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File: 112 KB, 1124x843, Handmaidens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15202771 No.15202771 [Reply] [Original]

> The Handmaid’s Tale is meant to reassure every wretched office-worker who goes home to a cat, a VCR, and Pizza-for-one that her life is noble and progressive. Handmaid’s Tale is fun horror-fiction for women who work in the American-style cubicle-world precisely because it’s so utterly unrelated to the miseries and terrors of their own lives. No one wants to force middle-class American women to have babies. In fact, it’s almost impossible for them to contemplate having kids, because they’re terrified that it might set them back in their careers, and their rivals in the adjacent cubicles would grab their parking spaces and health plans. Nobody wants to use their bodies. That’s precisely the horror with which they live: no one wants to mate with them because in their world, every single striver must fear every other, and the sort of joint action involved in mating and rearing one’s young is impossible—laughable, a thing which only those who have abandoned the hope of A Career can contemplate. So in their minds, mating and rearing children moves down in class, becoming a thing for rednecks and (though they’ll never say this part out loud) immigrants-of-color. The desire to have children gets bounced outside oneself, onto these lesser beings, and returns, courtesy of Atwood, in demonized form, as the tyranny of procreation, family values and the Patriarchy. It’s the horror they love to fear.

>> No.15202780

I hope women die a painful and slow death. All of them.

>> No.15202790

Hmm, based but also kinda cringe. What's this from?

>> No.15202793

But who will pay your rent and buy your groceries when your mom dies?

>> No.15202800

My dad does all the work

>> No.15202802


>> No.15202807


>> No.15202811

>And one finds a similar obscene subtext even where one would not expect it - in some texts which are commonly perceived as feminist. In order to confront this obscene "plague of fantasies" which persists at the level of "subliminal reality" at its most radical, suffice it to (re)read Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, the dystopia about the "Republic of Gilead," a new state on the East Coast of the US which emerged when the Moral Majority took over. The ambiguity of the novel is radical: its "official" aim is, of course, to present as actually realized the darkest conservative tendencies in order to warn us about the threats of Christian fundamentalism - the evoked vision is expected to give rise to horror in us. However, what strikes the eye is the utter fascination with this imagined universe and its invented rules. Fertile woman are allocated to those privileged members of the new nomenklatura whose wives cannot bear children - forbidden to read, deprived of their names (they are called after the man to whom they belong: the heroine is Offred - "of Fred"), they serve as receptacles of insemination. The more we read the novel, the more it becomes clear that the fantasy we are reading is not that of the Moral Majority, but that of feminist liberalism itself: an exact mirror-image of the fantasies about the sexual degeneration in our megalopolises which haunts members of the Moral Majority. So, what the novel displays is desire - not of the Moral Majority, but the hidden desire of feminist liberalism itself.

>> No.15202837

>doing anything

>> No.15202845


>> No.15202848


>> No.15202857


>> No.15203016

yes they say that they don't want it but all they can think about is "please use me as a fuck toy daddy"

>> No.15203052

Great stuff OP, until "laughable". Just delete whatever I was supposed to read after that word.

>> No.15203073

Yah, never got why some felt this was a classic. I mean, i have nothing against the premise, but it seems like a scapegoat topic more than anything. Even when it was written, it wasnt a foreseeable future, unlike the widely applicable conceptualizations of Brave new world or 1984.

I think the historical fiction of The Scarlet Letter was a lot more nuanced and "authentic" in dealing with a patriarchal society.

>> No.15203121

>dealing with a patriarchal society
>dealing with a rational society

>> No.15203180
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The Handmaid’s Tale is meant to make my dick hard

>> No.15203215

But I think The Scarlet Letter is more authentic about making your dick hard tho.

>> No.15203302

>Even when it was written, it wasnt a foreseeable future,
It wasn't written about the future, but the present and recent past. The present (at that time) of Iran and its Islamic revolution. Christianity was only used to make the book more relatable to the West.


>> No.15203344

Very based but I wish he’d pointed out that Canada actually has blasphemy laws whereas in the US a teacher can’t even hang her kids’ macaroni cross on her doorway.

>> No.15203367

>It wasn't written about the future, but the present and recent past.
I agree, but then it still felt like a strawman. Thats why I recommended the scarlet letter, since it actually felt like an understandable society, and the MC's actually act as agents within that society. Showing how both the indivigual and the society are dependent on one another.

>> No.15203393


>> No.15203600

He’s right, Atwood is trash. There are a few good female authors in the 20th century tho, like Flannery O’Connor, Katherine Ann Porter, and Marguerite Yourcenar.

>> No.15203664

I love how islam is turning out to be everything neoliberals feared christianity would become in the past. Which holy cow will be slain sooner in the first world? Islam, or women's rights?

>> No.15203742

It's also a cautionary tale of horseshoe politics.

The left feminists and the right bible thumpers joined forces against evil porn. Then the right betrays the left. Using the very state tools of oppression that the left implemented.

When ever you see someone on one side asking for a vast new expansion of state power. Out of the belief that their side will only use it for good and will never not be in power. You must ask them what happens when those they oppose get into power and get this new power for themselves.

>> No.15203755

And yet, they couldn't just set it using Islam as the boogeyman (because that'd no be progressive). It had to be the religion of the hated figure of white Daddy, Christianity.

>> No.15203777

Women's rights. You can already see it on the horizon with the hatred of "TERFs" & in demands for women to "dress modestly around Muslims" in places like Sweden. It'll be couched in progressive terms & justified using liberal logic - but Women will be driven back into the kitchen.

>> No.15203793

Women's rights and liberalism.

Brown thirdworlders have children and work menial jobs. While also consuming outsized amounts of welfare. Which makes them perfect sheep to vote for the left, and "growing" the economy through additional mouths to feed.

You can see it already in Sweden. Where the Social Democratic party and neoliberal centrists want increased immigration. Even if it means ethnic swedes become a tiny majority. So long as they can shovel more bodies into the furnace. They dont care about amy other impacts of the immigrants. In fact the establishment will actively suppress the dissenters and anyone pointing out the negatives of the immigrants. Using political correctness to make them into pariahs. Threatening their employment and labeling them nazis.

>> No.15203848

The only comforting notion about Europe becoming the middle east 2.0 in the future is that the descendants of the immigrants will only get to rule over the devastated, barbaric shitholes that their ancestors recreated here on the basis of the lands they originally came from. European culture, and everything that it brought into the world, will die out with the Europeans.

>> No.15203856

It would be less effective with Islam as a foreign invader, or set elsewhere. The enemy within and all that. I think you underestimate Atwood if you think her writing is so simplistic that she made it Christianity because Islam was out of bounds. It's not that Islam good Christianity bad. This was written 35 years ago. You are being anachronistic if you go ahead and assign back today's social malaise on her.

Keep in mind that she's the same woman who recently had her feminist card revoked in Canada for daring to question whether a university creative writing professor should be sacked and his life destroyed over and unfounded allegation.

>> No.15203883

Stop using this word until you figure out what it means.

>> No.15203884

Not him but wasn't it written when the events in Iran were still quite recent? I figured it was more about her perceived revival of religious fundamentalism across the spectrum rather than explicitly targeting christianity, even if that may have been a part of the whole of her intent, but not the whole itself.

>> No.15203896

>Spain wins out in the long run. As their new world descendants become the last bastion if western civilization.

>> No.15203942

Virginia Wolf is also a great writer, one of the best, actually. Her style... Just wow.

>> No.15204105

You've got the right idea. It's essentially an argument that the events of the Iranian Revolution and subsequent theocracy are not a unique consequence of Islam, but could occur in Western Christian society as well. Whether you agree with that is up to you, but the point was never explicitly anti-Christian, but anti-fundamentalist. The Sons of Jacob aren't even devoutly religious. They use religion as a pretext to garner support and to justify their own actions, but their primary concern is with power.

>> No.15204150

Christian theocracy like it is depicted in the book is impossible in a post-Enlightenment Europe. Islam never went through something like the Enlightenment, so they're the only realistic candidates for such a form of government, as reality itself seems to show.

>> No.15204195

Weren't (and aren't) a lot of leftists pro-Khomeini?

>> No.15204226

I just remembered that the novel was set in the US, wasn't it? I'm not that familiar with the connection between religion and US politics but not even the Bible belt types would be compatible with an honest-to-God theocracy, I think. Could you imagine some southern california types even being able to wrap their head around a theocracy? One could argue that they're the puritans of our age, just aligned with the libertine spirit, but non-secular religion is outside the grasp of most Americans, I think.

>> No.15205380

Fuck I avoid /pol/ so I don’t have to see shit like this. At least eastern Europe and a few western euro countries will still survive right?

>> No.15205463

Are you ready to receive information that may be damaging to your emotional health? Germany and Russia have entered into the period of inevitable demographic collapse, in a hundred years neither will exist in any meaningful sense. Theoretically Eastern Europe is pursuing the demographic policies to ensure their survival but in all likelihood they will be annihilated in the wars that come from the death throes of those two behemoths.

>> No.15205465

For some value of "survive", sure.

Yep, by erasing the intellectual tradition that led to progressivism, progressives final victory is their own self destruction.

>> No.15205474

"demographic collapse" implies that less population is bad for the country. Judging by recent events, at least 99% of population isn't needed anymore.

>> No.15205480

The state no longer needs the nation, the nation still needs itself.

>> No.15205486

France will be gone before either Germany or Russia. The demographic statistics from that country are outlawed but you can piece together what's happening. They're actually done.

>> No.15205508

State has all the power, nation has none, so guess who will win.

>> No.15205680

Islam, but by its own degeneration into leftism. I think Islamism and contemporary leftism will annihilate each other as they're essentially "last gasp" phenomena, in my opinion.

>> No.15205712

The alternative is SKorea and Japan's situation. Where a declining and aging population shrink the economy a d strain the state coffers.

Transitioning to a lower steady population with a variable average population can't be achieved. As young growing countries out compete with cheap labor.

>> No.15205728

The thing is, most of those people from Africa/Arabia are net consumers of public funds anyway, and even if they weren't, they're still declining in fertility, so in the long run you have the West as essentially a vampire that brings in people from around the world to keep "the economy" going. So mass immigration from Africa/Arabia/Latin America is acceptable but something like banning hormonal contraceptives and abortion, repealing divorce liberalization laws, etc. is seen as unacceptable. That's just not in our emancipatory tradition.

>> No.15206276

Hello based department?

>> No.15206533

>Yep, by erasing the intellectual tradition that led to progressivism, progressives final victory is their own self destruction.
Anyone knows some book about this topic?

>> No.15206832

Holy... Based...

>> No.15206857

>Nobody wants to use their bodies.
I feel like this is the bit where he's trying to rationalise why no one wants to sleep with him or have kids with him. Clearly people have continued having kids since this article is written, we are long long past the time of the VCR.

>> No.15207952

Woolf reeeee'd hard when she read Ulysses, saying it was just shit and then completely copied Joyce with Mrs. Dalloway, she also tried to cut off any other female writer that might have challenged her. She was a spiteful shrew that could only dream of reaching the heights of Joyce.

>> No.15207967

you're not a woman, you shouldn't be concerned :3

>> No.15207978

Pretty good. Incidentally this is also the reason why progressives are terrified of Nazis. It's just the alien non existent antithesis of their bug liberal democratic lives.

>> No.15208153

The fact that people who you dislike all look the same to you is a reflection of what is unique about *you.* The similarities you see are the dark reflections of the positions you take as an American mainstreamer.. For example, the moderate American (you) favors free sexual degeneracy because he is a consumerist, happily smearing his blubbery pigskin in relativistic filth. The feminist and radical right winger oppose Free Love, but so have 99% of humans who have been alive. There is simply no relationship between the two ideologies.

Political beliefs are not organized along a fucking horseshoe, or a donut, or the fucking fourth-grade S thing, such conceptualizations are bad ways of organizing things because they destroy more knowledge than they create.

>> No.15208212

Yes they are nigger. Lol.

There’s based boy liberalism, then there is literally everything else. When while you demons/neo-nazis learn there is no apprent difference between you two because I’m such a dumb duck that i can’t appreciate things in themselves. Like 95 percent of the population.

>> No.15208477

>Clearly people have continued having kids since this article is written, we are long long past the time of the VCR.
Birth rates have been in steady decline. The career minded women this review is talking about are having very few kids.

>> No.15208479


>> No.15208489

neoliberalism is based, these people are not neolibs

>> No.15208548

No woman is lower than a namefag. (Although that Ethio-Sahelian poster on /his/ was ok. )

>> No.15208555

The horseshoe idea is somewhat useful from every political position, as it enables one to identify all enemies and also to form one's own horseshoe by selectively attacking or not attacking other political threads/blocks based on their utility in achieving your goal.

>> No.15208564

Can't hear you over the sounds of your wife getting fucked by tyrone

>> No.15208572

My guy I'm basically a white nationalist fellow traveller.

>> No.15208591

A lot of people on 4chan don't get just how comically easily Muslims fall into Liberalism. Because of how hardcore, how BASADO, how REDPILLADO, how TRAD, how barbaric Islam is, Islam is entirely binary. You're either fully on the "adoption is a sin because Muhammad wanted to fuck his son in law's 20 year old wife" train or you're desperately joining up with literally anything else. That literally anything is is Neoliberalism. For fuck's sakes, the House of Saud has been the only thing holding Islam together, and their monarchs are liberalizing their own fucking kingdom.

Gay trannies who are also Muslims are completely in line with Islam because Muslims will gladly pervert and twist Islam into meaning whatever Global Finance tells them to.

>> No.15208617

I still don't get it....if these people are net welfare users how is that considered "keeping the economy going". I know government spending is factored into GDP but it still seems like a big scam.
>here we will give you money so you can spend it

>> No.15208630
File: 1.34 MB, 3264x2448, Version 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats depressing because if I've ever seen heaven on earth in my life it was the French countryside.

>> No.15208665

France is beautiful

>> No.15208680

Because large amounts of debt are taken out to fund them. That's the gains to the economy, because of changes in GDP calculation such that financial services are counted as productive economic activity. The entire gimmick of (((global finance))) is to run a fairly textbook empire: Suck up wealth from the productive founding stock, use foreigners as Janissaries to keep the founding stock in line, crush any and all tribalism among the founding stock so that they are deluded into thinking the imperial power works for their benefit or is "theirs". All Empires that can no longer expand do this, and indeed MUST in order to keep the entire show going. The point of empire is to centralize political and economic power in the hands of a few (eventually just one man), such that in the end there is a total monopoly-monopsony: The emperor is the sole buyer, and the sole producer, and everyone must bow to him to get anything at all.

In the USFG Empire, this process translates to taking increasingly more money from Whites (Europe is part of the USFG Empire and while "White" is a worthless term, it serves its purpose) and funnel it to the elites (who don't all echo, but most do). The migrants are brought in to keep Whites from ever acting in their own interests, while the government works to come up with new ways to suck up ever more money from Whites.

>> No.15208705

So basically a cucked tradfag

>> No.15209058

They’re not terrified of Nazis. They love Nazis. As long as Nazis exist they have something to rally against and accuse each other of being during internal power struggles. Hitler must have rubbed a monkey paw when he demanded a thousand year Reich because people will be accusing each other of being him until Western civilization falls.

>> No.15209077
File: 32 KB, 499x333, 0F0FF848-DCAC-48B9-94DB-B97614573A26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also they dress little boys as girls, rape them, then stone them to death for growing up to be fags. Baca Bazi, look it up. Also fun fact, US soldiers were told not to interfere (boy you never saw that episode of Star Trek) when they saw them getting sold to sick old Pashtun fucks.

>> No.15209084


>> No.15209261

>The primary woman, the peasant woman, is mother. The whole vocation towards which she has yearned from childhood is included in that one word. But now emerges the Ibsen woman, the comrade, the heroine of a whole megalopolitan literature from Northern drama to Parisian novel. Instead of children she has soul-conflicts; marriage is a craft-art for the achievement of "mutual understanding." It is all the same whether the case against children is the American lady's who would not miss a season for anything, or the Parisienne's who fears that her lover would leave her, or an Ibsen heroine's who "belongs to herself" - they all belong to themselves and they are all unfruitful.

Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West vol. 2, Pg. 104

>> No.15209324

Bacha Bazi is only practiced in Afghanistan

>> No.15209338

And Pakistan and Europe.

>> No.15209377

Fuck off MGTOW

>> No.15209410

think about it like this, if productivity increases over time but your population declines, where are those goods going to go? You need to either cut back production or lose money. One way you can fix the population decline problem is of course immigration. Also most States have realized by now that population = power.