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/lit/ - Literature

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15235702 No.15235702 [Reply] [Original]

>dad watches one documentary once in a lifetime and says I'm illiterate for not knowing an irrelevant people which was conquered by romans
>tfw know everything about the greeks and romans thank to /lit/ but nothing about the etrurians

Am i excused for my ignorance?

>> No.15235712

>he didn't start with the Etrurians

>> No.15235714

You mean etruscans?

>> No.15235715
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>Resuming with the Romans
>Not continuing with the Chinese

>> No.15235723
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Is it wrong that I have no desire to engage with literature after the romans because everything afterwards was just a giant jewish psyop as they methodically captured the west?

>> No.15235739

the Jews are good.

>> No.15235745
File: 111 KB, 750x623, 8A6FA1B9-5DB4-4B26-B15A-52036EA38FEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently both are correct. But yeah, Etruscans is more common.

Also this is now a /clas/ thread. What are you currently reading? Just started Appian's account of the Civil Wars.

>> No.15235753

If you know nothing about the etrurians, you clearly don't know everything about the Romans. Get back to studying, you lazy bum.

>> No.15235793

The jews fuckibg hated jesus and thought he was doing them what you thing they're doing to you. Jesus also heavily preached against the hording of material wealth, a big no-no for the jews

>> No.15235802

You realise that Jesus died good 600 years before the fall of Rome, right?
>inb4 implying Rome ever fell

>> No.15235819
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The Romans adopted a lot of stuff from the Etruscans, wtf are you you retarded? Even the Aeneid at least mentions them. You know everything about the Romans, but you haven’t read the Aeneid?

>> No.15235834

Haha yes that's why they just kept pushing them towards other countries so they could ruin the whole of europe right? They hated the jews! Guess which civilization destroyed their temples? Christcucks love jews.

>> No.15235839

Jews love christcucks even more. A christcuck is a man pacified, docile and ready to serve

>> No.15235861

>just kept pushing them towards other countries so they could ruin the whole of europe right
The christians kept banishing the jews from everywhere
Fucking hell, the hanging of a jew was treated like a party, there's even a story about bach playing music at one
You may just have schizophrenia

>> No.15235873

>The christians kept banishing the jews from everywhere
How come they weren't ever genocided before nazi germany?

>> No.15235902

Because genocide is fucking hard to do, especially when you don't have modern tools
There were plenty of massacres though(here's a famous one https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.haaretz.com/amp/jewish/.premium-1189-long-live-the-king-death-to-jews-1.532901))

>> No.15235916

The Rhineland massacres come to mind, but true genocides are very rare throughout history. They had all of this coming btw.

>> No.15235927

This is true but most of the church (Especially the Vatican) was corrupted

>> No.15235935

>there's even a story about bach playing music at one
any more information about this?

>> No.15235941

Your Dad probably said that because I bet you act like hot shit and try to lord it over them that you read books by a bunch of millenia year old homosexual pedophiles.

>> No.15235953

Nah he's a blowhard by nature

>> No.15235955

There's no verification that that actually happened, but his saint john's passage is famously anti-jew and he was also a die hard lutheran(luther fucking hated jews) so it's likely that he was anti-semitic

>> No.15235965

Nobody knows anything about the Etruscans, or at least where they came from. You're excused.

>> No.15236525


>> No.15236543

It seems strange that you would claim to know all about Romans without knowing anything about the Etruscans. Honestly, I don't even know if Rome would have developed the way it did if they never encountered the Etruscans.

>> No.15236556

Honestly, 90% of human history before the invention of the camera is just a combination of larp, propaganda, lies, misinformation, bias, and missing facts. The history after the camera is the same but with cool visuals.

>> No.15236651
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Not big on Lawrence but enjoyed this book (Sea and Sardinia is also good)- at a quick 185 pp it may be a good place to get your bearings

>> No.15236670

>tfw know everything about the greeks and romans
Great you must've read tons of boo-
>thank to /lit/
Oh no, it's retarded

>> No.15236689

>he thinks the romans weren't their puppets too

>> No.15236697

Only the empire, republic was B&R

>> No.15236713

The republic was a backstabbing shithole that deserved to die

>> No.15236767

Late Republic, yeah. But Punic Wars era Rome was peak civilization (barring some rotten apples here and there).

>> No.15236788
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>> No.15236803

Your dad sounds like every other pseud wanker on here. Show him this place.

>> No.15237601

Furthermore, it should make no difference to you either way. You belong neither to the Romans, nor to the old Hellenes. So, you would be reading foreigners either way, if you were to understand it as you do.

>> No.15237627

How do you know everything about Romans if you do not know about Etruscans?

>> No.15237633

What if he's greek or italian? Fuck, I belong to both but i could only feel a deep connection with the Greeks.

>> No.15237696

He would still be reading foreigners, because they lived in world whose spiritual order was completely different. It would be the same if he was German and read Nibelungenlied. He would still be reading foreigners, because none of that spiritual order remains. Although one feels sympathy and kinship, the writer is a foreigner.
I do not feel the same feeling with literature and philosophy from the later half of the nineteenth century. They share this world somewhat, one understands them without being puzzled and thinking about it particularly.

>> No.15237713


Doesn't even know about etrurians

>> No.15237725

It is also the equivalent of "Etrurians" in my language, but I am writing the post in English.

>> No.15237806
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>dad sees a documentary once in a life time
>it's "the one" documentary he can use to make his son seeth.
based dad

>> No.15237902

Sorry anon you got btfo on this one