed it, to put one’s mouth to the dust (there may yet be hope), to give one’s cheek to the smiter, and be filled with insults. For the Lord will not reject forever.

>> No.15238986

Jesus and Jews are both cringe, Romans were based

That still seems like cope slave morality to me desu

>> No.15239066

>Romans were based
>Among the various rumors that came to my ears there was one in particular that attracted my attention. A young man, it was said, appeared in Galilee preaching with a noble unction a new law in the name of God who had sent him. At first I was apprehensive that his design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Jesus of Nazareth spoke rather as a friend of the Romans than of the Jews.
-Pontius Pilate

>> No.15239141

He meant it has to do with specific Roman culture, which it does.
Romans are also based. But grow up with your slave morality, philosophy 101 doesn’t make you smart. They were literally slaves you bonehead

>> No.15239244

Jesus told his followers at the time to turn their cheek meaning when they deliver their message to others; but its not meant for all Christians.

>> No.15239265


>> No.15239349

>t. saul

Whether you think something sounds smart or not has no bearing on its correctness, anon.

>They were literally slaves you bonehead
Yeah no shit, now you're getting it. You worship a religion of resigned defeat.

>> No.15239381

Anon, have you actually read nietzsche's works on religion? He admired jesus alot

>> No.15239384

"the letter of pontius pilate to tiberius caeser"
not sure if its a forgery or not, but even in the bible pontius pilate was cool with Jesus and only crucified him because the jews peer pressured him into it. coptic christians even venerate him as a saint.

>> No.15239430

What, because Jesus didn’t say to plunge themselves into swords Roman swords he’s a cuck? Once again grow up.

>> No.15239449
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Christcucks always carrying 4 legged wood on shoulder and whipping selves just to please DaddyJesus.

>> No.15239454

>I can't explain why my 2000 year old moral system isn't inferior to your 2000 year old moral system so I'm going to call you immature for supporting a 2000 year old moral system
Oh shit you're just retarded

>> No.15239510

Always the same with people like you. Given the context, turning the other cheek is a challenge and demand to be respected. You just hate Christianity and will do or say anything to be a critic

>> No.15239556

>get beat
>challenge them to beat you more
>"look we're actually very strong!"
I really didn't mind Christianity until it was pointed out to me how life-denying it is. What world do you live in where challenging your master to beat you is not affirmation of your role as a slave? Christianity is pure nihilism.

>> No.15239568

The problem is that you think life is in the flesh, and not in the spirit.

>> No.15239583

How does demanding to be respected equate to challenging “your master” to beat you? You’re way way off here

>> No.15239586

People that reply to bait threads are almost as dumb.

>> No.15239589

Bible passages are not meant to be taken out of context or historical setting.

>> No.15239599

Anon, you don't understand roman culture. By turning the cheek, you force the striker to either back hand you and look like a little bitch(romans looked down on backhands), or to punch you, therefore making you equal on roman terms. It's the slave forcing his master to unshackle him

>> No.15239629
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>must project my sexual fetishes onto other belief systems

>> No.15239643

Your problem is that you use the promise of the future to neglect the present when the future is not actually promised at all.

How is a slave demanding freedom from his master by offering himself to be beaten by his master not implicit acknowledgment of being a slave?

>> No.15239669
File: 184 KB, 820x839, 146-1466435_soy-open-mouth-soyboy-sony.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really didn't mind Christianity until i read nietzsche's wikipedia page

>> No.15239679

I'm getting tired of this meme. Not long after Jesus said turn the other cheek, he gave himself up to be imprisoned, tortured, and crucified. Jesus is not a political leader, but a spiritual teacher and God. He could have literally annihilated all his persecutors and wiped the memory of them from the minds of all who knew them. By turning the other cheek, he certainly means to suffer persecution with gladness in order to detatch oneself from the things if this world and gain treasures in the life to come. He's not some crossover between Machiavelli and Saul Alinsky. He's God incarnate telling you how to live in order to not be damned.

>> No.15239682

That why they converted to Christianity because they are based.

>> No.15239683

Once again you’re not listening, you don’t care. You simply want to critic Christianity for the sake of it. Boring

>> No.15239691

That's an overly elaborate way of saying you'll take the one cookie now instead of the cookie factory later.

>> No.15239696

He could’ve said to just take the hit, but he didn’t. He specifically said turn the other cheek and stand up for yourself.

>> No.15239697
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Dumbass bitch