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15199409 No.15199409 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this right, if you are an incel aspiring writer you have two options:

1. Pessoa-esque introvert writing about detachment, depression, ennui, internal struggles, abstract concepts.

2. Zorn-tier seething incel writing about loneliness, frustrations, mental illness.

Is there a third way for incels who want to write about things other than the above? Or is having sex and forming some kind of romantic relationship necessary to make it into the big leagues?

>> No.15199417

you can write about whatever you want op. your imagination can take you many places

>> No.15199425
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>Is there a third way for incels who want to write about things other than the above?

Yes writting something that isnt about those two above nor about sex.

>> No.15199426

3. escortcel Nietzsche fantasizing about being an Ubermensch (Chad)

>> No.15199439

you can even write about sex if you want. just go have sex wiht a prostitue or something if you want ot learn about it. then write books about fucking prostitutes.

>> No.15199461

pessoa was physically incapable of having sex, throughout his life he struggled with the fact that he both sought intimate female contact but physically couldn't have it, it's much more complicated than the typical incel

>> No.15199463

why? was there something wrong with his physicality?

>> No.15199469

3. Nietzsche-tier ubercope by ways of ignoring your existential dread in favor of life-affirming bullshit

>> No.15199488
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You could and OP probably should write about it, doesnt matter if he is virgin or not. These dudes love to compare themselves to these writters thinking they were as obessed as they are with sex and women.

>> No.15199512

apparently his penis was clinically small to the point where sexual intercourse was impossible, it was some kind of birth defect

>> No.15199520

yeah bro old writers were different kinds of humans, they didn't think about sex at all and all their literary pursuits were detached from their own insecurities as human beings

>> No.15199526

holy shit, source?

>> No.15199531

Bulltshit, there is no evidence of this. He chastises himself at one point in his life, when writing down the words he telepathically received from some kind of ghost or something, for masturbating too much.

>> No.15199549

António Botto
you can be able to masturbate with a very small penis, doesn't mean you can confidently have sex with it

>> No.15199563

Not denying that they werent or never thought about sex, but they are generally more creative about it and not nearly as obessed as you. And its kinda naive to assume that Pessoa thought of things in this way, specially after reading his other works.

>> No.15199591

why even identify as an incel in the first place

also you don’t have to write about sex, people only wanted that in a brief period of history when there wasn’t any real porn around. also isn’t sex in literature almost a cringeworthy element these days? like that henry miller fuckin+suckin across europe shit; good, joyful, liberating sex is totally old hat. all that remains is failure and disappointment

>> No.15199603

Antonio Botto?

Which book?

I never heard of that before and I am not sure I believe it. What source did Botto give? Anyone can make up whatever story they want.

Pessoa did have some contact with Ofélia, I think, to judge from some of his letters. He seems to have fondled her breasts.

From what I understand, he had phimosis, and some people speculate he ended up not having the circumcision he needed.

>> No.15199622

>Tinha um sentido de humor sardónico, incisivo, uma mente aguda, irreverente, sendo conversador brilhante e muito inteligente, características que muito divertiam e seduziam amigos como Fernando Pessoa ou Reinaldo Ferreira (de quem durante algum tempo foi colaborador administrativo no semanário Repórter X [12] (1930-1935). Era amigo do seu amigo, mas tornava-se muito desagradável se sentia que alguém antipatizava com ele ou não o tratava com a admiração incondicional que ele julgava merecer, chegando ao ponto de escrever cartas anónimas insultuosas.[13] Este seu mau feitio criou-lhe um grande número de inimigos. Alguns dos seus contemporâneos consideravam-no frívolo, mercurial, mundano, inculto, intriguista, vingativo, mitómano, maldizente e, sobretudo, terrivelmente narcisista a ponto de ser megalómano.

>A sua vida foi-se degradando de dia para dia e acabou por viver em aflitiva pobreza, em permanentes mudanças de hotéis e pensões (cada vez mais decrépitos) e casas ou apartamentos arrendados, fugindo aos credores, em frequentes conflitos com senhorios e vizinhos (que muitas vezes o atacavam e atormentavam pela sua homossexualidade). A sua megalomania e mistificação, agravadas pela sífilis, cresciam e não parava de contar histórias delirantes como a de uma visita que Mário de Andrade lhe teria feito em Lisboa ("Se não foi ele, então foi o Gide ou o Proust..."), de ser o maior poeta vivo, de ser o dono de São Paulo, ou referindo a sua amizade improvável com figuras como Nijinsky ou Federico García Lorca. Em 1954, requereu na embaixada portuguesa o seu repatriamento, mas o pedido é-lhe negado, acabando por desistir por não ter meios para a viagem. Em 1956 ficou gravemente doente e foi hospitalizado por algum tempo.

Lol, yeah, that's the Botto I was thinking of. Haha. Great source.

>> No.15199648

Are the first and second paragraphs about different people?

>> No.15199652

Both are about Botto. He was a well-known liar.

>> No.15199673

Oh right, thank you.

>> No.15199692

it's all here

>> No.15199762

Thanks, I'll buy it after corona, but I don't think Botto could be trusted on much.

>> No.15199775

it does explain much of pessoa's turmoils
don't take the book as fact though