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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 226 KB, 1117x439, Screenshot_2020-04-26 lit - Literature - Catalog - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15204535 No.15204535[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ - literature
How do we improve this board?

>> No.15204548

There's no way. Good, quality threads always get buried by the same stale memes and obsessive rants

>> No.15204555

the board is already perfect as it is, you can't improve what already fully achieved itself, you're seeking something else that is NOT this board so move on

>> No.15204573

londonfrog is literature

>> No.15204576

>just get rid of the best threads

>> No.15204608

All those threads are related to books

>> No.15204611

Fiction only

>> No.15204623

every random /b/ or /pol/ tier shit post is technically related to books if you add "can anyone recommend a book on that", that's the problem here

>> No.15204642

The problem is endemic to the population of /lit/. It isn't going to change.

>> No.15204643

Fifth one isn't

>> No.15204675

Anything written down is literature so anything written down can be discussed here.

>> No.15204697

people like you are the problem

>> No.15204701


>> No.15204719

Ban all mention of females including pictures.

>> No.15204725

Make your own threads and hope people take you seriously

>> No.15204738


>> No.15204759

Report & Ignore basically.
And give londonfrog the "Not me" procedure.

>> No.15204761
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>> No.15204772

By getting rid of the R*ddit posters with their constant board-improvement plans and who respond seriously to all the bait threads in the first place

>> No.15204783

it will only get worse since newfags redditors keep showing up. plus the mods dont do shit

>> No.15204789

cringe (i'm a guy btw)

>> No.15204807
File: 81 KB, 627x310, Qu-Bury Pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Form community.
Discourage all trolling.
Attract better posters. In that order.

>> No.15204808

Ban anyone who posts on /pol/.

>> No.15204810

>bible isn't a book

>> No.15204811
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>cringe (i'm a simp btw)

>> No.15204858

4channel is dead and there’s no bringing it back

>> No.15204894

Just go to the bad threads and post soijaks.

>> No.15204897

We need to harass the mods until they do their fucking jobs. How would we do that?

>> No.15204906

See >>15204894

>> No.15204912
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>> No.15205290
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We need a Social Credit System like the wise, advanced, and benevolent Chinese government has.

Mention that you're going to change your name to Lord Fappington, lose 35 points. Utter the word "penis", lose 25 points. Say the accursed name of Guenon, lose 40 points. Say Guenon and penis in the same post, lose 50 points.
Say something good about Americans, gain 10 points. Praise Chinese literature, gain 20 points. Mention Tibet or Taiwan, lose all points, and receive gentle reminder that there is no such place, there is only China.

>> No.15205304

What's there to improve? Looks absolutely perfect to me.

>> No.15205320

no need for any of that, if you just killed yourself the board quality would skyrocket by a thousand percent

>> No.15205335

permaban londonfrog

shoulda happened a long time ago

>> No.15205376
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People like this exist, and that's just really sad.

>> No.15205387

>being this triggered by a single tripfag
get a grip dude

>> No.15205388

Actually have moderators.

>> No.15205398

A few years back, a bunch of us joined a video chat group (forgot the name), and it was great. People regularly dropped in each night, there were live readings, and some crazy dude even live streamed as he drove around town and went into bars and hangouts.

So if someone were inclined to start another chat, it's worked in the past.

>> No.15205434

no, I don't think I'll stop hating and being disgusted by shit

>> No.15205466

4chan/4channal is supposed to be an extremely lightly moderated place for shitposting

If you want a heavily moderated civilized discussion for serious individuals like yourself you belong on reddit.

>> No.15205483

Reads like a defense mechanism, but okay.

>> No.15205484

Somehow ban every single individual who came from /pol/

>> No.15205489

Mods used to instant ban people for not liking the same anime as them.

>> No.15205494

You leave. Like this *clicks X*

>> No.15205530


You're fucking pathetic. Do you think that being an intellectual requires hating the opposite sex or something? With all your intelligence you should be able to woo at least a couple girls, no?

>> No.15205531

Newfag, I left for the better part of a year+ and the board went down its steady decline.
I’ve made this my home board for nearly yen years, and the place was much nicer, more focused on topic, when we had a lot of named people. And banned any mention of Ayn Rand.
So your little joke that it’s all my fault just falls flat on any kind of inspection

>/b/ is an anonymous image board! It’s for funposting!
Fun fact. Moot hated it when anonymous users of 4chan united to troll protest Scientology. Hated them so much he set up a fake meetup so he could video them and /b/tards could ridicule them (for their looks, it seems) he layer claimed he never wanted for the place to get involved in politics. A movement against Scientology.
Stormfront goes down and he practically welcomes the refugees to take over /news/. He’s so against politics. Riiiight.


>> No.15205543

>And banned any mention of Ayn Rand.

>> No.15205549

That's one of the few legitimate reasons to moderate on 4chan.

>> No.15205581

Any and all namefagging and tripfagging is cancer, it doesn't matter how long you've been here. The worst anonymous normalfag shitposter is several levels above you by default. I hope you die soon and painfully.

>> No.15205593

This website was always doomed to be a shithole right from the moment it choose its demographic.

>> No.15205646
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This sounds comfy af. I'd be down

>> No.15205663

You misunderstand. It's not about hating females. It's that most off-topic threads are fap bait, >tfw no gf or arguing about women in some way.

>> No.15205664

Londonfrog writes more than half of the board combined does

>> No.15205685
File: 63 KB, 625x531, 1562178568739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO at the seething cucks replying to this
>M'lady is under attack I must defend her! En garde you fiend!

>> No.15205692

Often times a “tripfag” is just a troll who sinks back into being that anonymous who spreads fascism, transgenderism, incel-dom and other off topic bullshit. You for instance, you’re infamous for that shit. Stop posting all those old dead frog/blow-jack memes, for fucksake.

>> No.15205706

Ban all males.

>> No.15205718

To be fair, you've never actually contributed productively to this board either. When was the last time you actually started an interesting thread, rather than just derailing others?

>> No.15205721

Looks like they got to her lol

>> No.15205731


>> No.15205749

Then start it.

>> No.15205767

Is someone wants to be a chick, I don't give a fuck. It's their life, and I can respect how they choose to live it. But if they're gonna be a disruptive shit derailing every thread, I'm more than happy to tell her to go fuck herself.

>> No.15205772

What platform?

>> No.15205776

You can't "be a chick." Being a woman is a biological existence involving XX chromsomes, it is not just chopping your balls off and putting a discount sundress on.

>> No.15205783

Sex and gender are scientific terms with different definitions, but I gotta be honest anon. I couldn't be arsed.

>> No.15205795

Funny how /a/ is one of the tightest moderated and most elitist board yet it remains among the highest quality.

>> No.15205802

Gtfo >>>/lgbt/

>> No.15205826

Still mad about:


>> No.15205866

Yes I am mad, incel. Don't reply to me again.

>> No.15205917

Just like “what video game can i play that has *insert controversy*” or with a cropped porn pic are related to /v/, right?

>> No.15205987

Ban communists, Nazis, Unabomber shills and no more than 1 thread per day about any of the following: Guenon, Memerson, Zizek, Pynchon, Green, DF Wallace.
and if you could have some verification system to identify how much of a book if any someone has read, possibly with their kindle that would help too

>> No.15206022

Does it bother you that the term was invented by a woman?

>> No.15206113

>permaban one guy who barely posts
>take away the one thing he has going for him
That's just cruel and wouldn't solve anything. At least permaban butterfly and anyone using his name.

>> No.15206144

Zoom? Skype? Discord (Does that have a vid chat function?)? Some other obscure vid-chatting platform?

>> No.15206166

Londonfrog doesn't even say the word book. The "Fuck books" post is based though.

>> No.15206325
File: 47 KB, 404x238, 6292B321-EEBC-48E5-9B8D-CACFF55E68C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That, and Australian shitposting. I'm still kind of proud of that.

>> No.15206347

>Ban everyone I don't agree with
Sure. Just ban all Leftists, liberals, accfags, trannies & females too then. Radical Centrism with 0 opinions only. Or maybe just introduce an upvote system amirite?

>> No.15206382

Fucking stellar post here!
This board has gone to shit for a reason.

>> No.15206383

Ban politics

>> No.15206388

Stop pretending like this is an actual literature board.

>> No.15206396

you’re a faggot opinion discarded

>> No.15206405

>Stormfag pretending to be a reader speaks

>brainstem chimes in with the most complex thought he’s had all year

>> No.15206414

It used to be.

>> No.15206416

A /g/ anon needs to make a script that recognizes wojaks and autofilters them.

>> No.15206460

Get off your high horse butters. I don't think you've started a sincere and productive thread.

>> No.15206617

I post threads about books. Of course they’re ignored.

>> No.15206646

if you're ignored it's because you're an obnoxious mentally ill faggot tripfag hated by literally everyone except other trannies

>> No.15206773




Imagine being this desperate for human connection.

>> No.15206798

All my answers are not things that can easily be implemented.

I’ve generally come to accept that almost nothing of value gets posted here. No worthwhile recs, no interesting analysis on works, or thoughts on anything lit related. If anything this board makes me think about how much I hate everyone here and the ways I may have helped create these people, this culture, etc.

>> No.15206818
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This is a board on 4chan.

>> No.15206827

I've always seen it as an absurd auxiliary forum to legitimate discussions being held in journals and the broader literary community. But unfortunately, it's only gotten more and more absurd; at this point, we've reached pants on head retard levels of discourse.

I drop in here once every two months or so just to see if anything cool has started up (lit quarterly, for example).

>> No.15206853

I think maybe you saw it for a lot more than it was/is. For a long time, there’s almost no sense of the literary stock or [author or classic title]. I’ve rarely seen any awareness of specific publishers, academic journal articles, published academic works, etc. I wish yakking online was more fulfilling but it‘s pretty terrible.

>> No.15206880

I'll just add that one of the sparse allures to this lit forum is its contrast to its excessively liberal counterparts. And I say that as a liberal. It's an almost New Criticism approach to the text which is seldom found elsewhere.

>> No.15206894

Yeah, I found it bearable in 2010. Now, it has one of the least intelligent users I've ever seen--with inflated egos to boot, of course.

>> No.15207381

The fifth thread really made me laugh

>> No.15207383

1) permaban jezebel posters
2) ban blogposters

>> No.15207384

3) kill women

>> No.15207389
File: 284 KB, 500x775, The Last Binge Ever Volume 1 Alt cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are even E-books that compiled his posts. So he is legit /lit/

>> No.15207421

No you don't. You're just a reply guy.

>> No.15207435

yes ma'am, sorry ma'am

>> No.15207836

yes this is only women board now

>> No.15207842
File: 122 KB, 844x1024, 1587972991085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For starters, we can prevent this place from becoming a beacon of ideology
>nazis gtfo too, just this incursion seems more pressing

>> No.15207847

ban you know who

>> No.15207849

you just like getting (you's) in discussions not starting actual threads

>> No.15207859

Based image, correct as always

>replies to "women always resort to 'u cant get laid' when threatened" with "u cant get laid"

Jesus fucking christ you are stupid. You did exactly what the picture described. This is why nobody likes your failure gender.

>> No.15207874

user ids

>> No.15207886
File: 83 KB, 800x533, 1574829441294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Say something good about Americans,
>gain 10 points

>> No.15207910

>With all your intelligence you should be able to woo at least a couple girls, no?
lmao in 2020 intelligence contributes virtually nothing to your attractiveness as a partner, it's 99% about looks

>> No.15207918

how to improve this board: stop considering philosphy literature

>> No.15207927

>it's 99% about looks
only for undergrads. after that it's all about being able to provide

>> No.15208618 [DELETED] 
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You've got barely 3-4 decent threads

>> No.15208780

it would really help if there was a /phil/ board

>> No.15208900
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>> No.15209328


>> No.15209380

kek at people being mad at you for stating hard truth.

>> No.15209395

Are you even a female or some kind of abomination. Also red*it seem more your place to be honnest.

>> No.15209415


>> No.15209429

Absolutely based
Reminder that people who complain about the "quality of the board" are unironically newfigs who were never even introduced to the chan commandments

>> No.15209559
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You can't because you can't get rid of people like me. I only got onto /lit/ in maybe 2017. I read one book within my first month of lurking here (stoner) and I haven't read a single book since. I still post here daily all the same. The reason board quality is suffering is because there are too many people like me who have nothing to post about because we don't read books. I don't even actively try to sabotage I just have nothing substantial to provide or thoughts to synthesize. This happens to every community that gets too big, people like me come in because there is a lot of information to digest but all we do is take from the community we have nothing to give. I haven't read a single book since I lost my job due to Covid-19, but I have posted here every day since.