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15216500 No.15216500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books that are in favor of extreme sexual degeneracy? I love dressing up as a sissy whore, doing some drugs and getting pissed on by strangers before being pounded hardcore in my ass outdoors during the night. I want to read something that'll make me even more disgusting.

pic very much related

>> No.15216508

Marquis de Sade

>> No.15216519

I already know of de Sade and Anais Nin, also Bataille. Looking for more suggestions, but thanks anyway!

>> No.15216534

I watch cuckold porn, and femdom the furthest I've taken my degeneracy, I'm a coombrain. This hasn't made my life better, but do you!

>> No.15216554

OP also is a self proclaimed "suicide fetishist" and dreams of killing himself while dancing over the body of dead white babies
Btw op why don't you kill yourself? We will be happy because the world will be free of you, and you'll be happy becauase you'll receive the highest amount of pleasure possible for a retard like you

>> No.15216570

>OP also is a self proclaimed "suicide fetishist" and dreams of killing himself while dancing over the body of dead white babies
This slanderous post is wholly out of order! I just enjoy being a complete degenerate in the bedroom (or gay cinema, nudist beach, parking lot...) with other consenting adults. Why would you claim that I dream of suicide and dead white babies? That is sick, you twisted fuck.

>> No.15216573

sounds true, tell me more please

>> No.15216584

I don't know much more, I closed my browser when I learned about that because it was too disgusting and I was unironically seethint with anger, wanting to kill op

>> No.15216589

Make porn or stfu

>> No.15216598

nobody writes crap like that lmao

>> No.15216605
File: 22 KB, 254x430, 9781562010775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the self-reinforcing trauma that makes it truly pathetic, the recognition of which is the trigger for a new round of coping-mechanism degeneracy. a perfect catch 22.

>> No.15216608

Somebody post that meme of that book about interracial sissy shit in America

>> No.15216610

This is important though: do you fantasize as being the bull, the cuck, or the girl?

>> No.15216639

Alright. I've heard the notion of there being anti-white death cults a couple times here already and it seems kind of fascinating. But you are right, of course, it is to be shunned and not to be looked upon as a curiosity.

>> No.15216655

None of the 3, I'm just sadiomasochistic and addicted to porn trying to quit for years now

>> No.15216832

What are your thoughts on teachers and parents brainwashing and grooming their kids by telling them being a literal faggot is okay and calling yourself a woman and chopping your dick off is normal? Also, what is your favorite sissy hypno video?

>> No.15216837

Best thread on /lit/ right now

>> No.15216839

post your boipucci on pronhub or fuck off already

>> No.15216879
File: 243 KB, 1024x809, ginsberg-and-burroughs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything by these sickos

>> No.15216947
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Pic related is one of the most disgusting, degenerate things i've ever read. Still coomed a few times tho

>> No.15216968
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Yes, please, that sounds very much like something I would enjoy!

Don't have a PH account tho

I've read Burroughs but he was complete shit, in a bad way, but I'll check out Ginsberg

Thanks, will look into this one too

>> No.15216981


>> No.15216994

The Secret History of Lord of Musashi or something like that.
Samurai guy has a fetish for the decapitated heads of other samurai and gets particularly turned on by a noseless head
>It is not simply that he envied the head for having the girl dress its hair, shave its pate, or gaze at it with that cruel smile; he wanted to be killed, transformed into a ghastly head with an agonized expression, and manipulated in the girl’s hands. Becoming a severed head was a necessary condition.
Pretty fucked up /d/ stuff.

>> No.15217002

Naked lunch is what you're looking for.
Also there's some gay lit chart going around but I can't find it right now.

>> No.15217041

>Also there's some gay lit chart going around but I can't find it right now.
Please do. I already bought 'My tender matador' about an old crossdresser who tries to seduce a young communist who wants to kill Pinochet. I'm hoping it's juicy as fuck.

>> No.15217064

Be sure to livestream your suicide.

>> No.15217085


>> No.15217108
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good luck... ull need it...

>> No.15217166
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Try 'Leftopia' if you want some hardcore kiddy rape:

>Yes, this book may shock some readers to their very core. I will not deny that it includes some scenes of very questionable morality, including, yes it is true, a bit of explicit child rape. But let nobody accuse me of being evil’s apologist, for this book is fiction only, and if one can’t even enjoy a bit of fantasy child rape, then what has the world come to?

>> No.15217167


>> No.15217190

Not that anon, but I fantasize about being a bull. I want to cuck as many people as I can. Spread my seed.

>> No.15217303

would penetrate your boipucci. have a plan to make a video?

>> No.15217351

>have a plan to make a video?
Yeah during summer once I've trained my ass well enough to be able to take a good pounding by BBC, I'll start inviting them for some outdoor sex which I'll hopefully be able to film/take photos of

>> No.15217402

can't wait for it :)

>> No.15217461

What country are you from ? Aren't you afraid ? What about the people close to you ? What if some dude records the whole thing and thenn goes to your mother and says: Here's your son in your dress being pissed on and fucked by 2 large black men

What the fuck do you do then

>> No.15217504

Am I degenerate if I think that what you're doing isn't really degenerate?

You're having fun. If that's your definition of it. Yeah, why the hell not.

>> No.15217531

Fucking hell how is this thread still up, anons you are all sick in the head, and this is sickness.

>> No.15217539

Please be funnier and if you aren't baiting then seek help immediately. It's almost like having effeminate looks goes hand in hand with being a total fucking degenerate.

>> No.15217548

>have never been stimulated by another cock

you don't know that feel guys, so shut up

>> No.15217550

read Marcuse and channel your libidinal energy towards the benefit of proletarian revolution

>> No.15217559

No I'm bisexual myself but i know how to hold my urges without being a fucking animal. You're the reason non-heteronormative people are seen as the butt of the joke these days and your fetish is fucking revolting.

>> No.15217649

no-fap for communism is probably just as much an expression of mental suffering as OP's desire to read the most degenerate literature

>> No.15217753

It's mostly anonymous so my biggest worry would be if some psychopath would show up instead of a big nigger with a bigger cock. I'm always nervous before a "date" obviously, but never scared for my life/safety, or I wouldn't do it.

I think it's fun and it makes me horny being a disgusting whore. I guess it's relative.

I want to kill Pride-faggots but I don't see the problem with me being a degenerate urinal for blacks and old grandpas seeing as how I don't parade it around for all to see. None of my friends, family or coworkers know anything about this side of me.

>> No.15217792

Honestly speaking. How do you feel after it. When you aren't horny (if you ever aren't horny). Do you regret the road you have taken. Or do you regret certain experiences, I mean, everyone has sexual experiences they regret. But do you get that feeling right after you cum? Or days later?
I just cannot fathom a life filled with sexual pleasure. It's like trying to imagine myself addicted to games or addicted to food. It kind of just annoys me that sexual freedom is seen as such a positive thing. "It doesn't hurt anyone else" is such a terrible argument. How does over eating hurt anyone else? Or being addicted to games? It does hurt other people in an emotional way and you in a physical way.
Not saying what you are doing is wrong, I mean I don't like it or approve of it. I just want an insight on it.

>> No.15217818
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>How do you feel after it.
Cheap, disgusting, naughty, good.

>Do you regret the road you have taken
No, not really. Regret not mustering up the courage to try things earlier.

>But do you get that feeling right after you cum?
No, but I mostly wear a chastity cage when getting fucked by a man so there's no climax for me there and then.

When I'm not horny (why would I be horny 24/7? lol makes no sense) I live a normal life, meeting friends, going on regular dates, managing projects at work etc. I wouldn't say I'm addicted to this, but it is fun and it makes me really horny having a dirty and disgusting side totally separate from my normal life. I guess it's the taboo aspect, maybe, I don't know.

>> No.15217823

Story of the Eye is the quintessential read but I imagine you've already read it. So just go straight to Hogg by infamous degenerate Samuel Delaney

>> No.15217832

Have read neither of them, will take a look, especially at Hogg since it's been mentioned a few times already, so it must be disgusting. Thanks!

>> No.15217856

>but I don't see the problem with me being a degenerate urinal for blacks and old grandpas seeing as how I don't parade it around for all to see.
You're fucking disgusting and rotten inside. Kill yourself.

>> No.15217878

>"You gonna remember Nigg for a long time, ain't you, cocksucker? Tell you what. Ah'm gonna stick my black dick up your ass an' we gonna tongue some more. Then I'm gonna make you suck the shit off it. An' I'm gonna bust my nut again—" His scummy hand kept working down between my legs. My top button pulled loose from the worn hole. He began to push my pants down. "Shit, come on and sit on this nigger dick, white boy!"

Seriously, what did Delaney mean by this?

>> No.15217881

I find it funny that it makes me feel dirty just reading this. Yet I used to have just as much if a peverted mind. Part of me knows I'd enjoy it. But deep down I know it wouldn't be true happiness and joy. I'm glad you've got something in life that you get joy out of. As long as you are happy in the long run, not many people have that. True happiness is a hard thing to come by. Most people on this board can't even grasp what happiness is

>> No.15217910

do you have a feminine face anon

>> No.15217940

Nah I think I'll smoke some weed after I'm done with my job, shove my butt plug into my ass and coom to some hardcore BBC porn again whilst thinking of you, anon

That's fucking hot

You make it sound as if I've found my calling in life, I just enjoy having nasty sex from time to time. I can see myself stop doing all of this as soon as I've found someone I want to share the rest of my life with, unless said person is also into really kinky shit.

No my face looks like an ogre that's been bludgeoned to hell and back by another ogre

>> No.15217974
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Why is it so hard to not judge someone. I'm trying so hard but this is so disgusting.

>> No.15217981
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Ah yes, classic /lgbt/

>> No.15217995

Everyone judges everyone, don't be afraid anon. Give me what I deserve.

>> No.15218001

The Sluts by Dennis Cooper is one of the most shocking things I've read in a long time.

Also JG Ballard, particularly The Atrocity Exhibition and Crash.

>> No.15218005

Do you do this because deep down you have some kind of desire to die? Like someone who drives 100 on the freeway every day. You seem to be getting thrilled by your own self destruction.

>> No.15218006

The object of debauchery is to satisfy and thereby extinguish your desire, but you succeed in only prolonging it
Really you are a great amateur in libertinism

>> No.15218016

Its sad and upsetting. I just feel like there's a better life out there then a simple dopamine rush. I guess I feel the same way about anyone who gets pleasure out of mentally degrading enjoyment.

>> No.15218040

Thanks, The Sluts sounds interesting!

God no, I love life and living. I just can't help but get turned on by nasty, disgusting and taboo things. Aside from a small risk of STDs or a psycho killer, I wouldn't say I'm self-destructive. Your average NEET who does nothing is miles worse off than me.

Thank you for the kind words anon, hope you're having a good day

A tuesday or sunday night here and there hardly constitutes my entire life, anon. Don't be a silly goose.

>> No.15218054

Fucking based coomer
This is Jung's self-actualised man, fully inhabiting the contradictions and extreme opposites of human nature unbounded by petty dogma; Mishima himself would be proud
Brainlet prudes look on and weep at one who grasps life by the thorny branch with all their mettle

>> No.15218064

>I just can't help but get turned on by nasty, disgusting and taboo things.
Yes you can, actually it would be easy, but, as it seems, you are quite weak.

>> No.15218091

I do try

I know, I'm weak. Punish me.

>> No.15218118

Post bulge op
Or thighs, i need to coom

>> No.15218123
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OP, you should also follow in Mishimas steps and commit seppuku

>> No.15218147
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It is written: "Wizards thou shalt not suffer to live" (Ex. 22:18); and: "In the morning I put to death all the wicked of the land" (Ps. 100:8). …

Every part is directed to the whole, as imperfect to perfect, wherefore every part exists naturally for the sake of the whole. For this reason we see that if the health of the whole human body demands the excision of a member, because it became putrid or infectious to the other members, it would be both praiseworthy and healthful to have it cut away. Now every individual person is related to the entire society as a part to the whole. Therefore if a man be dangerous and infectious to the community, on account of some sin, it is praiseworthy and healthful that he be killed in order to safeguard the common good, since "a little leaven corrupteth the whole lump” (1 Cor. 5:6).
(Summa Theologiae, II, II, q. 64, art. 2)