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File: 15 KB, 452x452, mp40-submachine-gun-bullet-226-mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15217168 No.15217168 [Reply] [Original]

I got a challenge for you. How much do you think you can write about a random inanimate object? Here's my try on a bullet.
>Oh yes this yellow gold object. The giver and taker of life, the one reason that we are here, greatest invention of all, the bullet, not the gun, the bullet, guns would be useless without bullets, I love the bullet. It's butterfly effect is the reason I'm alive and everyone should have a bullet and at least one shot with a gun like they have one shot at life. Bullets are nasty best friends, they hurt but they help. They are the reason we can kill even aliens if they ever come to earth, with bullets we have the power of the gods, even dinosaurs could be taken town with just a few shots.
Your turn.

>> No.15217187
File: 3.19 MB, 498x365, tenor (27).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The giver and taker of life,
Stopped reading here.

>> No.15217238

Let me do that but better.
>There is nothing in history as enduring as the bullet. The lead king rules mankind as overlord and yet it is created by man, man has created his king. Man's masochism drives him into this masochistic relationship with the bullet. Its very existence serves to silently demand tribute. So long bullets are being made there will be countless men sacrificed to the will of the bullet. And yet we cannot break its hold on us because we are always happy to pay the tribute of blood. The reign of the lead king stands eternal.

>> No.15217251 [DELETED] 

read Francis Ponge's Le Parti pris des choses. It's a book full of descriptions of objects. Probably the best descriptions you will ever read, too.

>> No.15217258
File: 77 KB, 542x542, EWPsCmNU0AI_kNi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bullet. The undeniable mistake of a name for it is only used by cow-ards and not the bull-ish.

>> No.15217265
File: 4 KB, 183x276, candle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes night revives a singular plant whose gleam breaks up rooms and their furniture into solid masses of shadow.
Its leaf of gold clings impassively to the hollow of a little alabaster column by means of a very black stem.
Seedy moths attack it in preference to the too-high moon, which is vaporizing the woods. But, instantly singed or worn out by the struggle, they lie trembling, on the verge of a madness that is close to stupor.
Meanwhile the candle encourages the reader with the flickering light it throws on his book at each sudden release of an unusual smoke — and then bends over its plate to drown itself in its food.

Also, I like to stare at it 30 minutes every morning.

>> No.15217268

I want to correct some passages i dont like now that i see what ive wrote
Man's masochism drives him to eternal servitude to the bullet.**

And yet our souls will always be bonded to the bullet for we are always happy to pay the tribute of blood.

>> No.15217283

I like this one anon. If you genuinely are candle anon i hope sincerely that one day you manage to fight the candle in order to be free.

>> No.15217305
File: 6 KB, 183x275, stairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has failed to observe that frequently the floor starts to fold in such a way that one part goes up in a right angle from the floor, and then the next part becomes parallel to the floor, only to give way to another perpendicular section, a pattern that is repeated either as a spiral or as a broken line to widely variable heights. Bending down and putting one’s left hand on one of the vertical parts, and on the right on the corresponding flat part, one is momentarily in possession of a step or rung. Each one of these steps, formed, as we can see, by two elements, is situated slightly above and ahead of the previous one, a principle which gives meaning to the concept of stairs, since any other arrangement would produce perhaps more beautiful and picturesque forms, but would prohibit movement from one floor to the next.
One climbs the stairs facing forward, since going backwards or sideways would prove uncomfortable. The natural approach consists of standing upright, arms hanging loosely, head erect, although not so high that one fails to see the steps immediately above one, and breathing slowly and regularly. In order to go up the stairs one begins by lifting that part of the body situated on the bottom right, almost always encased in leather or suede, and that, with minor exceptions, fits perfectly on each step. Once the mentioned part, which, for the sake of brevity, we will call foot, is placed on the first step, one lifts the equivalent part on the left (which is also called foot, but should not be confused with the one previously mentioned), and raising it up until one has placed it on the second step, so that this foot rests on the second step and the other on the first. (The first steps are always the most difficult, until one acquires the necessary coordination. The similarity between the words foot and foot makes it difficult to explain. Be especially careful not to lift the foot and the foot at the same time.)
Arriving in this way on the second step, all that is required is to alternately repeat the movements until one finds oneself at the end of the stairs. One leaves the stairs easily with a slight movement of the heel fixing one in place, not moving until it is time to descend.

>> No.15217350

>giver and taker of life
How? Don't say something like "It helps you defend yourself", that's not giving.

>> No.15217388

A bullet.
>A gust of wind hits just before the moment it is fired, and one can spy a sudden detachment, a realization of hidden beauty, as well as second guessings and hints of regret in the eyes of the executioner as much as in those of his victim. A realization that escapes our bullet. Our bullet cares not about a sudden change of intention, about hope, yearning, the shifting tide, the coming autumn and the migration of birds. As the trigger is pulled it fulfills its purpose. A purpose now unclear. Kill? The casing bathes in the sunlight as it falls to the ground. The bullet screams. It missed.

>> No.15217397

How does winning a war not save lives? You take some as well but you save millions in return.

>> No.15217399

This one's good

>> No.15217464

When I was nine I went into my father's room while he and my mother discussed the diminishing value of recently purchased real estate. They had returned from Greece only three months prior and were perhaps too hasty in their business ventures. I walked up to the nightstand and opened the top drawer: a gun, holding two bullets, and half a pack of cigarettes. Not only was I not aware my father had a gun, but I had also never seen one. It was a small pistol with a heavy patina. I knew what a gun did but not what it felt like; I knew what a bullet was but not its implications. I picked the pistol up--it was heavier than I imagined--and fired without hesitation directly in front of me. My mother shrieked and came to find me holding my own arm, trembling and baffled by the severity of tinnitus that could be inflicted by a single gunshot. I ran outside, unsure whether the tears that followed were from pain or bewilderment.

>> No.15217484
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 18158028_1169019586543337_1910580056739203844_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The humble aluminium can is the most impressive piece of technology currently in the world. Don't believe me? Believe me? Either way, I'll tell you why.
Think about drink containers before the industrial revolution. They were either crudely made, often misshapen cups or even bowls made simply to serve the purpose, or grandoise, ornate goblets and the like, made as a luxury item to show off wealth. There was a clear divide in drink containers between the rich and the poor. But look at this can. This marvel of modern engineering and business, that demonstrates society's power- they wanted a cheap, light, sturdy container and they made one.
It's not only impressive in the fact that it's a culmination of all the technology that has come before it, but in that it is objectively impressive. This simple container has been worked on by so many people in order to gain the optimum price to functionality ratio, that its plain looking exterior hides facts about it that one wouldn't expect. Did you know that the metal is so uniformly thick that it's regularly used as precision shims by machinists? Its humble appearance hides the work of many great minds.