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File: 1.02 MB, 4140x1868, Landlords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15198193 No.15198193 [Reply] [Original]

How can landlords recover from this? It's an incredibly harsh but discerning truth

>> No.15198204

>TL;DR: landlords are nothing but faggots

Tell us something we don't know.

>> No.15198265


This is a spicy point, but it's partly out of context in the sense that Smith's larger point is that the various kinds of economic actors all have their roles to play and collectively do better with limited govenment intervention. There are other later passages which can be construed in a left-liberal sense by doing the same fun bit of taking them out of context.

>> No.15198302

Absolutely braindead. The point of renting is that you don't want to take on the risk and pain of owning. Just buy a house if you don't wanna rent. There are plenty of houses at affordable prices.

The only people that complaing about landlords are idiots that insist on living in the most sought after locations in the world when they are unemployable trash.

>Wahh, I've lived in NYC all my life, all my friends are here
Should have tried harder in school then, buddy.

>> No.15198304

Or we could just nationalize landed property and make it affordable by decree instead, and lynch people like you as a bonus. That option is also on the table.

>> No.15198370
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Get out cringe faggot, /lit/ is a Georgist board. Landlords should actively develop their land so it is more efficient, and idle land bankers need to be taxed to death.

>> No.15198372

You should’ve read the quote and realized it’s time to become a landlord. Revenue without labor or care? Why not? Heck, with the right deal, the rent you charge can end up being more than the cost of the mortgage.

>> No.15198402
File: 105 KB, 1180x663, _methode_times_prod_web_bin_2a97d394-9a6a-11e8-be18-9b68e74f878e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why not?
Because kulaks get the bullet

>> No.15198450

It surprises me that so many retards think Adam Smith is like the Capitalist version of Marx & is some sort of ultra-AnCap type. He's mostly just describing economics and whenever he gives his own recommendation, it's something quasi-Socialist like this. Capitalism in its current state bears no resemblance to anything he advocated. If Capitalism actually was true to Adam Smith, the world would be a much better place.

>> No.15198468

We who, faggot? You have an anxiety attack trying to order pizza over the phone.

>> No.15198515

Imagine boomer landlords trying to "develop their land" to make it more "efficient"
there is no way that ends well

>> No.15198529

You seem to be confusing land-landlords with house-landlords. Don't do that.

>> No.15198537

i don’t have anxiety problems bro, if anything less anxiety than the average person. pure projection

>> No.15198968

based and Georgepilled, Henry George (pbuh) and Mao Zedong (pbuh) lead the proletariat on its march to dethrone bloodsucking landlords

>> No.15198979

I always get a chuckle out of posts like this. You inadvertently revealed a little too much about yourself.

>> No.15198982

Landlords should be beaten to death with clubs

>> No.15198995

>and make it affordable by decree instead
great idea dipshit

>> No.15199008

That only applies to the people that have the money to buy a property outright anyway. Most renters are in shitty buildings because they don't have the money to put down for a house of their own.

>> No.15199021

You could try.

>> No.15199028

that's not really the case though considering rent is comparable to a mortgage, you're just stuck with it for a longer period with the bonus of owning something at the end of it
also if you buy a house you usually are legally allowed to rent it as well
most people however just see paying rent as an inevitable expense like food and electricity because they're not good with thinking so they're always making someone else money

>> No.15199041

>The point of renting is that you don't want to take on the risk and pain of owning.
And the point of being a landlord is foisting all risk of ownership onto your tenants. Literal parasites

>> No.15199057

So why doesn't this invisible hand solve the problem?

Oh wait it does. Being a landlord isn't a risk-free investment that generates money without cost. If it were, people would just buy a house, rent it out, and make the tenants pay for the mortgage. But this is obviously a shitty way to make money which is why only lower-middle class morons invest in property.

>> No.15199060

>all risk
bro I own my house and have an apartment to rent and it's barely worth the effort after taking into account the money you sink on it every year

>> No.15199133

Henry George was not a communist. He and Marx were contemporaries, and George made better critiques of Marxist thought than Marx made of George.

>> No.15199141

Marx was cringe, I only refered to Mao (pbuh) because his campaign against Chinese landlords was a peak example of Georgist praxis

>> No.15199175

Which is why the existence of landlords are a fucking moronic thing. You don't make any money unless you can buy a shitload of properties and are able to inflate the cost of living in the area, which is parasitical. If your only source of income is from being a landlord, chances are you expect your tenants to have three months worth of rent saved up for emergencies so you don't have to, which is why so many landlords are refusing to budge on their rent payments during the lockdown. They are living month to month just as much as the renters.

>> No.15199189

Actual neo-classical economists recognize landlords as parastic, but there are so many Austrians that call themselves neo-classical in order to avoid be laughed at for worshipping the most wrong man in history (Hayek), that public perception is that those who recognize landlords as parasitic MUST be socialist, when in fact, every school of economic theory except Austrian is oppossed to the existence landlords.

>> No.15199230

I mean I'd always prefer to be a landlord than a renter there's no question about it, it's just that we're not counting fat stacks of money every month like the average renter believes

>> No.15199636

>Every choice an individual makes can be either voluntary or involuntary, based on presence or absence of violent threat
>Since goverment monopolized violence and thus absolved nation of sin (violence), every agreement between individuals is a voluntary choice
>Those agreements are only possible if both parties percieve that they can gain utility from the agreement
>Therefore both landlord and renter enter their agreement voluntarily and both percieve to gain utility from the agreement
>Any violent/state action against this arrangement would break the NAP
>Also it would be communism, therefore ignorant of basic economics and would lead to famine

>> No.15199654

how can an economic rent serve it's allocative role (aggregate supply of land is constrained and inelsatic, but supply of land available to f.e. industrial production is elastic) if you were to abolish rent altogether?

>> No.15199666

>Landlords should be beaten to death with clubs
The government is the biggest landlord. There is no club big enough. Let's club all humans since obviously the one clubbing the landlord wants that landlord's land so that he may be a landlord.

>> No.15199696

Oh that's funny because my landlord just got done building his three story house. He also increased the rent on all his properties by hundreds of dollars because the government suggested that they raise it since the government is charging more now for property tax. Either that or he's just lying.

>> No.15199715

But person I was responding to might be right as my landlord has his own landscape business. Remember kiddies when the government gives a bigger burden to those evil corporations it's going to hit us not them because like magic they pass it on to us.

>> No.15199717

>Oh that's funny because my landlord just got done building his three story house.
All by himself? I can respect his dedication, but something tells me it won´t be very safe.

>> No.15199723
File: 3.10 MB, 450x338, emergencywaifu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a downpayment Alex?

>> No.15199732

Remember that when you're drowning in the ocean you are voluntarily drowning.

>> No.15199733

>being a landlord isn't a risk free environment
TPTB will make sure their boomer slaves assets' will never decrease in value. There will be no market correction

>> No.15199736

Not sure what about this would stop landlords. It's not even much of a valid criticism.

>> No.15199743

something shit banks offer Jane

>> No.15199747

>There are plenty of houses at affordable prices.
Not really. Houses becoming an investment and not just a place to live was a mistake

>> No.15199749

So let's say landlords are no more.
What then? Do you think living in an apartment/house will be cheaper, if you're forced to buy it?

>> No.15199758

they are a place to live, they just happen to be an investment too because there are better places to live than others

>> No.15199777

Renting is for people who don't want to spend 900 dollars for a furnace that decided to randomly shit itself, 1500 for the leaky roof, or 600 for a new water heater. Owning property is expensive. My dad owns two houses and in the end he barely breaks even and gets nothing but headaches from the tenants and courts. When those houses pass to me I'm selling that shit because it is not worth it.

>> No.15199784

uh no bruh we just kill the landlords and move in

>> No.15199793

See, this is my problem with it, the lack of accountability. The government burdens the landlord with increasing taxes, and the landlord burdens the tenant with increasing rents. Its the same problem with the banks and the mortgage companies– they make insane amounts of profits, pay all their staff huge bonuses, but when a crisis hits, they can't even survive a couple of months without a government bailout. Whatever risks these people took at the beginning is, once again, shafted onto the average person, the average taxpayer.

>> No.15199796

i'm in the same situation and will strongly consider the possibility of selling as well
if you do the math properly it's not much better than having the money sitting on an investment fund, when you take into account the amount of shit you get from shitty people

>> No.15199806

>Do you think living in an apartment/house will be cheaper
Yes? You take out a parasite from the equation. And no, you don´t have to buy, the municipality or other non-profit organization can rent the apartments.

>> No.15199813

>Just buy a house
Oh shit, bro, why didn't I just think of that?

>> No.15199816

I'm sure he has his guys helping him out too. He's pretty good with the construction stuff and he knows lots of people. If anything I know he can build a shed because he built a pretty nice looking one in our backyard.

Speaking of sheds. I love all the arbitrary rules that people make to oppress the poor people so they can't build a small and simple home so they don't have to pay rent. Especially now in this economic crisis due to covid-19 I see how it would have been much better if people could simply have a shelter to live in rather than paying half their wage for a shelter. these extravagant overpriced homes are largely due to people having nothing better to do than trying to show their High status in society. I don't mind if people play dumb ass games. I do mind when I'm forced into it.

and what's funny is that people use the bad quality of lumber to build their houses. They use the lumber that has lots of knots in it which makes the lumber weaker.

Imagine if everyone had a home and all they had to worry about for the most part was sustenance. Imagine if being locked in your home for months and also losing your job because of a plague did not completely ruin your life because all you would have needed was a surplus of food.

>> No.15199821

So you want the general public to pay? And you call landlords parasites?

>> No.15199824

>My dad owns two houses
Of course he does.

>> No.15199848

that already happens in a small scale

>> No.15199850

Landlords should be deprived of their properties without compensation before being sent to the penal labour camps. The only thing that the general public should pay for is the wages of the guards responsible.

>> No.15199856

Why do you think "general public" has to pay? You have cost of building the stuff, you have cost of utilities, you have the cost of maintaining the stuff etc. All of this should be laid on the renters.

But what happens if you add another dude, that just takes significant amount of money without laying a single brick or painting a single wall? You add needless expense.

>> No.15199861

Based and Georgist pilled

>> No.15199868

>You have cost of building the stuff, you have cost of utilities, you have the cost of maintaining the stuff etc. All of this should be laid on the renters.
Well go on, then. You can already do this right now.

>> No.15199879

No, you have to pay extra for landlords profit. That´s the whole point.

>> No.15199888

Why do landlords and their faggot kids get on the internet and pretend like the only reason anyone rents is because owning a house would be too inconvenient?

Who do they think they're fooling? Virtually everyone between the age of 18 and 40 lives in a rented property and that's very much not the reason why.

>> No.15199890

and you think you wouldn't have to pay extra if the housing was controlled by the state?

>> No.15199893

You absolutely can get together with other people and build non-profit apartments. Why don't you do it?

>> No.15199896

everyone in my little village has their own house and yard
what exactly is the reason?

>> No.15199897

Yes, as has been proven by the astronomical rise of homelessness in post-Soviet Eastern Europe.

>> No.15199900

Everyone in your village is either 72 or a blowin from London.

>> No.15199905

The only thing stopping you from owning is your lack of financial ability. You can buy a 2 story house in some parts of Ohio for 20,000 dollars. That's nothing.

>> No.15199906

>the only reason anyone rents is because owning a house would be too inconvenient
What other reason is there? Is someone forcing you to rent?

>> No.15199911

If I did, it would be for the good of entire city/society, instead of one parasite.
We start by expropriating landlords, building new ones will follow.

>> No.15199912

nice guessing dipshit

>> No.15199916

Ah yes, let me just get that 20 grand I got handy. Oh wait, every month half my wages get eaten by a faggot kike that sits on his ass all day.

>> No.15199925

Yes of course, it's everyone else's fault you can't deal with money.

>> No.15199936

Sounds like a lame excuse. Why don't you stay with your parents until you save 20 grand?

>> No.15199938

Exactly, just like it's your dad's tenants fault that he can barely turn a profit in the easiest job on the planet.

>> No.15199949

Teenagers at McDonald's will make more than 20,000 a year. Move in with your parents for a year and then you can see what home ownership is really like.

>> No.15199953

sounds like it's better to complain than to take action
why don't you get an RV and live there for a while, it's obviously much better than the desolate commie blocks you've shilled here you worthless dipshit

>> No.15199957

If it's the easiest job on the planet then why can't you do it?

>> No.15199967

You WILL get the rope. We just have to wait.

>> No.15199976


>> No.15199977

I could, it's just the barrier to entry is already having a load of money spare. That's the reason we all aren't landlords.

>> No.15199983

Where do you live California, Alaska, Hawaii or have you just never worked at McDonald's before?

>> No.15199994

>whose revenues costs them neither labour nor care

My father has been now for more than one year building a small series of apartments to rent. He's used a lot of his money on it, which he acquired through hard work in the past years. It's pretty much his retirement plan, and it's an investment like any other.
Furthermore, if by any chance there is a fire not caused by the people living there, such as from lighting (very common where I live), or some other unpredictable natural event, then my father will lose all the money he invested on a single day through no fault of his own.

>independent of any plan or project of their own

No, the revenue definitely depends on many things, such as location, the looks of the building, how it is going to be presented on ads, how the furniture is going to be... My dad spends hours and hours planning, I see live, he goes through newspaper ads looking for pieces of furniture, questioning me on which ones are the best, and so on.

Really, all of that is so basic that it is ridiculous to have to state it.

Sounds like Adam Smith was economically illiterate, a complete imbecile with no contact with real people in the real world.

Typical Scotsman.

>> No.15199995

The barrier to entry is a minimum wage job at McDonald's.

I'm talking about property in Ohio so you can reasonably guess Ohio. 10 dollars an hour will give you about 20,000 a year.

>> No.15200002

Ah yes RV. I love how people are charging their "put your RV here" for $700+ a month. Or how you might go to jail or get a ticket if you park your RV in most places.

>> No.15200004
File: 135 KB, 1024x449, 1_VuajtwH76iHUy-I_6FrN5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The poorest in America are actually so deprived of adequate housing they live in these shantytowns
Forgot about that, lmao.

>> No.15200010

Miminum wage in Ohio isn't 10 dollars an hour. This guy has never had a job before.

>> No.15200015

Who cares what the minimum wage is?

>> No.15200019

sounds like you're just making up excuses to a problem you don't really wish to solve
looks cozy as fuck ngl shame for all the rednecks

>> No.15200027

>building a small series of apartments to rent.
>Literally building the apartment blocks
>Thinking that a quote about rent-seeking behavior is relevant at all

>> No.15200031

Well if the entire crux of your argument is that minimum wage could buy a house that would be you.

It's just interesting that you significantly overestimated the minimum wage in your own state when you're out here arguing everyone's just financially illiterate and can't handle their money. It's almost like you've never actually worked in your life.

>> No.15200033

Dumbfuck. What you’re talking about is a builder, Adam Smith would’ve classed him as in the third order, a profit-seeking merchant, not as a landlord.

A landlord is someone who collects money from ownership of property, not building it. Don’t obfuscate the two

>> No.15200034

And like clockwork the landlords replied en masse

>> No.15200051

You don't 20,000 dollars to buy a 20,000 dollar house. Even just 5 or 10 is enough for the most financially incompetent to secure a loan. Even if we disregard that, so you have to work for another half a year, looks like I've been thoroughly BTFO'd and home ownership is impossible Get real, dude.

Do I have to show you the calluses on my hands to show that I work in an aluminium extrusion factory? What would that even prove? Would my arguments make less sense if I didn't work a day in my life?

>> No.15200061
File: 612 KB, 579x572, laughing elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just get a loan bro, you'll pay off your mortgage in half a year.
Oh god, daddys boy is back at it again.

>Would my arguments make less sense if I didn't work a day in my life?
Your arguments already make no sense, bro.

>> No.15200067

>2 storey house in Ohio for $20000

>> No.15200083

McDonald's is not a full-time job. But ignoring that... 260 * 8 = 2080 that would be 5 days on 2 off with 8 hours a workday. $10 an hour minus tax? Minus cost of living while you're working. No sir, it's going to take you longer than a year. In 10 years maybe. Cause this poorfag is probably going to be able to save a dollar per hour if that.

you have no clue how much poor people do not have.

>> No.15200085

I live with my parents.

Why don't you do the same? You don't want to live with your parents? You dislike them? You wanna feel 'independent'?
You know those house-owning families you see in old photographs? They lived with their parents. That's how life was like back then.
At least in my family, that's how it was. In my family and in many of the novels I've read. Sometimes, families would inhabit a house for more than a century. Why don't you do the same?
Because you wanna live in the big city, but have nothing to offer. You have nothing to offer to anyone, and this is what makes you mad at people.
But you wanna feel independent. You wanna have friends in New York. After al, that's what life was like in Seinfeld, right?

It seems that paying rent is the price of faking independence. Since that's what you want: pay it.

>> No.15200089
File: 122 KB, 1024x567, Boomer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a house is 20,000 the area around it must be absolute ass.
>Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and live like a methhead lmao. Get a job at the corner 7-11. Show up on time and you'll become manager in no time Timmy!

>> No.15200092

I thought it was Ameri-jew tradition to kick your kids out at 18

>> No.15200098


These kind of houses aren't hard to find. The average price sold in this area is around 30,000.

>> No.15200106

The independence meme lasted from 1950-2008. I think those families that survive into the future are going to survive together.

>> No.15200112

>In 10 years maybe
This is precisely why you're whining about landowners instead of whining about landowning. A fool and his money is soon parted.

>> No.15200120

Like I said that's a crackhouse.

>> No.15200125

What do you expect for 20,000?

>> No.15200127

He's not the builder, he owns an empty place and he *has other people* building a series of apartments there, using his money, which he collected through decades of hard work. He only buys the materials, then other people - the actual brick-layers, architects etc. - build it for him, being paid a salary.

In a few years, after the apartments are ready, he will go knocking on people's doors asking for rent. He will be a landlord.

>> No.15200132

>30% poverty rate
>3 times the average violent crime rate
What if I dont want to be stabbed by nergo gentlemen?

>> No.15200139

You'd have to wonder what a surveyor's report is going to find, won't be pretty.

>> No.15200140

>The point of renting is that you don't want to take on the risk and pain of owning.
So everyone can just own a home instead right?

>> No.15200147

It looks very decent, most people in my country would absolutely love it.

He wants to live in the Seinfeld apartment in New York and not pay anything for it. He won't admit it, but it's what he wants.

>> No.15200149

Thats not a house, thats a ticking timebomb of structural collapse

>> No.15200154

I expect to be able to buy a house with a high school diploma like my parent's generation.

>> No.15200161

Yeah, maybe. I am not Am*rican. Living with my parents is fine and very comfortable.

>> No.15200173

>sounds like you're just making up excuses to a problem you don't really wish to solve
That is a possibility. Another possibility is that you're trying to justify in your mind that there are just reasons why people are poor and suffer. It is true sometimes however the world is not a Utopia. The truth is that some things are much harder for some people. that is why some people must work at McDonald's, because not everyone has equal skills or intelligence or social skills or ability to remain healthy while doing their job.

I had a better-paying job than McDonald's and I saved up for 10+ years. Unfortunately my back got fucked. Unfortunately all my savings got used in a year. But damn, 10 more years and I could have bought a used RV.

>> No.15200178

He has used his capital for productive purposes anon. He is then gaining profit for that use of capital. That is the complete opposite of what Smith is criticizing. What do you think
>whose revenues costs them neither labour nor care
actually means? The revenue is a direct result of the work and money he has put into it. Think properly about this

>> No.15200179

Same. My landlord increased my rent by $200 a month just as the pandemic was unfolding. He also raised the cost of everything around the property like laundry, for example. It now costs $4 to do a single load. It’s a bit ridiculous considering this apartment is over $1k a month now and it’s small, old, and shitty. The walls are paper thin and the floors cream like crazy and there’s no ac and the heat barely works but there’s a housing shortage in the area so it’s the cheapest it gets without living in a closet and he takes advantage.

>> No.15200184

>He wants to live in the Seinfeld apartment in New York and not pay anything for it. He won't admit it, but it's what he wants.
I want to live in a neighborhood where I don't have to worry about getting shanked.

>> No.15200186

>gets nothing but headaches from the tenants and courts
If he wants to avoid the courts maybe he should fix up the shitholes he rents out and stop renting to losers like the slumlord that he is.

>> No.15200194

It most definitely wouldn’t be more expensive.

>> No.15200202

Landlords fill a market niche, i.e. housing. They supply the housing, people pay to live there.

However, there are insidious landlords that manipulate the market by buying up property and holding a large portion of the area essentially hostage to their whims. In those cases, then I think action is warranted.

>> No.15200203

What about your parents house?

>> No.15200207

They don't have to "recover" because the law is on their side? Landlords aren't even the prime benefactors from unearned wealth today.

Maximizing the exploitation of all land is beyond retarded. Henry George is basically the archetypal American moron. Incentivizing ranchers to destroy the rainforest and transform unused land everywhere into parking lots is economically "efficient" but really disastrous.

>> No.15200211

They try kick you out as early as they can but it’s become increasingly difficult to make a living at a young age so they really have no choice. I’ve been on my own since I was 17 but most college grads I know are at home until at least 25 because they can’t afford to do otherwise and their Jew parents usually resent them for it.

>> No.15200213

>Pay rent
>Tell yourself you're free
You're all cucked slaves

>> No.15200220

Because my parents want to sell their house. I’ve been on my own for years and I will most likely get nothing like most young people in America.

>> No.15200223

FYI Smith wasn't talking about housing but land there.

>> No.15200224

>It looks very decent, most people in my country would absolutely love it.
Are you living in a mud hut?

>> No.15200230

It's any rentier behaviour, there's no real distinction between what's being rented.

>> No.15200233

Why don't you follow them to the new one?

>> No.15200241

Yes I'm a fool that's right. Tell yourself whatever you need to. Everyone is equal and therefore you are higher in the dominance hierarchy because we all had the same opportunities and potential outcomes. You're right, everything is equal and you did better than other people who had the same exact opportunity, skills, and all that you had.

>> No.15200249

I think you are probably young and don’t quite understand the economics of what you’re saying.

Your dad will be part landlord, but he is also part builder/property developer/small businessman/etc.

When he collects rent from the properties (i.e land) that he presumably owns, this is “rent-seeking”. He is taking money without making anything of value.

At the same time, he is building properties, which IS creating new value and wealth, many developers do this with the intention of selling the improved land at a profit.

Most landlords do not build or improve properties, they simply own the land on paper and collect the profit without doing anything at all. This is why you have to distinguish between what your dad does and what other landlords do

>> No.15200255

there is, you can build new tenements but you cannot create new pieces of land

>> No.15200262

That's hilariously wrong. Try renting some random commodities over time. Not every commodity has essentially a fixed supply and permanent growing demand.

>> No.15200263

You will get nothing. You have no idea how much retirement homes/nursing homes cost. And boomers all think they deserve to retire at the lake. All that wealth built up by both my grandfathers will be gone.

>> No.15200274
File: 76 KB, 576x768, ac2b7bb369a4c3a62b8dbca5f2ca2bf8l-m1026759992xd-w1020_h770_q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I think I live in a very nice house, but I wouldn't mind living in this one, specially if I was able to raise only 20000 dollars.
Can this house hold a library of a few thousand books? Can it hold a table, a chair and a bed? Well, then: I'd live in it.
What you want is luxury, and a Seinfeld-style apartment in Manhattan so you can live the lifestyle of the celebrities that the Am*rican media has taught you to emulate.

>> No.15200314
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After al (sic), that's what life was like in Seinfeld, right?
>He wants to live in the Seinfeld apartment in New York and not pay anything for it.
>What you want is luxury, and a Seinfeld-style apartment in Manhattan

What is your obsession with Seinfeld? And the Seinfeld apartment was in no way a luxury apartment anyways, I think it was supposed to be a kind of run down 1 bedroom desu senpai.

>> No.15200317

>if I keep saying Seinfeld, maybe I’ll get a reaction

>> No.15200324

You're right I was a fool, I donated $500 to some starving people in some random country even though I was poor as shit. And I donated to people so that water wells can be built in other countries.You're so wise, I'm certain that I shouldn't have given charity and that I should have saved it up because you sound like a Republican who only cares about the ways of the world and not the ways of Christ. I want to be poor but it's basically illegal. I want to have a simple life but I had family obligations. the entirety of society and the economy is structured in such a way that it is very hard for me to live a religious life, so I can try to spend my time with God rather than doing things that are required mostly because humans have made them to be required. There is no middle ground because humans are full of luxury and vanity. There is only extreme poverty or extreme busying yourself in the world.

>> No.15200336

>Most landlords do not build or improve properties, they simply own the land on paper and collect the profit without doing anything at all

But then how do they acquire ownership? Do they not pay for it? Unless we're talking about inherited property, then the person still has to make a sacrifice.

I've lived in three different rented apartments when I was in college, and all the landlords I had were old people who had bought their apartments with their own hard-earned money, then rented it to others as a way of having a source of profit in their last decades of life. Sounds like fair game to me.

>> No.15200351

I guess I have a pretty decent landlord. I have lived in a large closet before and it's really not that bad.

>> No.15200368

It's a stereotype of the typical apartment most Am*ricans I've met wish to have. If you dislike the expression, substitute it for ''middle-class apartment in some Manhattan location where you can live the lifestyle that Hollywood has sold to you''.

In reality, all you need is your parents house and nothing else. If your parents wish to kick you out, then there's something wrong with your culture, probably Protestantism, and you should start a revolt against it.

>> No.15200374
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You're unreal. Best of luck to you anon.

>> No.15200375

What are your qualifications?
Where are your parents?

>> No.15200386

Everything I've said is quite real.

>> No.15200388

I don't think either of you are getting my point, Smith isn't talking about some specific thing being rented, it's anything that allows rentier behaviour.

If we take tenemants as an example, you cannot always build more housing. That's a real problem today, there's a lot of demand but in many places in the developed world no way to increase supply in any meaningful way. This allows rentier behaviour.

>> No.15200393

>Can this house hold a library of a few thousand books? Can it hold a table, a chair and a bed? Well, then: I'd live in it.
You can clearly see it's rotting on the outside, so it can hold it but not protect it. Enjoy your moldy books and lung rot.

>> No.15200394

> I've lived in three different rented apartments when I was in college, and all the landlords I had were old people who had bought their apartments with their own hard-earned money
This is the classic boomer narrative that they tell to naive college zoomers so that they can distract you from the fact that they had easy jobs, bought property and then over-flooded the market with immigrants to increase supply (and price) of land/houses. This also caused you to be unemployed. But keep listening to how Boomer Joe and Karen were hard working salt-of-the-earth folk.

>But then how do they acquire ownership?
Precisely by collecting rents instead of working. This is what infuriates people. You are on the precipice of falling head-first into the abyss that is the landlord sponsored ponzi-scheme we call the housing market. Once you learn the role banks play you will be mortified.

Welcome to hell.

>> No.15200407

>Maximizing the exploitation of all land is beyond retarded. Henry George is basically the archetypal American moron. Incentivizing ranchers to destroy the rainforest and transform unused land everywhere into parking lots is economically "efficient" but really disastrous.
If one would use wisdom they don't have to completely destroy the environment. Believe It or Not Human Beings can still co-exist with much of nature. What you described sounds like what's going on in South America. Slash and burning is easy but creating biochar and putting it in the dirt makes the dirt healthier than slash-and-burn alone. but I guess the point is to clear the land fast so you can start producing something for the market. Especially in tropical climates biochar is useful. The cow and Ranching thing is difficult because it is highly unlikely that people will stop wanting to eat cows. If more people could own a part of the rainforest and semi-civilize it then it would be protected to some degree from the destruction of the cows. people tend to care more about their land and home when they actually own it for themselves.

>> No.15200412

actually Smith talked almost exclusively about house rent and ground (land) rent, and especially agricultural land

>> No.15200419

Not who you're responding to but that's kinnda the entire point:
Land is a natural monopoly, obviously if you capture ownership somehow you're going to benefit but how ownership is beneficial to anyone but the owner is what's questionable. The government allows "artificial" monopolies like intellectual property to exist based on the theory it incentivizes intellectual research, that's questionable but understandable. Why some people should be allowed to own land and benefit at others expense is just one setup.

It's the monopoly nature. Rentier activity is in theory more risky in other lines since alternative goods can be introduced to compete.

>> No.15200423

If by qualifications you mean work, I have a degree in work a pretty standard office job. I live where I went to college and my parents live a few hours away in the same state.

>> No.15200433

They sold the country. There's no other way to put it.

>> No.15200444

>bought property and then over-flooded the market with immigrants to increase supply (and price) of land/houses

Now we are talking about government policies. Nothing to do with the actual landlords living their lives and trying to make money like everyone else.
Also, college kids who complain about landlords tend to be very pro-immigration.

>Precisely by collecting rents instead of working

Not the landlords I've known. They've all had jobs. One had been a lawyer, the other had been a physician, the other was some kind of public servant.

>> No.15200446

He talks about it as a specie or general type of revenue, in terms of a more general rentier behaviour in a limited or closed market, and as an abstract rent in terms of money made from local industry (it's something like the fishing industry in the Shetlands iirc, it's not the land being rented exactly, but the access to the work.industry). He's quite general. I'd say ground and land rent are mere exemplars, but that's an over-simplification in some ways.

>> No.15200454

Then go back to your parents and stop complaining like a child. Find a job nearer to their house.

>> No.15200466

George was a capitalist and thought all that was wrong was "price to high". He never understood how people acting in their own pecuniary interests rationally can have irrational outcomes and how capitalism doesn't have a good track record on long term planning.

>people tend to care more about their land and home when they actually own it for themselves.
We're talking commercial usage here which most unused land is going to be "put to use" for somehow. Obviously someone generally isn't going to thrash their own home but that's not the exact issue here.

>> No.15200468

It's going back to your parents that is seen as the childlike behavior in America.

>> No.15200471

Yeah anon, go work at your dad's company and stop being a bitch.

>> No.15200481

Join /lit/ discord server udrpKsM

>> No.15200500

Assuming you live in a democracy, the people of the generation shape the government policy. The generations of early America/Britain/wherever didn’t decide to make a profit by importing thousands of foreigners, they worked to build their own. Importing foreigners was seen as an invasion, not a way to get-rich-quick

>They’ve all had jobs
Of course, they had jobs at one point. But the point I’m trying to make is that once they start collecting rent, that becomes their “job”. Now they don’t work and make money in a parasitic way, off the backs of others. As they acquire more land, they earn more rent, and can buy more land to earn even more rent. Think of the problem like a chain of dominoes that fall each one getting bigger than the last and it never ends

>> No.15200504

>but how ownership is beneficial to anyone but the owner is what's questionable

I think it *is* beneficial to the people who rent it, even though they'd obviously prefer not to pay anything for it (but then those buildings wouldn't exist in the first place, as there wouldn't be any reason to invest on building/buying them, or maybe they would exist but as other things instead of houses).
I've lived in rented apartments in the past and certainly think the owners were good, and beneficial to me. I thank them for providing me with a space where I could live.

Even if it were not, however, when something owned by a person, it doesn't need to be beneficial to anyone else other than that person.

>> No.15200523
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Reminder kulaks got the rope first.

>> No.15200550

>middle class apartment
Nigga, if you're middle class maybe you can afford a shoebox in Manhattan.

>> No.15200551

>Now they don’t work and make money in a parasitic way, off the backs of others.

So what? They worked hard early on so that they wouldn't work hard later. That's what smart people do in life. Sorry if you're not one of them. Maybe you still have time and should start doing that too.
Look at their professions: one a physician, the other a lawyer, the other a public servant. Those are people who studied hard when they were young, made money, then started to take smart decisions on what to do with it.
It seems to me that you are just resentful of successful, good, hard-working people.

Keep in mind that every penny they spent buying an apartment they wouldn't live in could have been spent instead in traveling to Venice every year, and fucking Russian whores while doing marijuana in Amsterdam. But no, they just decided to buy apartments, so it's their right to rent them to others if they want.

>> No.15200604

Why should a position where you will never need to work again but still accumulate wealth indefinitely exist? ESPECIALLY when such wealth is hereditary?

Working hard is great, true. Glory to the doctors and lawyers of the world. But landlords don't work hard, they don't work at all. Maybe they used to work hard, or they do something else on the side, but whenever they're wearing that landlord hat what they're doing is not productive work. It is rent-seeking.

Industriousness is a virtue, it's not right to let some people live without it.

>> No.15200617

>The generations of early America/Britain/wherever didn’t decide to make a profit by importing thousands of foreigners
Do you know your history?

>> No.15200633

>The generations of early America/Britain/wherever didn’t decide to make a profit by importing thousands of foreigners, they worked to build their own
That's a very silly belief you have. The colonial elite and "rebels" definitely had the idea of grabbing all the land they could and getting the most they could for their actions:

>I think it *is* beneficial to the people who rent it
"Obviously" but the question is the cost "worth it". Obviously any government could just nationalize all land and ration/manage land usage to private corporations or something like that. When landownership is widely dispersed no one would want that because they have something to lose.
>when something owned by a person, it doesn't need to be beneficial to anyone else other than that person.
Yes and that's the "problem" because it creates perverse incentives for the owners to conspire to harm others. The rational goal of owners of anything is to keep what they own scarce and expensive... but markets forces, in theory, work against that objective how effectively is questionable.

>Industriousness is a virtue, it's not right to let some people live without it.
The "protestant work ethic" is not of much value today. We're far beyond the point where the main problem is we need to increase industrial capacity... if anything overcapacity is a "problem".

>> No.15200642

>The "protestant work ethic" is not of much value today. We're far beyond the point where the main problem is we need to increase industrial capacity... if anything overcapacity is a "problem".
Incredible, when confronted with their own logic landlord bootlickers turn into communists for just a moment.

>> No.15200656

Poor people are gross lol

>> No.15200664

>Why should a position where you will never need to work again but still accumulate wealth indefinitely exist? ESPECIALLY when such wealth is hereditary?

Because otherwise you reduce incentives and create problems like India used to have during their socialist times, with all rich Indians going away to be rich somewhere else...

If landlords weren't allowed, those physicians and lawyers would just spend cash on Russian whores instead. Or maybe they would be landlords in a neighboring country. This, of course, would reduce incentives for apartments builders in my city, which would create local housing scarcity, which... Well, you get it.


>accumulate wealth indefinitely exist

They will die too. The landlords I've met were preparing for their last few decades of life.

>> No.15200706

I'm not defending anything? I pointed out "industriousness" isn't virtuous or that workable of a goal today. Go tell the farmers destroying massive amounts of milk and eggs that they need to be more "industrious" right now lol
All I'm saying is the liberal attack on landlords that defends capitalism is extremely superficial. If you just want individuals to exploit land harder that's going to end badly.

>> No.15200748

Maybe you're a different guy but the argument I was responding to was this
>So what? They worked hard early on so that they wouldn't work hard later. That's what smart people do in life. Sorry if you're not one of them. Maybe you still have time and should start doing that too. Look at their professions: one a physician, the other a lawyer, the other a public servant. Those are people who studied hard when they were young, made money, then started to take smart decisions on what to do with it. It seems to me that you are just resentful of successful, good, hard-working people.

I was being facetious to demonstrate that if he truly believes wealth is meritocratic and that people who work hard deserve more than people who don't then it's completely absurd to include landlords in that class of "hard workers" when they don't work hard at all. At least insofar as they work as a landlord.

>> No.15200751

Go back to your moms house

>> No.15200798

samefag cope

>> No.15200822

>India used to have during their socialist times
India was never serious about socialism at any point, you had planning and lots of regulation in Japan with stuff like the METI done more "competently". If you want to understand the real limits and problems you'd be better off looking across the border towards Maoist China where they actually tried to abolish and replace traditional incentives for ideological alternative imperatives.

Ya that's not me. Land owners might work hard or not to get where they are but that's not even what matters. What matters is if it "works". Capitalism in any morality tale is about "risk" and maybe some acknowledgement of "luck" but the real claim is there's no alternative which is questionable.

>> No.15200882

How is turning all unused land economically efficient? Are you retarded?

>> No.15200912

Into lots*

>> No.15200913

>Incentivizing ranchers to destroy the rainforest and transform unused land everywhere into parking lots is economically "efficient" but really disastrous.

You think anyone really cared much then outside of the aesthetic? Eco-friendlyness is a product of a post domestic society.

>> No.15200936

This, based. Everyone else is a whiny bitch who’s first thought is to destroy a system before understanding it.

>> No.15200958

This bootlicker is so out of touch he's not even worth responding too. Once a slave comes to love his chains he's too far gone for help.

>> No.15200968

Based. 24 here and still living with my parents. Thankfully my childhood home is in the city so I never needed to move for work. They are both retired so I still contribute to my share of the bills, take care of the garden and help around the house. The pandemic is reason enough to spend time with your loved ones (while also saving money by not paying extortionate rents). Familial dependency is freedom from economic slavery. Houellebecq was right: The family really is the last bastion of communism. The fantasy of being a cool millennial renting with your friends is nothing more than the nightmare of capitalism from which we are trying to wake.

>> No.15201019

>Because otherwise you reduce incentives and create problems like India used to have during their socialist times, with all rich Indians going away to be rich somewhere else...
I'm not arguing that we should be socialist (necessarily), I'm arguing for the much more modest position that home ownership should be contingent upon occupancy and that the government should be responsible for the market based distribution of homes and rentable properties to citizens. The only incentive that is lost for anyone here is the incentive of one day being a landlord, something very few people have any intentions of. This wouldn't stop anyone from owning a home of their choosing and passing it through their family or otherwise really disrupt a fundamentally capitalist economy.

>They will die too. The landlords I've met were preparing for their last few decades of life.
This is why I raised the point that a landlords assets and gains are hereditary. Many landlords did literally nothing to earn that wealth but rather were born into the station.

>> No.15201221

this destroys the champagne socialist

>> No.15201360

yes, saving money is childlike behavior and building debt is being a responsible adult, that's the Am*rican way

>> No.15201440

Comrade having a whole room for yourself? That is selfish it could fit a whole family.

>> No.15201487

This is an incredibly retarded comment. Yes, rent is certainly one aspect of capitalism that can be legally done away with, as it produces no beneficial effects.

The rent of land

The rent of capital

They are all unproductive inherently, and take the source of profit themselves away from the people utilizing them. :3

>> No.15201512

This is a common misconception, usually levelled at George by dumb Marxists. The tendency under a Georgist tax system is actually for land to return to public ownership unless it proves economically viable to hold and exploit it. On the contrary, in a Georgist system high density development and rewilding of uneconomic land holdings would be the norm.

You haven't read George.

>> No.15201557

>The rent of capital
this is the dumbest thing i have ever read. Rent of capital is not an aspect of capitalism it is the entire basis of capitalism.

Without rent of capital we would still be stuck in the middle ages.

>> No.15201558

To add one more point to this- the most efficient thing to do is actually to hold the least amount of land possible while doing the most economic work. I.E. you are seeking to maximize productivity per unit of land so that you minimize your tax burden. But sure, say dumb shit like "Le slash and burn the rainforest!!!" Kek.

>> No.15201584

>complaining about reasonable things and getting screwed over by a shitty landlord
Found the shitty landlord. What a small world.

>> No.15201588


>The rent of capital
It mean usury. A sin for thousands of years. Till Protestcucks legalized it.

>Without rent of capital we would still be stuck in the middle ages.

are you the jeu or just a good goyim happy bootlicker?

>> No.15201603

>we'd be stuck in the middle ages without loans!!!!!
Unless you consider taxes renting capitol, that's a really stupid comment.

>> No.15201638

>only lower-middle class morons invest in property
This is the lowest IQ, least informed post I have ever seen on all of 4chan. How many real-estate moguls have to exist in the top 100 richest people in the world before you pay attention? How much property on the US Western coast has to be bought up by investment realtors before you pay attention? How many holding companies working predominantly in real estate and property with multi-hundred billion dollar evaluations have to exist before you pay attention?

>> No.15201645

There is no new one. My parents divorced and my mom now rents in some trendy city suburb. My dad will probably sell the house and do god knows what but I doubt I’ll get anything. Even if I did, there’d be nothing left between me and my siblings.
I’m aware. I think what will probably happen is he’ll sell and buy some hobby farm somewhere or something and then sell that too when he’s old.

>> No.15201651

>>The rent of capital
>It mean usury. A sin for thousands of years. Till Protestcucks legalized it.
Regardless of what you think of it it is the basis of capitalism.

Loans have played a crucial part in industrialization it freed up capital and allowed for project that would never have been done otherwise.
Taxes have existed since thousands of years before the birth of christ what is your point?

>> No.15201677

They live in a semi-rural town with no jobs and wouldn’t let me even if I wanted to. You don’t seem to understand that American parents want their kids OUT. They’d probably put up with me for a couple of months if I lost my job but that’s about it. Also, imagine thinking that I’m the bad guy in this story between the predatory landlord and the distant parents. I’m not even complaining either. I was just sharing my experience. I don’t struggle that bad.

>> No.15201693

>Landlords should actively develop their land so it is more efficient
Perfect example of a supposedly 'rebellious' ideology being in favor of Capital and efficiency. Once again Ted Kaczynski is right about everything. The left is nothing but Capital's laboratory, the avant-garde movement of capital and technological expansion. The right simply implements durable models for technological growth, while the left experiments new models to replace the lower-efficiency models.

>> No.15201717


>Regardless of what you think of it it is the basis of capitalism.

Indeed, but is not what I think. Usury is a sin in many religions.

In china the emperors used to allow bankers but they cut the bankers balls in order for them not to have children.

Whatever you do don't take credits, is the worst form of slavery.

>> No.15201791

>Loans have played a crucial part in industrialization

Nothing is wrong with loaning money per se.

We are talking right now about RENTing capital. Not the same thing as loaning capital.

These days hospitals rent equipment, farms rent equipment. It has the exact same parasitic effect as renting land does.

>> No.15201882

Being a faggot is also a sin and yet you are one.

>> No.15202039

based. shooting the landlords was the only thing mao got right. kill all boomers.

>> No.15202121
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They recover by continuing to make money off of/evicting retarded renter cattle.

>> No.15202132

I'm not talking about moguls and CEOs of property companies, I'm talking about your average landlord that rents his rooms to students, low income families and shit.

And no I'm way more informed that you given that I actually work in finance. All you have is your dumb little anecdotes.

>> No.15202150

>/lit/ is a Georgist board.
this guy again

>> No.15202181

small peepee
>Landlords are parasites! They profit simply by owning land! We should abolish landlords!
big peepee
>I should save up my money and become a landlord myself.

>> No.15202192

It's pointless to argue. Losers who didn't get anywhere in life will always keep whining and crying about how they're not to blame for their condition. The reason why they don't have health insurance, don't own any property, don't have a well-paying or a stable job, and have tens of thousands of dollars in student debt is because they're failures, but they'll never accept it. Should've read On the Genealogy of Morality.

>> No.15202194

I am a rentier, but it's also a fucking stupid state of affairs.

>> No.15202207

Absolutely based

>> No.15202239

>Being a landlord isn't a risk-free investment that generates money without cost.
but it is

>If it were, people would just buy a house, rent it out, and make the tenants pay for the mortgage.
people who aren't wageslaving just to survive can do this

>> No.15202266

You're not going to get "public ownership" but more widespread private ownership unless a friendly government bails out landowners at their preferred price. That's kinnda the whole point, to prevent concentration in few hands. George didn't just want the government to become the biggest landlord. He didn't think it would lead to more density because America at the time was still a frontier society, he clearly hoped people would colonize and develop more unused land outside the metropolis. He saw a corrupt land tenure system getting in the way of a system that John Stuart Mill taught him naturally works.
FYI "dumb Marxists" aren't the ones who don't want their private revenue streams cut off. The biggest opponents are the political class of landowners the US constitution was drafted to protect.

You're thinking in to individualist of terms. Perhaps most families may be more stingy in their private land ownership under such an arrangement for purposes of conspicuous consumption and such but the commercial possibilities under corporate rationality of how liability works makes it more profitable to heavily exploit land today than not to when you don't have to pay for any future consequences. This is the 21st century with agribusiness and such.

>> No.15202282

>This is the 21st century with agribusiness and such.
This seems to be true in the US, there's a different view in the antipodes although you could broadly paint it with the same brush. The Aussie model tends to look at the value of everything, if you're a sheep farmer grass is money. So that limits how you exploit the land.

>> No.15202346

you don't know shit about real estate. go do some reading kid.

>> No.15202556

so nietszche was a landlord sophist all along?


>> No.15202788

He seems half right. the brain reverts to the more primitive parts after the thinky thinky parts have exhausted themselves. How is he wrong about the second thing he said? Remember, when you insult people it could be because you ran out of arguments. It's not always the case but sometimes it is.

>> No.15202797

Real estate is a pretty straightforward investment, there's not that much risk. It seems risky because it attracts idiots.

>> No.15202841


>and have tens of thousands of dollars in student debt is because they're failures

the irony here is that the ones that have the most debt in student loans typically did the best in high school, lol. its not all stupid minorities going to for profit colleges

>> No.15202912

i'm not bothering because he's regurgitating the number 1 most common myth about renting

>lol why do people rent, u givin away free money to ur landlord mr shekelesberg

okay then, go buy a house, rent it out, and have someone pay your mortgage. good luck..

>> No.15202954
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Oh but why is owning a place to live considered "risky" at all? Never-mind.

>> No.15202971

Middle managers are the biggest cunts in the economy. Them first and then landlords

>> No.15202972



>> No.15202984

You're only saying this because there is a humble mentality with middle managers.

They know there is someone above them and below them at all times. It is a necessary mentality because that's where humility comes from.

The middle managers don't think they're the bottom of the barrel like all the workers sometimes do and they don't think they are the kings of the world like the top managers do. You just wish you could be a middle manager.

>> No.15203021


so are you like middle manager yourself, or a NEET trying to apply nietzechean philosophy to things that you know nothing about? whats your story bro

>> No.15203038

Because fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, criminals and homes being quite expensive. In general people want guarantees and safety. But of course there is home insurance. There are expensive components of houses that the modern society has turned into a necessity. You must build your house up to code. The modern world has fragmented into specializations which means you must pay an expert to repair the electricity and a different expert to fix the plumbing. They can charge you a lot because they're experts. Since you are ignorant they can lie about things and make you spend even more. Believe it or not you have to pay or fix the roof eventually. It's hard getting paid money from people to live in your own home and then using that money to pay someone else to fix stuff when it breaks every great once in awhile. Really hard life. You also have to pay a lot of money to the government and bankers, less than rent though i guess. Therefore you have to open your mouth and tell the renters that they have to pay you more money :(

>> No.15203086

Ah but see it's fine, we get it, you support the status quo.

But this time not so fast, there is a lot of mathematics not in your favor :3

With regards to rent specifically, it is indefensible and parasitic. Now we don't want the whole system to go, that would be retarded, and honestly most likely impossible as Tocqueville would have said there are really only two possible aspects to society -- democratic and aristocratic, and we have already seen both to their extremes.

This being said though, rent is something that can be removed from capital and land, and you would see people start to become happier, less burdened, etc. immediately. You would have a better functioning system.

Other things that would help the free market function better:

-Limiting trading on stock/bonds
-Heavily taxing inheritance (to the point where in order to become wealthy you actually have to work)

>> No.15203097

>Middle managers are the biggest cunts in the economy. Them first and then landlords
Why do you say this? At least at my old job I felt sorry for middle managers. The lower people shit on them and the higher people shit on them. It seemed better to be a grunt. Do you know what it's like to be blamed for people that suck and yet you cannot do anything about those people that you are supposedly the boss of?

>> No.15203106

Hey Adam Smith wrote this book that was used to create capitalism

>> No.15203708

Whats a middle manager

>> No.15203830

Begone, crypto-communist

>> No.15204955

America is all about the ephemeral.

>> No.15205228

Based and Progress and Poverty pilled

>> No.15205623
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George was not about rebellion. He grew to dislike the socialist movement that he inspired, because that movement fell in behind Marxist thought. George's problem was that his ideas were far too boring and sensible, and did not possess the conflict and moral character for resentful losers to play out their violent fantasies. He showed that there is no need for Capital to lose in order for Labour to win. It is only necessary that monopolists and other parasites lose. This naturally leads to a more efficient and equitable society, because if you identify and destroy those who are cheating the system, the system starts to work better for everyone else.

>> No.15206373
File: 45 KB, 318x424, 24796343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Landlords should be deprived of their properties without compensation before being sent to the penal labour camps.
*sucks air through teeth*
...you aight, commieboy

>> No.15206505


Holy fuck. That image is so cringe

>> No.15206511

Thanks. Glad it makes you sperg out.

>> No.15206844

>make housing unaffordable and controlled by a small class, renting too for the most part
>well why don't you just buy a house lole :))
landlords literally don't do anything but game the system through sheer immorality or more often inherited assets and connections. they would not exist without a forced conspiracy to set up a broken system, and those not privy to this system are perfectly right to topple or at least reset it in their favour. you are a propagandist telling people they cannot act in their interests because it hurts a subset of scum who sit atop a hoard of gold doing fucking nothing.

>> No.15206864

Adam Smith wasn't complaining about landlords there, only pointing out how and where many of them fail. Your post may have gotten replies from bitter faggots, but it was actually completely irrelevant to the quote.

>> No.15207217

the patrician thing to do is own and run a little unique motel in an interesting place. price it competitively but a little above the absolute cheapest places despite having (probably) fewer amenities. then you attract people looking specifically for authenticity and character, i.e. interesting people, and dodge the vast majority of the broke degenerates who would shit your place up. I was talking to a guy who owns one of these places, he said it took about 750k to get into it, including an emergency fund and everything. that seems pretty attainable depending on what i end up doing

>> No.15207350

he's literally talking about renting empty land to farmers. owning and maintaining a building requires a tremendous amount of work and investment. get fucked hidden hand queers.

>> No.15207358
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Your IP address has been recorded and will be reviewed after the revolution.

>> No.15207367

If I punched you, it would be your fault by this logic.

>> No.15207543


>> No.15207913

What about hotel owners, are they alright or parasites? Are we going to have state owned hotels?
Commie logic is retarded

>> No.15208380

we kill them last

>> No.15208415

Come and get it commie I'm gonna eat you no bread lines for me.

>> No.15209381


>> No.15209679

this desu, my dad bought a rental for my sis/me when we were in college and now he's got easy money since the school will always have students, they'll take decent enough care, and don't have baggage like tons of material shit, kids, pets, w/e.
minimal upkeep after the initial setup and it's now a lot less work.

>> No.15209723

Parking lots are not economical.

>> No.15209786

just work hard then we can ALL become landlords

>> No.15209801

Still have to pay for lots of other essentials mate.

>> No.15209810

who gonna pay the rents?

>> No.15210401

In my experience they usually strive to be middle managers and that’s why they’re hated.

>> No.15210531

>implying I should go into debt for some jew to not rent
>just buy a house
Go fuck yourself

>> No.15210578

>-Heavily taxing inheritance (to the point where in order to become wealthy you actually have to work)
or be a taxman apparently

>> No.15210597
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>> No.15210748
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Landlord here

get fucked poorfags lmao

>> No.15211202

>taxing inheritance
Enjoy having all the rich flee and the rest becoming fucking serfs

>> No.15211215

>Enjoy having all the rich flee
this wouldn't happen btw, even if it did, so what? the company is just gonna up and leave? cool tax the shit out of them if they still wanna do business here. the workers can take over the factory and run a new company.

>> No.15212872

Political prisoners

>> No.15213034

Whats with all the cringe tankies in here.

>> No.15213226

I have a hard time believing that being a landlord does not cost labour or care. I know several landlords, including a very close friend of mine that ones a couple of buildings, and I can clearly see them putting in time and effort. Maybe it's because I lived in Canada and France, where landlord have many legal obligations towards their tenants. And in my time, I've seen many more shitty tenants that shitty landlords. Some tenants have a crazy sense of entitlement and unwarranted victimhood. I'd hate being a landlord in a country where you can't expel your tenants at will because no amount of money would be worth having to deal with these nutcases.

>> No.15213257
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>just buy a house

>> No.15213285

Someone doesn't know how taxes work.

>> No.15213297

>owning and maintaining a building requires a tremendous amount of work and investment.
It doesn't require much work if you do it right.

>> No.15213874

Based af

>> No.15213896

>There are plenty of houses at affordable prices.
This is demonstrably and completely untrue. Housing costs are the highest they've ever been, particularly when compared against wages.

>> No.15213908

My parent's mortgage is unironically less than what their tenant is paying them for a small apartment while they're paying for an actual house
There's no excuse

>> No.15213955

House renting is for the major part a scam.

>buy a house
>potential of increased value (location, renovation, etc.)
>potential is realized
>rent it out
>make expenditure $$$ back
>make increased value as $$$ profit

>now the house is making $$$ profit far beyond the increased value of what it actually is.

The concept of rent should not be applied to houses. It should only be applied to land such as farms/harvest where the land is actually producing something of value.

>> No.15213971

based comment. I have 20 rental properties and control the internet utilities of all my tenants. Just jacked it up for the ones that posted in this thread.

>> No.15213979


every georgist i've met is a mentally ill neolib or a tankie with programmer socks

>> No.15213989

you don't know how to make money out of something valuable. do not get all panicky when the proletariat comes for blood.

>> No.15214016

>I have a room I could rent out in my house
>gov't bans this

You can guess the consequences just as well.

>> No.15214043

Just a quick reminder that you can buy a house in Tokyo, the most populous city in the world, for $300k. Home prices in large American cities, and their comorbid relationship with landlords, are a result of shoddy zoning policies and excessive regulations preventing new construction.

>> No.15214193

reminder that lack of regulations must itself be accompanied by strict regulations to ensure that bad stuff doesnt happen

also tokyo prices are moving up as of late

>> No.15214454

>t. landlord

>> No.15214571

>lol who cares if skilled workers leave and take financial capital with them

>> No.15214586

>bad stuff doesnt happen
What are you referring to?

>> No.15214609

any transaction can be viewed as either employment of consumption. through the lens of employment the landlord is the employee you hire to provide housing. he sets a wage he considers a fair living wage and won't take less because he unlike you, in your fake line of work, provides value people will always want. complaining about landlords is pure seethe.

>> No.15214619

price controls do not work

>> No.15214684

>he sets a wage
Does he now?

>> No.15214692

yes he requests a specified amount from you. it's called "rent."

>> No.15214723

>>>15198304 >>15198370 >>15198982 >>15199008 >>15199041 >>15199747 >>15199813 >>15200140
>>15201487 >>15202954 >>15206844 >>15206864 >>15207358 >>15210531 >>15213257 >>15213896
What do you retards want to do, huh? If your parents owned houses they rented out, which you inherited, you wouldn't be complaining like a bunch of bitches. Yes, life is not fair, hence why I don't want to have kids, but I'm not going to give you my fucking property. Go fuck yourselves, you Jew rats. Blame the system itself rather than fucking landlords.
The system is fundamentally exploitative anywhere you look. A CEO or manager gets paid more than a coder who busts his ass, but wanting to kill the CEO or manager is retarded when it has to do with the way the system is designed.
Being a landlord isn't easy either. Most American tenants trash up the place unlike H1bs.
Do you want to just seize their property for yourselves?

>> No.15214729

Who determines rent depends on if this is a "buyers'" or a "sellers'" market.

>> No.15214737

Who cares dude? You'll catch corona soon enough, and the government will get your possessions anyway.

>> No.15214751

Berberine and Colloidal Silver kill off corona.

>> No.15214756

that determines whether or not he will succeed in getting his desired amount, yes—just as with any employment—obviously. but housing is a commodity that is relatively inelastic, typically remaining a sellers market.

>> No.15214785

>Being a landlord isn't easy either.
lewl imagine believing this

your argument is shit, it's like saying everyone has measles so why bother getting a vaccine

>> No.15214797

>What do you retards want to do, huh?
I want the government to stop making it so difficult to build new houses with tons of retarded laws to step on the little guy and reward cronyism so that the cost of real estate can stop being so retartedly high - - just for starters. Higher taxes on landlords who report above certain incomes would be good too, if you make 10x what you spend being a landlord that's clearly a broken system.

>> No.15214825

“Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.”
― Adam Smith
“It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.”
― Adam Smith
“The interest of [businessmen] is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public ... The proposal of any new law or regulation of commerce which comes from this order ... ought never to be adopted, till after having been long and carefully examined ... with the most suspicious attention. It comes from an order of men ... who have generally an interest to deceive and even oppress the public”
― Adam Smith
“In regards to the price of commodities, the rise of wages operates as simple interest does, the rise of profit operates like compound interest.

Our merchants and masters complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price and lessening the sale of goods. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.”
― Adam Smith
Can we all take a moment to recognize just how BASED Smith was?

>> No.15214835

Have you ever been a landlord? In the USA, things are catered more to the tenants. They can trash the place and do drugs and evicting them is still a pain in the ass. Maintaining the place costs money too.
Then focus on the governmental policies rather than the landlords themselves.

>> No.15214864

“Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the consumer.”
― Adam Smith
This applies to landlords as well. Things SHOULD cater not just more to the tenants, but with the entire goal of serving the tenants

>> No.15214884

You are a disingenuous faggot who just wants everything given to you. If you take more away from me, then my life becomes harder as a consequence. You don't care about what is fair or not, just about rigging the system for your own benefit.
You want to lynch landlords because you are idiots who are too retarded to target the real people in power. Why not lynch a multibillionaire like Sheldon Adelson instead of your middle-class landlord?
Everyone has to play by these same shitty rules. I'm sorry you didn't benefit in this context.

>> No.15214894

He truly was based

>> No.15214906

That's it. I fucking hate landlords. My girlfriend just lost her job due to the quarantine, therefore she had no means to pay her rent. Her landlord literally made her have sex with so that she wouldn't be evicted. Landlords are literal parasites, and every single one of them deserves the rope.

>> No.15214912

I want land to be taxed so that incentives change from idle hoarding of land and unearned capital gains to active development of land and service to tenants... so that being a landlord becomes more of an occupation rather than a protected class of rentiers. Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.15214921

>that determines whether or not he will succeed
It determines which party sets the prices.

>> No.15214926

Your girlfriend is a whore, and that seems trashy and illegal, much like molestation at a desk job or something.

>> No.15214929

>Not understanding the nuance in Smith's quote
Hey genius, my position still allows for the interests of landlords to be attended to, just with the aim of serving the tenants

>> No.15214930

Land is already taxed, you stupid piece of shit. Being a landlord is already an occupation.

>> No.15214937

You're already being served, you dumb piece of shit. Renting a house or small apartment is typically cheaper than buying one. I don't know what you want. Do you just want a rent-free room?

>> No.15214938

Is being a landlord your calling or something?

>> No.15214963

Fucking based. I saved a lot of money in my 20's and bought a townhouse and two duplexes. Currently live in NYC. Make decent revenue and keep the places nice. Hilarious to see the amount of feeble faggots lately complaining about rent and landlords like they could ever deal with a mortgage, upkeep and housing values, let alone anything in life.

>> No.15214976

Except when landlords buy mortgaged properties and then rent them out at and above the monthly mortgage payments and make a profit all because no bank would give that mortgage term to the tenant even though it would result in a lower monthly cost if the tenant owned the property under mortgage. In this case the landlord is a slimy parasitic middle man inflating the real cost of housing for all tenants

>> No.15214990

You're shifting goal posts because you are an envious and stupid piece of shit. First you claimed landlords don't have to pay property tax, which is flatly false.
Now you're saying people shouldn't be able to buy mortgaged properties. First off, a lot of times those properties have to be renovated, which costs a lot. Second off, it's just an investment in the free market, you obnoxious piece of shit.
You're basically saying, "It hurts my fee fees when someone buys property and is able to benefit from it somehow." You can say the same thing for stock, cryptocurrency, or anything.
Again, it is an investment. Many times, landlords don't benefit from it, especially if they're in a bad area.
You are the parasitic Jew who just wants to seize people's investments.

>> No.15215007

I have not said anything about property taxes you absolute troglodyte, I am purely concerned with the implementation of laws in a regard that benefits consumers (in the case tenants) and not to benefit the interests of the producers (landlords) as the ends themselves

>> No.15215012

It does benefit consumers. Renting property is much cheaper. I see my school charging exorbitant amounts for their apartments. However, landlords with properties near them charge substantially less per month.
Don't you realize by removing landlords, student housing will probably increase even more?
Stop thinking in terms of theory, dumb faggot. Ju

>> No.15215041

>Can't argue the point, brings up irrelevant anecdote about student housing
Removing the added profits of landlords from the equation of housing necessarily lowers costs for housing across the board

>> No.15215058

This definitely feels like a psyops. You have to pay for houses one way or another. Renting is cheaper than other options like student housing or etc. You want to basically take the properties away from the common people. This is literal communism.
Go fuck yourself, kike. Buying a house and renting out to other people is a form of investment. Some people benefit from it, others don't. That's the way the free market works.
If you have an issue with capitalism itself, then critique that instead of focusing on landlords, which makes no sense.

>> No.15215072

>I want the government to stop making it so difficult to build new houses with tons of retarded laws to step on the little guy and reward cronyism so that the cost of real estate can stop being so retartedly high
This will never happen, owning high value land and real estate is literally a club you need to be born into at this point and they will never let normal people in.

>> No.15215085

The school apartments also benefit consumers, don't mean they aren't also exploiting the ever loving shit out of them too. When the benefit is not being homeless it's not much of a choice if you pay guy who overcharges you 1 vs guy who overcharges you slightly less 2.

>> No.15215086

>owning high value land and real estate is literally a club you need to be born into at this point
It's not. You just need to go to an area that is beginning to develop and buy when cheap. I know plenty of middle-class people who own land and properties. It's not hard in the USA.

>> No.15215092

Learn to read first then reply to me, thank you.

>> No.15215096

I just laid out exactly how the literal Father of Capitalism supports my view that the organization of the market to serve the landlords is contrary to a reasonable implementation of REAL capitalism, and you call me a kike because you can't follow along. The high profits of the landlords unnaturally raises the cost of renting. You seem to have issues with basic comprehension

>> No.15215098

>dude just buy a bunch of land in Alaska or Gary Indiana, bam, now you're a landowner for .50$ an acre.
>Lucky you to be born in America

>> No.15215101

That's how human civilization has worked throughout history. There is always a hierarchy and exploitation. If you're issue is with mankind's innate tendencies towards exploitation, then become an antinatalist instead. You're not going to guilt-trip anyone and exploit them during their vulnerability, which I can see that's what you're attempting to do. You are the slimey disingenuous piece of shit, not me.

>> No.15215110

You are a bootlicker who assume landlords are middle class parents and not chinese/middle eastern buying up every single available property in an area, leaving half of them empty and going 30% over typical rent value.
How do you justify non citizens owning property and squeezing propspective buyers out by offering sellers waaay ovet market value off the bat?
Maybe you live in some fly over town, thats cool.
Im from sydney and unless you are a legitimate millionaire (or willing to be a slave to the banks for a shitty apartment) you will never ever own property in this city. because of chinks who dont even live in australia!

>> No.15215111

>Adam Smith
imagine being this retarded
the point being made here simply that the social "take" of landlords is vastly disproportionate to what they give in exchange, in essence that they are parasites. This is not a free market system at all, but landlord kikes are all about appealing to sympathy when they are basically a lifeform akin to a tapeworm.

>> No.15215116
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>> No.15215117

At last you lay your cards on the table. You are in favor of exploitation, just as long as it benefits you disproportionately. I believe this qualities you as being filtered from reasonable conversation, you can leave now

>> No.15215118

They don't make that high of profits compared to many housing companies and so forth.
It is a lot of work. It requires rebuilding the house a lot of time. I know people who spent many years rebuilding a house just to rent it out. It is an investment, idiots. Life is not easy and your endless complaining isn't going to solve anything. It's just a cope and attempt to turn the tables of the endless those who are exploited vs. those who benefit.

>> No.15215121

If you don't like being exploited just kill your family and race isn't a reasonable argument? Why, I never.

>> No.15215132

>(Landlords) don't make that high of profits compared to many housing companies and so forth.
What are you even talking about? What housing companies? Builders or are you literally comparing landlords profits with other landlords profits?

>> No.15215133

There is nothing parasitical about being a landlord relative to other forms of exploitation in capitalism. That's my argument, you piece of shit.
I am not in favor of exploitation, you disingenuous faggot. That was not my argument. My argument is exploitation is intrinsic in capitalism, and while being a landlord can be framed as exploitation, it is not so relative to other shit in this capitalistic system.
>I believe this qualities you as being filtered from reasonable conversation, you can leave now
Genuinely kill yourself. The way you talk is like commie scum. You can speak in such a shallow and vapid way about anything.

>> No.15215137

Do you not realize that renting a house is cheaper than buying it? The consumers want it, you idiot. Being a landlord is an investment that benefits consumers with lower costs. Now fuck off.

>> No.15215140

Australian fag here. Houses are kept purposefully off the market to increase demand, artificially inflating the prices. Land is sold off to foreign investors. Even the most rundown neighbourhoods and the shittiest houses fetch ridiculous prices. You want to live between boongs and a crack addict? 400k. If you add an extra 100k you could live in a neighbourhood suitable for raising a family! Boy, capitalism sure has regulated the market here! You want to live out 3 hours from civilisation? Houses will probably go for 100k, but there's NO ECONOMY there, it's the middle of fucking nowhere. Stop sucking landlord cock you fucking faggot. A basic house shouldn't really cost more than a year's salary, since it certainly doesn't cost a year's labour to make a house.

>> No.15215145

>My argument is exploitation is intrinsic in capitalism
The literal father of capitalism, Adam Smith disagrees.


read a book sometime schlomo

>> No.15215153

You're not taking my property, you lazy zoomer shithead. Go die in your ghetto, you lazy fat ass. I've worked harder than you in life, and I am going to benefit from being a landlord. There is no problem with it because my prices aren't outrageous. Pay your rent on time, faggot. Pay attention to the prices in your vicinity and determine yourself if it's fair.

>> No.15215160

You read Adam Smith quotes and hear communism. You are some kind of neoliberal cancer, believing anything that doesn't exactly line up with your views (IE you don't understand) is "muh commie icky". Grow up

>> No.15215161

God I can't wait until we kill all the tapeworms, you can tell zoomer class consciousness is really pissed off about these sorts of things and they are the ones who will inherit the Earth while being told nothing is for sale only rent. Only retards trying to defend their unjustly acquired wealth scream communism as though that's the definition of exploitation when they are the ones exploiting society left and right and pretending that's "real" capitalism.

>> No.15215165

You probably consider me rich, but I'm not especially compared to multibillionaires like Sheldan Adelson. I am middle-class like plenty of landlords. You are just an envious faggot.
I fucking hate envious low-class scum.

>> No.15215166

Renting a house is more expensive than the mortgage rates given to landlords. Read the whole exchange before piping up

>> No.15215168


your time is coming tapeworm, won't be long now

>> No.15215172

You are distorting what Adam Smith is saying into communist filth. Many landlords in USA are middle-class. You just want to seize their properties over a pretense of fairness.

>> No.15215176
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>>You probably consider me rich, but I'm not especially compared to multibillionaires like Sheldan Adelson

>> No.15215180

A house is a years labor for one tradie lol
Bootlickers gon boot lick though
Im sure if they werent basement dwelling neets and had to live in a populated city they would realize the reality

>> No.15215183

Why don't you target multibillionaire leeches like Sheldon Adelson? You want to target middle-class landlords. I am going to smash your fucking skull in and bring back ancient torture techniques for you. Plenty of people will form militias with me. You will not take my fucking property, leech.

>> No.15215191

if you are middle class you do not own property
i dont gice a fuck about your hick ass redneck town
come to a civilized city faggot

>> No.15215194

I am indeed middle class, dumb faggot. My dad was an engineer and my mom a nurse, and my dad got into real estate a bit for investment. You, however, are envious low-class scum and want to seize my property. I am ready to smash your skull in if you start some petty revolution to take away our property.

>> No.15215196

I have not once said anything close to "seize the property!", I simply advocate for the system Smith proposed, that the interests of the consumer are the ultimate goal, and people pay in proportion and even more than in proportion to their income. You sound like some kind of hysterical boomer fretting about the red scare. Sad.

>> No.15215202

see >>15215191
Only landlords in sydney are non citizens or bankers or politicans

>> No.15215207

>if you are middle class you do not own property
What universe do you come from, saying shit like this?

>> No.15215213

I mean, you're just saying to charge fair monthly prices, right? I already touched on that.

>> No.15215214

From the first world. Get out of Hicksville sometime.

>> No.15215221

>"my parents did work so now I want to leech off their property investments through the exploitation of tenants"
Your eagerness to label others as "scum" betrays your own insecurity

>> No.15215223




New thread

>> No.15215224

you dont even own property lmao your parents do!

>> No.15215227

It was a redneck town many years back, but it has become surprisingly prosperous now. That's how investments work, idiot. You are not taking my property, period. Now fuck off, envious faggot.
If you think life is unfair, then don't have kids. Look into Schopenhauer's arguments for antinatalism. He was a bigger reactionary than me fyi.

>> No.15215231

I'm inheriting it, and you're not taking it away from me, faggot.

>> No.15215244

Better hope the folks die soon, wait too long and the government voted in by the zoomers will be taking that inheritance from you

>> No.15215247

My parents own two houses, and live in a third which they rent.
They're paying mortgages on the two homes they own.
They live in New England. It's not "Hicksville".
It's not fucking hard to own property in Burgerland. You don't have to be something beyond middle-class.
You're not making sense. See ya.

>> No.15215264

Tell them to quit being irresponsible, financially unstable cretins and just pay off each house before buying up another mortgaged property

>> No.15215310

You would have several tradies work on the house, but in principle, the sum of labour doesn't exceed a year. Of course this doesn't factor in contractors being contractors.

>> No.15215317

Either crawl out of the safe hole you're in and play hard or just stay there, and watch real chads take their chances and win hard.

>> No.15215354

you could also own property if you did not insist on living in expensive areas out of lazy faggot convenience. no one is sympathetic to your imagined plight. move some where you can afford.

>> No.15215916
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>make it affordable by decree instead

>> No.15216414

>but it is
Meanwhile in the real world landlords are fucked because of Covid-19, tenants not paying and the banks breathing down their necks.