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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 163 KB, 804x796, fault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15199590 No.15199590 [Reply] [Original]

Hi cousin it's so nice to be reading during lockdown, have you read the fault in our stars?

>> No.15199597

Yes, it's full of cancer.

>> No.15199625

Yes, it's an amazing book. John Green is definitely one of the best authors of our generation. Can't wait for his next book.

>> No.15199629
File: 42 KB, 712x712, 1580647756550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom says it is very good, should I read it?

>> No.15199644

I don't like the way it's written.

>> No.15199645

i want to fuck you

>> No.15199650

No need to be rude about it.

>> No.15199688
File: 21 KB, 502x405, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Green is a slimeball and I wouldn't waste my time on him.

>> No.15200561

The book doesn't have my husbando willem dafoe in it so I watched the movie and I thought it was gay.
Someone post the copypasta about anyone being able to write a John Green book.

>> No.15200716

what motivated you to make this thread?

>> No.15200729

God i fantasize about her every night. I want her to sit on me, suffocating me until I can barely breathe, and just before I die from asphyxiation, she hands me a plastic straw from Chuck E. Cheese, from which i put my mouth on and try to breathe from. However, that straw is in her vaginal hole, and as for every atom of oxygen i intake, a liter of her pussy juices pour into my mouth. As I shove my way from under her soul crushing thighs, I gasp for the air I so desperately need. She stares down at me with a smug look, saying "Are you tired? We've only just started". She pounds my face in with her dirty, worn out foot, which she violently presses into my submissive face. I take a hard lick of each individual toe, sucking out all the dirt collected from god knows where. After both of her feet are licked spotless, she holds me down, and crushes my neck with her immensely muscular thighs. I struggle to breath, and I even achieve a point of utter hallucination. As I begin to realize I am horridly close from perishing from asphyxiation, my penis explodes with semen, as if a volcano erupting, yet instead of lava hot, sticky cum poured from my worn out penis. I gave her a 50$ bill, and she smiles and says "Same time next week?".

>> No.15201426

A coworker and I were discussing what we're doing with all the extra time at home. He was telling me that Ready Player One was the best book he's ever read. I didn't want to reveal my power level so I recommended him some sci-fi but JFC normies don't read any good books just the popular shit that gets pushed.

>> No.15201535

Yes, and it was just okay

>> No.15201589

Nigga, what? Ready Player One is a literary masterpiece. Hemingway who? The only Ernest I read, is Ernest Cline. My favourite part was when the teenage boy listed all the media he had ever consoomed. This total fucking Chad had memorized every episode of the Simpsons, every John Hughes movie, and jacked it to Molly Ringwald on the daily. I loved whenever he got to a challenge, and hey, guess what, he had conveniently mastered that video game a month ago, or memorized the Matthew Broderick movie, or was just so fucking great, he could pull whatever skill he needed out of his ass. Truly, an 11/10 book that made me smile when he mentioned things I recognized

>> No.15201627
File: 391 KB, 1252x1666, readyplayerone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15201654

Suck his dick

>> No.15201685

>and, of course, Kevin Smith
lmao that fatass makes garbage movies. Out of everything he's ever made, only maybe four are even decent

>> No.15201748


>> No.15201786
File: 52 KB, 399x600, ErnestCline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15201832

Yeah, when I was in the 9th grade. I used to think John Green was smart and I watched his YouTube channel. Really my complete disdain for YA now comes from my devouring any of it I could get my hands on from ages 9 to 17. I read The Brothers Karamazov and realized that I had been cheating myself, had a similar realization the first time I saw a good film.

>> No.15202107

Holy fuck, that looks intolerable.

>> No.15202578

"Augustus Waters," I said, looking up at him, thinking that you cannot kiss anyone in the Anne Frank House, and then thinking that Anne Frank, after all, kissed someone in the Anne Frank House, and that she would probably like nothing more than for her home to have become a place where the young and irreparably broken sink into love. "I must say," Otto Frank said on the video in his accented English, "I was very much surprised by the deep thoughts Anne had." And then we were kissing. My hand let go of the oxygen cart and I reached up for his neck, and he pulled me up by my waist onto my tiptoes. As his parted lips met mine, I started to feel breathless in a new and fascinating way. The space around us evaporated, and for a weird moment I really liked my body; this cancer-ruined thing I'd spent years dragging around suddenly seemed worth the struggle, worth the chest tubes and the PICC lines and the ceaseless bodily betrayal of the tumors. "It was quite a different Anne I had known as my daughter. She never really showed this kind of inner feeling," Otto Frank continued. The kiss lasted forever as Otto Frank kept talking from behind me. "And my conclusion is," he said, "since I had been in very good terms with Anne, that most parents don't know really their children." I realized that my eyes were closed and opened them. Augustus was staring at me, his blue eyes closer to me than they'd ever been, and behind him, a crowd of people three deep had sort of circled around us. They were angry, I thought. Horrified. These teenagers, with their hormones, making out beneath a video broadcasting the shattered voice of a former father. I pulled away from Augustus, and he snuck a peck onto my forehead as I stared down at my Chuck Taylors. And then they started clapping. All the people, all these adults, just started clapping, and one shouted "Bravo!" in a European accent. Augustus, smiling, bowed"

>> No.15202600

>This total fucking Chad had memorized every episode of the Simpsons
>Cline doesn't mention Sneed
Truly ghastly rigmarole.

>> No.15202632


>> No.15202654

>one shouted "Bravo!" in a EUROPEAN accent.

>> No.15202676
File: 162 KB, 429x339, some fat fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watched in chronological order

>> No.15203444

>Mentioning a throwaway joke from a terrible episode

>> No.15204019

t.buttblusted chuck

>> No.15204460

Artist for OP image

>> No.15204549

Someone post the masturbation one.

>> No.15204554
File: 184 KB, 2358x623, John Green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall continue to post this every time John Green is mentioned.

>> No.15205005

Is that a boy or a girl?

>> No.15205101

Is there a theory as to why these people all look similar?

>> No.15205192

trips of truth

>> No.15205276
File: 107 KB, 568x889, 1587748497137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15205337
File: 6 KB, 275x183, 744EA264-CDA0-441F-824E-773DFA945716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but it was nothing close in quality to Greene’s magnum opus: “The Penis in my Cheerios”

>> No.15205373

>"cancer" in the middle of the ring
top fucking kek
the archons do have a sense of humor

>> No.15205666 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 600x492, 57ddf1070f9196ae7c7fc5a3d94517b7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this truly from Ready Player One? If so, it's pretty much what i was expecting, but it still amazes me.
What i take from this fragment is that this book is like a "game" to see how many pop references can you catch, as if Joyce had wrote Ulysses pandering to manchildren. The prose feels really contrived and unaware too.
I haven't seen this book so far in any library, but i'm neither an American nor an European. Are people there really buying this stuff? How do you turn off your brain to enjoy this?

>> No.15205678

Is this truly from Ready Player One? If so, it's pretty much what i was expecting, but it still amazes me.
What i take from this fragment is that this book is like a "game" to see how many pop references can you catch, as if Joyce had wrote Ulysses pandering to manchildren. The prose feels really contrived and unaware too.
I haven't seen this book so far in any library, but i'm neither an American nor an European. Are people there really buying this stuff? How do you turn off your brain to enjoy this?

>> No.15205753
File: 54 KB, 1842x221, john green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15205991

Those fucking bug eyes, man. You can literally see his soul crying out in existential terror.

>> No.15206038

I haven't. But John Green is a close friend of mine. We've been working together for years in our project to form a black ethnostate in the middle of Antarctica.

>> No.15206054
File: 351 KB, 505x505, 1587378342682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We've been working together for years in our project to form a black ethnostate in the middle of Antarctica.
"niggas all the way down"?

>> No.15206086

John Green's a faggot. Only lonely virgin girls read that shit.

>> No.15206170

Sadly yes *puts unlit cigarette in mouth*

>> No.15206286

Bro, are you ok?

>> No.15206492

Unfortunately the prose there is worse than Green's, somewhat spoils the whole thing.

>> No.15207445


>> No.15207455

Her head is too big. I’d throw her out and hope she gets corona.

>> No.15207479
File: 9 KB, 259x224, 1bd75d8e19ce49b5dd0d51c1d44e0313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if Joyce had wrote Ulysses pandering to manchildren
>implying that's not exactly what it is

>> No.15208698

I like feason's art a lot. I wish he gave more info on his characters.