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15209441 No.15209441 [Reply] [Original]

Why did god keep choosing to talk only to jews in the OT if they always fucked up? Is God retarded?

>> No.15209501

god chose the jews out of pity and then stuck with them out of pride so egypt didn't call him a failure
why would the omnipotent god of the universe care about what some desert people think about him its beyond me

>> No.15209505

why do you ask this strange question?

>> No.15209561

well I guess you're afk but what it is, is people judge the jews but they could never handle their burden.

>> No.15209599

Asking any question is pointless as it can all be said to be part of "God's plan"

>> No.15209627

Because you read jewish fairy tales and choose to take them seriously.

>> No.15209629

This. He's God. Why question Him?

>> No.15209640

Do you not see what a weak cop out this is? Furthermore it makes it impossible to evaluate religions against one another, as they could all explain away problems this way.

>> No.15209643

It's because God is faithful even though people are not.

>> No.15209660


>> No.15209670

I'm not him and I agree it's a cope that people come up with so they don't kill themselves, but it is possible to evaluate religions. If there are errors in a holy book that claims to be the inerrant word of God or prophecies don't come true etc you can write off that religion. You can write off everything though once you realize the problems in ePISSTOMOLOLOLOLOGY

>> No.15209685

If you read OT it clearly implies polytheism and that God of Kikes is just one of many Gods, other nations having their own.

>> No.15209695

>god chose the jews out of pity and then stuck with them out of pride so egypt didn't call him a failure
This t.b.h it's even pretty close to the official talmudic interpretation (minus the failure part).

>> No.15209728


>> No.15209835


>> No.15209842
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>> No.15209849

Gee it’s almost like he made a COVENANT with their FATHERS

>> No.15209867

>why would the omnipotent god of the universe care about what some desert people think about him
Because YAWEH is a jew god made by jews to prop up their racial superiority complex. If you'd read any passage of OT where YAWEH is involved you'll find out every vice and shrewd attitude that characterizes the ultra-orthodox jewish nature.
>obey your lord or be brutally murdered alongside your entire lineage
>respect your god for bringing you out of Egypt despite he forgot you were starving you to death
>don't wear different fabrics or face death
>give your foreskin to the lord
>i am a jealous (and greedy) god, you will not wear gold, but you will build golden temples for your lord YAWEH
>don't forget about the exodus and the persecuted tribes of israel goy!
You can almost draw parallelism between YAWEH's speeches about his victmized people and holocaust propaganda on TV and social media. Jews never changed in 2000 years, they just used their God as a mouthpiece to perpetuate the myth that they were the chosen race and have been persecuted by everyone for their superiority. Christcucks just imitate their victim complex and LARP as them.
As for the real God, the big bang, the creator or whatever you want to call it, if he really selected a wretched lot like the jews as his chosen race it means he isn't really fond of humanity in the first place.

>> No.15209869

The question is why would an omnibenevolent presence pick favourites?

>> No.15209881

*despite forgetting that he's letting you starve to death

>> No.15209882

imagine believing in a god that chose to talk to one nation specifically
all he needed to do to prove his godlike abilities was pick like 10 countries far and wide, tell the same story to all 10 but describe the other 9 and give them two or three phrases from that language so people would go like "wtf how"
but nah, this was too difficult to pull off for the ancient writer who thought that the world spanned from egypt through palestine to rome so they had to make a god whose nature was "more good" than those of their neighbors, i.e. do good shit and get rewarded, instead of going into the deep abyss regardless of your actions on earth

>> No.15209885

Can you imagine if literally any other organization or group required a foreskin tribute for initiation? What is God's obsession with foreskins? That's some straight Ed Gein shit

>> No.15209892

Based tripfag.

>> No.15209897

Moses wasn't a Jew you fucking moron the Bible is not about Jews

>> No.15209904

>Moses wasn't a Jew
here comes the christcucks, let me guess, he was a blonde blue eyed Aryan-israelitie?

>> No.15209959
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>Moses wasn't a Jew
Ah yes you're gonna tell us Moses was a white aryan man who somehow spoke a semitic language and was born in a semitic land, and that the greek and the romans were totally unaware that the descendents of these shitskins were other shitskins. Actually they were so aware of their semitic race that after the last supper they had to ask "which one of you is the kike who's gonna die on a stick?" because they couldn't tell apart any real humans from the shitskins inside that mountain of shit made of desert kikes. Go suck a jewish cock, christmutt LARPer, you will never have a cultural heritage.

>> No.15210066

Several African tribes do, as well as all Muslims. Circumcision is pretty common throughout the world actually. Despite the memes it isn't unique to Jews at all.

>What is God's obsession with foreskins? >That's some straight Ed Gein shit
God like blood stuff for obvious reasons.

Not the other idiot, but there have been theory that the historical basis for Moses could have been an Egyptian prince.

Of course evidence one way or the other are hard to come by.

>> No.15210084

God chose the ancient Hebrews specifically because they're in His words "a stiff-necked people." If God could take them in hand He could take anyone in hand. It's a demonstration of both His power and His mercy.

>> No.15210094

>as well as all Muslims
and thats because they're replicating what Abraham did, it all goes back to Jews.

>> No.15210106

> Why did god keep choosing to talk only to jews in the OT if they always fucked up?
it's almost as If this isn't the creator of the Universe but a semitic national deity.

>> No.15210580

Well, if we take his omniscience into account, he probably saw it best for Isreal to be his people as in the end, I do think its fair to say all corners of the Earth know God and Christ at this point, except maybe North Korea

>> No.15211160

Herbrews were not the same as Ashekanzis and every greentext of yours is just generic stuff which could be applied to any ethnicity.

>> No.15211240

>Why did god keep choosing to talk only to jews in the OT if they always fucked up?
That's a straw man but pay attention to how it was the prophets who were the voice of God, not the entire nation.

>> No.15211252

>Do you not see what a weak cop out this is?
Not really. I would otherwise be underestImating God or assuming that I can understand His motives with my limited reason.
>as they could all explain away problems this way
They probably could, which is why it's just a matter of faith, a faith which may or may not have been planted in people's hearts by whatever God there is from times immemorial, by virtue of His omniscience.

>> No.15213059

Mizrahi jews are basically biblical jews, fucking nigger

>> No.15213854

why is God so racist?

>> No.15215596

Because Judea was perfect place for His incarnation and He had to prepare the grounds.

>> No.15215664

They’re basically his loser drug addict children that he refuses to give up on. Even when they hit rock bottom and whine about starving he fucking airdrops mana.