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/lit/ - Literature

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1521432 No.1521432 [Reply] [Original]

Books which managed to completely change your opinion on a meaningful issue such as your; political position, belief in God/the supernatural, meaning for life etc?

>> No.1521435

bradfox cox is such an indie darling xD the music so good pitchfork helped make it !!!!1

>change your opinion on a meaningful issue such as your; political position, belief in God/the supernatural, meaning for life etc
>fiction-centred board
reported for trolling

>> No.1521441

sophie's world and the bible

>> No.1521456


You don't think fiction has any meaningful value beyond sentimentality?

And I think the picture is relevant.



>> No.1521461

It wasn't really a book so much as it was works by one author in particular. Reading up on Tolstoy pushed me to examine and redefine my political views and religious beliefs. Through Tolstoy I was also exposed to a lot of "Christian leftists." As a result of that I have changed the purpose of my life to one that is much less selfish and can perhaps better the lives of the least fortunate.

I probably sound like some self-important asshole and I suppose that can't be helped, but I genuinely want to help people. I just have to figure out how.

>> No.1521472

How terrific that you're telling 4chan about your spiritual and philosophical transformation.

Erm, it's a bit like pulling pushing a prize winning horse over into a heap of shit, innit?

>> No.1521473
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>> No.1521489

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

>> No.1521607

Only a weak-minded person would allow that book to change them. It is watered-down philosophy that a person of even average intelligence should have already considered from basic observation and rational thought. Just because Quinn tries desperately to make the thoughts sound original doesn't mean they are. Also, from a craft standpoint, the book has some very lazy writing.

Go fuck yourself, hipster faggot.

>> No.1521608

illuminatus and schrodinger's cat trilogies, robert anton wilson

>> No.1521611

this was a godly book!

>> No.1521614

This thread is garbage because no book can but change your opinion on everything. Every time you read, or do anything, you change, and your perspective changes. There is a current of derisive bigotry posing as intellect on this board.

>> No.1521615



If not physically, mentally.

>> No.1521623

Cat's Cradle

i am now bokononist

>> No.1521627

DMT, the Spirit Molecule.

>> No.1521633

The Closing of the American Mind by Alan Bloom and Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays by Michael Oakeshott (two books that I read in succession by pure chance) started out my movement from the classic liberal (libertarian in the US) camp to a more conservative positioning (I read and thought a lot more in the meanwhile, but reading those 2 books in a row lead me to read other stuff and eventually - and gradually - change my position).

Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton brought me back to Catholicism.

>> No.1521635
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This exact book. sitting right here on my desk now, even.

>> No.1521643

Starship Troopers.

I now love the military.

>> No.1521661
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None. Literally, none. Books just don't do that for me. Although Godel Escher Bach had some pretty mindfucky parts to it.

>> No.1521662


Helped me to respect them and understand their motivations better, though love is a strong word.

The writings of Soren Kierkegaard completely changed my views on Christianity, particularly The Sickness unto Death. Leo Tolstoy's essays on the Church and Christianity were also very influential for me.

>> No.1521663

Notes from Underground made me get over myself and realize that happiness is for me a choice, made me be more social.

Reading some of C.S. Lewis's nonfiction secured my nonbelief in Christianity.

>> No.1521665
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Taught me that you don't have to be an overemotional homo all the time.

>> No.1521671

>Notes from Underground made me get over myself and realize that happiness is for me a choice, made me be more social.

>Taught me that you don't have to be an overemotional homo all the time.

sure is 'alpha' ITT.


>> No.1521693

When I was a kid and read Lois Lowry's "The Giver," it made me realize that free will is an absolutely critical part of reality. We can't really be real or even really live without being able to make meaningful choices on our own, even if our choices are bad ones.

This has made me a much more tolerant and accepting person, because I recognize that even if I don't think other people have made great choices, I will defend to the death their right to make them.

>> No.1521699


>> No.1521730

I thought that was him. I shop at that Kroger all the time and was behind him in line once. He's in the local weekly and on the college station all the time, that's the only way I know him, though.

as for OP, my cynicism was certainly heightened by Catch-22 as well as Groening's Life in Hell collections, but I don't think it changed me as much as re-inforced my natural tendencies.

>> No.1521751


"What happened to Lani Garver" completely changed my views on tolerance / bullying. Not that I didn't already feel in that direction, but it was good perspective on how seemingly innocent or "just being kids" things have evil roots.

>> No.1521789

Reading Tybrax's "Autobiography of a Tripfriend" made me realize how hard it is to be black and homosexual in America today.

>> No.1521795

Soul Traveler by Albert Taylor, 1984 and Ayn Rand changed what I predominantly read as a teen, and Ayn Rand brainwashed said teen.