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15208675 No.15208675[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to express to women that you're interested in philosophy without that turning them away

>> No.15208683

Saying: I like books? But then which ones? You won't be able to pretend to know the latest YA authors.
Saying: I like knowledge? But that may sound pretentious.
Saying: I like science? But that sounds nerdy and equally off-putting.

Asking for a friend.

>> No.15208685
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>bitch have you read hegel?
>it's some fucked up shit, you wouldn't believe it

>> No.15208870

Have a regular conversation and when your understanding of philosophy is relevant insert it. “You know, our perception of time is really interesting. There’s this philosopher named Hume and he talks about a hot coal on a string (hes from the 1700s) and if you spin it in a circle it’ll start to turn into a ring right? His argument is that our perception of time is based on an order of events. It becoming a circle to our eyes means we can’t perceive the order of events anymore”

It helps for the woman to be moderately intelligent. It’s a lot easier with political philosophy IMO since you can segue from normal political to political theory. It’s all about delivery, people just wanna be entertained.

>> No.15208891

Say that philosophy=many money

>> No.15208895

You're being too on the nose. I think it would come off as much less autistic if you just said the general idea but didn't bring up Hume and his experiment, unless she asks you explicitly to elaborate on the idea you presented to her.

>> No.15208912

by not talking to unemployed insta thots because your dick prefers them

>> No.15208923

If they get turned away by you reading philosophy then it's obviously not worth you pursuing them. You're not her Galatea who is going to some how take the virgin marble of her mind and craft out a beautiful Pygmalion.
There are enough compromises in relationships anyway OP, if philosophy is an important thing for you - then find a woman who isn't turned away by it.

>> No.15208961


>> No.15208999


>> No.15209007

Two points on that though is one: if she thinks it sounds too silly you don’t look weird because you can just say it’s just an interesting idea by Hume. Two: Most women operate on appeals to authority and rarely actually engage with ideas.

If she likes it/finds it interesting she won’t care. Most of the best philosophy is autistic as fuck. Aristotle is the biggest autist in the history of man. Doesn’t mean Nicomachean Ethics isn’t perfectly relateable. Plus you also maintain intellectual honesty. Id feel bad taking credit for others ideas.

>> No.15209027

Philosophy isn't knowledge.
It's metaphysical and epistemological problems.

>> No.15209038

Unitonically Chad advice right here

>> No.15209065

be humble, its unattractive to discuss your interests in an attempt to show yourself off, that said you should speak from a place of honesty and passion, express your enthusiasm for the subject through the excitement you get when you speak of it, this will be much more attractive and have the ability to earn you respect even if the person you are speaking to does not hold the same interest.
that all said if your interest still turns someone away this is fine and simply means you were not compatible in the first place. don't try to deceive people when seeking company, this will only lead to pain down the road.

>> No.15209136

Why are women turned away by philosophy?

>> No.15209169

If you would approach your interest in philosophy by saying “I’m interested in philosophy” then you aren’t actually interested, you should be able to emphasise the importance of specific books (though I’m sure you don’t actually read) or specific concepts otherwise you’re probably just larping

>> No.15209244

I never met such a women ? How do I find them ?

>> No.15209250

women don't like 'intellectual' type men

>> No.15209255

Why would you want to express to women that you’re interested in philosophy?

>> No.15209267

stop caring about vapid whores

>> No.15209272

"im interested in philosophy"

>> No.15209294

Because the subject of interests might come up, in fact is one of the first ones to come up. At any rate, it's unavoidable.

>> No.15209302
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I do not want women that would be turned away by that in the first place.

>> No.15209356
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Come again?

>> No.15209409
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...the thing is babe, everyone just says "Oh he's that Nazi" and ignores him, but no-one has ever really refuted his conclusions about epistemology. I admit he isn't the easiest writer at first reading but once you really grasp his metaphors it's not so bad. Think about the term Lichtung for a moment —

>> No.15209457

Most people aren't interested specifically inphilosophy. Find someone who likes to talk politics or ideas who's smart enough to follow what you are saying, and be willing to learn about their interests and they will reciprocate if they are worthwhile.

>> No.15209483

I personally have never encountered a woman who has even a passing interest in philosophy nor have I ever really encountered a woman who actually cared what my interests were aside from my work. Is this an upper class British thing or something?

>> No.15209487

Philosophy is the most uninteresting thing in the world to women.

>> No.15209521

Women like tall men with good jawlines and brow ridges. Beyond these universal criteria their preferences are about as varied as are men's for women.

>> No.15209538 [DELETED] 

How are you finding so many women who are 'turned off' by it in the first place? That's a pretty strong reaction.
Look at your social circles, the kinds of people you interact with.
Most women I find are curious when you speak like a pseud.
The only reason like me is because I am "good with words" and "very smart". Try again.

>> No.15209557

women don't like that stuff, unless its already popular

>> No.15209570

You can talk about women about anything with the right approach. Once while drunk at a friend's house I rambled for the entire night with a girl about my favorite chess players, some time later we started dating kek.

>> No.15209584

talk with women about anything*

>> No.15209666

Nothing matters except the delivery. Just tell a story in an interesting way.

>> No.15209678

>Aristotle is the biggest autist in the history of man
I'd rank Spinoza and Newton as above him in sheer autistry.

>> No.15209698

I once had an autistic chick hit on me by rambling about Marx. Needless to say, I retained my purity.

>> No.15209708

This. It's always about who's saying it and how it is being said than what is being said.

>> No.15209748

>hey anon what are your interest hehe!
>oh I like reading philosophy
This works if you are attractive and not autistic

>> No.15209766

this. just be good looking and it won't matter what you say or how you say it. works for me

>> No.15209768

Be not ugly

>> No.15209846

You guys know there are women interested in philosophy right? Is not only men who study it if you go to an university.
A student of philosophy in university told me that she would kill herself without philosophy in her life.
Stop thinking women as NPCs and talk with them as human beings, some time it won't work because they might be NPC but when it works it will be wonderful.

>> No.15209889

Beyond those criteria they don’t have preferences

>> No.15209905

>Stop thinking women as NPCs and talk with them as human beings

>> No.15209947

>Stop thinking women as NPCs
but all of the great philosophers agree they are

>> No.15210026
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>> No.15210059

The sole reason this thread exists is because op wants to have sex.

>> No.15210093
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>> No.15210125

Philosophy literally means “love of knowledge.”

>> No.15210293

Maybe mix philosophy with literature (or the entertainment media for women of the day, movies and series)?

>> No.15210675
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Ideally an upper class rich girl to save from her existential crisis after failing to find happiness in anything material.So we can live in transcendental luxury above the material plane.

Or a spirituality awakened inner beauty cutie that is above social conditioning/modern egregores

>> No.15210694

why are incels so addicted to their misery?

>> No.15210710

dumb pseudo-christian mysticism =/= philosophy

>> No.15210735

university and just academic circles in general

>> No.15210784

The highest philosophy is of being , hylics are severely filtered

>> No.15210876


>> No.15210883

"I have a nine-inch dick and I'm into philosophy."

>> No.15210886

mysticism precedes philosophy, simple fact of human nature

>> No.15211508

I express it precisely to turn them away.
If they can't get my interest, they better go right away.

>> No.15212397

Take a philosophy class. Talk to the women who are in that class, since they are probably also interested in the subject.

>> No.15212431

Women do not have the capacity to understand higher concepts unless they sacrifice their femininity and something is wrong with them. Women don't care if you're into philosophy or not.

>> No.15212445

"I like to THINK, and not only about you, babe"

>> No.15212480

Only incels think women are human

>> No.15212955


>> No.15213352

no they don't, that's their problem

>> No.15213365

best answer /thread

>> No.15213391

Talk about the jews. No but I've used talking about male/female differences in an honest way, object oriented vs ppl, helps but I've never used it to get laid desu

>> No.15213416

Most of the greatest thinkers saw woman as inferior beings. Deyning reality isn't helping anybody

>> No.15213497

My fwb is doing a philosophy doctorate and she doesn't humor my dilettante philosophical takes. Such cases when brainlet.

>> No.15213604


>> No.15213635

>not only about you
well she won't be sticking around for long

>> No.15213636
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you're the same cunt who asked whether philosophy was an incel pursuit yesterday. stop using it as an identity and fuck off back to >>>/r9k/

>> No.15213650

Read Wittgenstein and then kill her.

>> No.15213689


You want women to validate your identity. This means you're needy, which is their biggest turnoff.

Women are for breeding, not for intellectual debate.

>> No.15213713

Arguing with hole

>> No.15214153

I think Aristotle’s History of Animals is his crowning work in Autistry. If we stuck to strictly philosophy i’d agree.

Though maybe I just don’t have an appreciation for Spinoza and Newton since I havent gotten to them just yet.