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15228398 No.15228398 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books you couldn't finish

>> No.15228412
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The remake was better

>> No.15228418
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not finishing a book is dishonourable, no matter how hard it is to read on.

>> No.15228426

i liked TTL. a lot of doorstoppers i've stopped mmidway. w&p (despite liking AK), guermantes way (despite liking swann's), 2666, magic mountain (despite liking buddenbrooks). gravity's rainbow (expected, disliked V.), ulysses

>> No.15228550


What duty is there to read something that is of no value to you?

>> No.15228555

how do you know it has no value if you haven't finished it?

>> No.15228630

>how do you know that Dan Brown is a bad writer if you haven't read every single word he ever wrote

>> No.15228657
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>> No.15228659

pardon me, my good chap, but you seem to have not noticed the trips of truth. any further arguing is futile, you are banished.

>> No.15228671
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I never finished anything.

Never finished
>high school
>99% of books
>most TV series (just stop watching)
>many movies
>applications (I'll fill about half and then stop)
>even bottles of water when people give them to me
Just can't finish things. I can start on them. I can do a good job. But it ends in the middle or near the end. Just can't bring myself to completion. Once I start tiring or noticing any perceptible decline in work, I just stop.

>> No.15228693

way too many to list

>> No.15228743

Do you watch movies all the way through too? That kind of attitude to finish something you are not enjoying seems like madness to me.

>> No.15228756
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it was just dragging too much. also I was often confused by the names, like sometimes I had no idea who he was referring to.
idk I might listen to the audiobook someday.

>> No.15228765

to be clear I did not read this translation, it's just a cool cover

>> No.15228784

because you may start enjoying it if you keep watching it. when i was younger i struggled to watch even the first hour of Fellowship of the Ring because i was bored but i am glad i kept watching.

>> No.15228798


(Let's ignore the difference between a book being hard to finish and a book being valueless.)

Obviously it's also your duty to avoid starting any book which won't be of value to you.

No-one said living a virtuous life was easy.

>> No.15228806
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I'll start over one day, but I'm still trying to figure out what's so great about the scenes where Murakami sexualizes Mari's sister

>> No.15228976


>> No.15229008


>> No.15229039
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>> No.15229086
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Secretly burying rape babies in the churchyard against the priest's demands couldn't make this book interesting so I didn't read to see if there were something later on.

>> No.15229186
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I even made a thread complaining about how insanely difficult it was for me to understand anything on this book.

>> No.15229217
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>got assigned this for HS AP lit
>opened the book and read the first sentence
>never touched it again in my life

>> No.15229234

This, I don't remember a book I didn't finish, despite how boring or bad it was.
But I struggled with a lot of Stephen King novels, really don't know why he is praised so much

>> No.15229257
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This and American Gods just fucking sucked, read about 30 pages of each

>> No.15229259
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I started to read it at 9

>> No.15229269
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>high school

>> No.15229299

Crime and punishment

>> No.15229310

well you finished typing this post

>> No.15229331

never did. Dropped out a little into 9th grade and took the GED around the time I would have graduated.

>> No.15229396


Seduction baby, rather than rape baby. Although perhaps the difference, as someone once said, is only a matter of technique.

It's a great book. But if it bored you, you did right to stop reading it.

>> No.15229405


American Gods is much better written than the Dresden Files stuff, from what I remember.

>> No.15229412

The Brother's Karamazov
I didn't dislike it, just got to busy at the time, really need to revisit it sometime

>> No.15229415


Have you tried it since? You might find it's quite an easy read now.

>> No.15229426

Oliver Twist was one of the books my Englih Lit A-level had to do on Aspects of Crime in literature but I actually never read the whole thing through.

>> No.15229452

I'm halfway through gravity's rainbow

Set it down for a year

Should I finish it or does doin this make me garbage

>> No.15229454

I disliked both, but Dresden FIles was much worse