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15231160 No.15231160 [Reply] [Original]

When I was a kid I was acting strangely so my parents brought me to a psychologist who, after running tests for a few weeks, told them I had an IQ of 143. They were very proud of this, and they spent all of my childhood reminding me of my "gift". Ever since, I've been stuck with the certainty of being one of the smartest people alive, even though I've been proven wrong countless times. How do I get rid of this feeling of superiority? It's tearing me apart and making me a burden to everyone around me. The only thing I found to help is meeting people who are much smarter than me. Most of what I read made it worse, because I usually get a feeling of great personal satisfaction when I easily understand a book that I think most people would struggle through.

>> No.15231189

Do physically demanding things. It's a meme, but BJJ for example will stop you being so arrogant.

>> No.15231212

Also realise that being smart doesn't mean you're a decent person. That really depends on you learning to be virtuous.

>> No.15231237

Cyrus the Idiot should have slaughtered the vile and despicable daevas called the Jews. I want to defile Mordechai and Esther's graves.

BTW, this is a highly literary post and should not be deleted. It points to something truly profound.

>> No.15231241

An IQ of 143 doesn't make you one of the smartest people alive. It just means you are fairly smart. An IQ of 143 means you are 1 in 500.

If you live in a small neighborhood with 2,000 people (which a similar distribution to the overall population) chances are, there are 3 people there who are smarter than you are.

>> No.15231294
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What do you read that you consider easy but hard for the average pleb? I'll judge you heavily by this and determine myself whether you're intelligent.

>> No.15231328

I've recently started lifting for this reason. I'm also physically weak, and I thought it would be good to divert my attention from my thoughts to my body. It turns out that being mediocre in one domain only makes my feeling of intellectual superiority increase, as a way to cope. This is what bothers me most about this : my self-love is reactive and driven by resentment. I developed my intelligence as an imaginary revenge against the perpetual humiliation I felt as a child for being weaker than others.

Of course I know this, but the feeling itself is completely irrational in nature.

>> No.15231415

I've read most of the French canon, most of the ancient classics, a lot of contemporary western philosophy with a focus on french epistemology (Foucault, Bachelard, Deleuze, Edgar Morin..). Most philosophy that's actually difficult I struggle with though. I didn't understand 80% of what I've read from Kant. Same thing with Hegel. I don't get the difficult French poets either (some parts of Rimbaud, Mallarmé, Maurice Scève...) and a lot of what I've read from english poets like Eliot or Pound went completely over my head.

>> No.15231421

read Hegel

>> No.15231448

Have you submitted your analysis and understandings to peer review? Have you published anything on these subjects?
When you say you read the "ancient classics", can you define for example the definition of "not-being" in Plato?

>> No.15231473

sun and steelpilled take

>> No.15231585

I haven't. I could probably write a little bit about being and non-being from what I remember in the Parmenides, but with very little accuracy. With the exceptions of a few authors I love, I forget most of what I read almost instantly, and I have very little to show for intellectually. I haven't created or thought anything worth of value. This is why I say I've been proven wrong : I know I am not half as smart as I think. But yet, I don't *know* it, and no matter how hard I try to think rationaly about my capacities I still feel intellectually superior to most people I meet.

>> No.15231603

What is your race?

>> No.15231643

White. Why?

>> No.15231667
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>peer review

>> No.15231702

Intelligence is almost useless without ambition and work ethic. Your parents reinforced laziness in you by constantly reminding you of your advantages without also instilling a drive to reach your potential through hard work.

My parents did the same. I have always been cursed with a low work ethic, which I blame on my parents. I have coasted through most of my life and have finished a higher education and gotten a high paying job without making any effort. Its been a comfy life but at the same time I could have reached true greatness if my parents had instilled that work ethic in me instead of constantly praising me for stuff like "remember when your maths teacher at elementary school said you were always at least 2 semesters ahead of everyone else in class?" etc...

It took a long time for me to realize that natural ability in itself is not something to feel superior about. I actually for a long time felt that achievements born through hard work were less worth than those achieved through pure natural ability. Its a weak mind set that it took me loads of self reflection to break out of. It takes a lot of time to break out of the virtues our parents instill in us from an early age.

If/when I have kids, work ethic will be the number one thing I want to teach my kids. Im not saying I will be a slave driver, but I will make sure that they know that hard work is the only way to reach your true potential, and that they wont be sitting as adults with the feeling that they didnt learn work ethic from their parents. Natural ability is just a bonus.

>> No.15231719

>I have no free will outside of the conditioning from my parents

>> No.15231734

Have a lot of children.

>> No.15231748

You didnt even read my post. I said it took me a long time and a lot of self reflection to break out of the conditioning, not that its impossible. I was for a long time completely blind to my issues, which made me waste a lot of my younger adult years with deluded ideas of what it meant to put in actual effort.

Research shows that work ethic is highly hereditary btw.

>> No.15231759

Buck up or shut up, little boy.

>> No.15231772


stfu brainlet

>> No.15231783

I'm not the one spilling my life story over you. I'm pretty sure plenty of anonymous strangers are sympathizing with your trivial plight of lacking resolve and conviction in what you want to do in life.

>> No.15231784

no joke I felt the same way till I joined the army, even if u ace the asvab do infantry or sf, you're superiority complex will either vanish or become deserved

>> No.15231810
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>no friends

>> No.15231830

One time this dumb bitch I knew bragged to me about how smart she was, claiming a tested IQ of 110.
Point being your sense of superiority is separate form the number, since a fucking mouth breather had the same sense, except she was probably too stupid to realize how much of a retarded failure she was.

>> No.15233121

An IQ of 143 as a kid ≠ An IQ of 143 as an adult

dumb fuck retard

>> No.15233145

>and a lot of what I've read from english poets like Eliot or Pound went completely over my head.
You aren’t supposed to analyze Pound

>> No.15233249

incidentally i have also exactly a 143 IQ, and the paper said my weakest point was in math (like 115) and strongest was in language (160). Now I'm in a top 5 world math department writing a thesis in a difficult part of mathematics with a star adviser. I remember outscoring really bad a mate of mine in sophomore year who had a 147 IQ or something. Feynman, who was not only a 'creative' physicist but particularly known for freakish purely cerebral prowess, had a 120 IQ. Moral of the story: this is mostly bullshit.

>> No.15234165

Just fail miserable. I have a 145 and I nearly flunked out of college. It didn’t just knock me down a peg or two. It pretty much destroyed my confidence.

>> No.15234232
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>have you submitted your analysis and understandings to peer review?

>> No.15234266

Just accept that you're vastly outnumbered by dullards, but that it doesn't make them bad people or preclude the possibility of having good experiences with them if you're willing to engage on their level. The burden is on you to integrate (if you want to), as you're the outlier.

>> No.15234694

You’re overthinking it... but of course you would. You need to embrace practical wisdom and a simply philosophy towards the world and yourself. I recommend Stoicism. The price you pay for entertaining unending complexity is inaction, paralysis, stagnation, and ultimately regression. Start today.

>> No.15234700

yep :/

>> No.15234711

Just because a car has the potential to go high speeds doesn’t mean the driver will ever push it to those speeds or ever decide where to go. A high IQ doesn’t mean anything without a drive to do something with it.

>> No.15234715

Oh and you’re not that special. Your ego needs to swallow that. Whether you’re a genius or just smart enough, get into a highly skilled field and your teenage self-worshiping tendencies will quickly disappear. You will learn that true intelligence comes from pain and experience... as that’s where the rubber meets the road and it’s at that level you will find living life is most productive. In short, get a fucking real job.

>> No.15234741
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>How do I get rid of this feeling of superiority?
Unironically confess your sins. Life is hard enough without this huge overhead of having to cover our asses and try to save face after one of our numerous fuck-ups.

>> No.15234780

me too, but going to the military changed my work ethic and I started working har in uni. I don't blame my parents tho, they do what they can.

>> No.15234812


>> No.15234905

I'm not gay dude, I don't like swallowing cum.

>> No.15234937

Try using your intelligence to help other people and make a positive impact in your community :)

>> No.15234961

Isn't this more /adv/?

Anyway, like you said OP, meeting people smarter than yourself helps so all you have to do is engage in sincere self-improvement.

You'll get "schooled" by those that are superior to you which will in turn, humble you. Then, assuming you attain competence in these skills, you'll have a rough idea of, after all your work, what your ranking is globally. When you become skilled, you become increasingly aware of your deficiencies and so, as you most likely will not be one of the best in the world for any particular skill, you will end up becoming humble. It's very ironic but that's the way it is, OP. Develop your skills, then you'll see.

>> No.15234995

Study the 8-circuit model of consciousness.

Read Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson

Read Angel Tech by Antero Alli

Read Undoing Yourself with Energized Meditation and Other Devices by Christopher Hyatt

Experiment with psychedelics if you haven't already, they will really help loosen up the chronic over-active Intellect and help you take yourself and life less seriously.

There is benefit to both strong trips and micro-dosing.

>> No.15235080

are you kidding? martial arts fags are some of the most arrogant peopel alive

>> No.15235094

Not him, but I'm pretty sure that it's hard to be arrogant if you're at the bottom.

>> No.15235098

yeah, then wait til he gets good and starts about how much of a better man he is for going through that experience. yeah man you really gotta get pummelled... i did BJJ im not a civvie.

>> No.15235119

Alright, it sounds like you know a lot of these guys. What are they like?

>> No.15235124

I don't know if this will help but I tested even higher on the IQ test as a kid.

>> No.15235146

don't know that much just enough. sorry don't have any funny stories or interesting insights really

>> No.15235289

remember the difference between "intelligent" and "smart", as understood by most ppl. I go to one of the better schools in Europe in theory and I have met many arrogant intelligent people, but oh god oh fuck are they dumb when it comes to being lifewise smart