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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.33 MB, 4032x3024, 1587634600495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15197822 No.15197822 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread
What do /lit/ bookshelves look like?

>> No.15197832

Not sure we need two of these threads at once anon.


Anyways, nice selection of Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought. Besides that, probably worth laying off the Nazi literature. Some is fine, too much indicates an unhealthy obsession.

>> No.15197833
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x1825, newshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my shelf is the embodiment of /lit/

got some new books since the pic was taken
+technological slavery
+at our wits end
+sound of the beast: history of heavy metal
+the battle that stopped rome

>> No.15197838

thats not a shelf thread thats a /lit/ station thread. it focuses on the room and not the shelf. the books.

also, those are 90% saved pictures and not /lit/ poster's own room. likely stolen from reddit or a google image search.

>> No.15197843

10/fucking10 btw

>> No.15197845
File: 3.64 MB, 4032x3024, 60683CC3-05FE-4632-83B4-4C57FE2EEED2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine again for this thread

>> No.15197856

did you just buy all the books you saw shilled here

thats like going on /mu/ with a chart thats just talking heads, king crimson, in an aeroplane over the sea, death grips, radiohead, some meme rap album from last year, etc

>> No.15197866

The Harvards are nice but why do you only own one book by every author except Dosto?

>> No.15197877
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>> No.15197889
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>> No.15197897

based incel

>> No.15197898

+audrey hepburn, hottest woman to have lived imo
- cant really see what you got besides a couple bigger books like Ulysses

>> No.15197921
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>- cant really see what you got

>> No.15197931
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>> No.15197939
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>> No.15197942

whats up with all the anne frank? how many books did she write?!

>> No.15197951
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Those are mainly biographies and books by people who knew her + one book of little stories Anne wrote herself.

>> No.15197953

what kind of stories did she write?

>> No.15197955
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>> No.15197971
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Apart from anectodes about their life in hiding, she wrote some cute little fairy tales.

>> No.15197979

wasted digits on eragon

>> No.15197981
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>> No.15197989
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>> No.15197999

Yes but the difference is I had music taste before /mu/, most selections are from Harold Bloom or lit

>> No.15198001

hey now. i bought it as a wee lad. i still love it. its gotta remain on the shelf. i need to re-read it again sometime its been about 7 years since i last read it

>> No.15198103
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>> No.15198121


I sort of wanted to criticize all the nazi stuff but this bears a disturbing resemblance to my shelf in some ways. As I write my Little Red Book is sitting out on my own top shelf, and I have a juwe-approved Mein Kampf, the Lyotard volume and related ones, also have society of spectacle and that one Baudrillard meme (the last physical book I purchased before the local shutdown). Other continental stuff in common (the Habermas Public sphere book, there's a follow-on book in a series that I want to get hold of), the anti-oedipus volume.

>> No.15198140

Nice collection and actually providing readable images instead of posting an unreadable shelf pic and then fucking off is much appreciated

>> No.15198155

How do you organize your bookshelves?

>> No.15198167
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>> No.15198172

I don't have a book shelf

>> No.15198174

the best ive seen on this board desu

>> No.15198179
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>> No.15198190
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Getting major pseud vibes and pic-related vibes based on the ridiculous amount of critical theory literature you have

>> No.15198251

I made a video, faster and easier than taking pictures. Sorry for not trying to earn /lit/points, I read and collect things I actually like.

>> No.15198268



>> No.15198275
File: 830 KB, 3500x2400, Knights in Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Did she ever fantasize about being pregnant?

>> No.15198293


Physical constraints control first. Heavy stuff at bottom, lighter stuff at top. Then try to group related things, and push less relevant stuff off to the side.

My top shelf is religion and philosophy, then history/fiction, then lower down it's lighter science/math books which gives way to physically heavy books: sciences textbooks, math textbooks. Bottom shelf is for the art books, the heaviest items.

>> No.15198321

Why do you buy Russian books that ship international?

>> No.15198341

I'm Russian.

>> No.15198472

>tekken, tomb raider, medievil
Good taste

>> No.15199036 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>Apart from anectodes about their life in hiding, she wrote some cute little fairy tales.

What kind of fairy tales?

I said this before. From the perspective of the traditional Hero's Journey narrative, Anne Frank would be the damsel-in-distress, a scared defenseless young girl whose fate would ultimately be decided not by herself, but by a clash of titans she would have no impact on the outcome of. Nazism is the metaphorical dragon. Animalistic, predatory, mercilessly preying on the weak, seemingly fearsome monsters whom it is hopeless to fight head on, but is ultimately ineffectual and crumbles in the face of any well-motivated and disciplined foe's skill and esprit de corps.

Unfortunately for Anne, there was no gallant hero coming to her rescue, at least there wasn't that was going to get there in time. The British, Americans, Free French, and Russians were all just out of reach. That's why her story resonates so much with people the world over even 75 years later. It's a Rapunzel-like tale that ends in tragedy.

But in the realm of fiction, there is another candidate for the heroes who could have come to poor Anne's rescue. They were one of the most legendary armies to ever take to the field. A true force upon the plain. They weren't the best equipped or the best dressed, and their cause was itself deeply flawed, but their devotion to their principles, to their homeland, and sheer iron will did more than just make up for it. They may have seemed like ancient history by 1940, but their defiant spirit was timeless.

If anyone could torn down the gates to Auschwitz or Belsen, dispatched the cowardly excuses for soldiers guarding the camps, and if necessary, stormed the fiery depth of Hell to do battle with the Devil himself, to rescue that girl from such a terrible, it was them.

>> No.15199050 [SPOILER] 
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>Apart from anectodes about their life in hiding, she wrote some cute little fairy tales.

What kind of fairy tales?

I said this before. From the perspective of the traditional Hero's Journey narrative, Anne Frank would be the damsel-in-distress, a scared defenseless young girl whose fate would ultimately be decided not by herself, but by a clash of titans she would have no impact on the outcome of. Nazism is the metaphorical dragon. Animalistic, predatory, mercilessly preying on the weak, seemingly fearsome monsters whom it is hopeless to fight head on, but is ultimately ineffectual and crumbles in the face of any well-motivated and disciplined foe's skill and esprit de corps.

Unfortunately for Anne, there was no gallant hero coming to her rescue, at least there wasn't that was going to get there in time. The British, Americans, Free French, and Russians were all just out of reach. That's why her story resonates so much with people the world over even 75 years later. It's a Rapunzel-like tale that ends in tragedy.

But in the realm of fiction, there is another candidate for the heroes who could have come to poor Anne's rescue. They were one of the most legendary armies to ever take to the field. A true force upon the plain. They weren't the best equipped or the best dressed, and their cause was itself deeply flawed, but their devotion to their principles, to their homeland, and sheer iron will did more than just make up for it. They may have seemed like ancient history by 1940, but their defiant spirit was timeless.

If anyone could torn down the gates to Auschwitz or Belsen, dispatched the cowardly excuses for soldiers guarding the camps, and if necessary, stormed the very fiery depths of Hell to do battle with the Devil himself, to rescue that girl from such a terrible, it was them.

>> No.15199115
File: 2.88 MB, 4032x3024, B1B219CE-3918-4A21-87F7-7D39F261FC25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15199195

>Pesian language
>Arabic language Baghdad dialect
I am an Englishman and am an amateur student of Russian. I have only a very basic grasp pf the language.
Why do you want to learn Persian and Arabic?

>> No.15199215

Why do you have a picture of Stalin?

>> No.15199220

Good, honest guy

>> No.15199285

I began learning Arabic on a course in the uni (in addition to English and French that were part of the curriculum) with an intermittent regularity due to various reasons; Persian on my own out of sheer interest. It's just interesting, looks aesthetically pleasing, plus it would be nice to work in a field related to MENA languages.

>> No.15199840


>> No.15200555

based based based

>> No.15200650

Nice vid anon, that small space looks very comfy.
Also, all that Tolkien looks sexy af. How come you have so many copies of LOTR? How cheap was all that?

>> No.15200725

Based bottom two shelves

>> No.15200752

I'll have to give her book a try

>> No.15200908
File: 3.93 MB, 4608x2592, P_20200427_000604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come you have so many copies of LOTR? How cheap was all that?
I live in Japan and foreign books are very cheap, I bought most of them here, at second hand shops, on Yahoo Auctions or Mercari.
These editions are quite expensive, but i didn't pay more than 2000 yens (less than 20 USD) for most of them. I think i didn't spend more than 100 dollars on these.
A few weeks ago I dropped by a Bookoff close to Takadanobaba station and I bought 18 books by Tolkien published in the 70s, 200 yens (less than 2 dollars) each.
Almost everything was second hand, and some books were brand new but I paid almost nothing for them, like the Easton Press editions (between 1500 and 2000 yens each).

>> No.15201423

Based polyglot

>> No.15201846

>destruction of european jews
>only 1 volume
you're missing about 60% of the lies but a nice collection of holocaust fan fiction nonetheless.

>> No.15201914

I wonder what he thinks every time he sees his own face in every /shelf/ thread.

>> No.15202472

What if a book falls on your head?

>> No.15202501

>Framed picture of Stalin


>> No.15202541

Tales from the Secret Annex is a complete collection of Anne Frank's lesser-known writings: short stories, fables, personal reminiscences, and an unfinished novel. Here, too, are portions of the diary originally withheld from publication by her father. By turns fantastical, rebellious, touching, funny, and heartbreaking, these writings reveal the astonishing range of Anne Frank's wisdom and imagination--as well as her indomitable love of life. Anne Frank's Tales from the Secret Annex is a testaments to this determined young woman's extraordinary genius and to the persistent strength of the creative spirit.

en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Tales_from_the_Secret_Annex

>> No.15203505
File: 552 KB, 1280x942, mississippi-rifles-riley-buena-vista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What kind of stories? Fantasy? Science Fiction? Children's stories? Tales of the mundane or of great heroes and epics?

>> No.15203587

Thats a nice cover on the Lord of the Rings book.

Any chance we could see the front and back?

>> No.15203603


In case anyone is wondering what all the Third Reich stuff is all about -- considering OP posted my bookshelf -- I predominantly use them for my PhD on Holocaust testimonies. The majority of my other books are elsewhere in the room or at my girlfriend's place.


I had the opportunity but unfortunately didn't have the money at the time.


I actually got the Little Red Book more as a joke last time I was in China. Apart from that, I know that this particular shelf looks quite autistic but I reckon its more interesting than seeing the lit top-100 for the Nth time.

>> No.15203630
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Ah, the superior bookshelf

>> No.15203815


whats your major?

>> No.15203867
File: 101 KB, 720x960, bookshelves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine... it's a fucking mess I know

>> No.15203969

You've posted this before
also you can tell which books you've read and which books you haven't

>> No.15203996
File: 2.19 MB, 737x1995, 1559194145327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you German?

Thoughts on pic related?

>> No.15204025

Can you only post once here? Shit I didn’t read the rules I don’t want to get banned!!!!

>> No.15204117

Damn, planning on moving to japan in a few years, guess i should hold off buying some fancy editions until i get there lmao

>> No.15204539

It mainly functions as a scarecrow

>> No.15204568

Screams art hoe

>> No.15205502 [DELETED] 
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Dad and I built it ourselves

>> No.15205512
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x3024, 60608947907__1DF495A4-1B3B-4A45-B0F9-97031CDB7DBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dad and I built it ourselves

>> No.15205534

>pseud lamp
every time

>> No.15205550

oh lol it'll be easier to read the spines with the fucked rotation lol

>> No.15205703

>phd in holocaust testimonies
Did this one ever come up?

>> No.15205723

Three categories:
1. Reference
2. Read
3. To be read

Within those categories books of the the same author stand together. That is about it. Any more organisation would be autistic.

>> No.15205782

>framed picture of Stalin
>several books on the Third Reich but none on the Soviets

>> No.15205941

I've been thinking about that, i should buy a helmet.

>> No.15207333
File: 59 KB, 477x636, kitten-american-flad-mdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not at home and can't take a picture.

Here, have a cat instead.

>> No.15207385

Fiction alphabetically, Non-fiction alphabetically but separated by subject

>> No.15207397

Why do I never see any journals on shelves here? I realize we all post these so we can zoom in and see what books everyone's reading, but I would like to see some of your own writing, too.

>> No.15207780

Not everyone here writes, dummie

>> No.15207804

I keep my journals in a drawer beside my bed because I want them private and within reach more often

>> No.15208259


nice kitty

>> No.15208322

Mate whoevers bookshelf that is they are cancer

>> No.15208325

did you actually read Empire?

>> No.15208334
File: 17 KB, 355x355, kindle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been moving around a lot ok

>> No.15208345
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>HITLER in the thumbnail

>> No.15208389
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>> No.15208396
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>> No.15208473

>80% of commie-tier and propaganda books

wow impressive, are you jewish?

>> No.15208481



>> No.15208500
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>color printed articles

>> No.15208502


Based combo of philosophy and oldschool fantasy.

>> No.15208507


>> No.15208509

>oh yeah i'm into history
>huh? no just the third reich and the roman empire
do you have to be such a fucking cliché

>> No.15208513

>by people who knew her

by people who used her as a propaganda tool you mean

>> No.15208533


Yes. Three times actually.


Nope, sorry /pol/friend.

>> No.15208535

I like them.

>> No.15208545

Those are all books for goyim by Jews.

Take a look at Ossam vin laden(?) book selection. Those are truly alternative meme books

>> No.15208546


this thread was started to spread leftist propaganda

>> No.15208550


Based Tolkien, Murakami and Victor Hugo

>> No.15208581

>Holocaust testimonies
So what did you wrote in that PhD?

>> No.15208593

What did you expect from a commie?

>> No.15208599

Get off the goon you pissed cunt

>> No.15208605

All those editions look reasonably expensive

>> No.15208627


>> No.15208640

Thanks man. I only started reading more seriously a few years ago, and I think I've built up a nice collection.

Some are. The Folio Societys were a gift, I tend to have a high budget for books but even I wouldn't buy them for myself. I have quite a lot.of disposable income, and books are one of the few things I spend it on. I'll always go for a nice hardcover edition of a book if it's available. There are a few standout pieces that I splurged on, like the copy of LOTR (although I kind of wish I went for the 60th anniversary edition now because it fits in better with the theme of the other Tolkiens I have).

>> No.15208645

Osama bin Laden.
What language do you speak?

>> No.15208652


>> No.15208657


>> No.15208687

>There are a few standout pieces that I splurged on, like the copy of LOTR
I bought the same one, brand new, for 3000 yens. How much did you pay?

>> No.15208725

I got it a few years ago for about 80 SGD, which was about 40 GBP at the time. I've since moved back to London, and at current FX I would have spend 45GBP on it.

I haven't managed to open the front and back maps in it though. When I try to it feels like it's glued shut quite strongly, I feel like if I pull it too much it would rip when I try to open it. Did yours open easily or did you have to use a but of force?

>> No.15208726

I am.

I have no thoughts about that. If that's what gets you hard then that's fine.

>> No.15208732
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>> No.15208751

They're more into "le pupperinos" and shitbulls in particular.
Cats are the patrician pet, faggot.

>> No.15208752

this has to be bait lmao

>> No.15208753

They are actually glued and I can't open them.

>> No.15208767

Cool. I searched to see if anyone else had this problem and couldn't find anything. Glad to know that it's not just my copy. I might try to use some indirect heat to melt the glue a bit and make it easier to open. It feels like such a shame to have these amazing maps that I can't look at.

>> No.15208813

>He has to print in black and white because he can't afford colour

>> No.15208820

I'm not into history

>> No.15210350
File: 1.87 MB, 4032x3024, Homesweethome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a big bookcase to place all my books so mine are scattered throughout my apartment. I've posted here before. Here's my living room shelf 1/4

>> No.15210550

I do not have a photo, but it is known as a micro-sd card.

>> No.15210598

Nice selection, guy. Genuinely nice selection,

>> No.15210612

Can anyone make out what books he has on his shelf? Never really wondered before.

>> No.15210629

Second shelf has the Everyman Aristotle (large book) and the Schopenhauer aphorisms book from Penguin.

>> No.15210647

You and your Dad? Huh, what are you, gay?

>> No.15210892

who do you think you are fuckin centrelink or what cunt

>> No.15210964

anon got his opinions from memes

>> No.15211032

based collection, and very nice editions :)

>> No.15211750
File: 975 KB, 4096x3072, IMG_20200425_185858208-min (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bookshelf

>> No.15211763

That's a lot of Murakami you got there

>> No.15211812


>> No.15212186

is genji abridged

>> No.15212357

why is your dog statue facing the wrong way

>> No.15212510

if you look closer at the spine it say's "unabridged" for whatever that's worth

>> No.15212514

could you give me your rundown of it?

>> No.15212543
File: 2.95 MB, 2939x3369, IMG_6457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15212654

n-no i just like spending time with him :(

>> No.15212845

It isn't. I mean, look at the size of it.

Also this >>15212510

>> No.15212958

It's unabridged. It's the soft-cover version the the penguin two volume edition.
t.owns it

>> No.15213077


>> No.15213402


>> No.15213413

God, japanese books are so aesthetic

>> No.15213841


i need to pic that up

>> No.15214624

Amazing shelf, I too like everychad's prints.

>> No.15216355

>Based bargin bin finding in akihabara
I do the same thing anon. But havent been out recently due to corona.

>> No.15216446

Are you the anon that was stealing books from the library?

>> No.15216456
File: 3.54 MB, 2976x3968, By Collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havent seen any books posted here of mine.
Also F you FBI, you are not allowed to collect my info, Copywrite forever

>> No.15216753

That edition of Dune looks beautiful.

>> No.15216882
File: 3.11 MB, 2622x2338, 20200428_183302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so much nazi stuff?

Too intellectual

Most aesthetic

Too many

>> No.15217004

Bookoff Akihabara is good because they have a shitload of books, and Jimbocho is very close to Akihabara. I always drop by Ogawa Tosho and Subun-so (it's a shame they have all the cheap books on the floor, too many, too heavy and the space is too narrow), I love Kitazawa but it's too expensive, and it's full of Instagram whores looking for "display books". I think the eldest daughter of the owner came up with the idea of selling "display books".

>> No.15217016


>> No.15217022

Not him but it wouldn't hold the book up if it were facing forwards

>> No.15217037


>> No.15217150

both the murakamis too lmao
only read half of the books so far

>> No.15217161


fuck you lol organize ur shit

>> No.15217510

>an actual selection that is not just charts and lit memes
based english teacher

>> No.15217525

how did you go about learning german, hungarybro? also, lovely collection

>> No.15217606

I took it in HS as a first language. Basically it meant an extra year of high school where I basically only had German as a subject.

>> No.15217654

I sense stalinbro is a contrarian pseud

>> No.15217806
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>> No.15217811
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>> No.15217815
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>> No.15217820
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>> No.15217826
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>> No.15217827
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>> No.15217834
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>> No.15217848
File: 1.69 MB, 2048x2731, tumblr_a7ef5630c9748c937ce1a2d7173aad49_a2762adc_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15217854
File: 1.59 MB, 2048x2731, tumblr_422b93f1ee68f912838dc6795463fa69_c18cbd98_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15217962
File: 1.73 MB, 4032x1480, fullsizeoutput_3ead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15218418

I am so confused. Satre, Dawkins, anime, Bible, Jews. Are you trying to fuck with my perception of you?

>> No.15218698
File: 190 KB, 1234x1600, gene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gene Tierney was far hotter than Audrey Hepburn

>> No.15219050
File: 392 KB, 638x443, Norm disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You and your Dad? Huh, what are you, gay?

>> No.15219217
File: 1.32 MB, 2279x1628, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15219256
File: 57 KB, 360x360, george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15220030

Is Kempowski any good? I picked up a used copy of All for Nothing the last time I went into a bookstore because I was in between reading Bernhard and Krasznahorkai and it sounded better than Satantango.

>> No.15220206

They’re the most excellent math books for training actual skills

>> No.15220229

What is "Das dicke Busch-Buch?"

>> No.15220258

ya know it's possible to read books with different points of view, right?
although in this case anon appears to be a bit of a fruitcake anyway

>> No.15220544

It's a collection of Wilhelm Busch's stories and drawings. Basically proto-comics.
That one is an East-German edition.