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15198374 No.15198374 [Reply] [Original]

>I owe a cock to Asclepius.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15198377

You should ask him

>> No.15198383


>> No.15198413

Read a book and then come discuss it with us. It's not difficult.

>> No.15198464

Why would I follow the second half if all of you can’t even follow the first?

>> No.15198476

Asclepius was the God of health. Nietzsche says Socrates secretly hated life and regarded it as a terrible disease he had to endure and so was thankful for death.

>> No.15198479

He was thankful for his good health and long life

>> No.15198483
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so, Socrates was the ultimate ironic shitposter?

>> No.15198496

I'll try to remember to ask him when I meet him in Christian Heaven.

>> No.15199606

There was nothing secretive about it. He outlined that the earthly body is nothing, but an impediment for a true philosopher.

>> No.15199610

Find a translation with notes. Or read some commentary whilst reading Plato.

>> No.15199781

method was saved

hemlock for you too

>> No.15199797

He meant death is a cure.

>> No.15199858

>Nietzsche says Socrates secretly hated life and regarded it as a terrible disease
Why was Nietzsche always so dramatic and exagerated everything?
Socrates clearly didn't hate life.

>> No.15199887

This is an ironic post and I enjoy it

>> No.15199895

Sexual Energy and wanting to be unique would be my guess. but there is something good in people that can make a new perspective of something. That is part of what creativity is. Also he was a German, they seem to often be of the disagreeable type. For example -- Guy who was mad at Catholic church and made his own thing, maximum eyebrow anarchist, big mustache guy, guy with beard that got many people killed, ect.

>> No.15199903

that doesn't even explain why he wanted to bumfuck Asclepius

>> No.15199907


>> No.15199910

Guy with beard that got many killed is Marx. I forgot if he's German or a Jew or both? Regardless, guy with weird mustache was also imo disagreeable.

>> No.15200564
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He considers himself healed of life.

>> No.15200590

Better to have a cock for Assclapius than vice versa.

>> No.15200742

Massive cope. He wanted to prove that he is so wise that he is not even afraid of death because he will become the "idea" plato and will be in the plane of pure information. The earth was to him just a murky shadow, a dirty projection of the true world of ideas (allegory of the cave). Asclepios is the god of health and when somebody overcame a sickness you would sacrifice a chicken to him. To plato dying was as overcoming a sickness. I doubt he believed that shit himself but he preached that his entire life and acting any different would have been massive cringe. Thats also why he drank the poison as well

>> No.15200764

This is a pretty bad post.
If there is one thing that is obvious is that Socrates had no fear of death.

>> No.15200824

I said plato because I believe socrates was just a mythological figure. It is what plato aspired to be or the "ideal" plato. He himself would not be as convinced as to take his own life but his "true" self socrates would.

>> No.15200849

Socrates definitely existed, but Plato's version of Socrates might be a mythological figure

>> No.15200871

Same goes for jesus. He most definetly existed but he is still also a mythological figure

>> No.15200872

There’s your problem there bud.

>> No.15200918

Socrates existed.
Plato was not the only one who wrote about him. Xenophon did too

>> No.15201054

>maximum eyebrow anarchist
who dis?

>> No.15201124

There were many non-Plato dialogues involving Socrates that are sadly lost to history.

>> No.15201134

Max Stirner probably.

>> No.15201187

Cock= rooster/hen

He was afraid of dying without paying off his debt. He borrowed a rooster/hen from a friend, and wanted to pay it back before dying.

All these brainlets here are over analyzing this lmao

>> No.15201208

so my greek teacher told me some historian hypothesized the following:

socrates, being an old man, had ED
hemlock, in the process of killing you, can give you an erection. nearly anything that kills you can.
said historian theorized that, since socrates was such a good-natured and affable fellow, as he is dying and all his little eromenoi-- i mean, uh, students, are sobbing their fucking asses off, Socrates gets a boner
he lokos down: "ho ho, what's this? well, chaerophon (I think thats who he said it to) we must show our thanks to ascelpius (thats all the cock line means-- people give things to ascleipus for healing them) for this nice juicy hog I am packing rn, yeeeeeeee boooiiiiiiiiii- dead

googling the book rn, keep the thread bumped...

>> No.15201857
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can't find the specific source/JSTOR a fuck,
but I see it referenced as a possibility so often I'm jusrt going to say this one is my fav.

>> No.15201867

Asclepius was a God, not a real person.

>> No.15201904

not wrong, but Asclepius is thought to have been a real practicing physician at some point WAY before Socrates time, so he WAS just a guy, but by this time and to socrates he was the god

>> No.15203569

I can't prove it but I think Plato made this up because Socrates was accused of impiety. It's a way to show that he was respectful of the sacred things.

>> No.15203805

you can be in debt to the gods, no?

>> No.15203920

He was gay

>> No.15204494

Yes but you can't actually borrow a rooster from the Gods.

>> No.15204591

but if you pledge a sacrifice you must follow through, even onto death. as for the symbolism of the act i know not what Plato meant