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15225522 No.15225522[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here ex-/pol/ browsers? Is it just me or has /pol/ just turned into utter fucking shit? I physically feel ill reading the threads there when I accidentally click there. Mind you I'm still the same esoteric hitlerist I was in 2016. Everything there now feels exactly like either boomers or underaged teenagers (nothing in between) discovering their first racism 101. Its just cringe valueless garbage.

Has its iq declined or was it always like this even in my peak /pol/ posting years (2014-2017)?

/lit/ now feels like a high brow version of what I was browsing in 2015.

>> No.15225541

Glad to see you're here to ruin our board with your blog posts instead. Thanks anon.

>> No.15225544

I've been blog posting here for the past 2 years anon you should be used to it by now.

>> No.15225554

I'm not even left-wing and I'm depressed that ex-/pol/ users are browsing /lit/ now..

>> No.15225564

/pol/ is a cianigger psyops board now anon
Old /pol/acks now are /fitlit/

>> No.15225566

Anon its been 2 years for me, this isn't a new thing.

>> No.15225585

Reddit destroyed that place. Pol at this point is the collective unconscious of mentally ill people around the world.

>> No.15225586
File: 230 KB, 1000x588, based bap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was always a psyop but its been unbrowseable since Charlottesville. Probably the wignats going schizo + cia trannies going into overdrive. Anyway I transcended into BAP worship now so its all good.

>> No.15225598

Fpbp. I currently have 16 hidden threads. Feels good

>> No.15225600

The sun blesses us brother... the sea peoples will rise again...

>> No.15225610

I was on both /pol/ and /lit/ for many years. /pol/ definitely sucks now, mainly because 2016 turned it into a subreddit for zoomers although it was getting too big even before that. It was still a decent news aggregator and fun racism chatzone until 2016 at least.

Whenever someone has a problem with /pol/ I assume they're a newfag or butthurt. I dislike /pol/ to the extent that the board is a haven for newfags who sometimes don't behave themselves on other boards, but not because of their beliefs. They can think whatever they want. They aren't even that bad about invading other boards these days, it's just that most of 4chan's userbase is at least moderately "alt right," whatever that even means, so there's lots of crossover. It's not /pol/ "leaking" every time some random guy makes a racist joke or plainly states that he has right wing beliefs.

It definitely stands out as newfaggy to me whenever someone freaks out about /pol/ just because of some mild racism or for being a sincere Nazi. Who gives a shit? That's their prerogative. You'll notice other 4chan users who aren't newfags just ignore it, the same way as they ignore a thousand other things they don't like. The only people who have a problem with it are people who are bothered by the views themselves, and are looking for a justification to censor or shame those views. Good thing nobody gives a shit.

>> No.15225616

Fuck you, I hope your family dies.

>> No.15225617

It has always been a fucking ape enclosure. I'm glad it at least got semi-contained on 4chins. Look at 8c*an for an example of what /pol/tards can do to a website if they're left unchecked.

>esoteric hitlerist
Cringe unless you're German (and even then).

>> No.15225625

It is exactly as you said.
2014 /fit/ video randomly making a "Good Goy" joke:

Everytime I see someone saying "go back to /pol/" I know I'm talking to a newfag redditor or a mentally ill schizo

>> No.15225634

Also forgot to say, yes, /pol/ is not even a board anymore. I know a girl whose 50ish aunt uses /pol/, I know lots of people whose teenage brothers use /pol/. It's arguably the most normie infested part of the site. You can smell the boomer stink right away in most threads, plenty of threads with 40+ year olds who just got off the boat from Facebook. Sometimes the /pol/ humor threads will be dumped full of Facebook images so bad it's tempting to think the person is PARODYING a boomer, but you can tell it's just a plain old boomer.

It's sad because the board I used to enjoy is dead, but whatever. At least it turned fuckloads of people into soft Nazis.

Yep, case in point: the post right above yours. Just smells like newfag/outsider.

Again, not to say that /pol/ users aren't mostly newfags these days, or that the board couldn't be obnoxious even at its best, but some average dude being racist is just whatever. Anyone who gets upset about it is probably some broad who says "I'm a 4channer, I go on /b/ all the time!"

>> No.15225646

You have to understand that something like 75% of the posters on 4chan nowadays are unironical reddit crossposters

>> No.15225647

/pol/ got ruined by:
1. Mid 2010s NRx guys refusing to step up and accept leadership within the right and crying about muh demotism and "we don't do politics" when people urged them to. Things would have taken a different direction had these guys used their smarts to politically corral the mob and use it as a positive force to build their vision. Instead they stayed jacking off on their 10k word blogposts or followed the trump trend. It's only dawning on guys like Palladium (former Social Matter guys) that while there are lot of dumbasses on the right, there are also lots of competent smart guys that are sitting about on their ass doing jackshit and could be used by people. For guys that talk about strategy a lot, neoreaction lacks any sort of strategically skilled people.
2. The atomwaffen "read siege" satanist skullmask pinetree edgelord fedfags who are possibly the dumbest shits in human existence and extremely aggressive in their stupidity and politics. Many of these guys are either feds, informants, or just plain dumb psychopaths who are the type of guys to get swastikas on their foreheads. They've manipulated a bunch of the more deranged low iq idiots on /pol/ to do dumbshit without any sort of strategic vision to their actions and playing into the role of the boogeyman that gives their enemies and the state more power (which they reply to with muh pr, which goes to show the lack of foresight on their behalf). These guys along with the next group ruined most of the discussion here and on 8ch.
3. Trumptards. Basically cultists at this point who think Trump can do no wrong. Limited in vision, nothing exists outside domestic american politics. Every sort of nefarious looking event on behalf of Trump and co that isn't a media beatup and looks plausible is actually the opposite and you should trust the plan because someone has read Q's entrails. Once Trump's presidency ends it's going to be amazing watching this cult fall apart.

>> No.15225672

Yeah I guess /lit/ insulates me from accepting this but on some level I know it. I'm a boomer now too, I actually want to stomp zoomers' heads in when I see their low effort faggot fucking posts. I don't mind shitposting, and truly horrifying shitposting is just funny, but some of the zoomer niggers here are actually frightening with how "shallow" their consciousness seems. You can tell that the last generation was just corrupted and degraded by watching Youtube videos, the upcoming crop of young people was raised on and by Youtube.

Don't forget the TRS crossboarders who think 4chan is a Murdoch Murdoch reddit filth meme factory.

>> No.15225682
File: 104 KB, 1508x746, murdoch chgan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you Murdoch Murdoch is pure kino.

>> No.15225690

Peak pol was 2013-2015, when the racism was at least rational to some degree. Glad to see the racial neurosis die down a bit now though among intelligent people on both sides.

>> No.15225696

>You'll notice other 4chan users who aren't newfags just ignore it, the same way as they ignore a thousand other things they don't like.
So 4chan turns you to a laid back liberal because of all the stuff you see and realise it doesn't have any influence over you? Seems legit. I'm a left liberal and I have nothing to do in these circles because they all are pansies who cannot handle a joke. I even made the assumption that anime/4chan nazis are more liberal than ''liberals'' nowadays.

>> No.15225703

It's too fast and thus encourages the worst kind of shitposting. Why bother to effortpost or engage in thorough, earnest discussion if you know the thread is only going to exist for 20 or so minutes before its bumped off the board?

>> No.15225707

>esoteric hitlerist

Lurk more. read BAP. Develop an actual based ideology like esoteric Mussolinist or Stalinist

>> No.15225708

it's been unbearable since ~2016

>> No.15225715

Most national socialists and reactionaries here love calm discussion and were kind of anarchists/libertarian
We literally unironically only wanted to have us and the people we care about be left alone

>> No.15225734

Yeah, that's why I really doubt the veracity of their political affiliation. I was an ebin fascist at 15-16 when browsing 4chan too (zoomer here, 20 now), but realised it doesn't translate at all into real life as I lived by individualist principles and held others to them as well.

>> No.15225751

Times are tough for advanced /pol/acks. As a fellow Esoteric Hitlerist, I used to be able to speak with some like-minded people on shooter-chan, but that's gone, and even when it was up, it was so clearly past its prime - no new discussion took place there. When I look at 4/pol/, I honestly get the impression that nearly every thread is meaningless spam. You have all these discord groups and redditors trying to spam it to promote some sort of agenda, drowning out actual conversation. This, naturally, reduces any instances of genuine /pol/ to its most basic levels, because few people have had the opportunity to simmer in real-/pol/ long enough to mature.

Sad to see the old days go. You can't even tell the newfags to lurk anymore. They can lurk all they want, and they probably won't get shit from it. /lit/ is retarded too, but its form of retardation is at least closer to an organic imageboard.

>> No.15225767

/v/ is really close to an organic imageboard and I don't know why everybody ignores it. I remember in 2014-15 it used to be much, much faster than /pol/, now they kinda are on par because of all boomers /pol/ received from facebook and their petty conspiracy echo chambers.

>> No.15225771

There is literally not a singe intelligent adult person who calls himself a 'hitlerist'. It's either edgy teenagers or low IQ stormfags.

>Just smells like newfag/outsider.
I've been on imageboards since 2012 (started on KC) back when /pol/ was infested with Ron Paul retards and funny memes about Sweden. It has never been good, you just remember it through nostalgia goggles. Large imageboards just suck in general, and it has always been the case.

I completely agree, but
>Mid 2010s NRx guys refusing to step up and accept leadership within the right
That's what Spencer did. Worked out really great for everybody.

I think you just greatly overestimate the potential (or, dare I say, human capital) of the right. Normies who briefly got interested in it because of Gamergate/Trump were always going to move away from active participation in politics (because normies have better things to do). And those who stayed are usual losers, sociopaths and teenagers who flock around fringe ideologies.

>> No.15225783

8/pol/ was always a bit too humorless for my liking, and because they defined their board culture in such restrictive wignat terms, they basically closed themselves off to any other areas of dissdent right wing thought.

>> No.15225784

Yeah this. I was a leftist by default for most of my teens, because I fundamentally care about helping people (and animals). But I was troubled for years by the assumption of most self-identifying leftists that the natural or ideal state of human existence is hedonism, and the dissolution of norms, standards, structures like the family to make way for hedonism. It always bothered me in a way that I could never put words or concepts to. Nowadays I would just be honest and say they're all faggots who have been tricked into the short-term gain of ultra-permissive hedonism at the long-term cost of their dignity and humanity, but back then it just vaguely bothered me that everybody around me was a fucking weak cringing faggot. They couldn't even stand up for their own beliefs vigorously. It just didn't make sense to me that everybody opposed to capitalism was somehow also a passive aggressive little bitch, or that we had to coddle lazy and entitled people.

When I discovered that conservatism and rightism were more than the Republican party and Protestant evangelists who arbitrarily dislike gays, it was not just a change of my opinions, it was a place for all that pent-up energy of discontent to go. Suddenly I found people who respected community, effort, sacrifice, pride, self-respect, restraint, etc.

Now I am third positionist and national socialist if I'm being completely serious, but it's easier to just say "Nazi" and be deliberately provocative if people are going to be dicks about it anyway.

Best conversations I've had about actual politics were with hardcore Marxists who hated capitalism as much as I do, and hated the bourgeois "individualism" (which isn't real individualism, but actively destructive of it) that is the underlying content of champagne socialism/college pseudo-leftism.

>> No.15225816

/pol/ was always cancer and so are you still

>> No.15225821

Based read bronze age mindset

>> No.15225829
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>That's what Spencer did. Worked out really great for everybody.
I thought it was going alright until Charlottesville. We can go over the mistakes made with doing a rally there but something like that was bound to happen eventually, and its retarded to think we can bring about change while doing nothing in the real world.

We need new leadership, one of our biggest problems is the limited supply of it. There are only a small amount of guys that could court a following, of those guys most are either in legal troubles, scared of getting in legal troubles, don't have the resources to do anything, or are anonymous.

The only guy really doing stuff right now is Fuentes, who yeah I think is a cringey zoomer spic, but that just goes to show why we need new blood if thats the best we have right now.

Someones gotta build off the past experiences, without previous baggage, with a unique and powerful platform that will catch even normies eyes, with the resources and intelligence to build a solid organization around him that will be able to promote based and redpilled messages into the real world while not falling into prior pitfalls.

>> No.15225863

Why are there so many /pol/ like threads on /lit/?

>> No.15225871

That was kind of the point. I remember when I showed up even in 2014 befor gamergate they were REALLY anti-newfag. They thought newfaggotry would be the destruction of their board, which they were completely right about. I myself a newfag zoomer that arrived from reddit in 2014 feel a tinge of guilt about this, though nothing I can do about it now.

Anyway after gamergate happened there was believed to be a massive conspiracy to the highest levels of 4chan that moot and the mods were all tranny tumblrinas trying to destroy their board after they began banning gamergate threads, which was completely true btw, so they fled to infinity-chan to keep pure /pol/ preserved somewhere. Obviously they will not accept any newfags even other rightwingers trying to change their new home.

>> No.15225897

Because /lit/ has been receiving a regular /pol/ influx lately since the muuh self improvement trend is still mounting. It's just highbrow /pol/acks who consider the dumb guys over /pol/ the useful idiots, or whatever dogwhistle is hip in their circles these days.

>> No.15225899

All the old /pol/fags with an iq above 100 that thought long and hard about how to save the white race realized the only way you could personally save it in a long run type of way, even compared to acts of mass violence, would be for us to improve ourselves and get somewhere important in life. If we can get to powerful positions in society, maybe even become an elite or a politician, then we can effect the kind of change we want. The way to do that is to improve yourself which means having a hopeful outlook, reading books, working out, getting a job, having a healthy social life, dating around and meeting the right girl to having kids with.

See >>15225586

If becoming a normie chad is the best chance I have at genocide I'll bite the bullet and do it.

>> No.15225900

moot absolutely sabotaged /pol/ out of spite and to drive as many people as possible to cripplechan, as part of the deal to sell the site, and his new tranny friends encouraged him

>> No.15225902

meant to link to >>15225564

>> No.15225905
File: 133 KB, 599x604, R-13280682-1552725853-8409.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel exactly the same way. It's mostly because /ptg/, Israelis and Brazilians.

>> No.15225914

>The only thing that matters today is the activity of those who can ‘ride the wave’ and remain firm in their principles, unmoved by any concessions and indifferent to the fevers, the convulsions, the superstitions, and the prostitutions that characterize modern generations. The only thing that matters is the silent endurance of a few, whose impassible presence as ‘convitati di pietra’ helps to create new relationships, new distances, new values, and helps to construct a pole that, although it will certainly not prevent this world inhabited by the distracted and restless from being what it is, will still help to transmit to someone the sensation of the truth – a sensation that could become for them the principle of a liberating crisis.

>> No.15225920

Yeah, you make a good point about /v/. All the threads there fit in. /fit/ is pretty okay too, depending on the day. Now if you want to talk about a real tragedy - one worse than /pol/ - let's talk about fucking /r9k/. The change that board has gone through is unbelievable. Remembering that board as one full of alienated men who resented society as a whole but held special disdain for women and then scrolling through it these days and seeing open redditors, married people, users orbiting "women," and there's this breed of poster that seems to obsessively try to attack the worth of other people and push lies that all of a person's problems are their own fault because they're a bad person, this is hard to describe and even harder to differentiate from some of the normal hurtbox things seen on imageboards. But seeing all this change, seeing what it's like now, I can only describe what I feel as some species of fear. I scroll through the catalog and I feel evil.

Yeah, they always had a stick up their ass. There was no memeing or even discussion of new ideas. It was basically just repeating the same things over and over again. (Esoteric threads in particular were painfully repetitive) It was weird towards the end.because they were too disillusioned to care about current events or Trump, but threads devoted to certain topics were also repetitive and new things never came up - there was a hostile reaction to anything new; this made everything feel stale, and you could look at the catalog and see threads, but those threads may as well not exist because you could probably guess its contents with 95% accuracy.

>> No.15225921

I suspect it's largely a consequence of YouTube censorship and the "alt-right" acquiesence to it and retreat into film criticism also. /pol/ was always a board that was very responsive to current events, which becomes frothing at the mouth over the last MSM article in the absence of the sort of alternative media which might have given direction to newfags. this was done in a way which was probably calculated to prevent a decisive moment of reaction, and worked. If a generation raised by old YouTube gave the right produced Atomwaffen, imagine what a generation raised by new YouTube will be like, or a generation raised by TikTok. /lit/ is at least capable of considering broader principles or trying to follow the thread of an idea through its sources.

>> No.15225928

Why can't you guys realize it is literally impossible for fascists to seize power through mass plebian movements, which is ultimately what you guys are. The powers that to not wan't you in power and will nulify democracy to keep you from it if it has to. Stop masturbating over apollonian interracial cuckoldry and become worthy enough to coup the nation. The masses are a waste of time.

>> No.15225933

>All the noble cultures of the past declined, because the purity and vigour of the originally created race faded out. They were compromised by the seed of lesser races that were attracted to the works of the superior men. The undeniable reason for their decline was then due to a kind of racial blood poisoning. Racial blood must be preserved in its purity at all costs.
basically this, but with Reddit.

>> No.15225938

/r9k/ spawned /soc/, few people remember this. The board being an oasis for fucked up lonely men, seeking camaraderie qua lonely fucked up men, for some reason naturally attracted arguably the largest femanon tourist population on the site. Despite their constant claims that there was no difference between male and female users, they steadily turned the board into what /soc/ looks like now, literal camwhoring threads. Real simp shit too, like "post your eyes"/vocaroo threads, which are plainly just excuses for even mediocre broads to attention whore too.

It got so bad moot destroyed it, made /soc/, and only belatedly recreated /r9k/. Then there was a nice era of good old /r9k/ posting. But something went fucking rotten again, around 2015 it became infested with faggots and trannies who were oddly evangelical about their trannyism. I know exactly what you mean when you say you feel actual evil. You can tell there are unironic, deliberate intentions among some trannies and tranny-enablers to prey on vulnerable NEETs and turn them into hopeless suicidal autogynephiles like them.

Women are just a force of decay whenever they enter male social groups, and some weird subtype of broken roastie is drawn to incel culture (even though they can't stop fucking posting "incel" over and over and make no contributions otherwise). But the tranny/fag shit is actively evil, there's something sickening about it.

>> No.15225943

What do you think of nonwhite people? All of that is nice, but Nazism is primarily rooted in racial prejudice and eugenics. The "intellectual" right is focused on race, not preserving western values, that would be the traditional Catholics.

>> No.15225949

gained too much attention. i think alot of the blatant shitposting is butthurt redditors or lefties actively trying to shit the place up so it disperses.

glowies are a real thing. the whole place is a potential honeypot, especially since charlottsville and super especially since brenton tarrant. i go on it for the news. you'll hear about shit happening faster than actual news sources. and theres always a few decent threads but like others said it goes way too fast and you need to keep it bumped.

>> No.15225953

Did you know that Hitler became an hero and an example against colonialism for Africans, Indians and South Americans before WW2?
Many african children from that period were called Adolf

>> No.15225957
File: 105 KB, 1024x882, muh hitler 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally see Hitler's hypothesized ideas proven right with newfaggotry.

>> No.15225959

You're absolutely right about not being able to rely on mass-support. Mass movements are created by people who control the machinery which guides society i.e. the media, the schools, and other pulpits. However, something interesting I've noticed in my study of history is that a lot of party-movements often have a very small number of party members, yet still somehow took over their country. This leads me to think that, while the masses cannot be relied upon, the most valuable thing would be a respectable organization with a few thousand members that presents overtones that are overall populistic and amicable. This is basically the only way a nationalistic movement can even have the opportunity to take power. The problem is that people focus too much on hanging congressman to consider that there are thousands of bureaucrats, mayors, judges, agency directors, etc who all need to be replaced. It's impossible to replace them without some sort of apparatus to draw upon. Look at Trump, for instance. He clearly did not start out as a neo-con, yet he didn't have a proper apparatus of paleocons to draw upon; and, needing friends, he decided to pull from the traditional republican apparatus that was just sitting there for him. (and as we all know, that apparatus ended up pulling him) Without a proper apparatus both a seizure of power and its followup are impossible.

>> No.15225966

no and

>> No.15225969

no you just became smarter it was always dogshit. 2010 is an exception for me as it had this weird fusion of gamer's rise up and stormniggers. Remember when Storefront was basically a lolcow?

>> No.15225971

>Hitler was idolized by third-world plebs.
Wow, really? Are we revolutionaries who hate colonialism now?

>> No.15225975

So what? It doesn't mean anything if some Africans looked up to Hitler, so do Thais when they wear Hitler merchandise. The primary idea of the "intellectual" right or Nazism is racial eugenics, and ethnic sanitation

>> No.15225977

In hindsight the racial tensions of the mid 2010's were completely manufactured. Theres no way millions of retards online both left and right wing collectively became racially obsessed internet activists in like a year or two. It was the most inorganic thing I have ever seen in my life, a obvious divide and conquer.

It was most probably a corporate reaction to the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2012, If I look at the whole of last decade rationally.

>> No.15225981

No, but because of you ex-/pol/ users I don't use /lit/ very often. We used to like poetry, Pynchon, Proust, but now there are a bunch of scrawny dorks pretending to be masculine.

>> No.15225982
File: 119 KB, 1200x677, Soviet + US Soldiers handshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horseshoe theory has gone too far

>> No.15225986

I could see it that way from the start, it's possibly a foreign psyop

>> No.15225987

I don't see why it needs to be one way or the highway. I have no idea if a mass plebian movement could work, at the moment, frankly it probably wouldn't. Can you really say even within the next decade that its utterly impossible the conditions could manage to become favorable for one within the next decade?

I'm not saying don't some of us try and coup the current elites and take the reigns of our civilization through that way either, just do what you're best positioned to do.

>> No.15225994

>Trumptards. Basically cultists at this point who think Trump can do no wrong.
It's not about how Trump can do no wrong. It's about how shit the US is that Trump is literally the best choice currently as evident by the fact that this entirely batshit retarded, /pol/ obsessing, libtard thread didn't even name a single candidate that is better than him.

>> No.15226002

I dont think it was foreign because a lot of the signalling was coming from corporations and institutions.

>> No.15226003

>Glad to see the racial neurosis die down a bit now though among intelligent people on both sides.
And then there's this batshit retard that has never been outside in his life. Race relation got way WAY worse since BLM started

>> No.15226005

There were better candidates. Biden's obviously worse, though.

>> No.15226006
File: 44 KB, 640x640, gigamao5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would happily murder all the "hitlerists" ITT. Imagine thinking you're high IQ and at the same time being a fucking racist. Just because you're into some esoteric obscure bullshit and you've read a couple of cringe inducing books, doesn't mean you're any different from those /pol/tards you despise so much. Now get the fuck out of this board.

>> No.15226010

I am not racist although I guess most normies would find me racist because I agree with something like D'Souza's thesis (in End of Racism) that black culture in the states is maladaptive, even if it's understandable how it got that way. I am a third worldist, and one of those right wingers who unironically claims he wants every nation/people to have its own prosperous right wing state. I also think people should ask "cui bono?" when it comes to the historic suppression of black nationalism and the encouraging of blacks to be nihilistic, fatalistic welfare slaves of the Democratic Party.

Always disliked genetics-based racism and eugenics stuff. I don't like genetic determinism because I believe in self-determination and self-mastery. It doesn't sit right with me if some people are just destined by bad genetic/racial luck to be pushed around by others. I don't care how "natural" it is, that's ugly.

I don't think the best/smartest rightists are focused on race, I think the least interesting ones are. The most interesting ones may not have wanted Africans in Paris or Berlin, but they found the racialism distasteful and materialistic. It's the least interesting part of the German movement.

>preserving western values, that would be the traditional Catholics.
Many Catholics are alright but many would trade everything in the world just to technically be able to say the world is Catholic, which I don't like. Europe has its own destiny and its own flame that needs to be kept kindled.

>> No.15226011

>scrawny dorks pretending to be masculine.
I hate this, it always comes off as cringe. People would be so much more interesting if they just allowed themselves to be who they naturally are instead of all trying to fit into the same American archetype of what's masculine

>> No.15226012

Unironically yes. Fuck anglo kikes.

>> No.15226016

Its cooled down a lot the last year or two. Get off /pol/ for a day you new fag

>> No.15226017

>individualist principles and held others to them as well.
And now you're just larping as a cringe individualist in an attempt to virtue signal other retarded anti-/pol/ itt.

>> No.15226019

Have you read Gramsci?

>> No.15226022

/r9k/ is tragic indeed, I joined a /r9k/ discord server to lurk on it and it was full of
>kids - 14-16 years olds
>good looking narcissistic kind of guys (older teenagers too, around 18-19) who wanted to grab some femanon attention
Thing is, I once met a girl who was browsing /r9k/, and she was subpar in terms of looks and much ruder than many boys, but she had a good self esteem only because she had her share of e-orbiters under their belt - both figurately and literally.

Politics is seen as a highbrow subjects among uncultured brows. Easiest areas of politics to grasp are those which tackle gender. Naturally, stupid people will be drawn to heated race and gender debates, with strong biases, because they can't reason otherwise, they will go ape mode and flip off the handle, so here we go, modern political scene which the ruling class has to pander to.

>> No.15226025

Stop with this idiotic buzzword.

>> No.15226026
File: 91 KB, 626x530, human biodiversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain the logic behind how absolutely no divergences emerged in the brains of people in completely different environments separated genetically by 100,000 years.

>> No.15226033

Remember the days when we at least had Buchanan? Trump was fun to support because of how much confusion he caused for the globalist technocrats but he's just some random neocon dipshit.

>> No.15226037

Already made your retarded af post completely redundant

>> No.15226043

Remember back in like 2015 -2016 you couldnt go a day with out seeing a buzzfeed article or mtv video obnoxiously critiquing whiteness.

There was a new SJW cringe compilation on youtube every week, they were churning out the food.

>> No.15226049

Does BLM even exist anymore lmao? you're stuck in 2015 retard

>> No.15226050

This is very simple. Every board has always had /pol/ living in their head rent free. When the 2016 election swings to /pol/'s favor, the collective centrist and leftard loses their shit and had to up their shilling game to stay relevant.

That's literally it.

>> No.15226051

you can see this kind of thing in microcosm when European nationalist parties have managed to achieve minor electoral success in the last 30 years or so. having obsessed over a single issue for so long, they're utterly incompetent at dealing with the realities of governance as a whole. the current lockdown is one of many illustrations of how easily you can cuck an entire population if you're capable of maintaing utilities and supply chains, but most mistfit far-right groups simply aren't. perhaps we need a return to relatively closed think-tank groups within existing parties and organizations, akin to what Western Goals or the Monday Club used to be.

>> No.15226052

im an ex-/pol/cel altough i never took seriously 90% of their issues. i came across them because im interested in archeogenetics and PCAs. i came here when i got bored of /pol/, since they are pathologically repetitive. i think that board hadn't the slightest influence on me, i came there believing all races aren't equal and i got out of there believing all races aren't equal.

>> No.15226054

>Mid 2010s NRx guys refusing to step up and accept leadership within the right and crying about muh demotism and "we don't do politics" when people urged them to.
That sounds more like a failure of influential figures of the right at large than a board on an anonymous Korean underwater basket weaving imageboard. The ethos of 4chan is nihilistic on the whole and didn't care about politics until Gamergate. Also, what part of "not your personal army" do you not understand?
You can also tell they are a newfag when they complain about racism. but the thing is, nobody enforces rule 3b, not even the mods. Also, the triviality of reporting someone for racism on a site that is known to the outside as "The Hate Machine of the Internet" is an irony that is lost on them.

>> No.15226061

Shilling went into overdrive starting with the first exodus; it's an ancient problem by now. It is not restricted to pol. You jannies would do well to prune all OPs that use titillating images [anime aside] for a start. Unironic incel posting or blasting after that.

>Whenever someone has a problem with /pol/ I assume they're a newfag or butthurt.
This heuristic remains solid. The fall of b has exacerbated the rising tides of Eternal September

How quickly ancient history/revisionist archaeology threads get pruned is the biggest sign -- as literal clickbait articles are peregrinated over to hundreds of bumped replies

>This, naturally, reduces any instances of genuine /pol/ to its most basic levels, because few people have had the opportunity to simmer in real-/pol/ long enough to mature
Topic dilution on the board scale. Moderation with vision could clean it up in a day, but we all know those spots are reserved

Every board to some degree has had shilling for years now; it's election year, and injecting political consciousness here and there (even as a goad) is the MO

>in 2014 befor gamergate they were REALLY anti-newfa
This, all of it.

r9k briefly for a year or two toward the beginning had a /lit/ moment of being almost entirely philosophy/history topics; it was a mistake and should have been rolled into a /soc/adv/

>racial tensions of the mid 2010's were completely manufactured.
The 'civil unrest incitement/Helter Skelter race baiting' genre in film begins with the Planet of the Apes reboot in 2012 -- same year as Xinnie the Pooh's ascension in China. It was a policy move matched by investment into the Hollywood studio system. As much as Soros is invovled in such things, it's China money that really is juicing things. To say nothing of fentanyl and human trafficking at their behest (and 5th column invitation, from Kissinger to the Squad)

>> No.15226066

You fuckers are ruining /lit/

>> No.15226084

I just want to say that it feels so good to talk to someone like you. I'm sorry for being a faggot, but it's been months, or even years since I've been able to talk to someone who isn't a braindead normalfag. It gets so tiring to speak and be ignored, to hear what is tantamount to loud-silence, and to firmly uphold the truth and a healthy worldview even when entire groups mock you. I've even occasionally found myself asking "What if I have some sort of mental illness and this is why I seem to disagree with virtually everyone who isn't a book by someone who died 60 years ago." Seeing so many intelligent and like minded people in this thread - it feels so... rejuvenating. It's so wonderful to see others who have even sensed the same sort of evil in /r9k/.

>> No.15226086

If you don't mind me hijacking the thread with my own question...
Why did capitalization in posts stop, /lit/?

I'm quite certain that in 2011 when I first came to 4Chan, the posts on /v/, /a/, /sci/ and /r9k/ used capitalization. Now, I frequently find posts that don't use capitalization. Every single letter is in small caps. Did 4Chan just get overrun by ESLs? What's going on?

>> No.15226087

>There were better candidates.
Who? Bernie? don't make me fucking laugh at that socialist wannabe retard. The only 1 that might be slightly better than him is Rand Paul but he was too much of a cuck to run.

>Remember the days when we at least had Buchanan?
Buchanan was eh but like you said, he didn't have the meme to back him up.

>> No.15226088

This. Go back to /pol/ you low IQ dimwits. Jesus, I bet you're all American.

>> No.15226110

You're not browsing /lit/, for the past 2 years at least in fact this has been /polit/ the rape baby of /pol/ and /lit/. You've never known actual /lit/ only /polit/.

Don't you just love these open borders?

>> No.15226115

>Its cooled down a lot the last year or two.
>citation needed
You do realize that the Uighur are still getting genocided right? You do realize Zimbabwe has ousted its white farmer right? You do realize the fucktarded libtard media still doesn't shone light to the atrocities committed by nigs towards white farmers in South Africa right?

>> No.15226119
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I'm ex-[s4s] and I feel your pain. /pol/ is ruining this board though, too much low-brow Evola discussion and retard shit like Bronze Age Mindset. Not to mention the counterspamming by lefties. There should probably be a philosophy board for all that crap.

>> No.15226122

Dear Lebensraum,
you ruined it yourselves when you reduced every thread to "James Joyce lel".

>> No.15226123

/lit/ has been shit for 10 years prove me wrong

>> No.15226124


>> No.15226129

increase of phone/tablet posting

>> No.15226134

No, I haven't. I've only heard about him, and I think his theories are largely centered around institutionalism. Why do you bring him up, and do you recommend that I read him?

>> No.15226137

Yeah, like I couldn't recognize you retards and your idiotic posts/threads

>> No.15226138
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>> No.15226140

cringe and retardpilled. You fuckers can't even fight /pol/. How pathetic


>> No.15226148

/fa/ has the same thing with people asking how to wear a turtleneck like Mosley, seriously.

>> No.15226166

True, they're even ruining neofolk.

>> No.15226171
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>Please explain the logic behind how absolutely no divergences emerged in the brains of people in completely different environments separated genetically by 100,000 years.

>> No.15226172

True I mean very other website shun nazy and racist let them a place of peace. Also free speech matter.

>> No.15226174

based. this board is fucking dogshit.

>> No.15226175

What do you mean institutionalism? Like he reifies institutions in an uncritical way?

I was mostly recommending him because he's mainly known (at least afaik) for his theories of how to wage a war of position against a dominant culture/orthodox/status quo, from a "subaltern" position. The dominant culture perpetuates and ramifies itself in its institutions, similar to how Althusser talks about interpellation but at every level of society, basic Marxist critique really, but applied to the superstructure rather than to the presumed dialectic underlying it. Rather than focusing on accelerating the dialectic in some spooky way, you focus on strategically creating a counter-superstructure by fighting a "war of position" against the reigning "historic bloc," so that eventually your culture (organic socialism, let's say) wins out.

There's a reason a lot of right wingers are neo-Gramscians, since they had to go underground (become subaltern) after WW2.

>> No.15226179
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yep, I stand corrected. scratch an anti-/pol/ and you'll find out its the same retarded leftard all over again.

>> No.15226182

What atrocities

>> No.15226184

It's full of zoomers. If you have an IQ about 70, you woulda avoid the place. The good memes filter through eventually so you're not missing out on the humour.

People wear kekistan shit IRL because of it. Who wants to be associated with that?

>> No.15226190
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>> No.15226191

There's a big difference between showing how humans evolved differently under different circumstances, and making loading bullshit statements on how xyz is subhuman which is what 99% of /pol/ does

>> No.15226196


>> No.15226197

strawmanning your opponent doesn't make /pol/ wrong.

>> No.15226200

That sounds very similar to a lot of thoughts I've had. Are there any books of his you'd recommend? I've got all the time in the world to read with this chink flu going on.

>> No.15226202

>meta discussion of boards should go on >>/qa/

>> No.15226205
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>> No.15226207

Dear mods please make this board text-only so these 2016 tourists lose interest in it.

>> No.15226208

This entire thread is based on the premise that /pol/ is retarded. That doesn't change the biologically truth that races, however intricately you want to define the races, are not equal.

>> No.15226211

When have /pol/tards cared about Uighurs?

>> No.15226216

biologically truth that races =/= bullshit statement about who's subhuman, racemixing, ect. Examine your own prejudices if you want to be more scientific.

>> No.15226218

The real /pol/acks left in 2015 to greener pastures. Fuck jannies, fuck Qtards and fuck shills.

>> No.15226221

and I ogle shirtless men on the internet. I am a real man.

>> No.15226231

I'm not talking about classifications as subhuman, I'm talking about iq, height, hormone production, muscle development, disease resistance, etc.

>> No.15226237

I'm very familiar with /pol/ sophistry, they start off with reasonable statements and gradually ramp up the bullshit.

>> No.15226242

George Hoare's An Introduction to Antonio Gramsci is what got me started, and from there you can pretty much just get into Selections from the Prison Notebooks (the old one everyone used for decades), and then there are subsequent editions like Further Selections and Cultural Writings, and if you go really nuts, the unabridged prison diaries have been published recently in big hardback editions.

Gramsci is great, if you like the mixture of Marxism with semi-volkisch elements Werner Sombart is also good although most of his best stuff is in German.

>> No.15226254

All these differences exist even more profoundly on an individual basis. Nobody on the left is denying differences, it's the prejudice and motives that's behind the information that matters.

>> No.15226288

View the individual at the individual level but view populations at the population level.

>> No.15226311

I think club who are somewhat conservative in outlook and who promote nationalist, reading, self improvement and good discussion would be a way to go. A bit like in the 18 century enlightenment in France.

>> No.15226316

The fact that they ban art thread and cultural thread does not help too but yeah people really should stop responding to spam bot.

>> No.15226321

I recently found out about Jonathan Bowden, and I am impressed by his staggering erudition and insights. It's a shame he died in 2012. He could have been the intellectual support the alt-right needed to use the momentum gained in the 2016 election to be a serious threat to the left and neocons. His intellect extends far beyond that of youtubers, and I don't there has been a far-right intellectual of his caliber since... Julius Evola?

>> No.15226339

It depends on what you mean by that, because judging people on a "population level" can be used as a thoughtless justification for more elaborate bullshit about who gets rights and who gets sterilized.

>> No.15226352


>> No.15226354

>hurr durr race relation is fine
>but what about all this events that demonstrate the the decreasing trend of race relation
>hurr durr who cares

>> No.15226360

>It's not /pol/ "leaking" every time some random guy makes a racist joke or plainly states that he has right wing beliefs.
people literally cannot comprehend this

>> No.15226369

What Bowden books do you recommend?

>> No.15226382

>It's not /pol/ "leaking" every time some random guy makes a racist joke or plainly states that he has right wing beliefs.
Do you retard also say /leftypol/ is leaking when people bring up wealth inequality? No you retarded fuck.

>> No.15226393

I've only watched/listened to his speeches on y**tube. He has so many pamphlet-sized books that I don't know where to begin. My guess is Western Civilization Bites Back would be a good start since that is a more recent and larger volume.

>> No.15226411

Lol you are joking wealth inequality will be criticized by any serious fachist.

>> No.15226416

Why would you label yourself NS? What you wrote could have been quoted directly from Mussolini's manifesto: religiosity, protectionism, etc. In my eyes NS in Germany, especially in the course of the thirties and during the war became exposed as just being a front for revenge for wwI and against the polacks. If there was any determined effort at any particular thing it was treating the Slavs (other whites I remind you, asiatic admixture or not) as animals; the atrocities committed by eg. Dirlewanger-brigade escape any comprehension.

>> No.15226468

>/lit/ now feels like a high brow version of what I was browsing in 2015.
I have been browsing both boards for years. And /lit/ is closer to what /pol/ used to be. Its not a good thing though, /pol/ should stay in /pol/ and /lit/ should stay as /lit/.
I hope the fags that kept saying that /pol/ should become mainstream are happy, that that board is now filled with reddit, boomers, normies, and zoomers. Cesspool evolved into a abomination.

>> No.15226546

Why did you post a girl being muslim you cuck

>> No.15226591

God I miss cripple chan so much
The autism was strong but in some ways it was so much better

>> No.15226600

>Hate Machine of the Internet
t. guy who typed this while wearing his anonymous mask

>> No.15226619

>2014 /fit/ video

>> No.15226628

It's weird being on a 4chan where people don't realise it was a ridiculous and ridiculed statement from... it was Fox News that coined it wasn't it? The absolute state.

>> No.15226636

Post 2016 /lit/ is utter trash.
Immigrants from r/T_d and /pol/ killed it. They don't even fucking read

>> No.15226658

Yeah, it's not great but we can always woo some of the idiots into loving wisdom and reading. Masturbatory threads like this don't help though, like "oh yeah remember when /pol/ was good?" "ooooh yeah just like /lit/....oooh", just go spunk in your own shitty board where this kind of thread is probably welcomed.

>> No.15226677

It's probably because plebian power is all we've got in the face of problems that are as immediate as they irreversible. If you're a wignat who's afraid of white demographic displacement, for example, that ship will have well and truly sailed on by in the time it would take them to change the incentive structures of the elite, or set of parallel institutions, if that's even possible to begin with. My wildest hope is to develop a counter cultural force that can remain cohesive in the face of this society wide changes, and hopefully become useful and viable enough to attract the patronage of rogue elites.

>> No.15226875

A fascist will always support the conservative candidates because they're on the same side.

>> No.15226899
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>100,000 years
The universe hasn't existed for that long.

>> No.15226924
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Western civilization is going back to where it belongs as under 20% of world GDP and no matter how racist, sexist, fascist, homophobic, transphobic, imperialistic, genocidal, bigoted, and desperate you got I don't think you can turn this around. The pendulum is swinging back.
Just enjoy the ride down.

>> No.15226925

>In my eyes NS in Germany, especially in the course of the thirties and during the war became exposed as just being a front for revenge for wwI and against the polacks.
This is very ignorant. The conflict between the Germany and Poland was over the return of Danzig. Hitler was happy to leave the rest well alone and even desired Poland as an ally against the Bolsheviks, but England meddled and made peace impossible.

>> No.15226969

Kek why the transphobic came from ? Also ad hominem ad hominem and ad hominem then a strawman. This is the power of comunism ?

>> No.15226995

it's not as funny as it once was, lots of boomerminded people and agressive duke nukem wannabe retards that will never surpass the left/right false dichotomy

>> No.15226997
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>> No.15227062
File: 24 KB, 341x400, 13D0403B-AE2F-482A-83B5-F7835D2C3E2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s ironic that you come to complained about your board being being ruined by zoomers and newfags when your kin are doing the exact same thing to /lit/. You don’t read, you don’t lurk, you come here thinking it’s a ideology board where you can feel smart about debating things you probably have no idea about, all the while starting shit off topic threads like this one and killing threads that are actually about literature. /fit/ was killed by thotposters and /r9k/ zoomers, and now you guys have almost finished ruining what was the only good place to discuss literature on the Internet. Maybe reflect on yourself before applying casting your scrutinizing views on others

>> No.15227102

This. I'm starting to think that most people on /lit/ don't actually read.

>> No.15227103
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>> No.15227116

I used to be on /pol/ before the 2016 elections after I started reading evola and mein kampf and they used to have real discussion about verious topics
then the schizos started pouring in, at first I thought they were just bait ironic threads by ironic Americans but I realized it was a thing and decided to just quit, it was just abhorrent, /b/ with schizo ramblings instead of porn

>> No.15227139

exposed newfag

>> No.15227149

That would mean less immigration, so good news for the racists in the West.

>> No.15227150

Why do people act as if it's only possible to use, or ever have used, one board at a time? Or to have more than one set of interests? As if nobody could have used /pol/ and /lit/ simultaneously, or must adopt ideologies wholesale to be capable of understanding or discussing them? In the end Hitler, Serrano, Evola, etc all wrote books and you only feed back into the diverting the discussion away from books by trying to gatekeep which books people are allowed to discuss for your own ideological reasons.

>> No.15227197
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>complains about favorite board being ruined by retards
>does the exact same thing to /lit/
are you sure you're smarter than your fellow zoomer nazis?
if these people actually talked about literature it wouldn't be a big issue. but they don't. They just invade threads with their racist rhetoric hoping to get a reaction from le libtards.
also most good literature is left-wing or centrist, so there's that.

>> No.15227207
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>also most good literature is left-wing or centrist, so there's that.

>> No.15227235

It started in 2012 when Obama was up for re-election, the mentions of race-related language in major news outlets literally went parabolic. "Okay guys, we really need to hammer these points about racism..."

>> No.15227244

My experience is that most attempts attempts to discuss the literature are derailed by kneejerk responses from people who haven't read it but feel a pressing need to inform that the author was a 'fascist'. Although, to be fair, I see the same kind of process going on the other way when people try to discuss Jewish authors and the like. It's a boring sports-team mentality either way.

>> No.15227268

the only good thing about it were the /x/-lite threads
Those were fun
Wouldn't have found this goldmine if it wren't for those lmao

>> No.15227281

I never said people shouldn’t discuss certain books, on the contrary, that’s exactly what we should be doing. The problem is the posters who don’t read and make threads about “le jewish-religion” or thinly veiled trans baiting or low effort thotposts or even “what should I expect?” gatekeeping by asking new posters to lurk a bit, learn board culture and maybe even read a book or two before discussing them is what elevates the conversation and separates us from r/books and /b/ or /pol/.

>> No.15227292

Also, good Content mostly comes from /biz/ nowadays.

>> No.15227298

I only used to browse /pol/ for threads appearing the very moment something happened. I learned about the coup in Turkey an hour before the media did.

>> No.15227407

Checking in. Pol is as unreadable nowadays as b. It was a reactionary hivemind but there was some genius to it. Lit has been OP for a while but it's getting worse. I'll miss this place eventually.

>> No.15227517

Bowden wasn’t really an intellectual. He was pretty well-read and cultured but he was just a rhetorician. He gave good speeches. That sort of right has been a thing for the far right in Europe for a long time. He’s definitely not the first since Evola, who by the way could hardly be described as politically right wing and was largely ignored in his time. See Alain de Benoist for an example. The American right wing is comprised mostly of MAGA and racist liberals while it necessarily appeals to plebs who aren’t actually informed and thus, losers like Richard Spencer rise to the top.