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15225944 No.15225944 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize all your stories are subconsciously just you pining for your ex

>> No.15225948

>boo hoo I had a girlfriend
don't want to hear it

>> No.15225958

It was a qt bf from a rival country

>> No.15225964

of course, Romeo and Jules.

>> No.15226001

Depending on the output, that's not terrible inspiration. Don't try to express those demons through writing though—it doesn't work.

>> No.15226018

Which one is it, then?

>> No.15226023
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tfw you make up fictional girls to forget about your ex

>> No.15226034

Two different statements. The inspiration is fine, provided you do something with it. However, you're not going to stop pining for your ex by writing about him.

>> No.15226048

>dated a girl in mid 2017
>fell in love
>nothing came out of it
Almost 3 years later and I have feelings for her. What's the fucking point in life, again? Yea, yea, besides not being a pathetic bastard like me.

>> No.15226056

Alright, gotcha. I read it the wrong way.

>> No.15226057

Which is why i can write purely because I’ve never had one!

>> No.15226059

find someone new?

>> No.15226063

>What's the fucking point in life
Assuming some teleological sense from your life, the universe, etc. is a mistake.

>> No.15226072


>> No.15226079


>> No.15226213

The output are a series of stories about war between our countries lmao

People tell me i should get over him but but I like what’s coming out so far.

No, neither of us were Turkish

>> No.15226226

Brazilian and Argentine?

>> No.15226251

Does dating and fucking others help you forget?

>> No.15226259

I had a girlfriend and now have a wife and a girlfriend.

>> No.15226263

They're different women I suppose?

>> No.15226275
File: 111 KB, 600x600, werther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't try to express those demons through writing though—it doesn't work.
Wasn't this what Goethe did with Werther? It seems to have worked splendidly for him.

>> No.15226285

Not him but yea, I thinl can be therapeutic and cathartic as long sd you dont obsess too much.

>> No.15226364

Yeah writing keeps me thinking about him but I like what’s coming out so far and even if it means I need to stay celibate until the story is finished. I rather be immersed in great stories than give that up to get with some retard girl or guy just so I can get off.

>> No.15226714
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she keeps turning up in my dreams bros how do I excise her?

>> No.15226736

>What's the fucking point in life

>> No.15226819

No, US and Russia. He sent me some photos of himself in the Russian Army which kept me deep in thought in the middle of the night. I still have them.

No, I’ve gotten very bitter and jaded towards others. Other people’s relationships disgust me now, they seem so degenerate to the love I felt with my ex. Most people think like animals, fuck like animals, and die like animals. When I read Plato’s Symposium, it reminded me of my boyfriend and I thought about the nature of our friendship and how pure it was. So a lot of my story is trying to capture the nature of that friendship.

>> No.15226842

Yes but have you dated others?

>> No.15226872


>> No.15226879

Tell us more, anon.

>> No.15226887

There's no justification for life, except it being what justifies existence

>> No.15226892

In some ways.

>> No.15226896

that’s gay

you should chad up and consciously write stories about being a pussy slayer

>> No.15227015

here anon >>15226819

>> No.15227091

a lot of my main characters are pussy slayers because i like writing about alpha males

>> No.15227168


>tfw you realize all your stories are subconsciously just you pining for your ex

This needn't stop you being a good writer. Many (perhaps even all) great writers had one particular psychic wound which impelled them.

It also doesn't mean you're necessarily going to be too repetitive. Some of the best writers are obviously working from one basic starting-point, emotionally, but they still achieve plenty of variety.

A couple of obvious examples:

P.G.Wodehouse had a wretched childhood and basically created the world of his novels to escape it. Everything he wrote comes from the same pain, but he makes his world so entertaining that people will happily read a hundred books about it.

William Faulkner is a slightly more heavyweight example. He said himself that the one thing in his whole ouevre that came directly from his heart was the image of Caddy climbing the tree and looking in the lighted window in The Sound And The Fury. And there's a Caddy figure over and over again in his books, sometimes disguised. She's Lena Grove in A Light In August, and Dewey Dell in As I Lay Dying. (Notice the names. A grove is a group of trees and a dell is a little clearing amongst trees. And Benjy says over and over that Caddy "smelled like trees".) It's all coming from the same place in Faulkner's mind, but he can still use that one impulse to create a huge variety.

>> No.15227606

who is caddy

>> No.15227649

Does this situation fully preempt the boredom that necessitated it?

>> No.15227665

I talked to a couple people to see if it would help but nah, it just left me more disgusted.

There is one guy however who's been on my mind but I don't think it's a romantic or sexual thing, and I am sure he's married. In fact it kills my libido if I think about him and I don't jack off for days. I am trying to build my writing resume before I contact him because I want to write a book on him. I find him incredibly masculine and he's the kind of guy I want to be like.

>> No.15227827

Just think of all the guys she's banged since she ditched you probably at least 50