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15210096 No.15210096 [Reply] [Original]

Is Varg knowledgeable about paganism and nordic literature?

>> No.15210108

If you wanna play with a placenta ,yes

>> No.15210114

>implying historians will remember this self-righteous snow nigger who believes romans were Arabs

>> No.15210138

>who believes romans were Arabs
kek, he says they were mutts but not Arabs, he calls modern south Europeans Arabs, because of the Moor invasion. the only problem here is that Moors were berbers, Not Arabs.

>> No.15210144

Is he legit senile?

>> No.15210148

This pretty much. He has a good basic understanding in some areas, but then somehow goes into feminist nonsense which casts doubt over all his thinking.

>> No.15210151

Moors were various peoples.

>> No.15210158

>Gandalf the Graying

>> No.15210166

he is a musical genius but not much else

>> No.15210168

no, but he's a pretty cool guy nonetheless

>> No.15210173


>> No.15210182
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Moors only managed to conquer Sicily and even there i doubt intermarriages were frequent. South italians are swarthy because they descend from the ancient greek colonists, not because they were massively raped by moors.

>> No.15210183

Hey /lit/. Any good books on how to get French NEETbux like Varg and live in the French countryside?

>> No.15210189

varg is such a retard but its pretty hilarous to see the mutts sending him pics asking "am i white?"

>> No.15210197

The level of conceit, unself-awareness and generaly cringiness in these tweets is pretty amazing.
Does twitter turn all his users into retards like this?

>> No.15210209

But he's really black.

>> No.15210218

ethnicity does not confer knowledge, so no

>> No.15210227

>straight hair

>> No.15210229

Hey now, he's the official Board of Skin Colour Determination (internet office).

>> No.15210246


>Front beard


>> No.15210254

>he doesn't have a front beard, bottom beard and side beard
non-white detected

>> No.15210259

Yes, and we must purge them from lit. We have not yet lost.

>> No.15210287

I used to get my laughs from his retarded posts before wiping my presence off the face of twatter but i guess he's LARPing as a supremacist to appease the edgelords who still follow him and he doesn't really have a beef with southern europeans as he much as he makes it out to be. Some italian guy interviewed him in English once and he didn't look threatening at all, though it was a rather brief interview. That or he's scared shitless of stirring up shit and getting thrown in jail again

>> No.15210298

I find it funny to once read about this guy initially as some antichristian black metal fag who brutally murdered his band member, years ago like some true crime novel. And now, years later, seeing him memed on 4chan and that he's a pagan Nordicist LARPer.

>> No.15210351

>he doesn't have a top beard
i shiggydiggy

>> No.15210371

Surely he has read the Poetic Edda

>> No.15210384

he's funny but completely full of shit

>> No.15210567

If you dislike Varg, you are a Jew.

>> No.15210587

you can tell the italians that are descendant from greeks and the ones from africa very fast