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File: 684 KB, 680x465, 1570391636791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15220704 No.15220704[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

99% genetic lottery
1% talent

>> No.15220720

Every time someone posts this guy and I see the thumbnail I think it’s me and when did I drunkenly pose and why does /lit/ find it entertaining.

>> No.15220722

150% penis

>> No.15220728

>the vid is STILL up

>> No.15220735

My dad was obsessed with "talent", he would always watch sports and say "wow what a freak of nature!"

All it did was make me not try hard in anything because if i wasnt immediately good i figured i never had a chance

Turns out my dad is fucking wrong and practice is the only way to get good at anything

Dickbag ruined my childhood

>> No.15220739

>genetic lottery
what exactly did he win? he's a schizo manlet who degrades himself for a Mongolian throat singing forum

>> No.15220742

what the fuck is this.

>> No.15220744

The attention and messages he gets from girls and guys ought to make him lose a huge sum of time he could spend on reading books. I am much smarter and well-read than him.

>> No.15220745

i have a small penis

>> No.15220747

>jacking off your friends penis
Is that gay or is he just being a zoomer?

>> No.15220755

is your pp bigger or smaller? thats all what matters

>> No.15220768

It's 8 inch when it is erect.

>> No.15220770

you need both

>> No.15220774

It's not even jacking off, just touching.

>> No.15220776

>he claims without posting any pics
how can we know you're saying the truth?

>> No.15220782

>we are the virus


>> No.15220785

what's his height?

>> No.15220797

I ain't shaving my balls again just to show them to a pack of perverted autists.

>> No.15220798

>t. zoomer

>> No.15220803

he's unironically not good looking. he's like a 4. how low are the standards of this board?

>> No.15220806

is nudity allowed on youtube

>> No.15220817


>> No.15220822

For educational purposes yes.

>> No.15220842

he looks like a wood carving

>> No.15220849

>chiseled jaw
>big dick
nothing else matters

>> No.15220876

If he's a 4, I'm a 0.4

>> No.15220886

My mom admired high achievers with power. Status and pseudo intellectual professions like doctor/lawyer made her salivate.
Turns out kids can sense this and develop an irrational fear of failing that ironically makes them fail. Who would have thought, right?

>> No.15220887

ew, gross.

>> No.15220898

Tfw have a nicer cock than Q
Not posting it because i'm not a slut.

>> No.15220905
File: 406 KB, 406x537, 2424234324234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And still that's not enough to get a 7/10, 8/10, 9/10 or 10/10 woman. Times are hard for men.

>> No.15220915

Oh come on bro, just go to a big city and open up Tinder, it's not fucking hard.

>> No.15220916

>tfw I'm 5'11
is this the end for me?

>> No.15220920

>standing on tip toes
oh nonononono

>> No.15220929

i think she's cute.

>> No.15220941

100% will to remember "you lost the game"

>> No.15220945

She is cute, but is this all Q could afford in the dating market with such a physique?

>> No.15220951


male nudity is as long as they are cute


...and that's a good thing

>> No.15220956

Tfw hate homosexuals but think twinks are cute.
What do?

>> No.15220957

is that the coomer guy?

>> No.15220960


find a trad twink to cuddle

>> No.15220969
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>> No.15220977

this. he's got a good jaw but a bad chin. bad nose. hair could work but it looks like shit. cheek bones are okay. thin lips. he could definitely make it but he's not anything great.

>> No.15220989

I actually had a piece of shit father im still seething about and if that's the worst he did you need to grow the fuck

>> No.15220998

You misunderstand, judging from the face she's obviously his sister-wife.

>> No.15221000

>Trad twink
If only they existed.
I don't hate gays for being gay btw, it's just every single one i've ever met is a turbo-narcissist.

>> No.15221004

>trad twink
No such thing. All twinks are by default deplorable sluts.

>> No.15221007

>he's got a good jaw but a bad chin.
>bad nose.
looks good at times. certainly not bad.
>hair could work but it looks like shit.
agree. his hair makes him look jewy
>cheek bones are okay.
>thin lips.
his lips are alright and not that thin. niggerlips are disgusting.

you forgot to mention he has good skin. eyes are perhaps too big but they have a nice color.

>> No.15221018

He only has a sister and that's not her.

>> No.15221043

maybe british people have forgotten what good-looking people look like. nigga is legit ugly and would get no pussy/constant moggings at my state school

>> No.15221051

>nigga is legit ugly
niggers are ugly, though.

>> No.15221057


>> No.15221061
File: 202 KB, 1080x1026, 1542588340832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i unironically run a fortune 500 company involved in advertising/marketing and am looking to get in touch with this man to see if he'd be interested in a job.

what you people don't seem to understand is 1. he understands bataille far more deeply than any of you shallow protoplasmic invertebrates; and 2. risk like that in today's age turns the right kind of heads. finally, something original and refreshing and actually portending to something like accuracy.

say what you will of him, but the acephalic, the heterogeneous, the fomenting, brimming, fiery dionysiac impulse--the overflowing excess of life upon life--i cannot say that our friend here doesn't "get it"--what he lacks is not understanding, but more eyes and eggs.

you all stand behind an age of disgusting sentimentality as though it were a shield, worshipping the lowest types of gods in the lowest types of manner; he is out there sucking the sweat off the neck of his.

so, if you are him, and you are reading this: there is potentially a 7 figure salary waiting for you if you're willing to drop a line.

>> No.15221091

he says he's 5'4 in his videos, might be true desu

>> No.15221094

who are you losers seething that this kid is an ugly loser and larping that you'd hire him. this is getting really pathetic

>> No.15221103

hope he sees this bro

>> No.15221108

Eh. I was engaged in art. For one time I din't do much. Then one day I drew something and it was pretty stunning. Talent is one thing that is a factor, but not training stifles the potential.

>> No.15221119

max par

>> No.15221124

This bait gets an A for effort.

>> No.15221125

cool story

>> No.15221142

If this ugly manlet won the genetic lottery, what about people who are actually handsome?

>> No.15221162

fucking christ please dont worsen my self perception like that
i thought i was a 6...

>> No.15221184

>he is out there sucking the sweat off the neck of his.

Stop pretending looks aren't everything in life. This dude could be a homeless fuck and he'd still be able to scrape by prostitution alone, he's got his life together and had probably had sex before hitting 18, something us fucking losers wouldn't even dream of.

>> No.15221210
File: 114 KB, 750x744, 17532291a273da9be9673bf61c4ac625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what actually good looking people look like incels

>> No.15221222

Middle is gay attention whore

>> No.15221322

I was going off op's pic, nose looks kinda small and high. lips look thin but that could be the angle. fuller lips are good for a longer face like his. wasn't sure what to say about his eyes or skin.

>> No.15221330


have you sent him an email?


>> No.15221434

Some good things should be kept hidden, wise Anon, very wise.

>> No.15221450

How the fuck this thread keeps appearing every two days?

>> No.15221451

He stole his last three video ideas from me

>> No.15221455

So this is how companies find porn actors...

>> No.15221464

Fuck is he ugly.

>> No.15221469

Maybe she's related genetically to him almost like a sister, for instance she's her first degree cousin whose parents are both siblings of his father. Anyway they both look similar and rather feminine.

>> No.15221477

Meathead troglodytes aren't good looking.

>> No.15221485

They advertise for modelling gigs and reel you in that way.

>> No.15221487

This sounds like a slightly reworked but high quality pasta.

>> No.15221493

oh my cope

>> No.15221498


>> No.15221500

You're a 6 in my heart anon.

>> No.15221514

I mean it exists, sucks for you though.

>> No.15221528


um... hello? Basedeo departmento?

>> No.15221532

You sound like my mumsey wumsey.

>> No.15221538

It's not like hot women are abundant in Britain.

>> No.15221546


you want an cuddle wuddle? mumsey wumsey loves her boyee woyee yes she does....

>> No.15221548

Clearly hot men neither.

>> No.15221550
File: 30 KB, 535x810, 1573884160607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm not here to waste your time so don't waste mine. i couldn't care less about the rest of you: if the maker of the videos is here, make yourself known. i will link to a slush email, provide immediate credentials, and we will go from there. please do not overlook this opportunity.

the rest of you can fuck off. won't reply to anyone besides potential booktuber.

except for this. this is truly embarrassing.

>> No.15221556


>> No.15221557


booktuber here.

>> No.15221559

this sort of random youtube shit is so fucking tiresome. do people enjoy watching this?

>> No.15221565

>bragging about working in advertising
>in a larp

>> No.15221570


advertising is great, you've never used the free service grammarly? you must be fun at parties...

>> No.15221571

>i'm not here to waste your time so don't waste mine
>he says on Earth's most reviled time-wasting machine
Are you sure you're running an actual company? Why don't you go to youtube and send the guy a message, it's probably much faster?

You have proven pretty astute with your act so I trust you'll keep the ruse going in an entertaining way.

>> No.15221573


check out my creative output aswell, I also have a masters degree in philosophy, those 7 figure salaries will not be wasted on my dionysian spirit

>> No.15221590

It's not random, though. What makes the videos good is that there is coherence behind all this schizophrenia.

>> No.15221591


>> No.15221605

zoomer has nothing to do with it, it's called high T doing almost gay shit without being gay or being afraid of being percieved as gay. I can tell you never played high level sports.

>> No.15221607
File: 645 KB, 2400x1682, DavidHockneyPortraitOfAnArtist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



please prove your identity and we will happily go from there.

i very much look forward to our meeting.

>> No.15221609

i think literally playing with each others dicks crosses the 'almost gay' line

>> No.15221626

you never played soggy biscuit

>> No.15221630

That doesn't involve playing with anyone else's cock.

>> No.15221658

no its significantly worse

>> No.15221665


nah it's not gay man, he wasn't really enjoying it.

>> No.15221671


>> No.15221686

For one person.

>> No.15221691

alright m8s im not that invested in whether a youtuber likes dick

>> No.15221698

>frog faced manlet
>genetic lottery

>> No.15221705

If that.

>> No.15221715


>> No.15221743


>> No.15221745

This was poorly written.

>> No.15221752
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like a goblin

>> No.15221758

painfully generic

>> No.15221771

Holy shit bongland is fucked

>> No.15221778

generic but on a scale of conventional attractiveness 10/10s

>> No.15221806

Prove me looks or money aren't everything to win faggot

>> No.15221816

looks like she's got a decent body and got that frumpy Elaine Benes thing going on

>> No.15221819

she's cute, i wish i had a jewish-italian gf too :(

>> No.15221821

lurking on this board only to witness when it's finally time to make fun of this faggot again

>> No.15221829

You think that goblin has a physique now?

>> No.15221838

oi what's this?

>> No.15221840

And a receding hairline

>> No.15221848

why all 3 of the white boiz on the team on the bench lmao. those guys probably like black butt cheeks while their team mates fuck their wives

>> No.15221932

>genetic lottery
he's got the meme chin. he only won the genetic lottery for catering to incel retards.

>> No.15221966

>he understands bataille far more deeply than any of you shallow protoplasmic invertebrates
lmao why are you pinching lines from Boris Johnson?

>thinking a Dionysian spirit could ever be put to use in service of profit
YOU don't understand Bataille. Or /ourguy/ Q for that matter.

>> No.15221988

what is offense and defense

>> No.15222020

>/ourguy/ Q
piss off

>> No.15222026

But the meme chin is unironically good looking, though.

>> No.15222041


>> No.15222083

>99% genetic lottery

>> No.15222089

Michael Jackson paid a lot of money for a nose and mouth like that.

>> No.15222132

words dude llmao

>> No.15222150

I want this guy to get the funky town

>> No.15222158

this is "Erica" from the short story he wrote?

>> No.15222164

Everyone has a physique. Unless they're ghosts.

>> No.15222175


>> No.15222176

I mean he's looking pretty spooky...

>> No.15222178

Why does this guy seem content with throwing his life away and guaranteeing he never becomes some on successful? He has everything he needs to be in the top 0.001%. He's good looking. He's smart. Well spoken. Big dick. But he's willing to throw it all away for le ebin ironic homosex for approval of some random autists on a Tibetan power lifting forum

>> No.15222185

t. doesn't understand Bataille

>> No.15222191

I don't see anything wrong with him except his autism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4bHaoKL-j4

>> No.15222194

Maybe it's because your premise is faulty.

>> No.15222207


because, anon, it's funny. And funny >>>>>> all those other things.

>> No.15222226

I thought he's a le epic right wing bodybuilder? How is he gonna be a man of action when literally everyone blacklists him because they saw youtube videos of some man jerking his dick and others where he reads fascist literature. If he just lived a normal life he could go really far. Jerking off to your intellectual superiority will just result in pain. He will realize that he wasted all his potential for a couple of anons on an anime image board

>> No.15222227

because women are never content with anything and there are many guys who mog him even though he already mogs us all

>> No.15222229

>He's smart.
please provide proof of this

>> No.15222231

He read too many books and his brain became convoluted and eventually began to shrink, it's very common.

>> No.15222237

I think he deleted all of the "fascist-y" videos

>> No.15222242

Oh dear...

>> No.15222246

You faggots don't get it. This is rock bottom for Quen, yes, but his redemption arc is coming and you're going to hate him even more when that happens. He's on our level, he's /ourguy/ now but that won't last long.

>> No.15222247

He just doesn't care. He makes music, poetry, short stories, and all of these things. It's fairly impressive how I keep coming across different stuff that he did as side projects. The thing with The Book Club is that instead of doing anything that would give him praise, such as a lame channel where he gives his opinions on books and events, he prefers to make content that he genuinely feels like making. Shit like the Hegel video, the John Green video, the Bataille one and the BAP one showcase this very well - he isn't trying anything, just making things that he feels like making, as retarded as they could be. I admire that.

>> No.15222249

He's gonna be 40 years old and crying himself to sleep. He has potential and is wasting it all on some le ebin ironic fashy homosex youtube video that will be declared cringe by anons here in 6 months

>> No.15222254

yeah 100%

>> No.15222271

maybe it's all a well-planned charade to make fun of us autists, given that he deleted his videos i doubt he gives a fuck about his dickriding fanboys.

>> No.15222273

>I thought he's a le epic right wing bodybuilder?
He's just memeing. He's like Sacha Baron Cohen with his Jew-hating character Borat. Q doesn't like racism nor does he genuinely dislike non-whites.

>> No.15222282

wtf i did not know he was gay

>> No.15222292

>Dickbag ruined my childhood
classic cope

>> No.15222296

The Book Club, like Godwinson has no balls. He has everything in life he needs to succeed. He sees all these options in front of him but he doesn't want to double down and choose one because that would mean disregarding the others. He wants to eternally be in a place with all his options open and never fully committing to something. Quen has it all-looks, intelligence, penis size, seems to come from an upper middle class background so he doesn't know what it's like to not get something he wants. Therefore he just wants act cool and slide into success instead of grabbing his nutsack and taking what's his

>> No.15222302

he just made them private. they're back.

>> No.15222321

classical spoiled angloid cuck, has pussy and money at his fingertips and doesn't know where to start

>> No.15222330


>> No.15222357


pass me the benzo

>> No.15222362

He's paralyzed by all the promise that he has which is why he'll never amount to much

>> No.15222363

This was peal Quentin and tells you everything you need to known (starts at 1:22): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_Xx_in6488

>> No.15222371

sturgeons through the atmosphere

>> No.15222375

Does his dad know about these videos he’s making his office/reading room?

>> No.15222379


>> No.15222400

He’s never had his ass kicked. Posh boy.

>> No.15222424


>> No.15222427


Imagine thinking this dork was attractive

>> No.15222436

that's from almost a decade ago... he must've been a teenager even.

>> No.15222437
File: 183 KB, 750x880, 68F711B1-116D-4970-8DDD-0235A8DFBB94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So brave

>> No.15222439

>implying he has a dad

>> No.15222444

And...? He was cringe then and cringe now. A lifelong cringelord

>> No.15222445

insufferable drama club dork

>> No.15222451

four eyed goblin

>> No.15222460

>ITT: 99% seething incels
>1% booktuber penis

>> No.15222461

This. Anyone that ever was doing poetry slams is a faggot.

>> No.15222469

you 100% don't have to be an incel to hate this cunt

>> No.15222479

Explain it then.

>> No.15222480
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15222484

He's like 25 now, so he was 18 or 19 at the time.

>> No.15222489


because it's more fun attacking this shithead than discussing actual literature tbqfwy

>> No.15222491

It's shit.

>> No.15222493

ITT: Normal, average-looking people are ugly.

>> No.15222498

EighTEEN, nineTEEN. Yea, he was a teenager.

>> No.15222501

he is not average

>> No.15222505

it's the fault of lookism autists who think that every man apart from the top 5 most beautiful supermodels are ugly

>> No.15222524
