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15202892 No.15202892 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15202896
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>> No.15202902

Capitalism is Marxism
Marxism is Capitalism


>> No.15202904
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>> No.15202910
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Marxian economics?
What part of capitalism are you talking about?

>> No.15202915

Whoever wrote deus ex

>> No.15202922

>commie chinks eat batsup
>somehow the fault of capitalism
cringe my dude

>> No.15202994

Viruses exist independent of any humans. Their evolution is much more rapid and has little to nothing do do with diet.
The fragility of the capitalist system has been tested multiple times, and it fails to take i to consideration practically everything else besides the profit motives of the benefactors of the ruling class.
Bootlickers are so dense

>> No.15203001

>Viruses exist independent of any humans.
Weird how they almost always come from china.
Also the problem is globalism, not capitalism

>> No.15203010

Auntie, are you a happy person? I just wonder because I notice you keep thinking a long ideological lines. Saying the problem is capitalism is like saying the sky is blue. You labeled our system and called it capitalism. Ideology 101. It gets us no where. How are you more right than me if I say the problem is human greed, selfishness, and hatred? Or do you think none of that matters

>> No.15203039
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Addering to the alpha list.

>> No.15203055
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Yuh, like du Spanish flu. Spain is uh pard ov du chinese empire. Duhhhh

>capitalism is literally as natural as the blue sky!
HA! Talk about ideology. You must be thinking of “markets” or some shit.
There’s a thread up now asking about philosophers who’ve shaped your worldview positively, and as usual, none of them has mentioned Epicurus.
I am probably one of the happiest people who’s ever posted here.
Human greed, selfishness and hatred are all encouraged by this systemic problem that has its roots in what we call capitalism.
Statism too, but even that becomes tamed if we can take out certain parts of capitalism.
How can humanity mature, grow, unless it removes this narcotic from its brain?

>> No.15203058
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>has little to nothing do do with diet.
Majority of viruses are contracted through the consumption of flesh or trafficking of animals. Abstinence from flesh would significantly reduce the amount of zoonotic diseases transmitted to humans from other animals.

80% of the world antibiotic supply goes to animal agriculture rapidly increasing the development of antibiotic resistant diseases.

>> No.15203063
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>> No.15203084

Okay, I’ll give ya that.

>> No.15203085
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>> No.15203118

How exactely was he proven right?

>> No.15203120

Age is nothing Butterfly. You simply are convinced you know everything.

This weekend I had a meeting with my superior and we both agreed our superior was an idiot (or at least entertained the possibility he could be) :3

Everything is not about age, and you are obviously an example that when you get older people will not automatically respect you.

Respect is built upon mutual respect. You can't just get on top of a pile of trash (like 4chan) and expect everyone to suck your dick (or vag, in your case).

Just remember that reality, and specifically politics, is always more complicated than you think. Yes it can be a dark world, but it's not hopeless. Neither is 'capitalism', or whatever you would call this. Everything is fixable.

>> No.15203128

I wasn’t saying capitalism is natural or unnatural, it shows how ideological you are that this was the first connection you saw. I am saying is all you have done is NAME the system that we have found ourself in. You do realize the way out of “capitalism” has to do with us as individuals right? Nobody will see the errors in “capitalism” until they “wake up”. The people aren’t ready for a new political system auntie, if they were you would notice it.
Telling everyone about your ideology isn’t going to create people that are capable of changing the status quo. At best you are going to create followers. My point is you are so fixated on the abstract concept that you are forgetting that US HUMANS created a system that is a reflection of our values. But of course it’s just the evil oppressors keeping us down right... everybody wants to have a scapegoat
We are in this mess, because you, me, and everyone else here is still essentially a child.

>> No.15203158

Also, this guy in pic related is a major fucking cringefest. He probably doesn't believe in God, and he preys on others' fear of death. :3

I'm not afraid of death, or dying for what I believe in, obviously, are you?

>> No.15203167

>he thinks spanish flu came from spain

>> No.15203168

>Yuh, like du Spanish flu.
The spanish flu originated in china
look it up you massive faggot

>> No.15203177


>> No.15203186

>limits to growth
>Behold pale horse
>Trilateral commission/club of rome/ thinktank publications

>> No.15203196
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Limits to growth
Behold a pale horse
CFR/trilateral commission/club of rome publications

>> No.15203205
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>> No.15203234
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>> No.15203289

As I see it, we need to replace the older system with something that works better right out from underneath it. Convincing the masses to side with it before the state can squash it.
This is an economic systems change that will facilitate a new and genuine political system. What we have now isn’t actual politics but statecraft. The *polis* is ready as they are always fed up with the failings of their ruling and governing class. They just don’t want any liberties, either real or imagined, taken away. So I say give them more.
People who find the time to discover the truth of this world system are not children any longer. It is unfortunate that I and others like me are not also great organizers.
I’ll have to learn.

>> No.15203317

I’m picking on the dope I replied to. I know where it came from. See >>15203168 dope doesn’t want to believe it came from the US.

Antibiotics spur mutations in viruses they often grow stronger

>> No.15203402

I think the anon just misread and thought he was being a 100 IQ. >>15203058
>80% of the world antibiotic supply goes to animal agriculture rapidly increasing the development of antibiotic resistant diseases.
>antibiotic resistant diseases.

Antibiotics are for non-viral diseases but in my post I said diseases in general, not just viruses. The threat isn't exclusive to antibiotic use in though, it includes all antimicrobial drugs, which would include viruses, I just didn't specify that in my post.

>> No.15203482

How do you know that?

>> No.15203491

>Marx and Kropotkin
They'd have insulted each other.

>> No.15203496
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>> No.15203514
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>Abstinence from flesh

Abstinence from flesh forbidden by Islam seems to suffice. Seems it's not just an arbitrary rule.

>> No.15204164

>Not great organisers
Read more Lenin. I know much of the Left like to poopoo the whole concept of a vanguard, but I suspect that's a psyop to keep any real organisation. Read up on dual power especially, just start to construct the new, breakaway society in the cracks of the old one.

>> No.15204185

Nassim "the man" Taleb, and that's it.

>> No.15204294

Bookchin etc. yeah.

>> No.15204365
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Bookchin was a loser.

>> No.15204431
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Nah, Bookchin just has it backwards, like most political philosophers: As long as domination of nature exists, domination or hierarchy within humanity will exist.

>> No.15204801

Holy mother of logical fallacies. Cringing @ ur life rn lmao

>> No.15204919
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>’The fragility of the capitalist system has been tested multiple times’
It’s 2020, the minority of socialist states that haven’t collapsed already are either on the brink of it, or have liberalized their economies. The burial that Khruschev was so eager to promise has yet to come, and nearly a century later the capitalist system is still going strong throughout America and the world.
I wouldn’t be talking about lasting the test of time if I were in your shoes.