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File: 381 KB, 760x615, 8823A5C9-F3B5-4940-93A5-E83F73596881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15220592 No.15220592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What’s my target age group? Conventional wisdom is 30-40 but a lot of teens are into it too and with Amazon being a thing they don’t have Mommy and Daddy Christcuck looking over their shoulders.

>> No.15220615

Why does the medical field have a disproportionate amount of sloots?

>> No.15220627

Greys Anatomy told them they can find and marry a rich Chad.

>> No.15220642

Man I just came from the thread on /pol/ and saw this straight of the bat

>> No.15220654

the axial age determined the mythological psychology of scatological healing as associated with prostitution and sexual divination through oracles

>> No.15220696


>> No.15220753

Why do 4chinners have a disproportionate amount of degenerates?
Nudity=/=slut. Humans like to get naked, humans like to feel attractive, humans like sex. You are the one that’s broken. IE a degenerate.

Still, OP. Blue board.

>> No.15220757

That body is so not worth taking pics of and uploading to the internet
Why does every girl think their sad tits and average body are the hottest things ever

>> No.15220762

This is why you’ll always e alone

>> No.15220767

Nobody wants to see you naked or have sex with you trannyfly.

>> No.15220778

Under 30s women get tons of attention. That woman near have gotten hundreds of reddit massages in the first hour

>> No.15220779

but you're always alone too. posting all day on 4chan @50 years old. the absolute STATE of your life

>> No.15220783

"Wanting to" doesn't mean you should, tranny.
And i'm in a monogamous, healthy relationship with a woman, jelly?

>> No.15220793

I have a gf tho who unironically has a much better body than that sloot
I'm assuming you take offense to my post because it rings true to some aspects of yourself

>> No.15220815

>keeps calling me a tranny
>not actually begging for *proofs*

I don’t get enough, I admit, but sometimes I think my libido is insatiable anyway.
Not that anyone wants to hear about that.

Hmmmm? Hahah.

>> No.15220816

HUGE projection there mothman. you could kickstart your formerly failed career as a filmmaker with that

>> No.15220826

And a third person pretending to be that poster. Hilarious

>> No.15220829

this is a blue board
i'm telling mom

>> No.15220838

Haha retard, Nurses are the biggest sluts I've known. They fuck the doctors, each other, security officers in the building, cops and paramedics that come in and out, patients too. Many of my friends pursued medical fields and they all tell me the same thing (females mostly, very few males). In fact yesterday talked to Korean friend of mine who's a tech, she was telling me how wet she gets when she has to turn some of the older men over because they have fat cocks.

>> No.15220852

you screwing our chances for a big night

>> No.15220853

You’re a 40 year old dyke who posts on 4chan. The epitome of loserdom. Sit down.

>> No.15220855
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>> No.15220857

Is it not your dilating time yet?

>> No.15220903

> transmutation has stronger facial features then you

>> No.15220910

retard and oldpilled

>> No.15220979


>> No.15220985
File: 40 KB, 314x466, 1581277887642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no used goods nurse gf

>> No.15221020

Why though? She is probably taking nuts from every doctor she works with.

>> No.15221022

butterfucker, I...

>> No.15221024

Well, she's pretty hot for someone who's 40. But damn, her tits are disgustingly assimetrical.

>> No.15221030

because I hate myself, duh

>> No.15221038

>4chin: where wisdom and experience amount to naught
Sad sad degenerates

>> No.15221056
File: 24 KB, 256x256, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling anyone else degenerate

>> No.15221059

Don’t hate yourself. You’ll get a nice girl that way

You’ll never make it

>> No.15221063

Why are you even here?

>> No.15221079

Butterfly, I'm half your age and have read way more than you have. I have corrected you on Marx and Stirner more times than I can remember. If I had such a slim degree of wisdom and experience by your age I would consider myself a total failure.

>> No.15221082

>you'll get a nice girl from being a legitimate cuckold
This is your brain on estrogen pills

>> No.15221087

Finished a chapter, saw some nice tits on my literature board.

>> No.15221090

oh i definitely want to have sex with butterfly
please have sex with me

>> No.15221098

they're relatively symmetrical.
Though I fear I have developed a weird taste for women obscuring their faces

>> No.15221104

Why is it "your" literature board if you hate it and the people here so much? Why do you consider yourself superior to us when you're such a failure?

>> No.15221113

>Nurses fuck the doctors
HAHAHAHAHA no. they hate us.

>> No.15221117

She posted naked picture in a horny reddit sub to give male strangers a boner, possibly a jerkoff session. She's a slut.

>> No.15221120

why, jealousy?

>> No.15221130
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>> No.15221156

Get this through your thick skull.
Not everything people like is good for them.
Sexual promiscuity is extremely damaging to one's mental health, future relationship prospects, and dignity according to every study done on the matter, every religion, every tradition of functioning societies.
Humans have impulses that need to be restrained.
Socially enforced monogamy (slut shaming) is one of the methods that is used to achieve this.
Slut shaming is good.
Try to disprove anything I said without calling me an incel.

>> No.15221159

butters come on you cant just post a small resolution impact meme on here

>> No.15221178

>there is no such thing as pedophilia. people like to molest kids. get over it
was that supposed to be an argument?

>> No.15221197

what does this mean

>> No.15221218

hooked up with a nursing student all last semester. Fucked the same night we met. She was great

>> No.15221231

>good things are bad!
Using sex to say fuck you to a guy you shouldn’t even be with, is dumb.
I’m not even advocating a pornstars lifestyle. You imagine that, you fantasize that.
>trad males don’t want experienced women. They value virgins!
[as their property: a bad thing]
>humans have impulses that should be restrained. Unless the state needs them to kill for them. Obedience is top priority
>people should be ashamed of sex! Its evil!

Degenerate goes there for the millionth time.
Sexual repression leads to sexual degeneracy

>> No.15221233

i made it up on the spot
but its still correct

>> No.15221249

Those tits are weird, like a flat bottom. Are they just a bad titjob?

>> No.15221251

>there's no such thing as being fat, people like to eat
>there's no such thing as an alcoholic, people like to drink
wouldn't your pic also imply there is no such thing as a rape victim? people do just like to fuck...

>> No.15221266

God you're just completely worthless aren't you. Bye.

>> No.15221275
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>> No.15221277

high stress
see a lot of trauma
sex is a way to cope with what they deal with every day
same with paramedics

>> No.15221279

>Sexual repression leads to sexual degeneracy
any scientific proof that 'sexual repression' changes your sexuality fundamentally and makes you like kids? you're talking out of your ass as usual.
>make dumb statement
>get countered
>start avoiding an actual argument, ad hominem, etc.
what a waste of perfectly good energy. we could instead turn you into compost, butters

>> No.15221285

Show the studies then
Id reqlly like to see the one that measures ones dignity

>> No.15221300

link those studies bro

>> No.15221306

No, you’re just an idiot.

I’ve seen it happen to anons for years. It happens to priests infamously

>> No.15221316

all the sick fetishes you see here on 4chan, vore, loli, animal shit etc is all a result of incels with high sex drive who spend their adolescence here doing degen shit instead of out having sex like a functioming member of society
prove me wrong you literally cannot

>> No.15221319

tell me by which biological/neurological mechanism celibacy presumably changes your sexual orientation.

>> No.15221339

no such thing as a lesbian. people like pussy. get over it

>> No.15221348

No, they think we're nerds and we make them do work instead of posting up in the nursing cluster talking shit and looking at youtube videos.

>> No.15221351

A brutal pill anon, good chance you're right though. I wish I could turn back time and never touch this board, i'd do everything completely differently.
It's too late for me now though, too late.

>> No.15221356

Because their job is fucking hardcore. Casual sex is a recreational activity for women who work a lot (or are under a lot of stress in other ways)

>> No.15221359

>people are weird because they like weird shit
yeah no shit. not all of them can afford good education. not all of them have had good parents. not all of them have had healthy environments while growing up. says more about you that you thought such a platitude was a 'controversial' opinion, although I fail to see a connection between celibacy in itself and 'degen shit', since those people with 'sick fetishes' are clearly not celibate

>> No.15221366

I love pussy.
Revolted by penor. But since I’m a woman I guess I have to be a lesbian. Get over it.

>> No.15221375

Yeah I'm more or less the same but a guy, so I have to deal with my own penis when needs must. Most annoying.

>> No.15221381

Would promiscuity be damaging to mental health and so on if it wasn't such a big deal to retards like you?

>> No.15221385

apparently it's quite common for ex-pornstars to go straight into nursing school

>> No.15221393

>Fucked the same night we met.
Check out this crazy guy.

>> No.15221403

I disagree anon. for 37, that bod is pretty good. I'd hit it

>> No.15221405

That's going to be a tiny number of people.

>> No.15221420

Transwomen aren't women trannyfly

>> No.15221435

so you admit the pic you posted was fucking facebook boomer logic that makes no fucking sense then right? that saying a certain category can't exist because "people just like x sweaty"? where is this wisdom and experience you were just talking about?

>> No.15221436

I'm going crazy thinking of how how straight badass that guy is, bro

>> No.15221449

post your pussy

>> No.15221456

>I love sex.
>Revolted by celebacy. But since I have sex with hundreds of people I guess I have to be a slut. Get over it.

>> No.15221473

Can we talk about erotica now?