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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.09 MB, 1103x1360, 1588029993224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15213844 No.15213844 [Reply] [Original]

>so, i'm failing trigonometry...
>i can't wait until i have that 60 KAY STARTING!
>how does 0.9999 = 1?
>*college major by IQ thread*
>post your library!(they all have like 10 books on their bookshelf in a corner of their bedroom, brand new and clearly unread)

>Right now? I'm learning Irish. It's my 8th language, haha
>I don't read too much, just 800 pages per day... yeah I know it's not enough...
>*literally a thread in ancient greek at bump limit with 60 unique IPs*
>post your library!(they're literally private libraries in their houses, hundreds of books, all clearly opened and read)

>> No.15213860
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STEMlets, when will they learn?

>> No.15213878
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I have used hermeneutics to determine that the first buttmad STEMlet to reply to this thread is a little gay faggot.

>> No.15214190
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They don't think /lit/ be like it is, but it do.

>> No.15214272

/sci/ delenda est!

>> No.15214279


>> No.15214451

Cope more with your litrature degrees

While im on my way to earn 100k, and working on impactfull projects, youll be serving me coffee at starbucks.

>Be OP
>Be too dumb for math and science
>Settle for easy shit like reading and language learning, skills that have no use in the real world
>Kills himself at 40

>> No.15214480

Imagine falling for such obvious bait, holy shit newfag

>> No.15214544

I did not know cogs were capable of posting.

>> No.15214554

i know i'm responding to bait, but--money isn't everything. In fact, if i am to believe Mad Men, money means almost nothing.

>> No.15214568


>> No.15214806
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little gay faggot spotted

>> No.15214898

Yeah so I'm thinking we're based geniuses

>> No.15214901

This is true. I regret my philosophy degree so much. I can't believe I was excited to be doing a PhD in this shit stain of a field at one point. Meanwhile all my math and engineering friends were working on solving real world problems and getting approached by various companies while still in school.

It's not even about the money, but contributing absolutely nothing to society. While doing my undergraduate thesis on Husserl, I just realized how pointless and trivial it all was, abstractions on top of abstractions but with no clear definitions or rules like math.

My only choices at this point are to perpetuate this bullshit to the next generation of young "intellectuals" or die a worthless bum because I thought it was a good idea to get a student loan for a toilet paper degree. To anyone else considering this path, just read this crap on the side because you will eventually grow out of it like a bad emo phase that's only celebrated in braindead bourgeois circles or basket weaving forums like this one.

>> No.15214944

haha nigga i did a two year apprenticeship became a journeyman and got 100k out of the offset and im spending my time being a blue collar electrician AND I get to study classics stfu faggot lmao, i get 100k and I DONT have to study I get to read GREEK haha retard stem funny as fuck when they think they'll get jobs, actually hilarious desu

>> No.15214946

*starves to death in an alley*

>> No.15215002
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This except unironically

>> No.15215016

want to play cs

>> No.15215019


>> No.15215026

I'm in the same place with it man. On the one hand, philosophy taught me how to think and write with precision I never would have had as a business major--but the lack of applications really makes the degree hard to justify beyond "soft skills". Have you thought about law? That's what most people I know in the major do. I'm leaning towards business personally. You should trust in your philosophical training to put you ahead of the communications and poli sci plebs at least

>> No.15215042

Where you guys plebs who decided to major at philosophy at schools that weren't Ivies? What were you thinking?

>> No.15215162

At 18 years old I was shuffled into a damp mildewing room where I would select my course of study for the next four years with the click of a button. I don't regret it, though. I would have been horrible at anything else--and I studied what I loved. Now my plan is to work for a year and then go back for math or tech. I haven't dipped into my gov't loans yet since I got scholarships and I'm not especially rushing to shave off the rest of my years in labor--so trade school, law school, business school, or even another undergrad are all at my fingertips. And now I get to start another adventure with the greatest masters of logic and argument--from Aristotle to Kripke--having formed and matured my mind.

Out of interest anon, what did you study? Did you like it? Do you find it useful?

>> No.15215219

cope lmao

>> No.15215233

Unironically you will have better practical applications of a degree with CS.

I graduated undergrad with double major business and spanish degree (seemingly employable, no?) from a decent school. Couldn't get a job anywhere for two years and hated everyone in my Business degree uniformly. Very useless classes, honestly more useful for forming a certain kind of person which I was dead set against becoming. (This was Business Admin, a Finance degree might be different idk.)

Then I entered a grad program that was essentially a data for the humanities degree and got an interview with my current employer on the day I turned in my thesis lol

Go for the double major tho!

>> No.15215234
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>> No.15215528


>> No.15215767
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>must be 18 to post
>probably should be over 19 too
>and not an idiot
>or an npc
>or a pleb

>medieval Welsh is better
>try harder
>why is this even notable?
>trust fund kids got to post somewhere too

>> No.15215792

lmfao I didn't know posters like this existed

>> No.15215805
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>> No.15215985

>tfw no gf :(

>post your gf!(thread is filled to bump limit)

>> No.15216129
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>*The Manga Guide to Calculus*
>hey guys, will taking nootropics increase my IQ?
>post proof

>*Manga Classics Ulysses*
>hey guys, will staring at a candle increase my attention-span?
>post proof

>> No.15216342

>actual intelligent people
>literal pseuds
You know it's true. And I'm from /lit/.

>> No.15216360

include something funny or interesting in your post next time

>> No.15216361

It's true. You know it.

>> No.15216367

that may or may not be, but see how other people are trying to make jokes and stuff? they're riffing off the formula. try doing that

>> No.15216373

this is supposed to be the “smart” board?

>> No.15216409

your an idiot

>> No.15216498

>how do i stop procrastinating and study?
>does someone have a math/physics chart?
>can /sci/ solve this? first_year_calculus.jpg
>hey guys i've never solved a math problem in my life please recommend... drolling_pepe.jpg

>how do i stop procrastinating and read?
>does someone have a deleuze/guenon chart?
>can /lit/ solve this? first_year_trolley_problem.jpg
>hey guys i've never read a book in my life please recommend... drolling_pepe.jpg

Both boards are filled with pseudo-intellectuals and retards wishing they were as cool as the pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.15216535
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>> No.15216539
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>> No.15216544

nah /sci/ is worse bugeyed faggot, people who pretend "engineering" makes money deserve to become catamites of their respective educational institutions

>> No.15217142

Think you can find in general higher quality discussion on /lit/ more than anywhere else, which is why I think many people come to this board, although as with finding any actual valuable discussion on this site it's like a needle in the haystack and fairly infrequent

>> No.15217229
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work for me, wagie cuck

>> No.15217256

how can bugman be smart lel

>> No.15217663

/sci/ is full of students in their first semester and there is nothing more annoying than CS, maths and physics freshmen. /lit/ at least have some posters that are not first semester liberal arts students, which are also annoying but in a way less gay way