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15229258 No.15229258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>leibniz is correct, we live in the best possible wor-

>> No.15229270

>this is my argument

>> No.15229275

Politics is a joke, how can people attach themselves to this trash in the current year. A surrogate activity if I’ve ever seen one

Books on the clownification of politics?

>> No.15229287

gay, non-white, poor and female conservatives are full on retarded

>> No.15229291

What the fuck does "conservative" even mean in Burgerland? Explain this shit.

>> No.15229311

White cuckservatives are not any better. Especially in the US.

>> No.15229328

It doesn’t mean anything, they’re just as degenerate and are at most five years behind the liberals, always losing. They exclusively play defense. They’re pathetic

>> No.15229346

It's a label bro. A lifestyle. Somethin you identify with.

>> No.15229359

Drag queens are always disgusting no matter what.

>> No.15229433

Right-liberal market fundamentalists. Usually christians or w/e orthodox. Reactionary xenophobic nationalists.
They’re extremists. There’s maybe a hundred actual conservatives in the country.

>> No.15229443

It means you identity with elephant tribe, as opposed to "liberals" who identity with donkey tribe.

>> No.15229455

1/10 quality post
Get your head examined, you dumb cunt

>> No.15229456


I dont think Leibniz thinks much about human agency when it comes to his argument of BPW.

Also, the argument is flawed because he says that there is an infinite number of BPW, which means that there must be BPW's ahead of ours, so we are just a pearl in his infinite BPW necklace.

>> No.15229463

american conservatives are basically progressive liberals when compared to the average muslim

>> No.15229464

staggeringly stupid take as usual.

>> No.15229474

They don't sound too extreme. Radical Is lslam is my idea of right-wing extremism.

>> No.15229494

Has there ever been a tripfag that isn't a complete retard?

>> No.15229516

I mention them as orthodox, but they’re not such a large group. Muslims raise kids in the US to become left-liberals

I’m talking to a non-burger, so you MAGA heads can just shut your mouths

>> No.15229537

There is only one BPW, but there is an infinity of possible worlds.

>> No.15229541

I said Radical Islam, not just generic Muslims, though. Learn to read, sweaty.

>> No.15229544

we still have free will though

>> No.15229559

>Muslims raise kids in the US to become left-liberals
then ISIS has a point saying they're not Muslims at all

>> No.15229571


>> No.15229579


>> No.15229580

Only market fundies and christian fundies come out of the US rightwing. There’s practically no islamic fundies here, and that’s where we’re talking about. The US “conservative”. They are extremists and many of them are on the verge radicalism as evidenced by all the domestic terrorism they do.
Learn to read, and write, sweetie

>> No.15229600

US ISIS are straight up CIA handlers in masks. But their a foreign legion made up of Iraqis, Pakis, Europeans, etc.

>> No.15229607

I thought the "salt-right" was Burgerland's version of radicalism. Plain conservatives just whine about muh mexicans muh democrats and other nonsense. Either way, none of these would be considered radical outside of the US, sweaty.

>> No.15229640

Again, I’m not all that sweaty right now.

The “alt-right” was a rising racist contingent of the nationalist section. Becoming more fascist in its ideology they needed a more sanitary label. So the great marketing minds of liberals came up with alt-right. This is an extremist group, clowns they may be. Some may murder and get carted off to the penalty box, but they are much beloved for distracting the rising lefty kids

>> No.15229660

>The “alt-right” was a rising racist contingent of the nationalist section
I'm pretty sure that a bunch of pseudonymous internet nerds like SuperLutheran and BAP do not count as any section of the Republican Party. The only members of the alt-right to show their faces on a regular basis are James Allsup and Richard Spencer, and neither are friendly with conservatives.

Also, they called themselves alt-right. Now they call themselves the dissident right.

>> No.15229665

>Again, I’m not all that sweaty right now
>2020, 4chan(nel)
>bitching about meme spellings
That's a yikes from me, sweaty.
>The “alt-right” was a rising racist contingent of the nationalist section. Becoming more fascist in its ideology they needed a more sanitary label. So the great marketing minds of liberals came up with alt-right. This is an extremist group, clowns they may be. Some may murder and get carted off to the penalty box, but they are much beloved for distracting the rising lefty kids
ah ok

>> No.15229693


almost a fair point, but if there is an infinity of PW's then their can be no definitive world which is the best.

>> No.15229712

>and neither are friendly with conservatives.
That’s what I’m saying. Not a part of the Republican party, which has been long since bought out and called “neoconservatives” (same as the DNC) and they’re considered extremist rightwing and don’t agree with each other
> the dissident right.
Hahah. Cuz “Kekastan” was too ironic.

>> No.15229732
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Literally every trad society in history had a community of people engaging in homosexuality. Forget antiquity, just look at Victorian England. The ones cracking down homosexuality it are puritan reformists - early christians, prots, wahhabists, nazis, etc. None of these people are conservatives.

>> No.15229757

Just fuck off already

>> No.15229771

US politics are a meme. People over there believe that if you cut your nuts off as well as your dick then you are a woman. The conservatives are not even conservatives. Dems and Reps are both just conservative liberals. The left is non-existent outside anomalies like Bernie (who got fucked by the establishment --again). Fucking mess.

>> No.15229777

>oops I endorsed the establishment

>> No.15229779
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>The only members of the alt-right to show their faces on a regular basis are James Allsup and Richard Spencer, and neither are friendly with conservatives.

>> No.15229780

More money for Israel and Big Business!

>> No.15229790

How does this make sense when injuns were trannies and niggers make little boys suck old man penis for the power cum

>> No.15229793

That's from 7 years ago. He tweeted he regretted voting for Trump recently (I think it was after the Iran mess).

>> No.15229802

The Greeks were into gay stuff including hebephilia. Not exclusively but they were.

>> No.15229803


>> No.15229806

Regretting voting for zion don doesn't say anything about his position on homosexuality

>> No.15229813

So what are you saying here exactly?

>> No.15229823

Based anthropogist

>> No.15229829

That the alt-right unironically supports homosexuality

>> No.15229840

How the fuck is hebephillia gay it's literally biological attraction to fertile young women.

>> No.15229846

it's literally just aesthetics

>> No.15229851

What's funny is DSA types say this exact same thing about the party's Clintonite wing. And here in the UK it's a common criticism levelled at Blairites and the soft-left by Corbynites. The liberals are cucking everyone at once.

>> No.15229858

I obviously meant homosexual hebephilia i.e. they fucked pubescent boys.

>> No.15229870

So you're confirming they aren't friendly with traditional conservatives?

>> No.15229883

That's called pedaresty and was less common than Christian propaganda has led you to believe. Even so, how does that make faggotry a white person phenomenon? Fagoots are everywhere. More common among shitskins actually.

>> No.15229897

>demon showing his full power
>demon acting innocent, trying to lure you in, so he can eat you.

>> No.15229900

Female conservatives are awesome because they don't go with the flow. They have equal rights, now what do they want? A better world for their male partners.

>> No.15229912

Somebody explain to me how drag queens ended up representing mainstream conservatism?

>> No.15229921

only in america

>> No.15229925

>That's called pedaresty and was less common than Christian propaganda has led you to believe
They still practiced it, don't they?
>Even so, how does that make faggotry a white person phenomenon?
Progress. Enlightenment. Aesthetics beyond morals. Boosting will and drive. Challenging nature. All European hallmarks.
>Fagoots are everywhere. More common among shitskins actually.
Homosexuality is a European trademark. You can't take that from Europeans.

>> No.15229934

greeks aren't europeans, in fact all south "euros" aren't actually Europeans

>> No.15229952

"Traditional conservatives" like the city dwelling cuckservatives or the illiterate rednecks who inhabit the countrysides? Because the former is tolerating homosexuality more year by year, while the latter aren't even a real threat.

>you not taking your pills

Having male lovers was commonplace in ancient Rome.

>> No.15229964

Politics has never really been anything but aesthetics.

>> No.15229972

> Having male lovers was commonplace in ancient Rome
yes, and R*mans and G*eeks aren't Europeans, they're Anatolian, Mediterranean, Arab, mutts. they fought against the true Europeans.

>> No.15229974

I fucking wish cuckservstives were even a fifth as reactionary, xenophobic, or nationalistic as you seem to think they are. They're just liberals, no hyphenation is necessary.

>> No.15229976

>Europeans: Whoa we're so proud of the Greeks, they were the cornerstone of Europe! Greek philosophy is great! Best Europeans!
>Also Europeans: Greeks aren't Europeans. Only non-degenerste men can be called European even though the word "Europe" itself is of Greek origin! Greeks are subhuman degenerates! Did you hear they were kind of brown? Ew!
Get it right. They're only Euros when what they said or did agrees with your ideology. They either are or they aren't European.

>> No.15229988

>They either are or they aren't European
Final decision, they aren't Europeans.

>> No.15230009
File: 2.20 MB, 1024x1152, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed Varg. You will never found Europe.

>> No.15230013

No, it's only that all these parties are nothing more than camps within Liberalism, which is a secular humanist ideology of the Late Renaissance and Early Enlightenment. The very idea of left an right is a novelty of the post-Revolution, French Tennis Court.

>> No.15230036

>3 kikes and a thai twink
Ok schlomo

>> No.15230046

if thats the case, then the majority of "white" americans look like kikes.

>> No.15230048

>European = White

>> No.15230051

Well it is muttland

>> No.15230158

do elaborate

>> No.15230266

This is commonly known history, readily recognized by all opponents to Liberalism, but ignored by proponents. Dugin and Foucault both explain it in their own way. Or, if you want a Traditional Catholic take, read Revolution and Counter Revolution. The truth is found in the word itself--Liberal, of or pertaining to freedom. After several generations of wealth and prosperity for European nobility who were reading Greek and Roman mythology and philosophy, there became an increasing sense that Christian morality and theology were limiting, that man was not fallen and broken and inclined to evil, but that he was born good and corrupted by society; therefore, social norms should be more liberal and permissive. This itself has some roots in the Protestant revolt, which begrudged the Roman ecclesiarchy. Ever since, the motivating principle has been that an increase in freedom is good. The difference between what we call Liberal and Conservative today is nothing more than a disagreement on speed and totality. But, as the principle is always towards greater liberality, no conservative hesitation really amounts to anything in the long run. And before anyone counters by suggesting this is a slippery slope fallacy, the core belief of Liberalism is intentionally to introduce a slippery slope into Christian thought.

>> No.15230268
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Not gay but blocks your path

>> No.15230279

For most people it means non progressive liberal. The neocons won.

>> No.15230284

I maintain that we live in the worst possible world.

>> No.15230386

so is there any hope of arresting liberalism's advance? can anything even exist outside of liberalism at this stage?

>> No.15230398

low taxes

>> No.15230460

Nick Fuentes is the way

>> No.15230489

The only person who still calls himself "alt-right" is Dicky Spencer, because it's a term he coined, and his ego can't accept the fact that his movement is dead and nobody wants to associate with the brand.

>Hahah. Cuz “Kekastan” was too ironic.
You are so far out of your depth lol.

>> No.15230511

Not a book but there was an episode of Tales from the Dark side called "if the shoes fit" that might be up your alley.

>> No.15230533

Have you heard this woman speak?

>> No.15230546

>Literal youtube child

Zoomers are so fucking stupid

>> No.15230603

I don't know, but looking at OP's pic, the only difference between the American Right and Left at this point is aesthetics.

>> No.15230703

It's a mostly meaningless label, they just act as brakes on what the democrats want. It ranges from protestant fundies to "classical liberal" gun nuts to paleocons who want Euro style nationalism. The democrats always win in the end, however.

>> No.15230867

An absurd question. Liberalism is based on fundamentally false assumptions about natural law. It's illusory. God permits divine law to be trampled, but natural law cannot be contravened. This is why I say politics is aesthetics. The realities of power and resources and information and so on, these are fundamental. Regardless of human attempts, our society regularly develops back to the natural form. All that changes is the artifice we use to speak about it. Monarchies are not to be preferred to democracies because Kings are better than Presidents, but because it is better for the King to be known than unknown.