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File: 743 KB, 2560x1350, Brody-AHiddenLife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15226777 No.15226777 [Reply] [Original]

Any non-degenerate literature about sexual love?

>> No.15226957

Paradise Lost.

>> No.15227357

Great movie anon

>> No.15227362

Song of Songs

>> No.15227998


>> No.15228035

Marquis de Sade

>> No.15228049

Plátōn (Πλάτων)

>> No.15229006

metaphysics of sex

>> No.15229044

way too long, could've cut the movie in half. but the torture part got my dick hard.

>> No.15229159

Thankyou for the recommendations anons, have a blessed day

>> No.15229505

based bloomer

>> No.15229522

Malik thinks he’s being smart and edgy using the gimble but notice how the lense distort the head and the actor looks like a fucking Martian. MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND STILL WINT USE A FUCKING TRIPOD, CRANE, TRACKS. FUCK THIS ASSHOLE

>> No.15229551

Typical american mongrel who only reacts to violence

>> No.15229724


>> No.15230258

National Socialists were the good guys, you idiots. They had far less blood on their hands than Anglos and Russians. Hitler was a good man.

>> No.15230270

Jane Eyre

>> No.15230280

The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea by Yukio Mishima.

>> No.15230286
File: 166 KB, 1024x1024, seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15230294

You're the one seething. I am merely stating the Truth. The winners do not decide on what is truly moral or true.

>> No.15230309
File: 955 KB, 809x835, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15230314

>can't enjoy a film despite disagreeing with its morals
You must live a boring life anon, if your measure for what makes a good film is pro-Nazi then you're left with very little

>> No.15230319

That is German humor.

>> No.15230325

Your condescension isn't going to work here. I have studied this matter deeply. The National Socialists were the ones in the right. The world would be much more stable if they won. This is the Truth.

>> No.15230332
File: 324 KB, 2500x1726, german humor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15230374

“My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see i was right.”

>> No.15230377

Good man that just wanted to farm on his own property, raise a family and praise the Lord. Nope. Had to be bullied around because he wouldn't enlist to another futile German conquest that started under the auspices of bettering the German when it actuality it caused their greatest downfall. Hitler was a cunt that hid in a basement while the young and old of "his people" fought to the bitter end.

>> No.15230391

Dude if you want something to exactly conform to your ideas of the world, you’re better off just jerking yourself off.

>> No.15230413


>> No.15230423
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not insult my Father, the Fuhrer.

>> No.15230448

these obviously are serious about their shit but these lads >>15230309 just look like they're joking around

>> No.15230455


>> No.15230726

anyone who's had a grandfather fight in the war on any side will find dozens of such snapshots. typical lads doing vaudeville parodies because there aren't any real women around. when men are secure in their sexualities they don't mind playing it up for a laugh; it's only the dickless gender scientists of today who want to find a "subversive" meaning in every moment of levity

>> No.15230777

It was all going well until the night of the long knives. If the socialists of the natsoc party, like the Strasser brothers, had still been there to keep Hitler's ego in check it wouldn't have ended like that. The Strasser brothers were both intellectual socialists and were aiming to strengthen ties with the Soviets.